Summer of '70

By moc.oohay@000retirwysatnaf

Published on Jun 2, 2003



DISCLAIMER: If gay content, gay sex, kink, bondage, S&M or actual dialogue in a porn story offends you please don't read further. If it's illegal for you to read this story due to your age or location, either grow up or move before reading on. The names, events, circumstances, and locations in this story are all fictitious.

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Summer of `70

"We'll grab `em when they go down by the creek tomorrow," Keith said.

Being a spy was tough business. Especially when you're thirteen years old, it's one in the morning and all you have on are Levi cutoffs that leave your hairless legs exposed.

My little street had all the appearances of tranquil suburbia, but my friends Nick, Bobby, John and me knew better. There was a war going on. No, not like the gang wars today. In the summer of 1970 life in the suburbs was anything but dangerous-at least on the surface. Here, it was us against them-the older boys on the street. Over the years we'd had dirt-clod fights, green-apple fights, and raids on forts. Lately we'd been building our latest fort in the part of Nick's backyard that was behind his fence and next to the creek. Just the other day we'd stumbled upon Rick and his friend Eric holding Nick captive. They'd hog-tied him and were about to tear down the start of our fort when Bobby, John and me had shown up. Without Keith there to back them up they'd slunk off and we'd rescued Nick. When I was untying Nick he had a small damp spot on the front of his light-colored jeans and I figured they'd just scared the piss out of him and didn't mention it. I found out later for myself it wasn't that at all.

So here I was, hunkered down behind a hedge listening to Keith, Rick and the twins, Eric and Erin talking about their next attack on us.

"You got the rope all ready?" Keith asked.

"Yeah, I got a bunch of it from my Dad's shop. Got some duct tape too. They won't be able to make a sound," Rick answered.

The light above the garage door illuminated Keith and I could see him smile when Rick answered. Keith had just turned sixteen and was about five-foot eight inches tall, probably about a hundred and forty pounds, a real lean muscular build.

Crouched there looking at Keith I remembered the first time I saw him. I was just six years old and had walked next door to check out the big moving van that arrived early in the morning. As I came around the corner of the van I saw Keith and just stopped and stared. He was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. His hair was golden blonde, my sister would've killed to have his lips, and his eyes were a gray-blue so light colored they looked like they belonged on a wolf. Just as Keith had turned around and seen me looking at him I was knocked to the ground by Rick hitting me on the shoulder. He'd also come to see who the new neighbors were.

"We don't want no babies hanging around with our gang," Rick had said to me as way of explanation for the hit, and went on to lay claim to the new neighbor boy. From then on I'd found myself stealing glances at Keith between our mutual fence line when he mowed the lawn or was hanging out in his back yard.

Tonight Keith was wearing a snug-fitting pair of Levi cutoff's and no shirt. It was summer but since it was night the air was chill enough to make his nipples stand out visibly even from a distance. His chest had a nice set of pecs starting to develop. He was all smooth and tan. Yeah, even at thirteen I noticed things like that but I tended to try and ignore what it meant. I didn't know what to think it meant.

"So after we tie `em up, then what?" Eric--or was it Erin?--asked.

"Then we pants em, take em out in their underwear and make `em run down the street," Keith answered, as all four of them laughed.

I ducked down lower when I heard that because I knew if they found me I was in for real trouble.

"Eric!!!" "Erin!!!" A mom's voice is like one of those high-pitched whistles for dogs and both boys turned their heads when they heard their names.

"You better get home, man or she's gonna' have a cow," Rick said.

"Later guys," the twins said as they left.

"I better get home too--before my Dad finds I'm out and took this stuff," Rick said, as he handed a bag to Jeff.

"Okay, just remember two o'clock tomorrow. It'll be a massacre!" Jeff laughed as he exclaimed.

"All right!" Rick said as he left.

As Keith stood underneath the light I took a moment to steal a last glance. I absent-mindedly reached down to the front of my shorts, rubbed my groin and felt a tingle. Then I felt another tingle-it was my right leg falling asleep from being crouched for so long so I tried moving a little to relieve the pressure. I ended up losing my balance and falling into the shrub, making a noise. Through the leaves I could see Keith look in my direction. Then he started walking towards me.

`Time to go,' I thought, and started crawling up the hedge line towards a small cluster of trees where I knew I'd be invisible in the darkness.

Just as I reached safety Keith came running around the hedge. "Who's there?"

I stayed quiet, hidden by the darkness and a large tree trunk.

Keith poked his foot into the hedge then turned and looked around. In the light coming from his garage I could see those wolf-eyes of his looking directly at me. I froze, afraid that I'd been found out. I swore he could hear my heart pounding loudly in my chest.

Keith turned and walked back to the garage and as I became lightheaded I realized I'd stopped breathing. When I'd watched "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." it never seemed this scary-or real.

After I heard a front door close I got up and quietly ran around the front of my house and took the side gate into the back yard. My cot was all set up with a sleeping bag on the back porch. My parents let me sleep outside sometimes on summer nights and I enjoyed the freedom it gave me to run around the neighborhood in the dark. On this particular night it had the added payoff of me knowing valuable information about the "enemy's" plan for tomorrow.

`Wait'll I tell Nick what I heard,' I thought as I lay down and pulled the sleeping bag around me. I was thinking about how we'd outfox those guys as I fell asleep all cozy and warm in my backyard.

In my dream something big and dark was laying on me and I couldn't get out from underneath it. As I moved around and tried to get out I felt something good-my hard cock rubbing against whatever was on top of me. When I felt the cool air hit my chest I woke up and opened my eyes. Keith was sitting on top of me, straddling my hips with my arms trapped to my sides.

"Hey." was all I could get out before his strong hand clamped over my mouth.

"Be quiet or else," Keith said in a low voice.

I nodded my head.

"Roll over and put your hands behind your back," Keith ordered me.

When I didn't move right away Keith's other hand went right to a nipple and started twisting it. I moaned into his hand.

"Shhhhh! Now do what I say," he ordered, lifting himself up slightly so that I could roll over onto my stomach. As I did I felt my hard-on rub both painfully and pleasurably against my underwear inside my cutoffs.

Now I felt the cool air on my back as Keith pulled the sleeping bag even lower and took my arms from my sides and crossed them behind my back. I felt soft rope being wound around my wrists then a series of tugs as he tied a knot. Keith gave the ropes a test pull then leaned forward, covering my back with his bare chest.

"Open your mouth," he whispered in my ear.

I didn't so much follow his order as try to say `Why?' when a knotted sock was stuffed into my mouth then tied behind my head. "Mmmpphhh!" was all I could get out.

I felt Keith get off my back and saw him standing next to the cot. When I looked up at his face he was smiling at his handiwork.

"Get up," he smirked.

I rolled over and sat up on the cot, my lower body still covered by the sleeping bag.

"Come on," Keith said, grabbing my shoulder and standing me up.

As I jerked to my feet Keith's hands went to the buttons on the front of my jeans.

"Mmmmm!!!!!" I wailed through the gag.

It didn't slow him down a bit-he unbuttoned my cutoffs and let them fall to the ground, leaving me standing there wearing only my cotton briefs, tented out in front by my half-hard cock. I saw him looking at my underwear but he didn't say anything about it.

Instead it was "Let's go," as he walked me towards the gate leading out of my backyard.

I kind of resisted and Keith grabbed my shoulder even harder. "I know it was you spying on us. You're coming with me to our clubhouse until I figure out what to do with you," he said, adding, "If you try and run from me I'll pull your underwear off and there you'll be, out on the street all tied up naked, you want that?"

I nodded my head `no.'

With that Keith grabbed me by my bound wrists and led me out the gate and across my front yard towards his house. It was the middle of the night and nobody saw us. We went in through the side gate and walked towards a tool shed in the very back of his deep back yard. I knew that he and his gang met there sometimes and once I'd almost been able to sneak into it until his dog ran after me and started barking. I felt something wet and furry on my leg and now realized the dog would've licked me to death if he'd caught me.

Keith opened the door to the shed and walked me into the pitch-black room, leaving the dog outside as he closed the door. I heard a click as Keith pulled on the cord to turn on the one dim overhead bulb. The `clubhouse' had a few chairs and a cot in it. Sitting on one of the chairs was the sack I'd seen Rick hand off to Keith earlier. Keith pushed me onto the cot and I landed kind of sprawled out on my back. I just stared at Keith as opened up the bag sitting on the chair and pulled out a roll of duct tape and some more rope.

He came over to the bed and pulled my legs together, quickly roping them so that I was now tied around the ankles.

"Get on your stomach," he said and I did as I was told. No use pissing him off since I was now tied up and on his turf.

Keith untied my wrists and moved my hands around so that they were above my head. He took a long length of rope and tied my wrists together above my head, then got off of me. He pulled me to my feet and stood me in the middle of the room, where he took the long end of the rope and threw it over a beam just a couple of feet over his head. Keith was standing so close to me I felt my semi-hard cock inside my underwear brush against his leg. He pulled on the rope and my hands were stretched above my head so that I wasn't quite on my tiptoes but had to work at keeping balanced.

He stood behind me and I felt the warmth of his chest on my back as he untied the gag. I heard a ripping noise and before I could figure out what it was Keith taped my mouth closed with a healthy length of duct tape. He ran his fingers down from my face to my chest and twisted my nipples.


"Nobody can hear you," he whispered into my ear. "Nicky and Bobby and Johnny are all asleep at home so nobody's gonna'come save your ass either."

Another hard twist on my nipples as he continued. "Did you hear me and boys talk about tomorrow's plan?"

"Mmm-mmm," I answered through the tape gag.

"Fucking liar!" Keith whispered hoarsely into my ear, turning up the nipple twisting to a new painful high.

We weren't allowed to use that kind of language in my home so it kind of shocked me but at the same time I was getting a thrill out of the danger. I squirmed around trying to escape Keith's pinching hands but only managed to grind backwards into him. I felt something hard right at the crack in my ass and it made my cock tingle as I realized I was hard.

Keith stepped around in front of me and again grabbed my nipples.

"So did you hear our plan or not?"

"Mmmm-mmm.. Uhmm-huh," I said to the gag, trying to answer but screwing up.

Keith didn't seem to care about the answer as he kept on twisting my nipples for a moment, then suddenly stopped and took a step back. He looked directly at my hard cock trapped in my tight little white briefs, then raised his eyes to meet mine. I couldn't do anything but stare at his blue-gray wolf eyes.

"Okay, if you're not going to cooperate I'm going to have to pants you," he said, a leer on his face.

"Mmmmmmmm" I moaned through the gag.

"This is what happens when you get caught spying," Keith said, moving his hands towards the waistband of my underwear.

I squirmed around but it didn't slow him down much at all. I felt his thumbs inside the waistband of my underwear then felt them being pulled down as I looked at the top of Keith's head moving down.

`Slap!' went my now hard cock as it was freed and bounced up to hit my smooth flat belly.

Keith was on his knees in front of me and looked up and just stared. I was immediately embarrassed because except in gym nobody really saw my cock, and certainly not this close and never hard like this and... well... I wasn't small for my age. I actually thought of myself as kind of a freak, because at age thirteen I was seven inches hard--I'd measured it to find out. I also had a nice set of proportionately sized smooth balls and maybe ten hairs to round out the package. When it was hard my cock was long enough to extend past my hip if I pushed it to the side. It was why I dreaded getting hard out in public and at this age that could and did happen for any reason.

"Fuck," was all Keith could say.

That did it: I was a freak. Keith had confirmed it and now I was tied up on display for him to tease me about it.

But he didn't.

Instead he opened his mouth and ran his tongue up my cock from the base to the tip.

"Mmmmmmhhhh!!!!" I stretched up on my toes as I practically screamed into my tape gag.

I didn't have time to recover from the overload to my senses when I felt something hot and wet start to engulf my cock. I looked down and Keith had taken my hard cock into his mouth.

`Fuck' I thought, realizing that word really did have a good use.

Keith sucked on my cock, taking as much of it has he could past his beautiful lips into his mouth. I started moving my hips, pushing my cock into his mouth. I was swinging back and forth like a pendulum, my naked ass wiggling with each thrust. I felt the tingling start in my balls and tried to pull my cock out of Keith's mouth. If I shot my stuff down his throat he'd kill me! Instead Keith's hands grabbed my ass and pulled me in closer so that I couldn't get my cock out of his mouth. The heat from his mouth, the feel of his tongue on my cock head and his hands on my ass made me lose it. I felt myself starting to cum from the deepest part of my balls. My hips bucked wildly and my vision narrowed.

"Mmmmmm!!! Mmmmmhhhhh!!! Mmmmhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" I moaned loudly through the tape gag.

Keith kept sucking me, then milked my cock with his hand, draining every last drop. He got to his feet and stood in front of me.

`Fuck!' I thought, employing yet another use for my new word.

"You got a big cock," was all he said, and leaned forward as he pulled down his cutoffs and underwear in one quick motion.

When he stood up straight again I saw Keith's five-inch cock sticking straight up in front of him, a small patch of hair above it. When his hard cock brushed against mine we both shuddered from the contact and his wolf eyes bored into me.

"Now it's time for paybacks."

Keith reached under the cot and got a small bottle of something clear out, then moved behind me. I heard a small pop sound then felt him move in close behind me and put his arms around my chest as ground his hard cock in between my legs. I noticed his cock was all slippery as he slid it up and down my butt. As his hard cock ground against my butt hole I felt my cock start to tingle. Keith moved his hands to my nipples and started playing with them-twisting them so that it was not quite painful. It was like an electric current running through my dick head when his cock pumped against my butt hole and his hands would twist my nipples between strokes.

I started pushing back against his cock so I could get that feeling more and more. Keith added some more of whatever he'd used to make his cock slippery and moved so that it was pushing right on my butt hole. I'd heard of guys butt-fucking but I'd never thought of it as a literal term. I was about to learn that the definition was literal. Keith grabbed me around my chest hard as he pushed his cock in my hole, popping it in just a little.

"Mmmmmmm!!!" The pain was just as incredible as the orgasm I'd had a few minutes earlier.

Keith just held himself there, moving one hand down to stroke my hard cock while he twisted my nipple with the other.

The pain turned to a warm glow and Keith started to slowly push his cock deeper into me. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he nuzzled against me and I melted into a bound embrace. Keith continued to stroke my dick as he ground his cock all the way into my ass. It felt even better than when he'd been sucking me.

Keith pulled his cock back and I thought he was going to take it out, so I moved my hips with him. He responded by driving his hard cock back into me, pausing for a moment then moving his hips again, faster. Keith started pounding my ass and I met him stroke for stroke. I could feel my balls start to tighten up and knew I was going to cum again. I was only thirteen so I knew that was possible, but I also knew it'd never felt this good.

I started quivering, my ass wiggling and grinding back into Keith's cock as I got closer and closer to shooting. This seemed to make Keith even crazier as he pounded my ass so hard I thought we were going to start swinging by my wrists tied up to the beam.

"Arrrrahhhhh!!!" Keith moaned loudly as I felt his cock start to twitch in my ass.

The twitching seemed to push a button deep in my ass and I immediately started shooting cum out of my cock in Keith's hand. It was like some kind of fire hose shooting white cream as we swung around, me shooting out into the shed and him up into my ass.

We stopped moving and stood there for a few minutes, Keith impaled up my ass, my cock dripping cum onto the floor.

Keith pulled his cock out of my ass slowly, then reached up and undid the knot holding the rope over the beam. My tired arms dropped down in front of me and I nearly fell to the floor from being suspended for so long. Keith grabbed me from the front, my eyes meeting those wolf eyes of his as he did. They didn't have that cold look in them anymore. He walked me over to the cot, laying me down, still tied up and gagged.

"Move over," he said, moving to lie down beside me. I wiggled over on the narrow cot and Keith spooned in behind me, putting his arm across my chest and his leg across mine.

His cock was still hard and he pushed it between my butt cheeks, letting it rest there. My ass felt nice and warm deep inside, his smooth chest covered my back and his foot rubbed the top of my foot. I was still tied up and gagged but for some reason I felt safe and protected.

I drifted off to sleep with Keith's hand around my cock, his breath caressing my neck.

End Part One

Dear Readers: let me know if you like this at and I'll continue the tale.

If you like my writing you can also catch "The Ride Home" in the Authoritarian section.

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