Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 26, 2005


Much as I had loved it, I had to admit that the wear and tear to my recently virgin butt had left things a bit tender. When I mentioned this condition to Eric, he had quickly checked me over for any visible damage. Finding none, he concluded that it was the result of his fucking me twice, in a relatively short period of time, and none to tenderly at that, as he had gotten lost in his passion. He gently applied some soothing ointment to my nether region, an act which damn near started round three, and to hell with the soreness!

Since a break in the action was in order, we decided to dress, and cruise down to the beach, and boardwalk, to check out the happenings, and maybe hookup with some friends. We got our shorts and sandals on, and tooled back to town, parking Eric's car on a side street near the beach. We walked the few blocks to the boardwalk area, and went into the old diner that was sort of home base for our group. Several of Eric's friends were there, and a couple of mine, though not actually together. Not many of the seniors, and recent graduates, tended to mingle with us lowly freshmen in a social way, Eric being the obvious exception. Well, recently, at least. I stopped at my friends table to chat, and Eric continued on to join his crowd. After chatting a minute, I moved across the room to join Eric. He slid over a little on the bench seat of the booth, and I sat down next to him, our bare thighs making contact, which caused my cock to stiffen slightly inside my shorts. I giggled softly, and Eric glanced down at my lap, then grinned, as he put his hand on my inner thigh, and slid it upward until he was putting light pressure on my cramped balls. That, of course, was all my dick needed to attain full hardness, and I sat there tenting the front of my shorts, big time! Their conversation continued unabated, as Eric joined in, casually fondling my nuts under the table.

I felt my cheeks grow warm, both from the contact of Eric's probing fingers, and from the fact that I was sure my friends could see what was going on from their table across the way. I sort of shifted sideways, hoping to make the view less obvious, and Eric's hand moved higher into my lap, his fingers closing around my rock hard shaft, squeezing it, and releasing it, again, and again, as he continued to make small talk with his friends. The boy across from me, Paul, I think, looked at me funny, and asked, "Hey, OK, look kind of...flushed...!" I felt myself grow redder still, and stammered, "Uh...yea, sure...I'm cool...too much sun, maybe...!" He nodded, but still looked doubtful of the explanation, and Eric chimed in, saying, "Yea...way too much sun, probably...we been at the beach, and then swimming at my place...little overdone, is all." And he continued to manipulate my aching cock. Paul digested this bit of information, and a sly look crossed his face, as he smirked at Eric, and said, "Really....took the freshman boy to the palace, did robbing the cradle now days, dude....?" He tossed at Eric, causing some peaked interest among the others seated around the table. Eric grinned, gave my cock another grip, and replied, "Actually, Dude....who I choose to take to my place is SO not your business, right...?" Paul thought that over for a second, then nodded slightly, and muttered, "Uh...right...sure...just joshing ya, Dude...!" Eric paused, and stared Paul down, then said, "Right...well...don't, OK...?" Paul looked away, and muttered, "It's cool...sure...!"

The air over the table was suddenly thick enough to cut with a dull knife, and Eric nudged against me, saying, "Slide out, Robby...we got better places to be...!" I gasped slightly, knowing that if I stood, my hard-on was going to be totally obvious, to both Eric's group, and my own friends, along with anybody else in the diner who happened to be looking! I stammered, "'s cool, Eric...we can to your Buds...!" He grinned at me, looking deeply into my eyes, and shook his head in the negative, saying, "Nope...we are outa here...get up, Dude...let me out!" I blushed, and pleaded with him with my eyes. He nudged into me again, and said, "Out...let's go...!" I swallowed a deep gulp of air, and scooted to the edge of the bench, and stood, quickly turning away from the table, and walking toward the door. As I scooted past my friends table, I clearly saw three pairs of wide eyes gazing at my swollen crotch, as three mouths dropped open, simultaneously! Eric followed closely behind me, and as soon as we hit the boardwalk outside, he gripped my elbow, and hurried me toward the end of the boardwalk where the old roller coaster was located, speaking into my ear as we went along, saying "Damn, that was freeking're so damn sexy, and cute...all fucking hard like that...screw those, are all I want!" I was totally surprised by his behavior with his friends, but at the same time, his standing up to them for me that way had definitely turned my aching cock into a steel rod!

We got to the roller coaster entrance, and saw there was a line about half a mile long, so Eric steered me to the shorter line for the rickety old Ferris wheel instead. He bought two tickets, and we boarded a seat just before they started the ride. It was beautiful as we wheeled over the top, the sun setting into the sea giving off an almost eerie Orange glow to the rapidly darkening sky. We mad a few revolutions, then the ride stopped, as we were perched on the very top. Eric had his arm around my shoulders, and he gently pulled me toward him. I leaned into his side, and turned my head to look at him, and he licked his full lips, smiled, then kissed me smack on the mouth, his tongue flooding my mouth! I melted into him, gently sucking his tongue as it probed my mouth. He broke the kiss, and pulled his head back slightly, and looked into my eyes. He slid his hand into my lap, and firmly gripped my swollen cock, and said, "God damn....tender or not...I really, really, want to fuck you again...right now...!" I gulped, feeling my little pucker twitch at his words, and my cock throbbing in his grip, and nodded rapidly, squeaking, "Oh too...!"

The ride started up again, and Eric continued to fondle my cock, while he nuzzled into my neck, licking me, reciting a litany of nasty/nice things he wanted to do to me. They stopped our chair at the bottom, and we quickly exited the ride, my granite hard cock still seriously tenting my shorts, causing some strange looks from onlookers as we past. Eric steered me to the stairway that led down to the beach, and we hurried down to the sand. He turned then, and gripping my hand tightly, he started back under the boardwalk, deeper and deeper into the darkness. The place was legendary as a make out spot for the young vacationers who frequented the boardwalk in summer, and the story had it that a good portion of the local teens had parted with their virginity down here, as well. Eric seemed to have a particular location in mind, and we continued quite a way back, then, stopped. He smiled at me, his hands going behind me to grip both my ass cheeks in his hands. "You are so damn cute....and make me nuts...I want you so bad that it hurts...!" He chanted, and I wiggled my butt against his hands, and worked my aching cock against his equally hard one, and squeaked, "Me too...all of that...oh God, Eric....please...fuck me...hurry...!" He dropped to his knees, and quickly stripped my shorts to my feet, where I stepped out of them. In an instant, my drooling cock was fully buried in his warm, wet, mouth, and he was sucking me hungrily, his fingers tugging at my aching balls!

I groaned deeply, electric sensations coursing everywhere through my shaking body. Jeez, I was crazy with wanting him...needing him...hungry for him to be in me again! He sucked me a while, then released my balls, and slid his hand between my spread legs, his fingers finding my warm cleft, and digging into it, until he located my quivering entrance. He rubbed over my pucker a few times, his magic mouth still driving me wild, then, pressed, and slipped his finger through my tender ring, as I groaned, and winced slightly. I relaxed my muscle, and applied a slight downward pressure, matching his movements as he fingered my hungry butt.

After a few minutes of fingering and sucking me, he pulled off my cock, and slid his finger from my ass. He reached up, and pulled me down onto the sand beside him, and again kissed my mouth, as I tasted myself on his lush lips. He dug in the pocket of his shorts, and produced a small tube of lube, then peeled off his shorts. His cock slapped loudly against his stomach, and I reached for it, stroking its silky hardness. He groaned, and gently turned me, pressing on my back, until I got onto all fours, my hungry hole fully exposed to his wanton gaze. "Oh fuck are soooo fucking hot...!" He groaned, and I jumped slightly, as he swabbed my entrance with the cool gel, then, reinserted his slick finger into my molten depth. "Aggg.....shit....yes...hurry....Eric...oh shit.....fuck me...hurry...!" I grunted, dropping lower on my arms, and waving my hungry butt in front of him! "Fuck got it, hotstuff...damn...what a hot little pussy on you...all for me...!" He groaned, and scooted forward behind me, and I felt his slippery cock head press against my little wrinkle! I buried my face in my forearms, and wiggled my naked butt, squealing, "Yes...come!" He shifted behind me, and pressed into me, and I emitted a long, slow, moan, stinging slightly, as his thickness slid into me, steadily moving, until I felt his balls gently slap at my upturned ass. "OHhhh...fuck...yesssss.....!" He grunted, and his hands gripped my bare hips, as he began moving, slowly and gently, fucking me. I clamped down tightly on his thick tool, and moved my butt in small circles, sucking him deeper into me, my mouth open, and drooling onto my arms. "Oh...oh...oh...!" I chanted, on fire everywhere with pure lust, and pleasure! "Fuck me....oh!" Was my cadence, and he did, big time! He drove in and out of me, his hand coming around my middle to grip my leaking cock, and stroke it in time with his thrusts in and out of my gripping sleeve.

Hot, and horny, as we both were for it, it didn't take long before our balls were boiling, mere seconds away from exploding! I felt my swinging nuts go tight, and my cock gave a lurch in his stroking fist, and I erupted, the jolts of his driving cock head on my prostate making me lose it. My cum ejected from my cock in long, thick, ropes, and splattered across the dry sand in front of me, as I grunted with each new burst of the stuff! Eric slammed me harder now, and gripped my slim hips tightly, and cooed, "Oh it comes...gonna paint your pussy....oh....fuck...yessssss.....!" He wailed, and I felt his thick shaft pulsing in my tunnel, his hot load jetting itself into my guts so strongly I wondered if it might come out of my mouth!

Spent totally now, the incredible passion, and pure lust, of the event cooled, he withdrew from me, his softening cock slipping out of me with a soft popping sound. I collapsed forward, onto the soft, warm sand, gasping for air. He stretched out beside me, slid an arm over me, and pulled me too him, holding my still shaking body. I felt his warm juices oozing from my stretched entrance, and giggled softly against his nipple. He stroked me gently, then lifted my chin, and softly kissed my lips. He pulled back, and smiled, then said, You...Robby-boy...are...un-fucking-believable...!" I giggled, still panting like a race horse, and squeaked, "Uh you....some more...!" He shook his head softly, and reached between our sweaty bodies to gently hold my tender, spent cock, and replied, "Soon, baby-boy....!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 13

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