Summer Job Interview

By bernie

Published on Nov 27, 2004


I don't remember how I learned about the website, but it listed summer jobs all over the state. The ads read: Summer Interns, or Summer Help Needed, or some other catchy line. But all through the month of May I visited the site to find a descent job within biking distance. I had to save enough for a car, at least a running junker would be good enough. I had just 8 more months until I got my license. I'd be the first kid in my group with a car. How cool is that!

Finally an ad caught my eye, it wasn't close by, but it read: Summer Camp Staff Openings. I loved camping, well at least I did before my dad left. We had gone out nearly ever weekend the summer I was twelve. The ad read- Summer Camp Staff Openings: 12 camp staff openings for energetic young men with experience camping and cooking, free room and board, $500 each session (2 weeks), call Hank at 673-873-6253. It seemed simple enough. But most places require 16 year old. But I knew I had to call.

I ran down to the kitchen. Dialing as my mom walked through the door, I stepped further into the kitchen for some privacy. Mom wouldn't be too keen on me leaving for the summer. A woman answered and knew I was calling about the job before I said a word. Must be the only work they got going, hiring their staff I mean. I asked if there was an age requirement, and she said 14 with parent permission or 16 without it. I smiled and asked what I had to do. She asked some questions about me, about camping, my experiences, and my reason for wanting to work at a camp. I wasn't ready for the last one, so I just said I liked to cam and thought it would be great to work at a camp. That was good enough for her. She gave me a date to come out and visit and meet her and Hank. I assumed that they were married. Seemed proper a family could run a camp. I thanked her and said I'd be there.

The visit was in two weeks, just a week before school ended. I had to be there at 8 a.m. That would be an early ride out. I didn't care, it was great to have a job interview, and it seemed like it was gonna work out fine.

The two weeks passed pretty fast. Friday night before I had to go out to the camp I got a call. It was Hank. He called to introduce himself and ask if I needed a ride out there. His wife must have told him my mom worked weekends and I didn't have a dad. Well, not one that was around anyway. I tole Hank I planned to ride my bike out there, but he insisted he pick me up. It would have been over an hour to bike out there, so I agreed and thanked him. He said it wasn't a problem and that he was gonna be picking up a few other too. He said they had enough guys call in for the job that they would be doing another interview and a couple outdoor skill tests. That made me nervous. He said to bring swim trunks and a towel. That made sense, I remember swimming a lot when I used to go camping. I can swim like a fish, so that wasn't a problem at all.

In the morning, I heard a car horn honk 15 minutes after my mom drove off to work. I ran out the door with my trunks and towel in hand. Hank drove a big red van. There were 5 other guys, all about my age, in the van already. When I got in he said there were two more pickups to make and we'd be heading to the camp. The other guys looked about my size. It sucked that not all of us would be able to get the jobs. I wondered how many there would be out there today. We all sat quietly for a bit. No one seemed to be talking. I ask Hank some questions about the camp. I can't stand quiet like that. I had to say something. Hank started telling us about the camp. Cabins for staff, tents for campers, a big meeting hall. He said there were 10 permanent staffers in the summer. Some volunteers taught special classes, and 12 helpers to hire. That led me to ask how many would be there today. He said 24. Yikes, half were gonna get cut. That really sucked.

Hank pulled up to the next house. He honked, but no one came out. He put the van in park and went up to the house. No one answered. Hank turned around and drove off. I guess we're down to 23 already. Maybe a good thing?

After the last pickup, 7 in all now, Hank started telling us about what we could expect for the day. Swim test, knot tying, and wood cutting. Then an interview with some of the permanent staffers. I should have join boy scouts after all.

We got out to the camp and sure enough 23 guys, all about my height and build, between 4-8 and 5 foot, skinny, some pimply, some not. Hank gave the intro. He was a tall, skinny guy with very tanned skin. He was wearing a tank top, swimsuit and flip-flops. He told us all to hit the changing rooms and get into our swimsuits. He said to meet done at the dock in 15 minutes. We rushed down to the changing house. It was more of a shack ready to fall over. There were baskets lined up on shelves, benches on each side, some floats and life preservers hanging on the walls.

I sat down and pulled off my shoes, tossed them into a basket and pulled my jeans off. I realized it was pretty cool still. Early June and only 8:30. I pulled on my suit and grabbed my towel. I sat there a minute and noticed the guy we picked up last on the way to the camp. He could have been a cousin or even my brother he looked so much like me. I don't know why I didn't notice before. He even had the same swim suit I had on. Weird. His hair was definitely longer than mine though. He was slow to change. He sat across the shack from me. His shorts were sticking out a bit like his wiener may have been a bit hard. Not a boner or anything, but definitely firming up. He pushed his cock down and re-tucked it quickly and scurried out of the shack. I followed. I hope he didn't notice me checking him out. I was really checking him out, just seeing a lot of myself, like looking in a mirror.

At the dock, Hank had taken off his tank top and was yelling to us to drive in and swim to a raft floating out a ways, swim around it and come back to the dock. Seemed easy enough, until, well when I hit the water my chest tightened it was SO cold. I swam as hard as I could to try to warm up. 23 boys swam their hearts out to get them pumping. One guy stopped and headed back pretty quickly. I didn't look back long. I swam hard but felt like my arks were moving ice cubes.

I made progress trying to stay away from the other swimmers. I made the turn and headed back. I wanted to be in my warm towel as soon as I could. I passed the last swimmer heading for the raft. I wasn't in the lead or anything, but I was definitely in the front of most of the guys. We still didn't really know what would make one guy et the job and the others not. I had to do my best at everything. I go the dock and hoisted out. I ran for my towel. My skin was stiff, but not my Willie. That was inside me trying to stay warm or at least not frozen. My skin was red from the icy water. I saw the kid who turned back walking up to the dining house. Man, did that mean he is on his way home already?

In the shack I peeled my frozen swimsuit off. I dick was truly hiding inside me. All that was there was my mushroom head, about 1/2 inch peeking out. My shaft was gone. It made me giggle. I looked up to see my twin across from me again. He was looking down at his dick head as well. He looked right at me then giggled, looked down again and then wrapped his towel around himself. I did the same. This time we connected. That was cool. I dried off and got dressed again. We had to head up to the dining hall next.

On the way to the dining hall, I asked my twin, "Hey, how was the swim?"

"Iceberg," was all he said.

"Yeah, I thought so."

Then he surprised me and asked, "Since we look like we should be brothers, what's your name?"

"Jeremy, I was thinking the same thing."

"Jackson, and last I knew I didn't have a twin, but you never know. Sounds like Parent Trap, eh?"

"Yeah, but I don't fence?"


"In Parent Trap they met when they were fencing, you know, like sword fighting."

"Oh that's right."

We arrived at the dining hall. The next event was knot tying. This event wasn't a test this time, instead it was a class. Some of the permanent staffers came in and broke up into groups. Jackson and I stuck together. The staffer introduced himself and asked us our names. After Jackson and I said our names, the staffer, Barry, asked if we were identical twins or not. Jackson spoke up and said we weren't even brothers. Barry looked shocked. He simply said, "wow." Then he proceeded to show us a few knots and asked us to try them. He said he would come around and help us if we needed it. I wasn't doing so hot on these knots. My dad had done most of that when we camped. Jackson was doing great. Barry came over and stood behind me to help me through them. He stood so close his chest was against my back. I even felt his groin bump my rear a few times. The longer he helped me, the more he bumped me. My Willie wasn't hiding in me anymore. I was about to be sporting a boner if I didn't get these knots right. Barry seemed to be getting a bit puffy back there as well. I finished a sheep shank and Barry moved to the next guy. Good thing, I thought I was about to get my butt drilled or something. This day was getting more and more interesting. My cock softened back down and we finished up the knots. I wondered how these knot classes fit into the choice of camp helpers.

Anyway, the next event was something about ax safety or something. I thought it was gonna be another class. When Hank addressed us again, he said we would each get an ax, sharpen it, then go out and get fire wood to get a camp fire set up and started once all the interviewees were back from getting wood. This seemed easy enough. But after the freezing swim test, I wondered if it was gonna be that easy.

We head out to get the axes from the barn where Hank said they would be. Sure enough, there were 24 axes, two now without a user. The problem was that there were only 4 stones t sharpen the axes. I decided to just head out after checking the ax head. It seemed plenty sharp to break dead wood to start my camp fire.

Several guys lined up to sharpen their axes. Only about five of us head out without sharpening the axes.

As I head into the woods I saw Jackson again.

"Yours sharp enough already too?"

"Yeah, just need to break dead wood anyway," I said.

"Do you think we are gonna get in trouble for not listening to what Hank said?"

"Oh man, that's right, he did say to sharpen them before heading out."

"You think we should go back?"

"I don't know, I mean, we are just starting fires right? And we only need kindle wood for that."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Jackson replied.

"You're pretty good at them knots earlier."

"Used to be a boy scout."

"Used to be..."

"It was gay, I couldn't stand it anymore, but at least I learned them knots."

I hate it when people use that word: gay. I mean what is it supposed to mean? Were the guys in scouts gay? Or did he mean that scouting was stupid or something like that? Shit, if the scouts were gay, then at least it was interesting. Imagine a tentful of boys, and all gay. Damn, makes me horny thinking about it.

I said, "well at least you learned to them knots."

We found some good trees that must have been felled in a storm. The bases were blasted and the thin branches were dry and brittle. We didn't even need the axes to break them off. We dragged large branches back to the camp area. We were the first ones back. We never swung the ax once out there. We put the axes away and went back to the pits. We both made a tepee-styled stack to get the fire started. I wish I had some paper to help it along. There were a few birch trees in the site and I got some of the peelings to place in the tepee pile. Jackson did the same.

We were completely done before most of the guys came back. One guy swung his ax up high and smacked it into the ground. I remembered my dad saying to never do that, it would dull the blade and could hit a rock and chip the metal. Sure enough one of the permanent staff went right up to him and told him to head to the dining hall. And now there was 21.

Hank came out and handed each boy 2 matches and said that is all we would get. Jackson and I each lit up and the birch bark peelings took off like Sterno. The wood caught quickly. One match each and we were done. Several guys were having trouble, but several were blowing away and getting there fires going. It didn't seem like a lot of guys used the birch peelings like Jackson and I. Some had a bunch of leaves in there. Some were trying to light the wood by itself. I think some had wet wood too. After a while several guys were out of matches. Jackson and I still held our spares, and with our fires now blazing, felt bad for the guys without even an ember. I went up to Barry and asked if I could give my second match to another guy, he said sure. Jackson did the same. We each gave our spare to the guy closest to us without a fire going. I hoped this act of kindness wouldn't take away a chance of getting a job. What if the guy got the fire going after all. Anyway, it didn't matter, I got mine going so quickly, it had to count for something.

Six guys didn't get there fires going. But no one was sent to the dining hall. In fact, we were told to rejoin our groups we had for the rope tying class. We were missing one guy. Mr. Chop the Ground.

We headed down to one of the cabins. Hank had said that a staff member would be down in a little while to interview us one at a time. Jackson and I led the way to our designated cabin. When we got down there I had to piss. The cabin had a great big sink looking thing that was the urinal. It was like pissing in a big sink. I wasn't the only pisser though, every one of us lined up together to piss, pissing in synch. It was funny actually. We all walked up, like a formation, and unzipped in unison. And pissed in unison. I was in the middle of the group of 5. 2 on each side. We all had about two inches of penis sticking out our jeans. some pissed yellow, some clear. I looked left and right and we even shook in unison. I noticed a guy on the end begin to grow rapidly, then he tucked in first. Funny, I noticed my cock nearly jump in my hand and I tucked quickly as well.

After our choreographed piss, we went into the little den area, it had couches and a radio. One guy flicked it on and we were listening to some kind of talk show.

He clicked it off and silence filled the room. Another guy asked to no one specifically, "how come none of us seem to know each other but we all live within an hour of each other?"

"Yeah, that's weird," another guy said.

I spoke up, "I've seen a couple guys in another group at soccer games."

With that a bunch of conversations started about soccer, other sports, math team. Seems some guys knew each other from different things after all.

A knock on the door frame ended the chatter. A different staffer came in. Introduced himself as Sal and chose the first interviewee. A red headed guy left the room with Sal and the chatter resumed. We talked about our schools, friends, sports, families. I found out that Jackson goes to a different school than me. I figured that, cause otherwise I would have definitely met him since he and I were so much alike. I wouldn't have missed him I am sure.

Sal came back and chose the next guy. A dark haired, kinda cute, guy. He was the one on the end with the growing dick. I chuckled as he walked out, but no one noticed.

With just three of us left, we continued to talk about what it would be like to be at the camp for the summer. It was real nice, cabins, pond, big dining hall. We talked about bad camp food. Mosquitoes, fishing. Funny, the topics of girls never came up once. That was truly weird with a bunch of 14 year old boys. Usually that's all you hear about. Even though we didn't really know each other, that is usually the topic of conversation with guys this age. I know, I am one of them, but girls aren't what is on my mind every minute.

When Sal came back this time, he chose Pete to be next. When Pete left the room, Jackson asked why I chuckled when the dark haired guy left with Sal. I didn't think anyone noticed. I told Jackson, "he was about to pop a boner when we were pissing." Then I realized, if I noticed that, then Jackson would know I was looking.

Again he surprised me and said, "I noticed that too!"

We both got quiet for a bit. I had to change the topic, "so you think we have a chance to make it?"


"Get hired. Do you think we'll get the jobs?" What else could he think I meant? 'Make it!?!' He couldn't have thought that, could he? I was getting nervous.

"Sure, we have a good chance. We both swam well, you please Barry well enough, and we got them fires going."

"What do you mean, pleased Barry?"

"Jeremy, the guy had a boner growing when he was helping you with the knots, you had to have felt it, he was nearly giving it to you."

"Dude, that is so wrong. What are you talking about?"

Sal saved the day. When he came back he said there wasn't a need for any more interviews, but did say we don't have anything to worry about. Our skills and overall impression on the staff were great. WE GOT THE JOBS!

When we met back at the dining hall again, I felt uneasy about what Jackson had said. Was he teasing me? Was he checking me out like I was checking him out? Could he be gay too?

Hank began by saying that the 13 left would all be hired, the others would be asked to be on call if they needed more help. Funny, 13, not 12. That's cool.

Hank also said we were welcome to spend the night to see more about how the camp runs. They hadn't mentioned that before. I didn't have anything to stay the night. It was getting to be about noon. My mom was at work and I couldn't get a hold of her for another 4 hours. I never thought how I would be getting back home. Then Hank said he had his staff contact each of our parents and explain what was going on and each of us had permission to stay. Weird again. I don't even know how to get a hold of my mom when she is at work. I would have to leave a message at the office and she would always call back a couple hours later. She is a hostess at a fancy restaurant. She works crazy hours and helps prepare the place and do paper work and stuff, so she isn't around much. I think she likes her job though and it pays the rent.

Hank said there was a cabin set up for us with all the things we would need. Toothbrush, soap, and a camp manual that we could start reading after lunch. We had lunch and headed down to the cabin. All 13 of us would be in the same cabin. Our manuals had a sheet of paper showing the time line for the day's events. It started at 8 am.

8 am - Intro 9 am - swim Test 10 am - Knot Skills 11 am - Camp Fires 12 am - Interviews 1 pm- Lunch 2 pm- Manuals 4 pm- Tour 6 pm- Dinner 8 pm- Camp Fire 10 pm- Cabin Drill 11 pm- Lights Out

Funny we weren't really keeping with the time line much. We were ahead of time a bit.

I lay down of one of the bunks under Jackson and started to read. The manual talked about camp rules. The staff rules specifically. No running indoors, no foul language, no fighting, you know the drill. It talked about the buddy system for swimming and going in the woods. Another thing that we didn't do earlier, even with axes in hand. Again, yes, weird. I was done reading in about 20 minutes, oh man, nearly 2 hours to go still before the tour. I must have lay quietly and drifted off. I guess I was pretty tired. I dreamed about the morning tests. A flash of seeing Jackson's shaftless dick in the shack, then his wrinkled 2" penis when we pissed. Then the dark haired boy's growing cock. I felt warm and comfortable. Unlike the earlier swim.

I woke up to a door bang. I shot up and nearly bashed my head into the upper bunk. My cock was hard as a nail. I hurt as it was folded in two and sprung back to its erect bolt. I felt like I was about to cum, a near wet dream. I looked around to see several guys waking up also. Jackson sprung from the top bunk.

Hank had come into the cabin and shouted to be ready for the tour in 10 minutes. I had to get to the bathroom, but, oh, the pisser was open for everyone to see. That wouldn't do, so I wen to use the sit down.

But again, no doors, shit. I didn't care, I pulled my cock out and when I grabbed hold that was enough to send a stream of cum into the bowl. Several other guys filed into the pisser and were drizzling away together. I pumped a few extra times to release my load.

Jackson stepped behind me and said, "shake it more than once and you're playing with it, and why you pissing over hear anyway? Thought you liked the synchronized pissing?" With that he spun on his heels and rushed out.

I am beginning to think he is definitely gay as well. This could be an interesting summer.

I finished up and zipped up. I knew I would be leaking a while. I always hate it when it keeps leaking out after a good cum.

Our tour took us out to a wood shed, Barns, boat house that had canoes and rubber rafts, a boundary fence, and then a nature trail. We saw the inside of the kitchen (we'd get used to that place-unfortunately), the main house, where Hank and the woman lived (I figured-tough they never said so), and the little store they ran during the summer. We ended the tour back at the dining hall for dinner.

This time we helped out cleaning up the dining hall, dishes, and serving line. Then we were off to the wood shed to collect up the wood for the camp fire. Hank told us about the start of the camp and other facts about the area, the staff, and how a session ran. This is the first time that Hank talked about the campers who would come during the sessions. He said most are either orphans or foster kids. He also said that each of us had a background a lot like the kids that would be here. I didn't understand what he meant, I had a mom. I wasn't an orphan. he went on to say that one of us without saying a name, had a father who one day up and left (that was me I thought). He also said another of us lost both parents in an accident and now lives with his aunt and uncle. We went on to tell how each of us were like the kids who would come to the camp. I wondered how he knew any of it. Someone did their homework. They must hire a bunch of detectives after the initial calls we made. Can I say: weird?

Hank told us of his life as a kid. Moving from foster home to foster home. He had come to this camp year before, loved it here, and later, found the sponsors to open the camp specifically to reach out to kids with similar lives. We were looking around each other wondering who filled the role of each of the lives Hank described. When the campfire ended we were all quiet and headed for the cabin. We had one event left: Cabin Drill.

We were met by the lady who I thought to be Hank's wife. She met us with cocoa and cookies. She said we had 1 hour before lights out and that we should all take a shower and finish reading if we hadn't. Surely we were all done that!

Once she left, boys tossed their clothes at the ends of their beds and headed for the showers. 13 naked butts lined into the shower room. Their were only 8 spigots, so boys shared the water. Boys bumped boys and lathered up. Cocks grew, and faces turned shy. Jackson was sporting a 4 inch boner that stood straight up. He was the first of several to go hard. When boys realized that everyone was sporting a similar erection, the shyness ended. Instead of hiding in corners, boys showed off their cocks with a stroke or two. Before lone boys were slapping at butts and even dicks. A slap turned to grab and then a grab to a pull. Hands we everywhere, bumping about in a melee. Every cock was pumped and grabbed, butts slapped. Slapped with hands, slapped with other cocks. One boy reached from around back of another and grabbed a hold of a penis and pumped away. His cock buried into the crack of the receiving hand job. Cum flew and others joined the circle. Cum flying, hand pumping, more cum, more cocks buried into butts. I grabbed around Jackson to find his hard cock. I thought he had been soft just a moment before. My own very hard cock pressed into his crack. I stroked away and he moaned and reached around and grabbed for my own cock. His fingers found me, he whirled around. He pulled at my cock to find I was ready to blow. My cum shot onto his cock and washed away with the pounding shower. My cock grew limp and hard again as fast as it deflated. A loud door bang ended the games. A booming voice yelled: 10 minutes to lights out. We had been in here nearly 30 minutes.

Boys rinsed butts and backs and cocks and hands. The gooey cum flowed down the drain. An interesting summer indeed.

We towels off and put on our underwear again and headed for bunks.

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Next: Chapter 2: Returning to Camp

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