Summer Job Interview

By bernie

Published on Dec 6, 2004


-Since someone mentioned a warning label, this story includes boy on boy and public sex scenes. Please, if you are offended or it is illegal to view, read, whatever this kind or material, please don't read it, you should delete it or whatever you need to do to behave.

Man, what a weekend. I never expected a summer job interview to become an event I would remember all my life. All that night, no one talked about what happened in the shower. Not a single word all through getting up the next morning, not during breakfast, not one word. It was driving me crazy. I began to wonder if I had dreamt the whole thing. But I couldn't have.

I know the cocoa and cookies were real; I had crumbs in my bed the next morning.

The last week of school was ridiculous. All I could think of was seeing Jackson again. I could remember touching him in the shower. Pressed against his body.

All week I caught myself daydreaming, and when I came to, I had a hard-on pressed in my jeans with pre-cum making its way into a spot big enough for people to notice. By Thursday I had jerked off at least 18 times. My dick was sore from pumping at it. My balls hardly spilled a drop when I came. This week had to end soon. Just one more day of field events and we were done for the year!

Camp packing had started Thursday night when I got home. I couldn't believe my mom had got me all kinds of cool stuff. Flashlight, toothbrush, towels with my name on them, even a new Speedo. I didn't think she knew I was even interested in a Speedo. Almost no one wore them, not guys at the city pool anyway. When she went in to make dinner, I nearly ran to my room to try it on. The material felt great on my cock. I was growing in excitement before I even had the waistband released from my fingertips. Sure enough, my dick rose out the top of the suit in seconds. About 2 inches pushing toward my belly button. I couldn't stand it. I ripped the suit back off and laid back on my bed. I grabbed for the Vaseline in my nightstand... This I had to bring to camp! I stroked away for a minute, no more, and a large drop flew into neck, then a dribble more barely broke away from my cock. I began to wonder if I was drying up inside.

My mom's voice broke the moment. "Dinner!"

I rushed to get my clothes on. She had been so good to me today, I had to make our last night of the summer good for her too. I wish I had known earlier, I could have made her a card or something.

After dinner the phone rang. It was Hank... "Did your mom get you a Speedo for camp tomorrow." Ah, that's where she got the idea... "All the camp assistants need to wear Speedos to tell them apart from the campers. So we called your mom earlier this week. Hope that was ok."

"Sure Hank. That's great. It fits fine."

"I am sure it does. Well don't be late, we will start the orientation at 10 a.m. You have a ride don't you."

"Actually..." "Did you hope for a van to pick you up again?"

"Well, with the bags and bike might be a bit..."

"No problem, we are picking up a few other too. It'll be 8 a.m. then!"

"Thank you, Hank, really, I can't thank you enough."

"Sure you can, you just did. 8 a.m."

With that Hank hung up. Man, I am so lucky this summer. Not like the last two shitty summers.

"Who was that Jeremy?"

"Hank, he was making sure I knew when to be ready tomorrow."

"He is such a nice man. He really wanted you to work out there this summer. He called a few weeks ago to be sure you would be applying for the position."

"He did? When?"

"The day before you told me about you called the camp the first time."

"Huh? How would he know I was applying? I mean, I found the ad on the website."

"Oh yes, he mentioned he saw a couple of your applications online, but since you were only 15, he knew you would have a hard time getting a job. He thought the camp was perfect for you."

"Wow mom, this camp is nearly creeping me out. That's not the first thing either."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing, I better get packing finished up." I headed back to empty my dresser into the big bag mom dragged out of a closet. A big army duffle bag, smelled like oil and dirty socks, but it would do.

I could hardly sleep, after another weak toss, I finally drifted off.

At 6 a.m., my mom yeller for me to get up. I jumped out of bed and hustled down with my bags. I had the army duffle, a backpack, and my gym bag. She had breakfast ready and was heading out the door for work.

She kissed my on the forehead and said, "Now you be polite, Hank has been so good to you about this job" and out she went.

When the van pulled up at 8 a.m. promptly, I saw Jackson in the first seat behind Hank. Hank got out helping me load my bags in a trailer behind the van. I thanked him, and he just smiled back. I got in next to Jackson. He looked at me with a grin. He looked down at his lap and back at my eyes. I could almost feel the heat of his skin against me even though we were two feet apart. I grinned back, and the van pulled away.

We arrived at the camp after picking up two more boys.

Four in all in the van. But we were met by the rest of the camp assistants and staff at 10 a.m. in the big dining hall. Hank greeted us and told us we would be setting up our stuff in the dorm-like buildings, but because there was more assistants than originally expected, some assistants would be staying in the buildings with the staff. Hank read off a list of names and building assignments. Before long, "Jackson, Jeremy, you are in building 4. Steven and Tim, building 5." Those were the staff buildings. My heart fell at the thought of being with the older camp staff. I hoped to repeat the Cabin Drill of the weekend before. Later I found out that the four of us were the oldest assistants under 16. At least that is what Sal told us later that afternoon.

After unpacking, we could go swimming. Hank didn't tell us we had to wear the Speedos, the uniform for the camp workers. But we all showed up wearing the same red Speedos. Not all filled out the same of course. Some guys looked like they would break out of their suits if a breeze nudged them too hard. Others looked like they could have been girls. I had a modest bulge, well until we started swimming anyway.

We headed out to the water. It seemed like they had put in a heater since last we were there. Only a week ago. The water was fine. There wasn't any swim test, so guys headed out to the dock and dove off the end. Some swam to the raft, some stayed around the dock. Jackson and I swam out to raft, but about half way, Jeremy caught my leg. He pulled me to him. I tread water to keep my head up. "Dude, what's up with you?"

Jackson looked at me with a grin again, "Why didn't you call?"

"Huh, when?"

"When you got back last weekend?"

"How was I supposed to call you?"

"I put my number in your bag Sunday morning."

"Oh man, I dumped the bag right into the washer when I got home. I `m sorry"

"Well, no matter, we have all summer now..."

He pushed my down under the water, and when he swam over me I grabbed at his leg this time to only grab a corner of his suit. I pulled at it and it slid over his cheek to reveal his white butt. He curled under the water to come up right under me. This time he had my suit in his hand. His fingered wrapped around the tight draw-string. With a flick of his other hand, the drawstring came loose. My Speedo was rapidly flowing down. I still had his suit in my hand and we spun a few flips in the water. Each of our suits now half off. I let go of his suit to pull hard with both hands to fix my own. I dressed myself once again and made for the raft. When I pulled myself up, my cock was peeking out the top of my suit. Not because it was pulled down, but because my cock had grown up. I tucked quickly at my penis. Jackson quickly rolled onto the raft next to me laughing. Tucking quickly at his suit and member. He gave me the grin again and rolled back into the water. I didn't follow him this time.

Instead I waited to see what was going on. When I looked around, there were boys wrestling near the dock, splashing in the water around the raft, and boys wrestling in the deep water between the dock and raft.

Even the older boys were joining in. One very tall guy, he must have been 18 or so, popped into the raft with his Speedos suctioned to his hips and cock. He may as well have been naked. His cock showed through like he wasn't wearing anything. His cock was curled around in a near circle. His head was definitely circumcised. His pulled on his waist band and air popped into his suit. When he let go, his suit became more of a balloon than the painted on Speedo. His cock disappeared into the balloon.

Jackson rolled onto the raft again and pulled me toward him. He pulled and then pushed me into the water. He followed with a splash. He was on top of me and I grabbed for the raft. He pulled me back from behind. I felt his hot chest on my back. My cock sprang fully erect on contact. His cock did the same.

In doing so, his cock poked into my butt. I stopped pulling myself up to the raft when I could breathe again. Jackson had me in a bear-hug. It was wonderful. His hardness was pressed into me. I could almost feel his cock-head parting my cheeks. He bobbed up and down slightly in the water, burying his shaft further into my crack. One of his arms let go, and I felt his hand on my waist band, pushing down to reveal my flesh to his. His suit must have been down already. His cock-head burrowed further into my crack. Without something like my Vaseline, it was a rough way in. But Jackson continued to bounce slightly and edged his shaft into me. I felt his head pop into my anus ring. He was actually fucking me right there at the raft. If I hadn't been stuck in a foggy world of the moment, I would have noticed there were other guys wrestling about, some without suits. Cocks flapping about. Slapping and pushing on the raft. One boy just inches away sitting on the edge of the raft, another boy with his face buried in the sitting boy's crotch.

I felt Jackson pushing into me, further and further. My own cock free now from the suit felt like it was going to explode. Jackson pumped slowly into me, his breathe on my neck. His cock felt like it was pushing into my balls from behind. I came in the water. I felt like I was pissing. Jackson must have cum too, his bouncing stopped and he seemed to melt around me. His chest was like fire on my back.

As Jackson moved away from me, I realized the other boys were busy about in similar ways. The boy sitting next on the raft just feet form me had a soft and drooping, dripping cock. The boy in the water was rolling onto the raft with a hard-on ready to push through his Speedo. Another boy, totally naked, was pushing other boys off the raft. It was like he was playing king of the raft. His cock flapped and slapped his belly every time he swung around. Others were hanging to the side of the raft chest to back like Jackson and I were. Faces taught with excitement and the extremeness of the event.

I search down for my suit. It was no where to be found. I looked to one side to see Jackson handing it to me. I scooted up on the raft to a sitting position and slid my suit back on. My cock was still dripping the heavy cum. Jackson slipped up next to me with his suit on and grinned. We both leaned forward and rolled into the water and swam for shore.

Back in the cabin, Jackson and I slipped into the shower before the older boys arrived. We washed each other's backs and hair. Just when Jackson was about to step out of the shower, I grabbed around him searching for a hold on his cock. He was semi-erect, so I thought I would help him with that. I gently pumped away until it climbed to full staff. My own cock hard as a nail pressed into his back. He quickly twisted around and went to his knees. Before I knew what happened my cock was in his mouth. Jackson grabbed around to my ass and swallowed me. He was moving so fast I thought my cock might get ripped off if a tooth caught my cock head. It wasn't long before I lost control and came into his mouth. It felt like I was cumming all the way from my chest, down through my balls and into him. Jackson looked up at me and just grinned once again. I melted to the floor as Jackson left the shower.

The first of the older boys came in just as I picked myself up off the shower floor. My cock drooped. It was bright red from the mouth fucking it just performed. I still felt like I had no energy in me.

Todd, a brown haired guy, who must have been one of the younger of the 16 year olds, walked into the latrine. His red Speedo was clinging to his cock. I didn't remember seeing him out in the lake. He looked at me; I looked away. He went to the basin and began pissing. I toweled off trying not to look at him. I don't know what it is about guys pissing that I can't seem to not look. Todd turned to ward me more giving me a good view. Then he said, "Kid, wanna see more of this?"

"Huh?" was all I could say. He just turned more flicking his cock. A drip of urine flung to the floor. Then he started slowly stroking his cock.

-If you like the latest installment please let me know. I have tried to answer some of the questions I have been asked about Jeremy and/or Jackson. Does anyone know of interactive forums for these types of stories?

-Take Care,

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