Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 7, 2005

Gay finished, for the time being at least, Eric and I wandered naked back into his bedroom, and stretched out on that huge bed, our hands and legs entwined as we lay side by side. Eric grinned at me, and said, "No way that was your first time, Dude....can't was just too damn good!" I smiled, and felt my face grow hot from blushing, and answered, "Yes, way...totally...I mean....uh...I'm glad I did it right and everything.....but for real...I never did that before...!" Eric chuckled, and said, "Well...unless you bite it or something, I'm not really sure it can be done WRONG....but whatever, pretty much rocked my world!" I giggled, blushing even worse, and squeaked, "Me...?...the feelings you gave me...holy shit...I almost passed all felt so freeking good!" He looked into my eyes a minute, then leaned over and kissed my forehead, then said, "Excellent...that's what I like to hear..!"

We lay there quietly for a while, and I vividly recalled every detail of his hands, and mouth, on me, and the breathtaking sensations it had all produced. God, I thought, I always sort of thought doing this stuff would be killer, but I had no clue just HOW killer! I said a silent thanks to God for letting me get hooked up with Eric! I looked down at his soft cock where it rested against his thigh. Oh man, its just so awesome...and right now its...uh...cute...yea...all soft, and quiet...amazing how it changes when it's all excited...almost angry...and God...I actually SUCKED it...all the way, too...still can't believe how it just sort of...exploded...all his hot into my mouth so fast...over and over...fucking...amazing..! And his balls, too...playing with those was...pretty amazing, too..!

Lost in all my thoughts, I let out a huge, contented sigh, and Eric turned onto his side, looking at me. "What...?" he asked, and I grinned at him, and answered, "Not anything...I'm just...what...SO happy, right now...I guess..!" He chuckled, and said, "Cool...that makes two of us, then...!" he put his hand on my chest, and rubbed small circles, moving his fingers over my nipples, and causing me to shudder. Out of nowhere he asked me, "So, when is your birthday, Sport...?" I looked at him, then answered, "Actually, It just 3 weeks ago, on June 12th..why..?" He grinned, and answered, "Oh, maybe I just felt like buying you a present, or something...but I'm too late then, you, like, just turned 16 then..." I shook my head, and replied, "Actually, 15...!" He acted all shocked, and stuff, just kidding, and said, "15...whoa...I am seriously robbing the cradle, here...!" I slapped at his shoulder, and said, "So you're a little older than me...big're not exactly ancient, you know...!" He laughed, and said, "True enough...I'm still 17 until September...and...I don't give a rip if your were 13...I'd do it all over again, in a heartbeat...!" I giggled, and mumbled, "I soooo wish I knew you...and...this...when I WAS 13...or sooner, even...!"

Eric turned kind of serious then, and asked, "So, Robby...straight up now...this really was your first time... doing...anything, I mean...?" I nodded, and answered, "Uh huh...straight up...and damn...have I been stupid to wait so long...!" He wiggled his eyebrows at me, and said, "Hmmm....well, stud...we will just have to make up for lost time, then...!" I giggled, nodded my head rapidly, and replied, "Hope so...big time...!" He laughed, and slid his hand down to grip my softy, then spoke directly to my cock, saying, "Rest well, little in for some serious action...SOON..!" I giggled, and said it again, "Hope so...!" He gave my dick a squeeze, then rolled over, and got up, saying, "Hungry time, Cutie...shake a leg...let's go get that Pizza...!" I suddenly realized just how hungry I was, too, so I got up, and rounded up my shorts.

On our way to Eric's car, he gave me a brief tour of the rest of the huge house, then the backyard pool area. The yard was huge too, and surrounded by a high stone wall. The pool occupied most of the center of the space, and it was surrounded by brick decking which had enough outdoor furniture to seat about 100 people! I was again reminded of a hotel like setting. The pool was joined on one side by a large hot-tub spa, and Eric pointed out a small, stand alone building off to one side that he said was a Sauna. Awesome! Assuring me that we would have plenty of opportunity to utilize the facilities, we climbed into his Mustang, and roared off, in search of food!

As we sat in a secluded booth at the rear of the crowded pizza place, eating, Eric again commented on how special he thought it was that the blow jobs we had traded earlier had been my first, both receiving, and giving. I blushed again, but told him I was happy about him being my first, too, and that I loved both ends, and seriously wanted to do it again....soon! He chuckled at that, and said, with a wink, "Count on it, stud...!" I blushed again, and mumbled, "I am...believe me...!" He asked me if I had ever done any kind of sex before, even just touching, or playing doctor as a kid, stuff like that. I answered him truthfully, saying that yes, when I was like 11, or 12 I had played around a little bit with a neighbor friend, and his sister, who was 11, to his 13. Turns out that they played sexy games together often, and he had convinced her that playing with dicks was very cool, and even cooler still if she sucked them. Eric laughed when I admitted that I had agreed with the boy, I thought playing with his cock was way better than touching his sisters bald little slit. I guess it was then that I made my choice about my sexual preference. I had even worked myself up to wanting to try sucking the boys cock, but never did, because I thought it was way too weird to do it with his sister watching, and he wouldn't play without her. Eric nodded, as if he understood that, then asked, "So must do, like, a ton of jacking off, right...?" I blushed, big time, but nodded my head, and answered, "Yea...for sure...pretty much every day, actually..!" He grinned, and said simply, "Cool..!"

Finished eating, we got back in the car, and headed for my house since it was already after 9:00, and I had a 10:00 curfew. As we drove along some side streets, Eric reached across the small console, and dropped his hand onto my thigh. He gripped my bare skin there, then slid upward into my crotch, and squeezed my cock. I flinched at the contact, and felt my dick go instantly hard as he played with it, steering with his other hand. "Take off your shorts, Robby..!" He told me, and I looked over him for a second. "Do it...hurry up..!" He said again, and I hesitated, saying, "What if somebody sees...a truck...or something...?" He grinned, and gave my bone a hard squeeze, answering, "Nobody will see...even if they would be hot, actually...!" I giggled at the thought of some old lady or somebody seeing me all naked and boned with Eric's hand on my dick. I shrugged, and shucked off my shorts, so I was now sitting there naked as the day I was born, my hard cock swaying around in front of me! Eric glanced over and looked at my naked body, and chuckled, then said, "'re so fucking should just stay naked...always..!" I blushed all over, but actually liked him telling me that!

He kept driving, and playing with my naked bone, and I was really getting into it, feeling my balls go all tingly, while I sat back, and watched his hand on my dick. Man, I thought, this is awesome...sitting here all naked...a way hot senior dude jacking my dick...awesome..! He let go, and made a quick turn off the road, and I looked up to see he had turned into a big parking lot, like a closed store, or something. He drove toward the back of the lot, and stopped, then turned sideways in his seat, looked into my eyes, and said, "Jack off for me Robby...I want to see you do it...and see you cumm...!" My eyes went wide, and I felt all hot and blushed up, and muttered, "No!" He stared at me a second, then grinned, and said, again, "Jack off for me it Dude...want to see you shoot that hot cum...!" I hesitated, kind of glancing around the parking lot, then slowly moved my hand to my hardon, and gripped it. I looked at Eric, and he nodded, mumbling, "Oh yea...fuck!" I started to rub my dick up and down, and looked at him again, and squeaked, "Are you gonna..too..?" He shook his head, his eyes still locked onto me rubbing my dick, and answered, "Nope...just gonna watch you...see you make yourself when I think about home...jacking...I'll know what you look like...rub it Robby...fucking hot...!"

I leaned back against the seat, and opened my legs, then shut my eyes, and started really getting into it, deciding that it was pretty weird, but yea, pretty hot, too, actually! I got into my usual jack off rhythm, my fingers and thumb circled around my boner, moving up and down it, and moved my other hand between my spread legs, and started tugging at my ball sac. "Oh fuck...yea...good with those sweet nuts...jack that hot dick...!" He chanted, and I did just that...seriously getting into the decadence that was happening right here in the car...a public parking lot...a hot, senior hunk like 2 feet away....watching me...!" The whole scene was an incredible turn on, and in a very short time, I felt it coming, my nuts going all tight, and my cock getting harder yet. I grunted, working my hips, and thrusting into my stroking hand, feeling it, as my load started the trek up my shaft. Eric groaned, and suddenly the car was flooded with light! Too late to stop what was started, my cock jerked, and a rope of my cum shot out the end of it, arching through the air, and splattering onto my tummy, followed really quick by about four more shots. I let go of my cock, and looked around, still startled by the sudden light, and realized that Eric had turned on the interior light, just as I was starting to shoot my load!

Panting, I looked down at my slimmed torso, where large pools of my semen coated my skin between my navel and my nipples. Wow, I thought, nice load there, Rob...this little show and tell really got you going..! I settled down some, and looked sheepishly over at Eric. He was slack jawed, and staring at my gooey tummy. He glanced up, and smiled, saying, "Awesome, Robby-boy....fucking well awesome..!" I giggled, and squeaked, "Yea, huh...?" He tugged his tank-top over his head, and leaned across, then wiped all of my cums up, using his shirt! He sat back, then brought the shirt up to his face, and did this big sniff thing, telling me how cool my cums smelled, and that he was going to sleep with the shirt tonight! I giggled, and blushed, then fished my shorts off the floor, and put them back on. Weird, I thought.....but...pretty cool, too...! Eric started up the car, and pulled back onto the road, then drove me to my house. Parked in front of my house, he leaned over and kissed my lips for a second, and squeezed my package again, and said, "Night, cutie...your you in the morning...!" I nodded, smiled at him, and got out, walking toward my house, as he drove away. Wow, I thought, what an awesome day this was...!

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 5

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