Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 1, 2005


No need for typical disclaimers with this story, as both players in the tale are underage, although one is slightly older. It is, as usual, fiction, conjured up in the oft too-fertile corners of my mind. Might have happened though, in fact, somewhere, sometime, it probably has! Enjoy, and please feel free to comment!


The seaside town of Santa Cruz, California was a seriously happening place during the summer months. Several years back, the State University System had opened a campus there, and in practically no time, the once quiet little beach town had exploded with growth. New home, and apartment, development was rampant, and the population tripled, at least. Not all of the rapid growth was due to the University, but was also greatly affected by the towns proximity to the infamous Silicone Valley of Cupertino, California, located something like an hours drive to the East. Many of the tech workers employed there preferred living in the Ocean front Santa Cruz to the extreme urban sprawl of the Santa Clara Valley, despite the fairly rigorous commute involved.

As a boy growing up in the nearby San Jose area, I had been to Santa Cruz countless times, both with family, and during my high school years, with my friends. The place was a great hang out for the young crowd, with its awesome beaches and dunes, with the added attraction of the famous Boardwalk amusement Arcade. As summer evenings fell, the teen beach goers would all eventually migrate to the Boardwalk, and avail themselves of the many cheap food outlets, and the rides, not the least of which was the incredible roller coaster they had there. Still in operation today, it is, I believe, the last all wooden roller coaster in existence, or, at least, the oldest. As a kid, I never tired of the knot in my stomach feeling that occurred every time I rode that monster, with its near-vertical drops, and the famous curving section that swept riders out over the crashing surf below at very high speed! In addition to the cheap, greasy food, and the rides, it was THE place to hookup, a veritable smorgasbord of succulent young flesh of both genders, and even some that landed somewhere in between!

It was here, during the summer between my freshman, and sophomore years of high school, that I began to notice that I definitely had something different going on regarding my developing sexuality. In many ways, I considered myself quite the typical teen boy. Horny, constantly, my skillful right hand seizing every opportunity to grasp my turgid erection, and literally whip it into a spitting frenzy! Wanting to be like all of my buds, I joined in the near non-stop chatter about the bevy of nubile young girls that dotted the landscape, seemingly everywhere! I would listen with rapt attention as the swordsmen among us would spiel forth eminent details of their successes in bedding, or near-bedding, a variety of equally horny, and curious females. It was during several of these sessions that it occurred to me that something was just a tad different about me, in that my interest was definitely more peaked, as some teen stud gave forth with the details of how some willing young thing had showered his massive weapon with affection, stroking it, fondling his balls, or, on a particularly good day, actually sucked him off! You see, it finally dawned on me that being in the place of that girl he was talking about, is what I found exciting!

After that realization, my jack off fantasies began to focus on other boys that I hung out with, or played sports with, or even just casually encountered someplace. I would work my poor cock into a lather, as I clearly pictured myself stroking another boys cock, and balls, ultimately taking it deeply into my mouth, and sucking it, until I was rewarded with the eventual explosion, and the resultant flooding of my talented mouth! Yikes! In those days, "gay" would not have been the adjective of choice for my preference, it would clearly have been described as "queer!" Was I queer, I began to wonder? I had heard the term, and understood that it loosely referred to effeminate males, who dressed in silly getups, wore tons of jewelry, and "swished!" Hell, that didn't come close to describing me! I wore Levi's, shorts, and tee shirts, just like all of my friends. I was NOT into jewelry, and I definitely did NOT "swish!" Further, I most definitely did not WANT to be "queer!" So what's up with these crazy fantasies that kept popping up in my head, I wondered?

Like any 15 year old, confronted with a similar crisis in his young life, I decided that all I really needed was to get "laid" like my Buds, and I would be "fixed!" I became determined to seek the early conquest of the first available maiden I could get my hands on! Toward that end, I soon had scored a date with a cute little thing that had shown definite interest in me since about 8th grade. Not yet having acquired the independence that accompanies a driver's license, the opportunity to be alone with the fair damsel of my somewhat forced desire was limited. After much thought, I wrangled us an invite to a somewhat wild house party that was on for a Friday night, figuring that there would be ample opportunity to sneak off to some private place, and "fix" my slightly warped libido. Further, I knew there would be free flowing alcohol available at this particular gig, and hey, that couldn't hurt my chances, right?

My "date" and I arrived at said party, she all aglow at the prospect of actually being on my arm, at last, and me, with a stomach totally full of butterflies the size of, say, Utah! She was a pretty thing, indeed, all golden locks, and rosy cheeks, complete with a dazzling smile. She was petite, and curvaceous, small, but firm melons affixed high on her chest, and an ass that you could probably stack books on. I had been at the beach with her in the group many times, she in the tiny bikini typical of the times, so I knew that her small, firm body rated high on the "10" list. What I was slightly unclear about, was my seemingly total indifference to that fact. Anyway, I told myself, in for a penny, etc, and I promptly began plying the poor thing with as much of the well spiked punch that I could entice her to ingest.

After much swilling of the potent punch, and countless slow turns on the improvised dance floor that actually was the back patio, I managed to entice the poor thing to slip away with me to the pool cabana, reportedly to "talk" privately. As we slipped into the dark space, the butterflies in my stomach grew from Utah sized to, oh say, Texas! Determined to have my "fix", I settled close to her on the small day bed that resided there, and soon we were heavily into the kissing and cooing, with the sweet young thing rapidly showing much more interest in the proceeding than my soft little weapon could muster! Shit!

Undaunted, I persevered, and soon was making frantic gropes at her sweet tits, which, I knew, were supposed to make me slightly crazy with lust, a mission aid that I definitely needed right now! She apparently misinterpreted my level of interest in her melons, as she promptly pushed my groping hands away, and tugged the top she was wearing over head, totally baring her grapefruit-sized mammary glands to my somewhat horrified view! To make matters worse yet, at least from my perspective, she promptly followed this action with the rapid removal of her shorts, and panties! I stared at this totally naked girl before me, and was mortified to discover that I had absolutely no desire to take this further. Even if I had possessed a single clue on how to accomplish that, I'm not sure, even to this day, that I could have made myself do it! I rocked back on my haunches, jaw agape, and slowly, too slowly, came to the realization that my ever-ready cock was currently in no condition to advance the proceedings!

The poor girl totally misread my reactions, and was quickly tugging at my own shorts, managing to push them, and my boxers, down to my knees, revealing my flaccid weapon to her shocked gaze! She stared a minute, then shifted her eyes to meet mine. We did a brief stare-down, then, a less than kind giggle escaped her pouty mouth, which soon escalated, to my personal horror, into a very cruel laugh! She continued to laugh uproariously, as my face turned a very strange shade of crimson, and began pulling her brief clothing back on, all the while muttering unkind comments relative to my manhood mixed among her giggles!

As I sat there completely speechless, the fair lass who was to have been my salvation from a lifetime of "queerness" bounded from the small room, and began announcing, in a very loud voice, that she had seriously wasted the last few years of her young life lusting after me, who couldn't even "get it up" when it most counted! The din of crude comments and giggles began to swell as the word spread forth, and I finally snapped out of my daze, restored my lower clothing, and hauled ass out of there, post-freeking-haste!

Mortified to the max, I covered the several blocks to the boardwalk area in a dead run, my mind overloaded with panic regarding the consequences of my failure. Certain that total excommunication from my circle of friends was a given, and that the remainder of my life locally would be fraught with scorn, and disrespect, I seriously contemplated just continuing my head-long run right into the moon-lit sea, with a goal of swimming all the way to Hawaii! In reality, I stopped at the edge of the breaking surf, and collapsed onto the still warm sand, exhausted. Plainly, I just was NOT that good a swimmer!

I stretched out fully on the sand, and gasped deep gulps of air, my heart literally hammering in my chest. Oh fuck, I thought, what now! As I began to reconsider my swim to the far off islands, I detected motion to my left, and turned my head to seek its source. Jogging toward me was boy from school, a junior, I remembered, named Eric. He skidded to a stop beside me, and dropped on his knees, saying, Hey, OK...what's up with you...?" Still gulping air, I nodded, and tried for a smile, answering, "Oh sure...yea...I'm just freeking great....'cept my life just ended, is all!" I sat up, hoping to catch more air in that position, and Eric put his hand on my back, saying, Oh, your life ended, is all...well, thought for a minute you had a serious problem...the way you went flying across the boardwalk!" Unable to stop myself, I chuckled at his response, and turned to look at him.

In retrospect, I should have just gone for the swim! As my eyes settled on Eric's face, I felt my still pounding heart add the new sensation of a lurch! God, I never realized how drop-dead cute he is....well....maybe just a little...and from a distance much, much greater than the scant inches that separated us now! He wore his sandy hued hair cut long, just trailing over his ears, and center parted, which allowed the soft looking bangs to just hang onto his forehead. The near darkness prevented me from being sure, but his eyes appeared dark, probably brown. His radiant smile revealed perfectly straight, gleaming white rows of teeth, and the small dimples that dotted his creamy smooth looking cheeks. I gulped a time or two, and managed a smile in return, then said softly, "I'm OK, Dude....really...but hey...thanks for even caring...really!" He made a soft chuckle, and nodded, his hand still gently pressing into the small of my back, which, I realized was strangely transmitting right through me, to my balls, or all places!

"Course I care, Dude...we're schoolmates, right....uh...You're Rob, right...sophomore class coming up....and hey...I'm Eric..!" I smiled again, or maybe it was actually still, and replied, "yep...right...Rob....and I already know who you are, Dude...everybody knows who you are..!" He flashed the gleaming smile again, and moved his hand slightly on my back, rubbing, sort of, and jolting my nuts again, then said, "Nawww....not everybody Dude...only the best people...giggle...and I've for sure seen you's cool we finally hooked up, actually...!" My heart did the little lurch thing again, and I wondered, hooked that what's going on here...God....I sooo hope..!

He stood then, removing his hand from my back, and I suddenly missed the contact...a lot! He extended his hand down to me, and I grasped it, getting yet another nut jolt. He pulled, and I got to my feet, then, started brushing sand off my legs and shorts. As I bent down, he dropped his hand, and slapped at my upturned butt! I jumped, and he chuckled, saying, "Easy, dude....just losing the sand is all...!" I felt my face go hot, and was actually glad for the semi-darkness! He moved close beside me then, and slid an arm across my shoulders, and said, "How about I buy you a super-sized soda, that Olympic style dash made you thirsty..!" I grinned, nodded, and answered, "Maybe not Olympic....but yea...plenty long enough to make me seriously dry..!" He looked at me, and grinned that cute grin, and said softly, "Yea, right...dry...well, come with me then...I know a few ways to fix that...!"

We walked across the expanse of beach, and went up the stairs to the boardwalk, his arm over my shoulders the whole way! As we reached the top of the stairway, he took his arm away, but stood close to me, as a few of his friends spotted us, and walked over. "Yo, Eric....where did ya run off to..?" asked a tall, black haired boy, looking concerned. Eric again gripped my shoulder in his palm, and smiled, answering, "Went to check out my Bud Rob, here...he was practicing for the 5k run...!" The black haired guy grinned, and looked at me, then said, "5k,!" I smiled, and kind of checked out the tops of my tennis shoes, trying not to blush! "We're gonna go get a soda and wash down the sand...want to come..?" Asked Eric. The black haired guy glanced at the rest of the group, and answered, "Naa...we're going to do the coaster again, then head home...catch you dudes later...!" Eric nodded, and applied some pressure to my shoulder, steering me forward, and replied, "Ok, cool then...catch ya' all later..!"

He guided me into a small diner on the boardwalk, and we settled into a small booth, facing each other. I felt my heart flip over again as I looked at him in the much brighter light, and sighed, thinking to myself that he looked even cuter in the light! We ordered some drinks, and French fries, and Eric leaned back in the booth, and smiled at me. "So, Dude...want to tell me what's up with the dash to the water....or is it M.Y.O.B...?" I smiled back at him, and cocked an eyebrow, then asked, "M.Y.O.B...?" he chuckled and said, "As in...mind your own business...!" I laughed, and answered, "Oh...yea...well maybe...sort of...I guess...!" He nodded, and changed the subject, and before I knew it, almost an hour and a half had passed, just like that!

It was almost midnight, and the diner guy wanted to lock up, so we paid, and went back onto the boardwalk. Eric looked around, and said, "Time for one last ride on the roller...want to..?" Did I WANT to??? Shit yes, I wanted to...wanted to stay right here beside him....all night...! I shook my head, and said, "Better not, Eric...gonna take me some time to walk home, and my curfew is 1:00 o'clock..!" He looked at his watch, then said, It's all cool...we can catch the last ride...then I'll drive you" I smiled, and a really good feeling washed over me, ending squarely in my crotch, and said softly, "OK...sure...!" Again, the palm on my shoulder, as we walked down the boardwalk to the roller coaster! He bought the tickets, and we boarded, our bare legs making contact in the small car, while my balls went all tingly again!

The coaster ride is seriously scary, no matter how many times I experience it, and when it ended, I had assumed my usual post-ride position of clamping a death grip on the sissy-bar, eyes wide open, and hell, probably my tongue hanging out! Eric again placed his hand on my back, this time, be-still-my-heart, UNDER my tee shirt, actually touching my bare skin! My balls jerked so hard, I totally forgot how scared I was, mere seconds ago! "You OK, there, Dude....look like you're having the big one..!" he chuckled, and I nodded, unable to speak, as all of my senses were focused on his hand touching my skin! We got unbelted from the car, and climbed out, then started down the boardwalk toward his car, the hand once again on my shoulder.

We located his car, a seriously sweet mid-sixties Mustang fastback coup, all tricked up with big tires, and shining chrome wheels! "Whoa, Dude...this is a very cool ride...!" I chirped, and cussed my childish sounding voice! The damn thing STILL did that sometimes, especially if I was sort of excited. Had I been capable of speech back at the pool cabana, I probably would have sounded just like a school pre-school, maybe! Anyway, we climbed in, and Eric deftly roared us across town to my house, and parked at the curb. He sat back, and glanced at his watch, then smiled over at me, and said, " still got, like, 15 minutes..!" I smiled, happy to have even ONE more minute to spend with this hunk, and muttered, "Awesome..!"

We were quiet a minute or so, only the soft music from the radio in the background. Eric smiled again, and reached over the small center console between us, and ruffled my hair. "This may have been a bummer for you earlier, somehow, Rob...but I'm seriously liking how the evening turned out...this was fun..!" I smiled sheepishly at him, nodded, and squeaked, "Totally fun, for sure...and...uh....thanks, Eric....really..!" He touched my hair again, and let his fingers graze my cheek, which caused my cock, which had failed me so miserably earlier, to rapidly inflate, and swell into hardness in my shorts! If Eric noticed, he let it pass, and said, "Want to hang out again...maybe tomorrow..?" My rock hard dick pulsed at the question, and I squirmed a little from the sweet feeling, and looked over at him, saying, "For sure...totally...uh....I mean...SURE..!" That last bit again reverting to my girlish squeak! Maybe so, but right that second, I was feeling anything but girlish.....well...mostly, anyhow!

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 2

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