Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 28, 2005


Jeez, I thought to myself, as we were brushing sand from our sweating bodies, THAT...was intense! What the fuck is up with me, all of a sudden? I mean, jeez, Eric, like, barely looks at me, and my dick goes hard, and my asshole....ok...pussy, then...giggle....gets, like, all itchy for that thick meat of his! Shit...I am...must be....freeking....queer...!" Holy shit!

As I shot gunned these random thoughts through my mind, Eric stood up from his crouched position, and stepped close to me, his hand going behind my neck. He pulled me gently toward him, and his warm tongue slid out, licking across my lips, then, slid into my opened mouth, as he kissed me. Pulling back, he smiled, and said, "You are the hottest person I've ever known....incredible...I just can't get enough of your sexy body!" I blushed, but it was dark, so no biggy, and stammered, "Me too...I just barely...uh...take it out of me...and...shit...I want it back!" He chuckled, and reached behind me, his hands cupping my still naked butt cheeks, and replied, "'s right now...?" I giggled, and reached my hand down between us to heft his half hard cock. "'re serious, huh...?" I squeaked, my own cock twitching slightly, and that itch beginning in my...oh jeez....pussy! He flexed the muscles in his cock, and I felt it thicken in my hand, as his fingers probed into my still draining cleft. "I am totally serious, Robby-boy...tell me you're up for it...and I'm ready to fuck you again, right now!"

Oh God, yes....that's exactly what I wanted him to do...big time...but, damn...I was pretty tender, even before that last time...don't want to tear myself up...better cool it, I thought, for a little while, anyway! I nuzzled my lips against his neck, and said softly, "I want it, Eric....really want it...but...uh...I'm actually a little sore, right now..." I gripped his cock harder, and whispered at his ear, "Can you give me a little breather....please...?" He moved his hands from my butt, and reached to grip my soft cock, squeezing it gently, and answered, " Sure, way I ever want to hurt you...I just get so crazy with wanting're just so damn cute and sexy...and...if I flat out died fucking your awesome pussy...I'd go out totally happy!" I giggled, and felt my face grow hot again, and shook my head in wonder of the tingly effect his words had on my body! The guy had me, for sure, and I was already considering forgetting the soreness, and just lying down for him again, right now!

His cock had gone full hard in my fingers as I had played with it, and now I stroked the smooth skin, manipulating it over the rock hard tissue beneath. I rubbed my thumb over his smooth cock head, and reached to cup his balls in my other hand. He groaned, and let more of his weight lean into me, and I felt him shudder. "Good...?" I whispered in his ear, my hands working his fully aroused equipment. "Oh yea...fuck...yea...!" He responded, and he shuddered again, as I repeated my trip across his flared head, my finger digging into his small slit. "UMmmm...!" He moaned, and I repeated the movement several times, still gently rolling his loose nuts in their sac. On my next pass over his cock head, I was rewarded with a pearl of his precum, as it began to ooz from his opened slit. "Ahhh...yea...gimme...!" I purred against the soft skin of his neck, and I gently milked his balls, urging them to give up more of the precious nectar.

Eric began a gentle thrusting of his hips, pumping his throbbing cock into my fist, and I worked his thick shaft, and his balls, as another serving of his slick fluid oozed forth. "Damn...I'm wasting all of this...!" I mumbled, and quickly dropped to my knees in front of him, my tongue snaking out to swab over his drooling cock head. "Ungggg....!" He grunted, and I lapped him again, my taste buds exploding in reaction to the slightly acrid flavor of his juice. His fingers slid into my hair, lightly gripping my head, as he continued thrusting gently, urging me to take him. I gripped the base of his stalk in my fingers, and focused my eyes on his flared head, emitting a soft groan of my own, as I watched yet another shiny teardrop emerge from the small slit. I quickly extended my tongue, and captured it, then slid his entire length into my wanting mouth. "AGGggggg....Ummm....!" He wailed, and I felt the drooling head of his thick meat bump the back of my throat. I withdrew, then swallowed him again, then repeated it all, my fingers tugging at his scrotum. His grip on my head tightened, and he guided my sucking movements with his strong fingers. "Oh baby-boy....jeeeeesuzz...!" He groaned!

Up and down his turgid cock I went, working him with suction, tongue, and lips, my saliva charged mouth drooling wetly over the pulsing meat of his cock. I tugged at his balls, and circled my finger and thumb at the base of his shaft, applying a jacking motion there, in sync with my sucking. His fingers gripped tufts of my hair, and tugged at it, as his hip thrusts increased. "Aggg....fuck, baby....gonna.....AHHhhhhh....!" He roared, and his cock swelled thicker in my mouth, jerking, and throbbing, and I felt his nuts pull away from my fingers. The thing went off like a cannon, his creamy cum erupting across my tongue in thick, rapid jets, and I gulped his honey as fast as he produced it, shivering all over, at the sensation of his silky butter sliding down my throat. My senses were alive with the taste, and the texture of him, and he just kept pulsing the warm fluid into my mouth, totally amazing me with his ability to produce so much of the stuff, so soon after the last time!

Finally spent, and drained, his fingers relaxed their grip on my hair, and I pulled back, letting his drooping cock slip from my puffy lips. I raised a hand to my mouth, and swiped away an errant string of his cum from the corner of my mouth. I looked up at him, and smiled, then moved the cum coated finger to my lips, and slid it into my mouth, sucking it, then smacking my lips loudly, our eyes locked together. He grinned as he watched me suck the slimed finger, and shook his head slowly, then, dropped to his knees beside me. He lifted his hands, and gently gripped my cheeks in his palms, and leaned into me, kissing my lips, and working his tongue into my mouth, where we shared the lingering aftertaste of his incredible flavor. Finally breaking the kiss, Eric pulled back slightly, grinning, and reached out to let his fingers lightly trace over my lips. I looked into his soulful eyes, and he said, almost a whisper, "Incredible....totally incredible...!" I giggled, feeling my cheeks blushing, as I looked into those eyes. He shook his head slightly, winked at me, and added, "But...I still want to fuck you, again!" I nodded, grinning widely, and replied, "Uh too...!"

We reluctantly managed to keep our hands off each other long enough to reassemble our scant clothing, and made our way out from under the boardwalk to the beach. The moonlight was incredibly bright, and lit the rolling surf beautifully. We held hands, and walked toward the surf line, dropped our shoes onto the sand, and waded into the gentle surf about knee deep. We stood together in the cool water, and Eric slipped an arm around my waist, snuggling me to him as we stood silent, enjoying the trail of moonlight reflecting off the foamy surf. `I gotta tell you, Little Bud, my being on the boardwalk that night you came crashing through....that's about the best thing that ever happened for me!" I nuzzled my face against his smooth chest, and gently nipped my teeth across his nipple, then said, "God, were, for still are!" His arm gripped me tighter, but he made no reply.

A few more quiet minutes passed as we stood there, and I felt Eric take a deep breath. He exhaled it slowly, and he turned slightly, looking down to meet my upturned eyes. "Do you really feel that way, Robby...really, I mean....because sometimes...well...sometimes I feel I have taken some kind of advantage of're crashed across the boardwalk that night...running away from...the very kinds of things that I have gotten you into...!" I gazed up at his very serious face, and thought about what he had said. I was captivated, briefly, by the reflected moonlight that backlit his face, causing an almost halo-like affect around his head.

Inhaling deeply, I reached for his free hand, and held it, then answered, "'s really how I feel...that you are there for me...I'm safe with you...and happy...and...well...all of the...things....we do....that part feels right for me,!" He smiled at that, nodded gently, and replied, "Great answer, Dude...really...and, believe me, I know all too well what you had been dealing with before that sucks being torn like that...knowing that you feel so different about things...and having those feelings crashing into all the stuff you've been taught your whole life...and feeling so guilty...about those, big time...!" I nodded, thinking that he had just SO nailed it, in just those few words! I let go of his hand, and turned to face him, my arms reaching up to close around him, and hugged him tightly, as his arms circled my waist, holding me just as tightly. After a few silent moments, I lifted my head, and looked up at him, smiled, and said, "Hey, Mister.... `ya wanna take me home with you...?" A slow grin crossed his handsome face, and he nodded, saying, "Oh yes, Little Boy....I want that...very much!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 14

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