Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Aug 3, 2005


And so went the next few weeks of my Summer of Eric. We would cling desperately to every opportunity to be together, Eric and I. We would largely go through the motions of venturing off to a beach, or boardwalk, outing, or some other common activity, but in reality, all either of us really wanted was to be alone, naked, and heavily involved in ravaging each others bodies! We grew quite clever at creating those opportunities, be it at his place, mine, or just some isolated dune behind a remote stretch of beach somewhere. I continued to be unable to get enough of him, touching me, holding me, filling me so perfectly. He said that I continued to "make him crazy with lust" for me, and that he, too, just could not get his fill.

It got to the point that my body felt incomplete, wasted, during the times that I couldn't feel his strong arms hold me, his weight on me, his incredible thickness buried deeply inside me. The years of my wondering, and fearing to be who I am, were banished forever. My Summer of Eric gave me that, and I am eternally grateful. It would have gone on exactly as it was, certainly for the period of the upcoming school term, and we both knew that after that, Eric would be leaving for college, while I still had two years of high school left. We talked for hours, making plans for the near term, and the future. He had already petitioned for admittance to Cal-Poly after his graduation, and we decided that I would join him there, following mine. That is a part of the story that remains to be told, as our world changed suddenly just three weeks prior to school opening.

Eric and I had just spent an incredible day of sun, and sex, at private cabin owned by a man that he worked part-time for during the summers. Located high in the Santa Cruz Mountains, it was isolated, and totally private, including a locked gate guarding the only road that led into the place. Eric had told his boss that he had encountered a very willing beach bunny who was vacationing in town with her family, and he that he needed a secure place to avail himself of her pro-offered charms. The boss had happily hi-fived Eric, and handed him the keys with a wink. Little did he know that I was the beach bunny, and that the "charms" he was to avail himself of were something very different than the boss had anticipated for him.

The day was unbelievable, spent gloriously naked together, both of us undressing the other upon arrival. We were all over each other before our few clothes hit the floor, and after much frantic kissing, and mutual mauling, he fucked me to near-oblivion yet again, not even taking the time to close the cabin's front door! Our intense desires sated for the moment, we lounged naked in the warm sunshine, holding hands, and speaking again of our future. We soaked in the bubbly hot tub, our hands groping each others bodies under the frothy water, and he lifted me from the tub, sat my naked butt on the slightly rough redwood decking, and used his magic mouth on me, eliciting yet another star-studded orgasm from my quivering body, again leaving me breathless, and wanting more of him! We swam in the icy cold creek that meandered past the cabin, and I repaid the oral rapture he had provided me, as he lay back on a huge, smooth boulder, totally bathed in the bright sunlight. As the late afternoon sunlight shadowed the walls of the cabin, Eric lifted me from the sofa where we had cuddled, and carried me into the bedroom. He stripped away the covers, and laid me onto the cool, smooth sheets. He crawled into bed beside me, and proceeded to kiss, nibble, and lick nearly every square inch of my body, as my nerve endings screamed in pleasure, and joy! Finally unable to resist any longer, he gave me what I had wanted from the start, and entered me, filling me, just as he should always, his thick cock, and skillful movements once again pushing me the very edge of darkness, so intense were the feelings he awoke within me.

Sated, if not exhausted, we made our way down the mountain, and he took me home, leaving me, as usual, craving him again, as he kissed me goodbye. I walked inside my house, my skin still tingling from his touches, and was greeted by a very serious set of parents in the living room. They greeted me, and asked me to sit, there was something to discuss. I complied, and in a space of maybe ten minutes, my world crashed, and burned! My father, it seemed, had been offered, and accepted, a very important promotion with his company, a position much sought by many, complete with an important title, and compensation package. The one small down-side was that it meant our relocating to another state, and he was required to be there in one week's time! They went on to explain that the house had that afternoon been listed for sale, and that we all would be leaving on Monday, flying the corporate jet to Seattle, for the purpose of house hunting, and getting me enrolled in my new high school. Dad went on to explain that the package included the companie's relocation benefit, so that if our house didn't sell on the market in thirty days, the company would cash him out of it. The short version was, we were gone, and like, right now!

Crushed, I struggled through the announcements, even managing to smile, and offer congratulations to my always hard working father, before managing a fairly graceful retreat to the privacy of my bedroom. I closed the door, and stretched out on my bed, dazed, angry, and confused. How, I wondered, could this when I finally had it figured out...and... had my Eric...jeez...oh...jeez...! I laid there in the total darkness for a long, long time, struggling to not cry, like a baby, or yell, and throw things in anger. I wanted put those strong arms around me...hold me...touch me...tell me it wasn't true! I wanted to feel him...smell his scent...taste his warm revel myself in his softness...and feel my body melt into a gel-like state from his touches...kisses...his thickness inside of me...making me the way that only Eric could...!

I lay there, and lay there longer, and finally, the way became was my parents Dad's big shot in mid-life...and they both deserved it...had struggled long, and hard for it...and I was fast approaching my own opportunities in own struggles, and dreams, failures, and accomplishments. They wanted this, needed this...and I truly was happy for them! I sucked in a huge breath, so deep it actually burned in my lungs, and held it a long, long time before letting it slowly escape. My eyes were wet with my tears, and there was a hurt inside of me, way deep down. Eric's smiling face floated before me, and I saw him wink at me, and his voice, from very far away, told me, "Be a man, Robby-boy....this is about Mom, and's important...and best of all, Baby-boy....when you graduate...I will be right there at Poly, waiting for you....and for something so much more than....just a....Summer of Eric...!

The End

And so! A huge thanks to all of the many who read, and commented on this effort! The encouraging emails make it all work, as any writer of Nifty tales will attest, and I am certainly no exception! Thank you again, one and all!

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