Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 6, 2005


Eric and I both sort of fell silent as the tension, and excitement of what had just happened waned. My heart was still racing in my chest, and my mind was a blur of thoughts, and reactions. Jeez, I thought, this hot senior dude had just had his incredible hands all over me, and....holy shit...had actually touched my dick, and....more holy shit....actually jacked me off! I smiled, as I felt the gooey mess inside my trunks, and shivered all over, recalling the intense sensation of the event! That, I decided, was the probably the single most amazing thing that I had EVER experienced, and then further decided that what ever had started that, it was definitely something I wanted more of...a lot more!

I rolled onto my side facing Eric, who was stretched out on his back, an arm shading his eyes. I seized the opportunity to let my eyes slowly drink in body, and felt my dick begin to stir again! As my gaze drifted to his crotch, I smiled, at seeing his obviously very hard cock tenting his swim shorts, and unconsciously licked my lips as my mouth began to water profusely. This feeling, I decided, was what I had been my mind struggled with the idea that as delicious as the whole idea was, it was ingrained in my thinking to be wrong...immoral...a sin...! I pushed those thoughts out of my mind, and argued with myself that anything that felt THAT good, simply cannot be a bad thing....and...having had a sip of the forbidden kool-aid, and definitely liking it... I was seriously looking for the whole glass now! The pitcher, even!

Eric stirred, and lifted his arm, then, fixed me with those oh-so-sexy eyes, and smiled, saying, "You Ok, Robby...I....uh....!" He trailed off. I smiled, and nodded my head, then, reached out to squeeze his warm hand, THAT hand, I realized, grinning wider, and answered, "I'm way better than just Ok, Dude....just thinking that are pretty amazing, actually!" He winked at me, and returned the hand squeeze, then said, "how about a swim...uh...I need off...and you...uh...need to...uh...rinse off...maybe..?" I giggled, blushing so hard my face felt on fire, and nodded, squeaking, "Uh huh...!" He stood, his extended cock pressing firmly against his shorts, and pulled me up by my arm. He slid his arm around my waist, and hugged me briefly, then took off a dead run to the water, plunging head first into a breaking wave, me in close pursuit.

We swam out a ways, beyond the breakers, then joined up, standing in chest deep water, the cool swells washing over us, and the strong out-tow pushing at our legs. We talked some, a short series of mundane, vanilla, topics, never touching on what had taken place on the beach a short time ago. I was screaming inside to throw myself into his strong arms, and hold him, and tell him that it was the most incredible thing, ever, and please, please, please, let's do it again....that, and so much more! But I said nothing, so afraid inside that he probably regretted what had happened, and was maybe even feeling ashamed, or whatever, and really just wanted me to forget the whole thing. I would have given anything to know what he was thinking, right then! "Getting kind of late, Dude....and, I've had enough sun for one day...let's kick it, and head home, Ok...?" I nodded, and pushed off toward the beach, Eric swimming strong strokes beside me.

Back on the beach, we gathered up our stuff, and walked into the locker room. As we retrieved our clothes from the locker, Eric said, "Want to head over to my house...we can hit the pool for a while, get the salt off...and shower and stuff...maybe go eat pizza...?" I grinned, and answered, "Cool, yea...let's do it!" We loaded our gear, climbed in the car, and drove back into town. As we maneuvered through the downtown traffic, Eric entered the freeway, headed East, toward Scotts Valley, a small, and very posh, suburb of Santa Cruz proper. He exited the freeway on Pasatiempo Drive, and began following the road into the very upscale private golf club. Eventually he turned into a long driveway, and stopped, in front a house that looked roughly equal in size to the biggest hotel I had ever stayed at!

He killed the engine, and sat back in his seat, looking over at me. "Home-sweet-home...!" He said, and I just sat there, gazing around at the palatial surroundings! The house was huge, painted a stark white color, trimmed with pure black shutters at the numerous large windows. The landscaping was park like, and to the left stood a detached garage that would probably hold six cars, easy. I looked at him, and uttered, " LIVE here..?" He chuckled, nodding, and answered, "'fraid so....a tad ostentatious, I know,'s home....sort of comes with the `rents...Mater being a fairly successful Trust Attorney....and....Pater...the hot-shot stock broker...!" He sighed, and tried to look humble, but it didn't work...then said...It's kind of a nasty job, Dude...but hey...somebody has to do it, right..?" I giggled, and replied, "Poor baby...that has to really be rough...!" He laughed, and reached over to run his fingers through my hair again, and said, "Come on cutie, if this...indicating the grounds...dazzles you, then, the inside will put you away, for sure!" He opened the door, and climbed out, as did I.

Before we could make a move toward the house, the giant front door swung open, and a man exited the house, bounding down the sweeping stairs. He was dressed in tennis whites, and held a racquet bag in his hand. He stopped in front of us, and grinned at Eric, then said," Hello Son...looks like you've had a day at the beach...plenty of sun, too!" Eric nodded, and replied, Hi, Dad...yea...boarding at Natural Bridges...say hello to my Bud, Robby...!" He turned to me, and smiled, extended his free hand, and said, "Welcome, Robby...please call me Brad..!" I shook his hand, and returned the hello, and said, "Thank you, Brad...I was just telling Eric how great your home is!" He nodded, thanked me, then said to Eric, "I'm meeting Tom at the club...going to kick his ass at tennis...then drinks and dinner...your on your own, Son...try not to burn down the ranch, ok..?" Eric nodded, and smiled, replying, "Never happen,'s cool...go forth, and kick ass!" Brad chuckled, waved, and walked rapidly toward the monster garage. A motor roared to life, and in a second, a shiny Silver Mercedes Coupe slipped out of the garage, and turned down the driveway. I laughed out loud at the vanity license that adorned the rear read...I.DO.STOX. Uh huh...and very well, too, apparently!

The Mercedes disappeared in a small dust cloud, and Eric once again slipped his arm across my shoulder, and steered me toward the huge and house, and inside. For the second time in a very few minutes, the word WOW crossed my mind! The entry foyer looked, again, like a hotel lobby, and opened onto a living room beyond that easily would have equaled the square footage of my entire house! I trailed Eric, open mouthed, down a short hallway, then up a curving staircase that emptied onto another hallway. He led me to the end of the hallway, and through a darkly stained, raised panel door. Inside the room, I stopped dead in my tracks, looking around the room, my mouth, I'm sure, agape! "My very own humble digs, within the bowels of the beast..!" he said with a chuckle. "You are kidding me, right...?" I chirped. The "digs" he referred to was more like an apartment, or suite, with a large sitting room area, a small kitchen area at the rear, and a hallway to the left. The other side of the sitting area led to a huge balcony area, accessed through a huge French door. The balcony was neatly cluttered with very plush outdoor furniture, the center piece being a huge umbrella table. Jeez, I thought, I couldn't live like this...!" Yea, right!

He went into the kitchen area, and fished two sodas from the small refrigerator, returned, and handed me one, then walked to the table, and picked up a remote. He clicked it, and the 55 inch TV sprang to life, the hidden speakers filling the room with high quality surround sound. I shook my head, and said, " has GOT to suck, being you!" He laughed, and replied, "Uh I said...somebody has to do it!" He handed me the remote, saying, "Knock yourself out, Robby-boy...I can't deal with this dried salt sticking to me anymore...I need a shower...there's like 200 channels, or right back...!" He turned, pulling his shirt over his head as he went, and my heart lurched in my chest at again seeing his smooth skin, and toned build. He went through a door off the hallway, and disappeared, only to reappear, his smiling face peering at me around the door jamb. I cocked an eyebrow at him, as in...what..? and he wiggled his thick eyebrows at me, and said, "just a join me...shower...?" My heart turned ALL the way over at that, and I felt my face go hot again. I stood slowly, and said, my voice once again breaking, "Thought you would never ask, Man....YESSS...!" And I walked toward him, pulling my shirt over my head, and dropping it on the floor.

I turned the corner, and entered the room, my heart rate rapidly increasing as I went. Oh man, I thought, shit....this is it, big and Eric...naked together...oh man, oh man...!" As I passed through the door way into the large bedroom, the first thing I noticed was the huge king sized bed that dominated one wall of the room, then, another large French door leading to an extension of the balcony. My eyes shifted briefly back to that huge bed, and for just a second, a mental picture flashed through my head, of me, and Eric, nakedly entwined on the wide expanse! My cock instantly rose to full hardness at the brief vision! I heard the shower running, and moved toward another doorway, and entered, my heart leaping into my throat! A very naked Eric was leaning into the huge shower stall, and his bare back, and one firm ass cheek swam into my view. I stopped dead, and gasped, my hands going to my waist, and rapidly pushing my shorts down, and off, my rock hard erection standing straight out from my small pubic patch, and swaying with my movements.

Eric turned toward me then, his incredible naked body taking my breath away, and let his eyes drift over me, top to bottom, finally resting on my pulsing cock. A slow smile spread over his handsome face, and he met my own slightly dazed gaze. He opened his arms toward me, and "God, Robby...your fucking beautiful...come here...!" I blushed, and took a tentative step toward him, then another, and then I was there, his arms going around me, and pulling my nakedness against his own as he held me tightly. His chin rubbed the top of my head, then he moved sideways, to brush his full lips against the side of my neck, and I felt the wetness of his tongue, as he licked me there. He lifted his head, and looked deeply into my eyes, and said, "Salty second-favorite flavor...!" I giggled, my nerves ready to burst through my skin, and he stepped back into the stall, gently urging me to follow. I looked down at his throbbing erection, and gasped again. Jeez, I's so perfect...pretty, even...maybe a little bigger than me, but not huge...probably like six and a half, and not super thick...neatly cut, the flared head was slightly wider than the very smooth shaft. His balls made me gasp, again, so full looking, heavy, even, held high to the vee of his body in a mostly hair free, slightly wrinkled, scrotum. I felt my mouth water just to look at him. He took my hand, and gently tugged, and I stepped into the large stall. He turned me, and I realized then that there were actually four shower heads at work, emitting a gentle needle point spray from all the walls of the stall.

Eric stepped close to me, and put his hand at the back of my head, gently pressing my face toward his own. I groaned deeply, as his soft, full lips contacted my own, and groaned again, to feel his wet tongue probing against my closed mouth. Another groan, and I parted my lips, opening my mouth, as his tongue flooded my mouth, our lips smashed together in a very deep kiss! My heart was pounding my chest so hard and fast that I was sure he could feel it, as his arms went around my back, then, slid down so that his strong hands firmly cupped each cheek of my ass. He pressed his body into mine, and I squeaked, as our hard cocks touched for the very first time, and Eric began a slow grinding of his hips, causing our cocks to slid past each other in an up and down motion. I broke the deep kiss, panting, and buried my face against his wet chest, and groaned, "Oh God...Eric....oh damn...!"

His hands moved over my twin globes, squeezing, and rubbing everywhere, then released, as he smiled, and reached over my shoulder to get the soap bar. He bent at the knees slightly, keeping the electric contact going between out rock hard cocks, and lathered his hands, then began washing my body, as I glung to his strength, feeling like my knees might let go any second! His firm hands glided over my shoulders, then my chest, and his fingers teased at my stiffened nipples, making me shudder all over, and groan again! Downward he went, gathering more soap onto his hands. He gently stroked my tummy, a finger pressing inside my navel, and down to my pubes, his soapy fingers tugging lightly on my small patch. My cock was drooling, and threatened to explode at the slightest touch, and my balls ached for that release. He avoided my turgid cock, and moved below, to gently cup my heavy ball sac, tugging at it, and moving my balls around inside. "I gasped, and uttered, "OHHhh....damn...ummm...good.... the best...!" he chuckled softly, released my balls, and dropped to one knee, as he worked his soaped hands over my legs, and feet. He pulled his head back, and stared eye level at my throbbing cock. His hand wrapped around the shaft, and I shuddered, willing myself not to explode, as bright stars whirled around my tightly closed eyes. He stroked me, and I shuddered again, then, groaned loudly, as he again cupped my nut sac in his other hand.

He worked me like that for a minute, and I grunted, "'s too much...gonna...aggg...!" He instantly stopped stroking me, and rolled his eyes up to meet my wide eyed grimace, and smiled that killer smile. He backed away slightly, allowing the multi-head water spray cleanse away the soap from my shaking body, then, again gripped my leaking cock. He stared at it, and grinned, as a tear drop of precum oozed from the wide slit. "Oh yea....sweet...!" He muttered, and leaned forward, his wet, warm, mouth slowly engulfing my granite hard cock! I jerked, and staggered back, leaning my back against the wall of the stall, and looked down, in utter wonder, at the sight of my cock fully engulfed in his sucking mouth! "OHhhhh....God....Damn...!" I roared, and he began moving on me, his slick mouth gliding over my taut skin, his hand working my tight balls in rhythm with his sucking!

I was pretty much in total sensory overload. Every nerve and fiber, in my shaking body was transmitting data to my brain at warp speed! Never, even in my wildest, freaked out, dreams had I felt such an incredible sensation! I had read tons, and net-surfed pictures, of this thing called blow jobs, maybe, like, a zillion times, furiously jerking my poor pud into a froth of teen cum, just from imagining how good it must feel having your cock sucked! But THIS.....oh man...there just couldn't be anything in existence that felt THIS good, I thought, as Eric continued working his magic, bringing me closer to the brink every second!

I groaned, as yet another searing jolt of pure pleasure rushed over me, and my hands shot out to grab tufts of his thick hair. He pulled off my jerking cock then, and sunk lower, his tongue lapping against my heavy ball sac, before gently capturing each egg in turn, and suckling it gently. "UNGggg....Aggggg.....fuck....!" I yelled, another new sensation flooding my brain with good messages. "Ohhhh God....!" Eric released my aching balls, and again slid my drooling cock into his mouth, moving his head rapidly up and down my slobbery meat, and going for the kill! I felt it then, my balls twisting upward in their taut bag, and releasing, jetting my hot load up the stalk of my jerking cock, and erupting, the first strong blast tearing through the stretched slit, and rocketing straight down Eric's throat, immediately followed by several more pulses of my juices, as I groaned loud enough to be heard in neighboring states! I watched in total amazement as Eric's throat muscles rapidly flexed as he gulped, working desperately to keep pace with my flood, as he swallowed every drop that I offered!

Spent to the max, and shaking like a dog shitting a peach seed, I slowly collapsed, sliding down the wet tall tiles like a slithering snake! My bare butt hit the floor, and I stretched out my legs, panting rapidly, as Eric slid in next to me, and snuggled me in his strong arms. I felt his warm, rapid breath against my ear, as he said softly, "God, cum like a cannon, taste...amazing...!" I grunted, and turned my head to face him, then, on impulse, snaked my tongue out, and lapped at his slightly puffy lips, again savoring the faint aftertaste of my discharge on his magic mouth. I grinned at him, still trying to get his face in focus, and replied, "I think I'm pretty much all clean now....outside....and...INSIDE, too..!"

We sat there on the floor of the shower a while, while my heart rate settled back closer to normal. Eric held me, and stroked my arm, and chest, again softly telling me how amazing it had been for him, and how happy he was about our getting hooked up this way. HE was happy...I was in total lust! As I calmed a little, I hooked my hand over his firm thigh, sliding it the inside, and finger-walked upward until my fingers brushed his snug ball sac. He flinched a little, then, spread his legs wider, as I closed my hand around his swollen nuts. "UMmm....that's nice, Robby...!" He murmured, and I gently gripped the tight sac, my fingers exploring another boys balls for the very first time! Wow, I thought, this is too cool....they feel a lot like mine....bigger, maybe...I just hope this feels as good to him as it did when he did it to me!

I played with his balls a while, really entranced at the feel of them, and how they kind of rolled around in the sac, then, moved up, and wrapped my fist around his rock hard shaft, stroking it from base to tip. As my hand reached the tip, I rubbed across the spongy head with the flat side of my thumb, causing Eric to groan softly. I stroked him, and thumbed him, over and over, as his hand rubbed up and down my back. I was fascinated with the satin smooth feel of him, so rock hard, and yet, so soft, all at once! The flared head of his cock was spongy, and it was amazing to watch up close, as I worked it, seeing the small slit spread, and close again. A million times I had dreamed of this, and wow, here I was....actually stroking another cock! It occurred to me that the jetting shower sprays washing over us was actually pretty cool, adding somehow, to the incredible sensations of it all.

Eric was groaning a lot now, and kind of humping his hips, sliding his throbbing cock inside my closed fist as I stroked him. I couldn't take my eyes off of the sight of his cock in my hand, and I scooted lower, bringing the now leaking head of his tool very close to my face. As I rubbed upward on his dick, the slit spread again, and a pearl of clear fluid slowly oozed out, and pooled on his cock head. I took a deep breath, and leaned down, my tongue tip snaking out to capture it. My taste buds reacted to the slightly nutty flavor, and I rolled it around on my tongue, savoring the newness of it. I milked him again, and lapped away another drool of the fluid, as Eric increased his moaning at the contact of my tongue with his drooling cock.

God, I thought, I want to suck this beautiful cock! I salivated wildly at the very thought! I gripped it, and moved the shiny head to swipe over my closed lips, and Eric grunted, his hand moving to the back of my head, and pressing gently, mumbling, "Ohhh....shit....Robby...please, man...aggg...suck me, Dude.....!" I opened my mouth, and slid the rounded head between my lips, then closed on it, my lips circling the shaft just behind the ridge of his cock head. He groaned louder, and applied pressure to the back of my head. I opened again, and swallowed, then slid my head down the full length of his turgid cock, and again closed my lips at the very base of it, felling his pubes tickle my nose, and the thick head pressing at my throat. "UMMmmmm.....oh....yea....!" He hissed, and I moved my head, imitating his movements on me, not knowing if it was right or not. My mouth flooded with saliva, and I decided right then and there that I loved the feel, and the taste, of his incredible cock in my mouth! I warmed to it quickly, and found a rhythm of sorts, sucking at that beautiful piece of meat, and using my hand to fondle his heavy balls. His hips began to buck, as he drove his cock into my sucking mouth, and I tasted a steady flow of his precum, as his temperature rapidly rose, and his orgasm approached.

He bucked harder then, and my jaw began to ache slightly, as I sucked him, and closed my fingers around the base of his stalk, adding strokes to my suction, until he went totally tense, his hips driving strongly upward, and I felt his shaft stiffen even more in my mouth, and BAM...his dick jumped, and exploded, a sudden flood of his creamy essence filling my mouth instantly. Shocked at the force of it, and the volume, I automatically began to rapidly swallow his warm, thick, juices, clearing my mouth just in time to receive the next copious blast!

Finally he stopped shooting, and collapsed onto the wet floor, releasing my head, and moving his hand down to grip my butt cheek, and rub across it. I laid my head on his firm thigh, and stared in wonder at his softening cock, completely amazed at what I had just done! Finally! I actually, truly, sucked a cock, and swallowed the amazing result! Unbelievably better, than even my wildest dreams! Eric inhaled a deep breath, and I lifted my head to look at his grinning face. He squeezed my ass again, and shook his head slowly, then said, " Robby-boy...YOU....are truly....something very, very, special!" I giggled, and felt my face go all hot, then, drove my head into his tummy, blowing loud raspberries against his creamy skin.

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 4

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