Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 11, 2005


Leaving me to cool down some after yet another mind bending orgasm, Eric boldly trudged naked back to the ice chest to retrieve us some cold drinks. I lay back on the blanket, and sighed, recalling the heart stopping sensations that I had once again received from his skilled touches. Awesome...! Unbelievable, really, to think about how much had happened in such a short span of time. Hooking up with Eric was just about the best thing to ever happen to me, I decided.

He crested the high sand dune, the ice chest swinging in one hand, and his sweet cock swinging between his toned legs, as he walked toward me. I grinned at his nakedness, and became aware that I was licking my lips as I watched his free swinging meat! He reached the blanket, and set the ice chest down, then settled in beside me. He dug out some drinks, and handed me one, which I popped open, then, inhaled half the contents. "Oh man, that is SO good!" I exclaimed, and Eric followed suit, drinking deeply from his own soda. He smacked his lips loudly, grinned, and said, "Yea...good...cold...but...I like really like the warm taste of YOU, better!" I giggled, and blushed a little, mumbling, "Uh..yea..for sure...!"

He reached behind him, and rolled one corner of the blanket into a kind of makeshift pillow, then, lay back, his head cushioned on the rolled blanket. I rolled onto my side, and propped my head on my hand, my elbow sunk into the soft sand for support. I looked at Eric, and saw his eyes slowly close, as he exhaled deeply. I reached out a hand, and touched his bare thigh just above his knee. "It's pretty unbelievable, you know...?" I said softly, and he responded, eyes still closed, "What...?" I moved my hand up and down his smooth skin, fingers gently working into the taut muscles of his thigh, and answered, "You... me....the awesome feelings you give me...all of it...!" he chuckled softly, and muttered a slow, "Uh hum...!" In agreement, and kept his eyes closed, totally relaxed. I moved higher in his thigh, and looked at his cock, smiling to myself, as I watched it move, and thicken, as I let my fingers graze his snug ball sac. He made no verbal reply, but shifted slightly, his legs moving further apart.

I took that as encouragement, and gently cupped his full balls in my hand, tugging slightly, and marveling at the feel of his nuggets shifting within the taut bag. I gently prodded each ball with my fingertips, and hefted the weight of them in my palm, and grinned again, watching his cock stretch, and unfurl, into full hardness, scant inches from my face. "God, you have such a great cock..!" I said, almost under my breath..."And...your balls, Dude...awesome...totally...!" He cracked one eye, used it to wink at me, then closed up again, saying, "'s not much without your inspiration...that soft little hand of yours made it what it is..!" I smiled, and let go of his balls, then, wrapped my fist around his rock hard shaft, moving the soft skin up and down gently. He groaned a little, and I worked my thumb back and forth across the glands, flicking a finger against the small slit there. I worked it, gently jacking the turgid meat in a slow rhythm, and after a few minutes, was rewarded with another groan, and the incredible sight of a small pearl of his precum emerging from the small slit. It glistened in the bright sunlight, and I leaned down, and slid just the head of his cock between my lips, swiping at it with my tongue, and feeling my taste buds ignite from the slightly nutty flavor of his fluid.

I pursed my lips, and sucked on the rounded cock head, my fingers still stroking the shaft, and I again cupped his heavy balls in my other hand. His hand came up, and gently tugged at my hair, as he mumbled, "Nice Robby-boy....sweet...!" I relaxed my lips a little, and slowly slid my mouth down his pulsing shaft, going deeper, until my nose brushed his soft pubes. I sucked him deeply for a minute, and felt the spongy cock head hitting my throat tissues, then, slowly withdrew until only the head was between my lips again. Taking my time, I repeated this motion several times, my mouth salivating heavily from the sweet taste of his man-skin as I sucked him. After a few minutes of this, I noticed he had begun a slight humping of his hips, lifting his mid-section slightly, as I slid my lips down his granite hard shaft, and relaxing, as I move back to the tip.

I tasted another strong flavor of his precum, and held the head tightly in my lips, sucking the precious honey from him, and savoring its acrid flavor on my tongue. He groaned louder, and his fists clutched at the blanket, clawing the material into small clumps. I move my head up and down his drooling tool, letting my soft hair rake his taut abdomen, as my lips brushed his pubic hairs. He groaned, and muttered, "Fuck...that is SO good...!" I gripped the base of his cock in my fingers, and lifted my mouth off it, then rubbed the soft, spongy head of it against my cheek, coating my own skin with slimy trails of his leaking fluid, and my own saliva. He lifted his head and looked down at me, and I met his gaze, happily painting my soft cheek with his warm secretions. "OH are....SO...fucking...nasty...!" He grunted, and rolled his head back onto his makeshift pillow. I grinned, and licked my way down his throbbing shaft, and lapped at his scrotum, wetting it with my copious saliva, before easing each of his balls into my drooling mouth, and sucking them gently, as my fingers worked the silky skin of his cock.

I orally assaulted his nuts for a while, then licked my way back up his shaft, to slide the flat of my tongue across his cock head, back and forth, my tongue tip digging at the small, leaking slit, capturing still more of his free flowing juices. I rubbed the satin smooth head over my cheek again, and sucked in a deep breath. I Paused, looking at his powerful tower, the head an angry, deep red, almost going to purple, the shaft pulsing, and ribbed with his blood packed veins. God, I thought, look at this! I stuck out my tongue, and traced the firm ridge of his corona, round and round, making tiny flicks at the incredibly smooth skin with the very tip of my tongue, as he groaned continuously now, his fists pounding at the sand under the blanket. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, and his hips bucked in sync with my strokes on his granite hard shaft. He was close, no doubt about it, and I gripped the base of his stalk with finger and thumb, stroking him, and slowly swallowed the entire length, once more. I moved my head up and down him, a steady rhythm now, and gently cupped his aching balls in my other hand. His precum was constant now, and my saliva overflowed the corners of my mouth, drooling down over his nuts, adding lubrication to my gentle grip on his bag.

He grunted loudly, and thrust upward, driving that turgid shaft into my mouth, and I gagged a little, lifting my head, and using my lips to capture his swollen cock head just below the ridge. He jerked, and grunted, and I felt his balls roll over in my hand. His shaft swelled, and jerked, then, erupted, a thick, creamy, blast of his semen flooding my mouth! I felt my cheeks puff out as his fluid filled my mouth, and I swallowed, gulping the slippery goo down my throat, as his shaft jerked again, and instantly refilled my mouth again. I swallowed, and he fired again, another seemingly huge jet of his warm, slippery cumm, which I quickly gulped down, then again, a smaller thrust this time, and yet again, smaller still. He stopped thrusting then, and sagged back into the blanket, and I swallowed once more, then slipped his spent meat from my swollen lips, and milked it, my tongue quickly lapping away the final dribbles of his pearly cumm.

I held his softening cock gently, until he reached down, and brushed my hand away from the super-sensitive instrument, and I scooted up beside him, as he wrapped his strong arms around me, holding me close. Both of us were panting, and sucking in deep gulps of air, and I looked into the deep pools of his eyes, and grinned. "Wow...!" I muttered, and he chuckled, gripping me tighter sill, and replied, " shit...WOW...!"

We snuggled there for a while, recovering, and sharing idle touches on each others sweating bodies. After a bit, Eric brushed his lips against my cheek, and licked me there. He pulled back, and looked into my eyes, saying, "That was so awesome...that thing you did...rubbing my cock on your face, like that...God...!" I giggled, and blushed a little, then, nodded, and said, "Yea, huh...well...with you...I like being all nasty...!" He chuckled, and kissed my lips briefly, then said, "We better get some clothes on, Dude...I definitely do NOT want your cute little pecker sunburned!" I giggled, and we got up, climbing back up the dune in search of our errant clothes!

Dressed, we hiked back to the car, and headed back to town in quest of some food, the post-sex munchies suddenly over-powering us both!

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 7

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