Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 21, 2005


We lay there a while, our sweating bodies entangled together, winding down. Eric's cock eventually shrunk enough that I felt it slip out of my tender pucker. That new sensation was immediately followed by another, when I realized that his seemingly endless load was now oozing from my newly ravaged hole, and draining down over my balls, and onto Eric's thighs beneath me. He felt it too, and chuckled, moving his hands to grip my ass cheeks, then moving them, kind of open and closed, causing his creamy spunk to leak faster still! "Maybe a swim would be good...?" He chuckled, and I lifted my head off his chest to look at him. I wasn't really sure that I could even stand up, much less walk, but I nodded my head, and replied, "Yea...I'm pretty much a serious mess back there, I think...!" He ran his fingers through my hair, and said, "I'm to be...I never came so much in my life..!" I blushed, and replied, "No shit...was awesome...didn't think you were going to stop...ever...!" He slipped his hand in between our torso's, and slid his fingers into the copious pool of my cum that I had blasted onto him, and smiled, saying, " didn't do so bad yourself, Robby-boy...!" I giggled, and nodded, then said, "For sure...I know for a fact that was the best cum I ever had...awesome...!"

He nudged at me, and I peeled myself away from his cum slicked body, and stumbled to my feet. There was a kind of strange feeling in my butt...stretched, open feeling...tender, too...not actually sore...just...what...sensitive, I guess..! I still felt his slick cream drooling out, and wondered just how much of the stuff he actually had deposited in my gut! Erick got to his feet, and I looked down at his thick meat dangling between his strong legs, and shook my head...holy shit...that beauty was actually INSIDE me...damn...rock hard, and so freeking thick...pummeling my tight chute...jeez...I actually did well fucked, too...oh man...jeez...! He hugged me to him briefly, then, squeezed my left ass cheek, saying, "Come on, Hotstuff...swim time...!" And he took my hand, led us to the edge of the pool, and we jumped into the cool, refreshing, water!

We swam, and paddled around some, and I finally settled back onto the shallow end steps, gingerly sitting my tender butt onto the concrete, and stretching my legs out in front of me. Eric was working on some strong laps of the pool, and I leaned back in the cool water, and closed my eyes. Amazing, totally amazing, I thought to far I had such a short time...all the way from seriously fighting with my desires...determined not to let myself be "queer"...not sexually desirous of another only getting ASKING for it...damn near begging, even...and...oh man...yea, that too...LIKING IT...a lot, actually..!

My mind continued to replay the amazing events of the past several days with Eric, reflecting on all of the many brand new experiences...and sensations...I had unbelievable it had been, just to see his hard cock for the first hard...throbbing...the smooth helmet an angry red-purple full of lust...and desire...wanting ME...needing me, even...jeez! Then, to actually touch him...hold that pulsing power in my hand...the silky smooth feel of the skin moving over the rock hard tissue beneath...awesome...I pictured the first time I saw his precum emerge from the small slit...a true life indication of his real desire...the slick feel of it, as I spread it around with my fingers...feeling his body tense up from the sensation of my touch at his sensitive place...and his plump balls...their heavy weight...the tight, slightly wrinkled skin of his scrotum in my hand...the large orbs moving within...his soft moans of pleasure as I touched him there...then...oh God...the first feel of that turgid cock on my mouth...filling me...the spongy head bumping the back of my free flowing saliva, as I reacted to his incredible tool in my mouth...closing my lips around its thickness...and sucking it...the almost non-taste of different that my expectation...but the power of it...and...oh wow...the explosion...all that cum...seems like a ton, and again...jeez...kind of bitter...warm...slippery feeling...sliding down my throat...funny kind of after-taste...nice...really nice...!

But man...this...uh...well, yea...ok...fucking....jeez...! Got shit...FUCKED...jeez, again....hurt right at first...going in me....all thick...big head digging tight spot...fucking well butt muscles all clamped like a freeking vise...felt like a tree trunk...but...good...better...jeez...really good then...oh shit yea...and wow...I actually FELT him freeking MUCH...again...and again....and... again...! Me too, actually...jeez...felt like my nuts just exploded...that spot inside...his dick banging on that...fuck yea...awesome...!

Eric paddled up beside me, and slid his and between my outstretched legs, gently gripping my ball sac, and shaking me from my mental reverie. He grinned at me, and rolled my balls in his hand, asking, "'s my OK, dude...?" I smiled back at him, and nodded my head, answering, "Uh huh...actually...I am VERY ok...!" He released my balls, and gripped the shaft of my cock, stroking it gently, and causing it to thicken in his hand. He winked at me, smiled, and replied, "I'll buy sure as hell are....VERY ok, Robby-boy...and more...! I blushed, and giggled, opening my legs wider, and leaning back, really getting into his rubbing my once again hard cock. I inhaled, and exhaled deeply, then said, "You get like, maybe an stop doing that...!" He chuckled, and replied, "Your on,'ll never last that long...!" I grinned, and squeaked, "Try me, Mister...!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 11

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