Summer Jobs

Published on Jul 14, 2005



Cliff peeled off his shirt. It was hot. He knew it was going to be hot when he decided to do yard work this summer. But the thought of wearing a shirt and tie and working in some air conditioned office just seemed boring.

Besides he didn't have to work as long hours this way. He could take as many or as few jobs as he wished.

Too, it kept him away from the shrill nagging of his step mother even on Saturdays.

Cliff stretched, feeling the sun begin to bake his torso already. His cutoffs had already let the sun tan his legs.And his beach visits and laying by his employer's pool had begun to tan him everywhere.

He returned to pulling the weeds sprouting beside the fence where he planned to plant some rose bushes.

"That sounds expensive but you know what you're doing" Mr. Collins had said. He was a writer who worked at home. An adult but he seemed straight forward and talked to Cliff like another adult not a teenager.

"I graduate in the spring, and then I just don't know" Cliff said inbetween sips of the lemonade Collins had brought him. He felt the mans hands putting the lotion on his back. Cliff hoped the bulge in his shorts wasn't noticable.

He always got aroused when he was touched. His high school coachs massages, his Doctor examining him even his friends wrestling around with him.

And that day it was too early to run home and jack off. He had hours to wokr yet.

"Don't worry about it" Collins said. "What?" Cliff asked "The boner you got goin, hell men your age always get hard ons..hell even I do"

Cliff wasn't embarassed he was so surprised he was referred to as a "man" instead of a teenager, that he felt more relaxed . He stood knowing his erection was easily seen whereas usually he's bend over or try to hide it.

"yea, it seems to have a mind of it's own" Cliff said "well back to work"

And his work continued. Cliff felt more relaxed at Collins house then his own, especially since his father brought home Nellie, the woman he had married in Vegas. She didnt' seem happy to have kids around and kept finding things to complain about especially where Cliff was concerned.

"I can't wait till you graduate, you can go join the Navy or something. God knows your father can't afford to send you to college. And I can use the bedroom for my brother" she had said more then once. So Cliff knew his days were numbered.

"Hey" Collins had appeared in the back yard "I see what you're talking about, why don't you knock off this afternoon so we can go buy the bushes?"

"Uh I should go home and get cleaned up" Cliff stood shaking the earth from his fingers.

"Just take a shower here, I have some jeans or other shorts you can wear if you want" Collins said.

There was something sexy about being naked in a strange bathroom. Cliff soaped his sun reddened body and stroked himself until his sperm spill out and down the drain. Wrapped in a towel he reappeared in front of Collins.

"There now, feel better? Here's some shorts I found from uh a cousin I think that stayed here last year" Collins held the shorts out and Cliff reached for them.

Just as he took the shorts, the towel dropped leaving his naked body in clear view. "Oh I'm sorry" Cliff said.

"Hey no worries, you've got a nice body and I've seen almost all of it anyway, relax, you're safe here" Collins said handing the towel back to Cliff "Hell you can stay naked if you want, it beats watching television" Collins laughed.

They went to two nursuries and bought every bush that Cliff suggested.

"You did a good job. They'll all be delivered very early on Saturday, can you work tomorrow? I know it's the weekend." Collins said.

"Uh yea, sure I want to be there when the come" Cliff said wondering if he could inded get up early enough to bike over to Collins house.

They arrived back at Collins house and it had already started to turn dark. "I can take you home or why not have dinner with me" Collins asked.

"Uh I kind of need to get home ... got to get back early" Cliff said. Collins arm across his shoulder made his voice waiver a bit.

"Got an idea, stay, eat, crash on the sofa and you'll be here in the morning" Collins said "I'll charbroild steaks for both of us. Collins squeezed him.

"Good I'm tired of making dinner for you anyway" Nellie said on the phone and hung up.

The dinner was so good, it made Cliff tired. He stood by Collins rinsing the dishes off as they were put in the dishwasher. They talked of life, families, asperations and Collins latest novel.

Sitting on the back porch the joint passed between the two and Cliff felt more and more relaxed.

"Well, here's some sheets and a pilow. You can sleep here I suspect" Collins said. "You're good guy, its good to have you around" Collins rested his hand on Cliffs bare shoulder as he lay on the couch.

As he was leaving the room, Cliff heard himself ask "Where are you sleeping?"

Collins stopped and turned, "bedroom, nice big bed there, if you're not comfortable you can sleep in there too, if you want". It wasn't a flirtation, seduction or even suggestive statement. It sounded like any friend concerned about another friends comfort.

"Good night" Collins left the room.

Cliff lay there dosing. He heard Collins n the bathroom then in the bedroom and then the light from the doorway turned off with a loud click.

Collins was kind, friendly and seemed to respect him. He let Cliff make decisions about the yard without question.

Cliff stood in the dark living room and stretched. His borrowed underwear slipped down his hips as he did so. He pushed them further until he stood naked.

His stomach quivered as he walked towards the doorway. The monlight illuminated the bulge of Collins body under the sheets. He looked up ast Cliff entered then pulled the sheets back.

Cliff lay on the bed and sighed.

"You ok?" Collins asked in a whisper.

"I am now" Clif said and reached to pat Collins arm as a thank you gesture. The arm stretched over him and pulled him closer.

"Nice" Cliff said as he wrapped the arm further around him. His cock was rock hard and he didn't care..even if it was light enough for Collins to see he didn't care.

"Are you ok?" Cliff asked.

"I am now" Collins chuckled with his reply that immitated Cliffs. His fingers stroked Cliffs smooth chest and nipple.

He felt Cliff's hand move to his crotch and let the boy feel his adult erection.

"I like you" Cliff said as he turned over and ducked under the sheets. He had only sucked his cousins cock a few times, kind of an experimental thing they did when they were together. Each boy using their hand or mouth to satisfy the other.

It was his cousin too who had introduced him to fucking and Cliff pretended like he was enduring it, not enjoying it. He didn't want his cousin to think he was gay.

But having a cock in his mouth too was fun and as the older man grunted and moraned, his hands stroking Cliff's head, the boy knew he was achieving his goal to make the older man feel good. Not only did he want to thank him, and let him know how much he liked him, but he wanted more.

"Ok turn over" Collins said and positioned his cock so it would enter Cliff. His big hand encircled Cliff's body and began to stroke him as his cock moved inside him.

The orgasm came too soon for Cliff. But the pleasure was unmistakable.

"Wow" Cliff said. He moved his butt back towards Collins so the mans cock wouldn't leave him, He pulled the mans arm around him and slept that way.

"You feel goos this morning?" Collins asked. He wore his bathrobe and was making breakfast as Cliff came in.

"Good that's the way I like to see you" he added seeing that Cliff was standing there totally naked.

Cliff moved to him and knelt opening the man's bathrobe.

"I"m making breakfast" Collins said laughing as Cliff found his cock and began to suck it. Cliff swallowed the man's sperm and wiped his lips.

"That's enough breakfast for me" he smiled looking up at the man.

The bushes arrived and Cliff and Collins planted them, soaking the earth around them and putting a net above them.

"Well that's done, and it's only early afternoon" Collins said "What do you want to do now?"

"Shower" Cliff said as he began to remove his shorts.

"Cliff you're still outside you know and I have neighbors" Collins said.

"They've seen me naked by the pool" Cliff said "besides I kind of belong to you now and you said you like me this way"

"Come on inside you scamp, we both are going to get a shower"

Nellie didn't say anything as Cliff packed up his things. He had the rest of the summer and another school year ahead. He left the carefully written note for his Dad and walked away towards where Collins' van awaited him.

He had a summer job to do...and after that a new life to live.

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