Summer Life Guard

By moc.oohay@ttkbciadan

Published on Mar 15, 2007



Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and contains scenes of gay sex between that of consenting adults. If you find this offensive, are under the age of 18, it is illegal wherever you are to read this, stop now. Leave this site. You have been warned. This work of fiction is property of myself and may not be copied or used in any way without my express consent. All persons in this series are fictional and not real people living or dead.

Man, was I ever glad to see summer roll around and finally graduate from college. I didn't care for college that much except for the social scene and all the eye-candy on campus. My parents set me up in this sweet ass place being they hated my lifestyle, being that I was gay and loved to party my ass off. I returned home and just went back to my old summer job as being a life guard at the hometown pool, located in the suburbs of Atlanta. I had to start finding a real job after the summer but always I liked being a lifeguard. I know I am a bum and spoiled rotten, oh well. I would find something more permanent until after the summer or my parents shut off my funding, which ever came first.

I was glad when school was finally over for the local schools in the area. I didn't mind most of the kids that came to swim but some were just a royal pain in the ass. I got my bluff in on them usually right off the bat as I wasn't going to take their shit, especially from the teens. You see they would test me to see what they could get away with first. As I found my first year here, they would try and run over you and never listen to a word you said.

The worst part of the job was that we were a basic babysitting place and the local hang out for the older kids since the pool instituted the rule where any child 12 or under had to have a guardian or parent with them at all times. That just left the shits that were 13 and older. Some of the teens were cool with me but others were there just to be a fucking thorn in my side, who I dreaded seeing each day.

My favorite part was finding the teens who thought it was cool to hide out and smoke or decide to play in the shower. You should see their faces as I learned over the years the best hiding spots. If they didn't get smart with me, I would just tell them to put out the cigarette or ask them to stop messing around in the shower and let them be. The smart asses were the ones that graded on my nerves and I came down on them as hard as I could, even banning them from the pool from the summer.

I also enjoyed seeing the new lifeguards that the city employed each summer. I was thankful that they had enough apply that they only took 18 and over now, unlike a few years in the past. My boss pretty much put me in control of the others since I knew the routine and had been there like 4 past summers. I didn't have to sit in the chair much except when the others were on break or gone to lunch.

The first day, I peeled off my shirt and applied a light sunscreen to keep from getting burned. I did have a nice body with some cut ass abs that I didn't mind if the others saw, especially all the guys that came. I found each guard that was on my shift and assigned each a position as there were 2 guys and 2 girls. The guys were fresh out of high school as was one girl, who I might add was rather hot if I was so inclined. The other was a freshman in college and we worked some together the previous summer, so I gave her the easiest part. My duties were to check on the guards and be available if the need arose. I mostly just walked around and kept a close eye on the outer edges of our large pool area and helped out in the areas where need be. Sure I was a tough ass but I had to be at first until the kids got to know me.

The first day is the hardest one me as I am not used to the sun and all the walking that was required. I was always glad to see the first day end at 8 after we cleaned up the pool area and gathered the left behind shit that the forgetful ones left. I hopped into my jeep and headed back to my place. I hit the shower and then lit up a fat joint to relax and kick back. My parents know I smoke weed and that is one reason they set me up. I did my best to keep myself entertained until time to hit the hay. I would occasionally get with some guy and have fun in the sack but most days I was alone.

The next day I found 4 more new guards as they alternated days during the week and was at full staff on the weekends. I had two days off as my boss took over for me those days which would be Wednesday and Thursday, our least crowded. Today I had 3 guys and a girl. I knew one of the guys as this was his third year to life guard. He was cool and I gave him the easy part and assigned the others positions. I will say they did a great job this year as we only had one what I would call chubby lifeguard, the rest of the guys I would nail in a second given the chance or let them nail me.

We all settled into our routine after a couple of weeks. Sure there were a few incidents like kids banging their heads on the shallow end or just your basic cat fight. The guards got to know me better and I got to know them better along the way. I would sometimes just shoot the shit with the guys after the pool closed and we cleaned up for a while. That was a time where you really could get a feel from each person and sort out how you liked and who you didn't. It wasn't that I hated them or anything it was that a few of the guys were more interested in the girls that they could hook up with at the pool or more interested in themselves and didn't want to socialize with the others. One was just an ass hole and seemed to prove it every day.

I ended up with a group of about one guard one day and two the next that I liked being around. I started to enjoy the weekends more as all three were there at the same time. There was one guy in particular that I had my eye on. It was Chad. He was the friendliest of all of them and didn't seem to be attached like the rest. I was thankful too that he was a fucking hunk. He was built like me but had long straight blond hair and big blue eyes.

"Hey Chad, what's going on with you tonight?" I said.

"Not much, Lance. I might just head home. It has been a long week for me." Chad said.

"You can join me at my place if you want to." I said hopefully.

"Lance that would be so cool. I can hang out for just a little while. I can follow you."

"Sure dude." I headed to my jeep and tried my best not to loose Chad thru the maze of traffic lights.

I pulled in to my complex and he took the spot next to mine. I showed him the way and we headed up.

"Nice place you got here, Lance."

"Thanks Chad. You want a beer or anything to drink?" I asked as Chad sat down on the couch.

"Water will be just fine, dude." Chad said.

I grabbed a beer and some bottled water for Chad, who had just graduated high school and was 18. He seemed interested in my Xbox 360 that I had sitting in the floor. He liked one of the games that I had so I inserted the disk and we began to play.

"Dude, you are bad ass at this game." Chad said.

"You are giving me a run for my money though." I said as I didn't want to discourage the hot guy with my skills. He seemed to get more comfortable around me and I surely did with his hot ass body around me.

"Dude, I figured you had some fine ass hoe here living with you." Chad said.

"No dude," I said but didn't expound on that instead asked Chad, "You got yourself a girl?"

"Hell no dude. I am feed up with all those bitches right now. My ass is kicking back this summer and just playing the field. I want to have a good time this summer before heading off to college. I do like to party on occasion as I see you do too." Chad said as my pipe was sitting on the end table.

"You want to smoke some dude?" I asked.

"Sure fire that bitch up. I love to get smoked out." Chad said.

I went and grabbed my bag and packed us a bowl. I could tell Chad liked to get high and knew what he was doing. We smoked the bowl of fine herb. I enjoyed getting stoned with my co-worker. We ordered a pizza after smoking. The pizza boy was fine as hell and could tell we were stoned. We munched on the pizza until it was about all gone. We continued to talk about some of the kids and co-workers. He was like me and just despised a few of those little shits.

"Dude I guess I better jet." Chad said.

"Cool. Stop by anytime, dude. You are cool as fuck to hang with."

"You are too Lance. See your ass tomorrow at the pool." Chad said as he left. I didn't want to press the issue but he gave me some hellified jack off material that night as I pounded my 6 and half inch cock with thoughts of Chad in my head and his tight body.

The next day, which was Sunday, Chad just smiled at me as I assigned him his place. That day was not as bad as a quick thunderstorm cleared everyone out about 4. That gave me and the rest of my crew a chance to get out there early as we did our best to clean up the pool area before heading out.

"Hey Lance, care if I stop by and hang for a little while tonight since it is a little early, dude?" Chad said as he stopped me.

"That would be great Chad." I was a little surprised but glad to have his company again.

I was still wet as Chad followed me. We both headed inside my place. I headed straight for the shower and just put on some shorts. Chad was there with a beer in his hand as I came out.

"Dude, my ass wants to get fucking drunk as shit tonight. You care if I just stay here tonight, unless you got plans or having someone else over." Chad said.

"No it is cool, dude. I don't care. Hell I might join you. It will be fun!" I said.

"Hey, can I hit the shower and maybe borrow some clothes for the night dude?" Chad said.

"Yeah, the towels are in the closet next to the shower. What size shorts do you wear?"

"I wear a 32 in the waist. I can just wear some like basketball shorts if I have too. I don't want to mess up any your good stuff."

"Cool Chad you are my size. I will just sit them on the bed along with some boxers." I said as I grabbed a beer and again ordered pizza.

Chad came out looking so hot in my shorts without a shirt. He was really starting to get a deep dark tan and his hair was really lightening up. We both had a beer as we waited on the pizza again that I had ordered. The same boy showed up and we gave him a nice tip, since it started raining like cats and dogs outside. We felt sorry for him as he was now soaking wet.

We ate about half the pizza. Then we fired up the bowl again. We finished off the pizza then as we were both stoned but the night was still young.

"Dude it is so fucking cool of you to let me hang with you. I can tell your ass likes to party like me. Some of the guys think you are an asshole." Chad said.

"Oh well. Fuck `em then. I don't give a fuck, Chad. I am just doing my job. It is probably the ones who would rather jerk off than work."

"Yeah you got that shit right dude. It is those guys. There's one dude, Jay, he is such an ass," Chad said as we grabbed a beer after getting smoked out.

"I know dude. He seems to come to work each day and fucking hate every minute he is there." I said as I started drinking again with Chad.

We played the 360 then watched a movie that I had. That shit was funnier when you are high and a little drunk along the way too. I really liked hanging out with Chad as he continued to drink despite both of us working the next day if the rain let up.

"Chad, my ass is hitting the sack." I said.

"I will just sleep out here unless you didn't care if I slept with you in that big ass bed of yours."

"I don't give a fuck one way or the other." I said.

"Cool then. I am sure it beats sleeping on this fucking couch, dude. I hope I don't snore too much."

"Same here." I said as we both headed off to my big king size bed. We both peeled off our shorts and jumped in the bed.

"Damn this shit is so comfortable." Chad said.

"Thanks, dude. I love it." I said as I turned over to go to sleep.

I just lay there on my side and didn't move for a while hoping to fall asleep soon as it was past 1. I was just about to doze off when I felt Chad's hand brush up against my ass. I didn't move and kept my eyes closed and waited on his next move. Then I felt his hand sort of touch my ass again through my boxers. Damn that was just what I wanted. I lay very still not to startle him as he then boldly reached over and felt my dick. I grabbed his hand.

"Oh fuck! I am sorry! Oh fuck!" Chad said as he started to get up out my bed.

I grabbed and kissed him. He immediately got back in bed.

"Dude I am fucking gay!" Chad said, "And I just couldn't resist."

"Chad, don't worry. I was hoping like hell you make the first move on me. Fuck you're hot! I guess that kiss gave me away."

"Lance you are hot as fuck too!" Chad said as we kissed and took off each other boxers as our hands explored each other's body. Man what a damn dick this guy had.

"Fuck dude, you are fucking hung!" I said.

"Fuck yeah, all my boys love it. You aren't so bad yourself." Chad said as I kissed his smooth tanned chest. I stopped to work on his nipples just a bit. He loved that. Then I kissed his abs while I played with his balls. I finally made it to his dick. Man it was so nice as it just hung there between his legs. I took it in my mouth as he popped wood on me. My hands were all over him as I sucked his hard big cock. He ran his fingers through my hair as I continued to work his cock.

"Oh fuck Lance. That mouth is so hot!" Chad said to me. He then pushed me off and we kissed again. He then worked on my body as I could tell this was not his first guy to be with. I was truly amazed as he took his time until making it to my hard dick.

"Oh yeah, Chad. Suck me!" I said as I loved each second his hot mouth was on my cock. He sucked my dick like a pro, using his tongue and hot mouth to my pleasure.

"Can I fuck your hot ass?" Chad said to me after I was about to blow.

"Oh fuck yeah. My ass can't wait! Feed my ass that big ole dick of yours!" I said as I handed Chad the lube and a condom. He had me on my back as he fingered my hole that was begging to be fucked. I spread my legs as far as I could as this hot dude was eating my ass. Damn, this dude is a fucking pro. He then lubed up my wanting ass and his big hard cock. He threw the condom on the floor.

"You want this fucking dick raw, bitch?" Chad said.

"Oh fuck yeah. Fuck me hard Chad" I said.

He poked his dick head in my ass. Damn was it big. I moaned as I felt it go in.

"Tight fucking ass!" Chad said as he continued to go deeper. "You okay?"

I just nodded as I loved each inch of his dick in me. Fuck was it hot. I adjusted to the size of him and slid my ass back to take it all. He then lifted my legs and put his arms below my knees.

"Oh fuck yeah!" I screamed as he started fucking my ass.

"You like this big fucker in you, huh?" Chad was starting to get in rhythm.

"OH FUCK ME CHAD!" I said as I could feel his dick all in my tight ass.

"Lance this ass feels so fucking good." Chad said as he then leaned down and kissed me.

"Fuck the shit out my ass!" I screamed as the bed was shaking.

"Oh fuck this is fucking bad ass!" Chad said. He was now jack hammering that big cock in my ass as all I could do was take it. I was moaning like a bitch in heat as Chad fucked my ass. Damn this boy was a power top and I loved it.

"Take my shit, Lance! You love this shit."

"Fucking give it to me! Damn Chad you are so fucking hot!" I said as I saw his hot body going in and out my ass. His smell and everything about me had my ass in pure ecstasy. He reached down and jerked my cock a little. I then felt him explode deep into my ass without warning. Fuck was he giving it to me. I then shot my load on my chest as Chad let out his final spurts in me. He pulled his cock out of my ass. Cum oozed out of my ass as Chad licked it up. He then feed me a little of his cum as we kissed.

"Dude that was fucking fire!" Chad said.

"Chad I fucking loved it."

"I knew you would. I loved it too!"

"You are so fine. I loved taking your load."

"Fuck yeah, I just couldn't control it!" Chad said as we kissed.

My ass was sore but I really could care less. It was hot making out with Chad and then falling asleep in his arms.


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