Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 8, 2005


I woke up kind of slowly the next morning, after sleeping like the proverbial log, following all the excitement of the previous day. I lay on my back in bed, and stretched my whole body, then worked up a huge yawn. I slid my hand under the sheet, and scratched at my bare tummy, then went lower, and gripped my half hard dick, rubbing a little. I opened my legs, and moved to cup my balls, smiling as I realized that they felt recharged, and ready to go again! I lay there idly playing with my stuff, and remembering all the details of my time with Eric yesterday, and the combination of these two elements had my six inches fully pumped in no time! I jerked it a little, and giggled, as I remembered the weird, but kinda cool scene in Eric's all naked, and jacking off, while he sat there dressed, watching me shoot a big load all over myself. Weird, for sure, but pretty fun too, actually.

I let go of my bone, and rolled into a sitting position, putting my feet on the floor. I stretched again, then, padded over to open my bedroom door. I stuck my head out in the hallway, and listened carefully. Silence. Cool. My `rents had left for work, and the house was mine. I walked naked into the bathroom, and did all my morning stuff, ending with a shower. After I dried off, I wrapped the towel around my neck, and headed for the kitchen, still naked, my cock sort of swinging as I walked. It's so cool being home alone, and moving around the house all naked! I think when I'm on my own, I'm going to always be naked in my place! Visitors too, maybe! Giggle!

I poured a glass of juice, and drank it down, refilled it, then loaded the toaster with Pop Tarts, and got it started. As I waited for the toaster, the phone rang. I picked it up, and said hello, and smiled, as I heard Eric's voice. "Hey,'s it hanging this morning..?" I glanced down at my semi-stiff cock, and giggled, saying, "'s actually like half standing, and half hanging..!" He chuckled, and replied, " a semi....very then....all nakey, are we...?" I blushed, even though I was like, all alone, then said, "Uh huh...I'm seriously into naked when nobody is home..!" He paused a second, then said, "Really...sweet...think I'm making a rule then, anytime I get you over here.....naked, it is!" I giggled, and answered, "Cool...I'm thinking I'd like that....a lot..!" He chuckled again, and said, "You are SO nasty, little boy...I LOVE that about you...!" I blushed again....jeez!

My Pop I grabbed them with a paper towel, and started munching them while we talked. "What are you stuffing into that sweet mouth of yours, Robby..?" He asked me, and I told him. "Hmm...well...careful, dude...don't be dripping any of that hot jelly onto anything that's important to me...!" I giggled, and said, "Well...if it might actually like licking it off...!" He laughed, and said, "Yep...for sure...I'd be licking off the jelly...and going for that sweet cream...!" I blushed again, and mumbled, "Awesome...!"

So, does some more beach time sound..?" I swallowed my mouthful, and answered, "Sure...way cool...whatever...I...uh....just want to see beach is cool...always...!" He was quiet a second, then said, "I hear that, is an hour...sound ok.?" I glanced at the clock, then answered, "Yea... an hour works...or sooner, if ya can...uh...shall I just stay...dressed... this way...or..?" He laughed, and replied, "I would love that, Dude...but...I'm thinking if I find your killer bod all naked when I get there...we can probably forget the beach....but seriously...just some swim shorts...and don't even THINK about jocks...or undies...and maybe a change for after, if we go eat, or something..." We finished the conversation then, and hung up, and I walked back to my room to get ready, my mind already spinning with wicked thoughts of the coming day!

Wicked thoughts seemed to be the theme for the day, so while deciding which of my several swim shorts to wear, I decided that none of them could really be defined as wicked. Not, at least, wicked enough to match the horny mood I was in. digging deep into a dresser drawer, I came across a old pair of shorts I wore when I played 8th grade basketball. They were a kind of silky material, shiny, and were about mid-thigh in length. Well, when I used to wear them two years ago, they were, anyway. I held them against my crotch, and giggled, when I saw how small they were for my current size. I pulled them on, and had a little struggle getting my mostly hard cock, and my ball sac, stuffed into them. I turned, and looked at my reflection in the full length mirror on the back of my door, and giggled. Yes...wicked...definitely, wicked! The small shorts almost looked tiny on my body. The slick material molded itself to my turgid cock, and my balls were clearly outlined as a good sized lump resting just below my cock. I stepped closer, and looked again, and saw that it was clear to anyone looking that I was circumcised, the thick little ridge of my cock head plainly visible. I giggled, thinking of Eric's likely reaction at seeing me wearing these, and decided to go for it! I turned around, and looked back over my shoulder, and smiled. The small shorts wrapped the twin globes of my small, tight butt like plastic wrap, and the silky material inserted itself neatly into my crevice, leaving little doubt as to the shape of my cute little ass. Cool, I thought, this ought to seriously get his attention! I pulled a pair of my regular swim shorts on over the small ones, the, got a button-up shirt from my closet, and put it on...leaving it fully unbuttoned. I slid some sandals on my feet, grabbed a beach towel, and went out front to wait for Eric.

He drove up a few minutes later, and climbed out of the car, smiling as he walked over to me. We did the typical fist-bump hello, and he opened the passenger door, retrieving a small bag and ice chest from the seat. He handed them to me, then, walked behind the car to open the trunk, and signaling for me to put them inside. I walked to the back of the car, and leaned into the trunk to set the items inside. As I leaned over the rear of the car, Eric took the cheeks of my thrust out butt in his hands, kneading them firmly, and probing my cleft with a finger. I jumped slightly, and yelped a little, and he chuckled, saying, "One very fine ass there, Robby-boy...thinking I need to check that out...closely..!" I blushed, of course, Jeez...why do I always do that..! He rubbed me a little more, then slapped it gently, and asked, "Ready...?" I giggled, and answered, "For checking out my very fine ass...?" He laughed, and replied, "BOTH, actually...going....AND checking out that very fine that order..!" I laughed, blushed, and climbed into the car!

We hit the freeway, going south, the CD player blaring some mostly unintelligible hip-hop tune performed by some rapper of limited talent, whose picture on the diamond case indicated that he was a serious fan of heavy gold neck chains, and multiple ear rings! After about 20 minutes, Eric steered the car off the freeway, and onto a narrow back road that I knew would take us to Sunset Beach. Sunset was a long, narrow strip of beach surrounded by high and rolling sand dunes for miles in both directions. It had a reputation for a serious undertow, and thus was not popular among families with children. This, of course, made it the perfect place for the college and high school crowds, who frequented the place for some serious beach partying! On previous trips here, some friends and I combed the sand dunes, and happened across beer and wine bottles, and used and discarded condoms in alarming numbers. In fact, on more than one occasion, we actually happened across some sand mound that was currently sheltering some amorous young couple vigorously involved in adding to the condom count totals! Yup, Sunset Beach...better known to the young and wild as "sucks-it" beach!

Eric parked the Mustang, and we gathered up the contents of the trunk, and the beach blanket, and trudged off over the dunes. He led us all the way to the beach, and we spread the blanket, then, settled the gear. There were only a few people dotted along the beach, none of them very close to our selected spot. "Swimming pretty much sucks here," Eric said, "But how about we go get wet, anyhow...that hike was a bitch..!" I peeled off my shirt and dropped it on the blanket, and replied, "Sounds good to me...!" Eric paused, a smile crossing his face as he drifted his eyes across my torso. "You are SO fucking cute, Robby-boy...I'm not sure why I don't just take you home, and eat you alive..!" I blushed, and punched his shoulder, saying, "You only want me for my body...perv..!" He laughed, wiggled his eyebrow, and nodded, saying, " got it, studly!" Pausing, and looking straight into his sexy eyes, I smiled my best wicked smile, and slowly, slowly, slid my regular swim shorts down my legs, revealing the tiny little number underneath! My eyes never left his as I accomplished this little surprise, and I giggled when I saw his eyes widen, then again, as the barely-there shorts came into his view.

"Oh fuck, not EVEN fair...!" He exclaimed. I smiled sexily, and cocked one hip to the side, raising my arms to clasp my hands behind my head, and thrusting my hips slightly forward. His eyes traveled the length of me, then, settled on what I was sure was my seriously bulging crotch. He licked his lips, shaking his head slightly side to side. In my best girly voice I said huskily, "Hi Mister...wanna play in the sand with me...?" He grinned like a kid with a new Christmas bike, and answered, "Oh God yes....little boy...I most definitely DO want to play with YOU...!" I dropped the wicked pose then, and laughed, turned, and took off on a run toward the water, yelling over my shoulder, "Got to catch me first...!"

I reached the surf, and ran through the rolling waves until I was chest deep in the water, and stopped. Before I could get turned around, Eric reached me, and launched himself into me, wrapping his arms around me, and tumbling us both into the cold ocean. We rolled in the strong current, and finally got to our feet, and Eric slid behind me, wrapping his arms around me, his hands gripping my chest, as he pulled my body back against him. He back-walked to shallower water, and settled back onto the sand, my back still held tightly against his front. The foamy surf washed over us, and the outgoing tow washed the wet sand away from our bodies. He wiggled against my bottom, and I giggled at feeling his hard cock press into me there. "Gosh Mister...!" I squealed, "Your thing is all stiff...and...big too..!" He pinched my nipple, then did it again, and hissed against my ear, "Damn right it is, little boy...any dick would be that got within 50 yards of that hot little body in that hot little getup..!" I laughed, and ground my butt against his hardon, and replied, "Gottcha...and good, too...!" He grunted, and again pinched my nipple, and said, "True enough, Hotstuff....but....we'll see who gets the end...!" He pressed his rock hard cock firmly into my butt, and added, "Maybe...even...THIS...end...!" And he pressed again, to emphasize the point. Turning serious for a second, it flashed across my mind that he Jeez!

A bigger wave broke over us then, and he let me go, as we both were washed away in the strong current, and emerged, sputtering, nearly all the way back to the beach. We stood, and staggered back to dry sand, wiping sand, and salt water from our eyes. He coughed up some water, and said, "Fucking tow here sucks...!" I nodded, and asked, " come you brought us here, then...?" He grinned at me, and did that eyebrow thing again, and answered, " nasty little boy...I plan to take you behind a sand dude...and...make you...even more nasty...!" I giggled, and blushed a little, and said, "So then take me Mister...I'll even HELP you...!" He dropped his eyes to my almost naked crotch again, licked his lips, and leaned down, scooping me up, and tossing the upper part of my body over his shoulder like a sack of flour, or something, and started walking back to our blanket!

Reaching the blanket, he bent, and scooped it up, along with his gym bag, and, still shouldering my body, headed up, and over, a high sand dune. In the secluded swale between the dunes, he dropped the blanket, then, set me back on my feet. He quickly spread the blanket, and lay down on it, holding his arms up to me, and said, "Come here, you sexy thing...!" I smiled coyly, and stared at the sand, trying for my best shy-boy look, and asked quietly, "How come, Mister...what do you want to do to me...?" He growled, and barked, "Just get that hot little body down here...and you won't have to ask...!" I giggled, and dropped onto the blanket beside him!

He reached out, and pinned my arms behind me, rolling me onto my back. He hovered above me, and looked into my eyes, and smiled. "You are SO fucking cute...and...SO sexy....GOD..!" I grinned up at him, and stuck my tongue out him. He chuckled, and bent over me, his soft lips lightly brushing mine, as he sucked my tongue into his mouth. He released it, and buried his face into my neck, and I shuddered, feeling him lick me there, before moving to my chest. He lapped at my chest, and licked my nipples, then sucked them until they were tight, and stiff, like tiny pencil erasers. He licked down to my tummy, and stabbed at my little cavern, then licked sideways across my tummy, right at the waist of the tiny shorts. My cock felt like it was going to break, or something, it was so hard, and seriously poking at the small shorts!

He lifted his head then, and stared at my grossly tented shorts. He shook his head slowly, then, lowered it, and closed his mouth around the covered shaft of my aching cock! I could feel his warm breath on my dick through the shorts, and I thrust upward, trying to drive my hard cock at him. He backed away, and moved lower, opening his mouth wide, and closing it over the lump that was my trapped balls! I groaned, and felt his warm breath again, as he nuzzled my nut sac, then moved, running the flat of his tongue across the skin at the inside of my thigh! "!" I chanted. My brain reeling with sensations, and he crossed over, licking his way back up my other thigh, until he again reached my balls, and once again mouthed them. He worked my balls long enough that I felt the wetness of the shorts rubbng against my straining sac, and I groaned again, "Aggg..Eric...oh shit...Yesss...!" He moved again, off my balls, and licked all over my straining cock outside the shorts, until they were wet there too! He pulled away then, and I opened my eyes to look at him. He was staring, fixated, at my stressed crotch, my stuff even better outlined now, from the silky material being wet!" God Damn, Robby-boy...I SO want to tear that off you...suck that beautiful look SO fucking hot like this...SO...nasty....damn...!"

I grinned, and humped my ass up and down obscenely, trying to tantalize him into serious action...I liked looking so nasty...for sure...but...I WAY more wanted him sucking me...for real..! I reached down, and quickly jerked the tiny shorts down, freeing my swollen cock, and it slapped noisily against my abdomen, the shaft pulsing with my rapid heartbeat, and my balls swelling out between my smooth thighs. "I'll look nasty again...later...please, Mister...just DO me...please...?" I squeaked, and he grinned, and muttered, ""Damn right....nasty little boy...I'll DO you...good...!" He tore the shorts all the way off my legs, then, griped my leaking cock, and stretched out between my wide spread legs. He licked my inner thighs again, before lapping at my charged up balls, then, swallowing the whole bulging sac! "Ungggg....Aggg...!" I yelped, and he spit my smooth bag out, then, sucked each aching ball in turn, his hand stroking my rock hard cock. He let my balls go, and stared at my cock, and smiled, as his upstroke produced a pearl of my precum. `Sweet...!" He muttered, and leaned in, sliding my entire cock deep inside his warm wet, mouth! "OHhhhh....FUCK...!" I roared, and my brain went into overload from the incredible feeling! He moved up and down, finding his rhythm, sucking me, and driving me crazy with lust! My fists hammered the sand, and my head rolled side to side, as I gasped and grunted, barely able to stand the pure pleasure I was feeling!

Up and down, over, and over, he went, his hand moving to grope my bouncing balls as he sucked me! My nuts were on fire, and my cock was drooling my precum like a very bad faucet, when he gently squeezed down on my balls, and tugged the sac slightly away from my body! :OHhhh...god..gonna...!" I roared, and bucked my hips, driving into his sucking mouth until my cock jerked strongly, and swelled even more, then, erupted, my cum rocketing into his mouth in rapid, strong jets, which he swallowed as fast as they presented!

Finished, I sagged onto the blanket, my chest heaving as I gulped air. He backed off of my super sensitive cock then, releasing it from his mouth, and held it gently in his fingers, before once more lapping at the tip, swiping away the last traces of my powerful orgasm. He smiled at me, and I smiled back, still seeing bright flashes of light behind my eyes, and he said, " are SO nasty...and SO cute....and SO freeking HOT!" I giggled, and nodded my head, then said girlishly, "Gee, thanks, Mister...!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 6

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