Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Aug 2, 2005


I opened my eyes to a slightly out of focus view of a very concerned looking Eric. I squinted, and blinked, and got him better focused, and I smiled. His serious look didn't waver, and I suddenly realized that he was running a wet cloth over my forehead, and the back of my neck. I scooted up, my back against the headboard, and asked, "What's going on...?" He placed his palm on my forehead, then gently against my cheek, and asked, "Are you scared the crap out of me!" I blinked some more, and shook my head, trying to chase off the slightly fuzzy feeling I seemed to have. "I'm cool, sure...just...little weird....why?" I asked, and his look relaxed a little, as he replied, "Damn, freeking crashed on me...passed out like a flipping light!" I thought about that for a minute, and it suddenly flashed back for me, the incredible sex...fucking intense, I just maxed out the sensors...overload...all systems shut down...critical!"

I gave Eric a slightly weak smile, and said, "Yea....well...see....there was this...unbelievable guy...and he did all these incredible things to me...awesome, actually....and....he just sorta....fucked me....into oblivion!" Eric relaxed, and grinned, and, oh wow, he's actually!! "Oh really...." He stammered, and I nodded, lifting one hand to give him the "scouts honor" sign, and replied, "Uh huh...really!" He looked into my eyes, and slowly shook his head side to side, then, said, " somebody once said....the really good dances take flat scared the shit out of me, Baby-boy!" I put on my very best pouty face, and batted my eye lashes at him, saying, "I'm sorry if it scared you...really...but's not my fault that you're SUCH a stud-muffin...!" He laughed, and bent down to kiss my forehead, and mumbled, "Yea....right...well, long as your ok, now!" I nodded, and told him I was better than ok....that my body was tingling with "f.f.g." He cocked an eyebrow at that, and I went on to explain, "fresh....fucked...glow...!" And I blushed deeply, and giggled!

He laughed, and said, "OK...if that's how you feel, I'm ARE really ok...thank God!" He stretched out beside me, and laid an arm across my middle, his fingers rubbing small circles on my skin. It all felt so right...just as it should Eric...basking in the warm afterglow of the most intense experience of my life! After a while, he lifted his head, and lightly brushed his full lips against mine, and I reached behind his neck, pulling him closer, and kissed him deeply, flooding his warm mouth with my tongue. Breaking the kiss, I smiled at him, and said, "You're amazing....really amazing...I never felt that way before....not ever...starting all the way back at the car at the man...are totally...freeking...amazing...!" He met my eyes, and held the gaze, then, replied softly, "Well...that goes both ways, Robby...I never felt like that before either...and...your is amazing...I told make me crazy...wanting you...every part of I could just eat you up...and then start all over, again...!" I nodded, totally agreeing with every syllable he just spoke. Eric nuzzled my neck softly, and said, "Hey, does a shower with Mr. Amazing sound...?" I giggled, and answered, quickly, "Amazing...that's how!"

Eric stood, and gripped my hand, helping me get to my feet. The room swayed just a little, and I realized that I was still just a little off center. He slipped his arm around my waist, held me snuggly against him, and we walked into his private bathroom. He propped me against the tile vanity, and leaned into the large stall to get the shower running, and I took a quick glance into the big mirror behind the vanity. Wow, I thought...I actually AM glowing...and decided that I liked the look....liked it a lot, actually! Eric stepped over to me, and gently closed his hand around my flaccid penis, tugging it, and saying, "Come with me Baby-boy....!" And led me into the pulsing shower spray, my spent cock beginning to show signs of revival!

We took turns soaping, and stroking, each others bodies, and I marveled at how totally sensuous it was to shower with a much nicer it was to have someone else's hands soap your body....and how nice it felt to do the soaping, as well. My mind briefly flashed back to the dozens of school, and sports showers I had shared with other trying so hard not to look... or react...and at the same time, wondering what it would be like to really share this, I knew....and I knew I liked this, too...liked it a lot...just as I liked everything I had come to know...this summer of Eric....liked it all...a LOT..!

By the time we had rinsed the overload of soap away, both of us were sporting brand new erections, and we teased each others as we dried off, even performing a brief "sword fight," something I had read about, and always longed to try...we laughed, as we watched our childish actions in the large mirror! Eric....Eric...I thought to confused... and life used to be....before Eric...but now....well..!

Even though we had the huge house to ourselves, Eric told me to slip on some shorts before we went down to raid the kitchen, and he did so, as well. He explained that his parents could be unpredictable about their comings, and goings, even though they were supposed to be an entire coast away. The beauty of private jets, he explained, was the freedom from scheduled flights. I was again reminded of the vast differences in our backgrounds, and life styles, and shook my head slightly, at the wonder of his interest in me. Whatever it was, I was certainly smitten, and only knew that I wanted...needed...every ounce of him that he was willing to give. I suddenly shuddered, my whole body quivering slightly, as if chilled, even though it was very comfortable in the house. A slight nagging feeling of some foreboding crept across my mind, and I struggled to shut it down, wanting nothing to dispel the perfection of this day.

We rummaged the fridge, and cupboards, tossing together a veritable feast of hodge-podge fixings, and ate like two ravenous teen boys....which is exactly what we were! Satisfied, we decided to go poolside for a while, and Eric rigged the master alarm on the security system, which he said would give warning of any arrivals at the gates, even if the intruder input the proper codes for the system. That small detail covered, we promptly lost the shorts, and jumped into the sparkling, cool, pool. We swam laps, and even raced a few times, but I was no contest for Eric's superior size, and strength. In addition to being a strong swimmer, Eric also excelled at diving, and after a while, I just lounged out on the underwater stairs of the pool, and watched him perform dive after dive, and marveled at how his body could manage all the twists, and flips. It was awesome watching his cock, and balls, bounce around as he bounced on the spring board, gaining lift for his dives, too! Man, I thought, that thing is beautiful, and when it's buried inside of me, it's just the most amazing feeling ever. Oh jeez, I chastised myself, I'm actually wanting him, again!

He grew bored with the diving eventually, and after entering the water with barely a trace of his entrance point visible, he surfaced in front of me, promptly spitting a mouthful of pool water all over me! "Hey, Turkey!" I chirped, my voice cracking slightly. He laughed, and reached out to grab me around my waist, lifting me bodily into the air, then, tossed me over his shoulder like a flour sack, or something! He strode up the pool stairs, one hand reaching up to clamp onto the cheek of my butt, and yelped, "Whoa...look what I very sweet boy-butt...just for me!" I squealed, and pummeled his back with my fists, as he carried me to one of the huge lounges that surrounded the pool. He hoisted me, and rather unceremoniously dumped me onto the lounge on my back, legs all akimbo. He smiled down at me, then, dropped to his knees between my splayed legs. He reached out, and put his palms on my inner thighs, sliding upward, until one hand gripped my scrotum, and the other fisted my now stiff cock. He rubbed for a minute, then, looked into my eyes, his facing growing serious, as he said, " are so damn gorgeous....I can't get enough of you...ever...!" I grinned, and nodded my head, muttering, " too, Eric...and...I don't even want to get enough...not ever...!" He smiled, and leaned in close between my thighs, pressing my cock head against his slightly bristled cheek, and rubbing it around, while I lay back, just watching him.

God that's SO nasty, I thought to myself, loving every second of what he was doing. He guided my pulsing cock all around his face, and swiped it back and forth across his tightly closed lips, sending shivers down my spine. He held it rock still, pointed straight up, and his tongue slid out of his mouth, quickly licking the length of my stalk, then, swabbing wetly over the swollen head. I groaned as his tongue tip teased into my small slit, and groaned louder still, as his free hand gripped my balls, tugging at them gently. He pursed his full lips then, and planted a series of kisses all over my cock, ending at the base, where he moved on, to lave his tongue all over my ball sac, before sucking each of my balls into his mouth. Jeez, he had me again, I was getting light headed, my breath coming in ragged gasps, my chest rising and falling rapidly.

After orally pummeling my balls for what seemed like a long time, he backed off, and again gripped the shaft of my raging hard-on with his hand. He moved his head forward, and I jumped, my body going electric, as his warm, wet mouth slowly engulfed my entire cock! `OHhhhh....damn....Eric.....shit....shit....shit...!" I sang, my nerve endings once again going ballistic! His head, and sweet mouth, moved rhythmaticlly on my pulsing cock, and he moved his hand to my leg, lifting it, and turning it out to the side. As he completed an upward slide on my cock, he closed his lips just behind my sensitive head, and clamped them tightly, adding a strong suction. I groaned loudly, my fists grabbing at the covering of the lounge! "UMmmm...fuck....good....!" I wailed, and he once again swallowed me whole! I lurched upward, trying to drive my drooling cock into his throat, and he seized the opportunity to drill my tight entrance with his finger, its full length sliding inside me, as his buttery mouth continued its magic!

Now I was lost, no doubt about it! There were small, bright lights swimming behind my eyes, and my ears filled with a loud roar, as my ragged breathing caused drool to escape the corner of my gaping mouth. Eric sucked me, driving me totally out of my mind with sensations, his finger moving in and out of my hot hole until he found my hard little pleasure nub. He stabbed at it, and I quivered all over, the thought flashing across my feverish brain that he might just actually kill me with an overdose of pure pleasure! On he went, relentless, thank God, sucking me to ever higher and higher plateaus of sensation, the inserted finger maintaining a steady stimulation of my prostate, until I was sure I'd pass out again!

Finally, I could take it no more, and my back arched strongly, my hips driving upward, as my balls let go once more, my cumm scalding upward through my jerking cock, and flooding Eric's mouth in a series of rapid spasms. I yelled out, literally, almost loosing it again, from the sensory overload! He gripped my jerking shaft tightly, and swallowed my offering as fast as it presented, then released my spent tool. He rose rapidly to his feet, and gripped my waist, flipping me onto my front side, and pushing my knees forward, so that my butt was elevated. He moved again, centering his own raging erection at my pucker, and lunged, driving his entire thickness into my pussy in one long thrust! I yelped again, and hammered my fists onto the cushion, blabbering, and begging him to fill me, to fuck me, to kill me....anything....just....don't...stop....! His strong hands gripped my bucking hips, and he drilled into me, over and over, until he called out my name, and erupted, his thick cock jerking inside me, once again spraying his essence across my quaking insides in jets strong enough that I felt each one pulsing into me!

He sagged forward, onto my back, and together, we collapsed in a heap on the lounge, both of us gasping for breath, and pouring sweat from our exhausted bodies. We lay there, slowly recovering, for a long time, silent, but lightly touching each other wherever we could reach. Finally, Eric lifted his weight off me, and rolled to the side, into a sitting position. I rolled over onto my back, my totally spent cock all soft, and small, nestled against my aching ball sac. Our eyes met, and I smiled, saying very softly, "'s a!" He chuckled quietly, and replied, "And you...Baby-boy...make me...SO....fucking...crazy...!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 16

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