Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 5, 2005


Eric chuckled softly in reaction to my cracking voice, and again reached out to run his fingers through my hair, saying, "Cool...not only a seriously cute guy, but a pretty cute voice, too!" I felt my face grow hot, and smiled shyly at him, then said, "Sorry, just sort of does that sometimes..!" He chuckled again, nodded, and said, "Yea, Robby...I's all part of the dreaded puberty'll pass...!" Robby, I, only my Grandma calls me Mom, sometimes, like, if I said or did something that actually pleased her, which wasn't all that often! Hearing Eric call me that, though, just sort of seemed....right!"

We swapped home phone, and cell numbers, then made plans to meet for a late breakfast at 10:00 the next morning, and Eric once again ruffled my hair, and flashed his killer smile, saying, "Sweet dreams, Robby...!" I felt another hot flash cross my face, and answered, " too, Eric...and...uh...thanks, again....for caring about me tonight...!" He looked deeply into my eyes, and said softly, "Uh problem...but, that's a story I'd like to hear, someday...!" I nodded, and climbed out of the car, and he drove off.

I walked quietly through the house, and closed my bedroom door. I stood still for a minute, listening to the stone silence of the sleeping house, then switched on the small lamp on my nightstand, and got undressed. Naked, I lay on top of my bed, and propped a couple of pillows behind my head. My mind wandered back to the party, and the whole horrible thing played itself out in my head. Man, life was SO going to suck after this, when half the people in school find out about my wash out with Kelly. Jeez, I thought, a perfectly naked, and willing, fox of a girl tugs down my shorts to find a total limp noodle, and it's owner, displaying a pretty obvious lack of any interest in fucking her brains out! The guys were SO gonna have a freeking field day with that!

My brain pushed all thoughts of the disaster to the far corner of my mind, and shifted Eric to the forefront. Man, I thought, maybe, just maybe, a very good thing would actually end up being the result of all this! I quickly conjured up a vision of his sweet smile, and shuddered slightly, as I vividly recalled the feel of his hand on the skin of my back, lightly rubbing me there, as he consoled me on the dark beach. The mere thought of that electric contact caused my dick to rapidly swell, and grow rock hard, rising proudly from my groin, as I reached down to lightly stroke it. I shuddered again, recalling the feel of his fingers running through my hair, and the strength of his arm across my shoulders as we walked along the boardwalk. Wow, I thought, I really am pretty fucked up, for sure....a hot, naked, girl...ready to fuck.....and....nada...but...a dude...well...hunk, to be sure...barely touches me.....and....ta da....instant bone...! I closed my eyes, stroking my aching tool, and let a sweet little fantasy play out where it was Eric I was naked with...hands going everywhere...the satin smoothness of his skin...the firm muscles, mingled with the softer parts of him...the amazing fullness, and weight of his balls, as I hold them gently...the rock hard smoothness of his incredible cock, as I stroke it....then....suck it...until his very essence fills my mouth with it's creaminess... shit...I groaned loudly, my dick exploding, and jetting my warm cum onto my tummy and chest!

I lay there, panting, small little bright lights exploding behind my eyes! Fuck...that was amazing, I thought....maybe my best ever! I inhaled deeply, and let it go, then turned, killed the lamp, and crashed into a deep slumber, seriously slimming my sheets with my spent load, and really not caring!

I woke up about 8:30 to a sun filled room, and smiled, thinking I was only an hour and a half away from meeting Eric for the day, and slipped a hand under the sheet, gripping my morning wood, rubbing its length a few times, before realizing that I seriously needed to pee, and rolled out of bed. I did my morning thing, and showered, resisting the urge to jack off another load, hoping that maybe, just maybe, the day might present a better use for it than the shower drain! Forgoing my usual boxers, I dug out a pair of the small, snug briefs that I sometimes wore, pulled them on, followed by fresh shorts, and bright red tee shirt that I had hacked the sleeves off of. White half-socks, and tennis shoes, and I was good to go!

Eric and I had agreed to meet at Charley's, a small diner kind of place that served up killer breakfast, and was kind of the hangout for a lot of my friends, and classmates. As I walked in that direction, I felt my heart do a little skip, figuring that at least some of last nights party crowd would most likely be at Charley's, and I tried to steel myself for the bullshit that I was likely to be getting. Fuck it, I decided, I was meeting Eric, and that's all that really mattered! Arriving, I took a deep breath, pulled open the door, and walked inside. I glanced around, and, in fact, saw a few of the people that no doubt knew all about my non-conquest at the party, though nobody was paying any attention to me just then. I walked to an empty booth, and slid in.

A waitress came over, and dropped a menu on the table, then another, when I held up two fingers to indicate that I was being joined. She took my order for OJ, and walked away, just as my friend Brian walked up, and sipped into the booth across from me. "Hey, Bro...howz it hanging...?" He asked with a grin. I smiled back, and raised my fist, to bump against his, the classic greeting of the group. "Doing ok, Bri-man....howz yours...?" I asked in return. He chuckled, and answered, "Mine....oh, just usual....but then...mine actually works, when required...!" He zinged me, wasting absolutely no time! I blushed, and tried to give him a glare, but failed, he's too good a Bud to be pissed at. He grinned, and went on, pretty much obviously enjoying himself. He held up a hand, saying, "Don't bother explaining, the whole sordid only, like, half of the world....Ms. Kelly was totally forthcoming on the details...!" He cackled. I tried the glare thing again, still not getting it right, and blushed some more, adding fuel to his already raging fire. "Bri-man...please, OK....I mean...that....SO sucked....!" He giggled, and replied, "Yea...well...actually...way I got the more did NOT...suck....giggle....or anything else...!" I blushed again, and rolled my eyes, saying, "Yea....true...too many nerves.....whatever....I guess...!" I offered.

Brian nodded sagely, and leaned across the table, saying in a low voice, "Yea...well...probably just as well, actually...Dude slips it Ms. Kelly, he is going....uh...where MANY...have gone before....if you catch my drift...!" I cocked an eyebrow, this detail arriving as news to me, and answered, "Really...?" he nodded again, looking at me as if I must live under a large rock, and replied, "Hell yes, Dude...everybody knows the legend of Ms. Kelly....a serious...uh...crowd pleaser, if ever there was one...hell, Dude... gone down the other way, and you could be sitting here with, like, dick warts, or we speak...!" I laughed, and made a big show of wiping sweat from my brow, then, rolled my eyes heavenward, and uttered, "Thank you, God...!" Brian nodded, and laughed. Wow, I thought, maybe I'll get out of this yet!

Brian and I chatted a while, but I lost complete track of his conversation, as Eric walked through the door, looked around, then, headed for my booth, the dazzling smile fixed on his handsome face! He slid to a stop at the table, glanced at Brian, then slipped in along side me, his bare, shorts clad leg making electric contact with my own! "Hey Robby...morning, Dude...!" He said, then, did the fist-bump thing with Brian, again saying good morning, before turning his full attention back to me. Brian watched a minute or two, his eyes flicking between Eric and me, a slightly surprised look on his face. He shrugged, then slid out of the booth, saying, "OK Dudes...later....oh, and....uh....Robby...small thankful, dude... that no toxic ground was plowed....later...!" As he walked away, I realized Brian had picked up on Eric calling me Robby...I've known Brian since about 2nd grade, and he has NEVER called me Robby, before!

The waitress returned, and we ordered, Eric staying where he was, our bare legs still touching. Every time he moved, even slightly, I felt a jolt in my balls, and my half hard cock was poking at the fly of my shorts! As we ate, Eric asked me about the "toxic ground" remark Brian had made in parting, and I shrugged it off, saying that it was related to my being all unglued last night, and that I'd tell him later, in a less crowded place. He dropped it then, and said, "Speaking of less crowded places...I was thinking maybe we could run out to Natural Bridges Beach after we some boarding...sound cool...?" Shit! I guess it sounds cool! Natural Bridges is an awesome beach out at the end of West Cliff Dr. that totally rocked! It was way past walking distance from town, so those of us without driving privileges rarely got out there! The surf at Natural Bridges was, like, ten times better than at Cal's Beach in town, where I mostly hung out! I ginned at Eric, and replied, simply, "Awesome!"

We finished breakfast, paid, and walked out of Charlie's, and got in Eric's car. We drove back to my house, and I got my boogie board from the garage, and put it in the back seat, then went inside to get a swim suit and towel. Back in the car, we drove to Natural Bridges, and parked. Eric had his board, and swim stuff in the trunk, along with a beach blanket, and an ice chest loaded down with soda's and snacks! Gawd, I thought, it is So cool having wheels! We wandered across the beach, found a spot we liked, and spread the blanket, then dug our boards onto the sand, tail first. Eric dug around in his gym bag, and came out with some board shorts, stood, and put his hand across my shoulder again, steering me toward the bathroom/changing room building.

My heart was doing small flips, not to mention pumping several quarts of blood into my thickening cock, as I suddenly realized that we were about to change into our swim trunks.....TOGETHER!! Yikes! My mind rushed with all sorts of opposing thoughts as we walked across the soft, warm sand. I couldn't remember if this changing room was like stalls, or just one big open room! cock is total hard just thinking about getting naked with this hunk....what is he going to think if I skin off my briefs, and my boner jumps out, seriously letting him know that I'm all turned on my him! I started thinking about my last Algebra final, hoping the distraction would let some wind out of my aching spear! Yea, that's going to work!

We entered the men's half of the block building, and I shuddered a little, seeing the big, open room lined with benches, and coin operated lockers. Shit! It was definitely going to be show time, apparently! Eric steered me to a bench in front of a row of lockers, and sat down, pulling off his shoes and socks. He glanced up at me and grinned, then stood up, and pulled his shirt over his head. Oh fuck! Look at the chest on this Dude! Smooth as a baby's butt, nicely defined Pec's dotted with light pink/brown nipples, maybe quarter sized! A slim, firm torso, his Ab's defined, though not a serious six pack. A small indented navel, with a very light colored hair trail extending from just below it, into his shorts! Fuck! So much for Algebra dick couldn't get any harder than it is right now! He stuck the shirt in a locker, and reached to his waist, pushed his shorts down over his toned legs, stepped out of them, then bent down to pick them up. My eyes riveted onto the bulged crotch of his boxers, and I felt my mouth fill with saliva! He paused, and looked sideways at me, his eyes asking the question as to why I just stood there, probably with mouth agape!

I snapped out of it then, and peeled my own shirt off, then quickly slid my shorts off, leaving me standing there in a pair of seriously tented, very small, Navy blue briefs. Eric looked my direction, and I saw his eyes flick to my swollen crotch, then away, quickly. A slight pink color rose in his cheeks, and he turned away, muttering something about needing to piss, and walked around the end of the locker row. I exhaled, and quickly stripped off my briefs, my erection slapping stiffly against my abdomen! I grabbed my swim trunks, and stepped into them, quickly pulling them into place, offering some concealment of my throbbing cock, though the crotch was plainly tented! I wanted nothing more than to just sit on that bench, and wait for Eric to return, and get naked, but decided to follow his lead, and give him the same chance at privacy that he had given me. I waited until he rounded the corner on his way back, then stood, and walked past him, saying that I too, needed to pee. When I got back to the lockers, he was changed, and we headed back to the blanket, his arm around my bare shoulder, adding more pressure to my aching balls!

We spent about an hour Boogie Boarding in the rolling surf, skimming across the gleaming foam, as the big breakers rolled onto the beach. If you've never tried it, it's a kick, for sure, but it's very possible to leave a fair share of your skin on the coarse sand, if you do a spin, and become separated from your board! Back on the blanket, we drank a cold soda, and stretched out in the warm sun, quietly chatting. At one point, Eric again tried a little fishing about the events of the previous night, and I sighed, and rolled onto my stomach, evading the issue. He was quiet a while, then, lightly slapped my butt cheek, and said, "You're starting to glow, Dude...want some sun-block on your back..?" My heart did that flip thing again, and the erection I had finally lost in the cold surf, made a rapid come back! I lifted my head, and answered, my voice once again doing the cracking thing, "Uh...sure...!" then laid my head back on my folded arms.

Eric dug into his bag again, then got to his knees, and straddled me, sitting on my butt, but holding his weight on his bent knees. I jumped, when the cool lotion hit my back, as he ran trails of the stuff from my shoulders to the elastic band of my trunks. He chuckled, and pressed his palms against my shoulders, rubbing small circles, as he began to spread the slick substance over my sun-warmed skin. His touch was electric, and I let out a long groan, mumbling a low, "Yesss...!" Eric let go a small laugh, and continued rubbing my back, his firm hands moving ever lower, seemingly pressing more blood into my throbbing erection, and I resisted the urge to hump the sand! He reached my waist, and worked the lotion sideways across the elastic band, and I felt his fingers probe just under the taut cloth, reaching about half way to my naked butt. I groaned again, and he slid his fingers out of my trunks, then, moved, and I felt the cool trails of lotion being drizzled down the backs o my legs.

He started at my ankles, using both hands on one leg, spreading the cool lotion over my calve, and the back of my knee. That spot tickled, and I giggled, jumping slightly. He moved upward, and I shuddered at the feel of his slippery hands rubbing the back of my thigh, fingers moving inward, to glide along the inside of my thigh, and up under the leg of my trunks! My balls pulled up inside my scrotum then, and my cock jerked, and I held my breath, willing myself not to cum in my trunks! He let his fingers play over the inside of my thigh, high inside the leg of my trunks, ever so close to my balls! I gasped a little, and lifted my head, mumbling, " sunshine there, Dude...!" he chuckled, and said, "Nope...feels really nice, though...!" Oh man, I thought, that's like pretty overt...for sure...and....he's totally feels freeking awesome, actually! I lay my head back down, and sighed again, and squeaked, "Uh huh..!"

He shifted then, removing his fingers from my inner thigh, and started again on the other leg, repeating his movements, until his fingers again probed deeply under my swim trunks, grazing my inner thigh, mere inches from my aching balls! I groaned some more, and clearly felt the spreading wetness of my drooling precum! I shifted a little, and spread my legs wider, lifting my weight off my middle a little bit. Eric seized the opportunity this afforded him, and brought both hands into play, his fingers sliding inside both legs of my loose shorts, then, inward, until his fingers ever-so-lightly brushed against my ball sac! I moaned, and instinctively lifted my hips slightly, and jumped, as his fingers actually pressed against my balls briefly, then with drew!

He took his hands away then, and I felt him drop back onto the blanket beside me, saying, "There you go...good thing we took care of that, too...your skin is, like,!" I grinned, and looked at his slightly flushed face, and said, "You should feel it from MY side...!" he grinned, and rolled on his side facing me, and mumbled, "I wish...!" I locked my eyes onto his, and we held the smoldering gaze for a full minute or more, volumes being spoken, without a single word being said! I sucked in a deep breath, and rolled onto my back, my pulsing cock throbbing against the material of my trunks, and a huge wet spot totally visible right where my cock head drooled!

Eric's eyes went to my crotch, and widened, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. I watched him stare at my hardon, and moved my hand over to grip his, squeezing it firmly. He smiled wider, and met my eyes briefly, then moved his free hand onto my tummy, just above the elastic band, gently rubbing me there, causing my cock to twitch obviously inside my stretched trunks! Eric looked at it again, smiled, and uttered, "Awesome...!" I blushed, and nodded my head, saying softly, "Uh huh....for sure..!" He lifted his head, and glanced around, apparently checking for intruders on our special moment. Satisfied, he looked into my eyes again, and slipped his hand under the elastic, moving it down, until I felt his fingers tangle in my pubes for a minute, then, move again, and wrap around my turgid shaft! I groaned loudly, and thrust my hips upward, as Eric gripped my cock, making small up and down movements, as he muttered softly, "Oh Robby...shit...oh man....damn...!" I grunted, and bucked at his touch again, then groaned deeply, as I felt my balls let go, driving my pent up load through my pulsing cock, and erupting inside my trunks in several strong jets, seriously slimming my trunks, my balls, and Eric's hand, as he continued to jack my shooting cock!

Holy shit, I thought, as I sagged back onto the blanket, exhausted from the incredible orgasm! My mind raced, reliving the entire thing over again in my head, still having trouble believing what had just happened! Eric slid his drenched hand out of my shorts, and looked at me, as he brought his hand to his face. We both looked, and emitted small giggles, at the sight of my cum coating the back of his hand, then, as I watched, incredulous, he brought the slimed hand to his mouth, and licked it clean! I felt my face go bright red, and his eyes met mine again, and he smiled, and said, "Cool...very cool....!" I reached out, and took his hand, bringing it to my lips, and licked it, tasting the slight aftertaste of my own juices, and replied, "Uh huh....very right..!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 3

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