Summer Job

By Jack Fellowes

Published on Mar 13, 2000


(oral) (anal) (interracial) (incest) (3/3)

(Usual disclaimers: you know who you are, what kind of story this is, and whether you ought to be reading it. It's your responsibility to act accordingly.

This is a continuation of, or sequel to, "Summer Job at the Stop'n'Fill," Parts One and Two, which were originally posted to ASSGM and the Nifty Archive in February 1998 and June 1999. The first two parts can be found in both archives (Nifty--gay/male/adult-youth, June '99, or in the authors' index--and in ASSGM by author or title). If you can't find them, email me at the address

Hope you enjoy this new--and final--installment! Sorry for the long delay in getting this part done, especially because so many of you emailed me with strong words of encouragement. I hope to finish one other unfinished tale ("Boy Scout Scandals") soon, and get to work on two or three others that are stewing somewhere in the back of my brain, or maybe languishing on an old floppy disk somewhere.

Summer Job at the Stop-n-Fill--Part Three By Jack Fellowes ( Copyright 2000 by the author

Part Three: September-October 1967

I got my turn at Jerry's ass the next day, and was followed closely afterward by Sarge. Needless to say, Jerry immediately wanted a chance to get his back from Sarge. And over the next couple of weeks--mostly on weekends, because school had started--we all proved to be very versatile (not to mention horny, horny, horny!) and pretty good at making the others feel really good.

After school started, business at the station picked up a lot since Gary got the contract for maintenance on the county school buses. Most of the regular gas business was in the mornings and on weekends. I still was able to work a couple of evenings during the week, and part of the afternoon on Saturday and Sunday, by making a deal with my mom and dad that I would always do my homework first and keep my grades up. Jerry managed to ride over, after he finished his chores, every once in a while during the week, and always on Saturday afternoons.

Jerry's dad thought he was learning more about engine repair--which he actually was, by watching Sarge--and because that would be helpful on the farm, he gave Jerry some slack. But harvest season was close at hand, and our school's first round of exams in all subjects was also just around the corner. I wasn't very worried about the tests, although I was a little anxious that my grades might slip a little from last spring--I had ended the last year with barely an 85 average (B-) in civics and state government. Just a one-point drop in Civics II would mean a C+ instead.

I was in the 8th grade and Jerry was a sophomore, and we rode the same bus to and from school. There was no "junior high" or "middle school" in our district, just grades 7-12 in one building. And more kids came from farms around the area than the town where the school was located. Having only one school meant we had already been desegregated for years, and there were a fair number of black kids, since our part of the country had been settled by a lot of freed slaves after the Civil War. A lot of them were farmers, and farmers around our area were more likely to worry about rain or drought or late frosts than the color of their neighbor's skin. People who work the land tend to respect others who do the same.

So, on those occasions when Jerry, Sarge and I were able to get together for something besides work, both Jerry and I noticed that Sarge would be acting funny, kind of fidgety, like he was waiting for something to happen. He was pretty hopeless in keeping up with our conversations--in fact, he had trouble concentrating on just about everything (except at certain compelling moments, heh, heh). Jerry and I finally pinned him down (figuratively and literally) and got him to tell us what was going on.

He told us, "My partner's getting out of the Army next week, and he and his son will be moving here after he gets some things taken care of with his folks."

We asked him what he meant by "partner," and he told us that his friend was a master sergeant who had just gotten back from Southeast Asia, and Sarge hadn't seen him since before he got his own discharge. He said his friend had used some of his savings and extra hazard pay to help Sarge get the station built and up and running. "Billy's a first-class tank and APC (armored personnel carrier) mechanic... and he's also my best friend in the whole world." Sarge's voice got kinda choked up when he said that. Jerry and I were both smart enough to understand that he really meant "partner" at the station and in his personal life. We'd been talking about where our friendship would go as we got older, and we'd both decided that we wanted to be together for a long, long time.

Once Sarge started talking about his friend, it was like opening the bottom of a grain truck. The stuff just came pouring out. He told us his friend's full name was Billy Burnell, and he was the same age as Sarge--just turning 40, and also that he had a 16-year-old son named Charlie. He talked more about what he and Billy had done together and where they had been than anything real specific about Billy or his son. It took a lot of questions (like, "Where's Charlie's mom?") to finally found out that Charlie had been born in the Philippines and was half-Filipino. His mother, Billy's wife, didn't want to come to the US when Billy's tour of duty there was over, but she also didn't think things would go well for Charlie if be stayed--because of his mixed race. So Billy and his wife decided that Charlie should go to the States with his father and live with Billy's folks when Billy was on overseas duty. Before they made the drive out here, Billy and Charlie were going to have their own reunion, after not seeing each other for almost 15 months.

"Where are they going to live?" I naively asked.

"Here in the trailer with me for the time being," Sarge said, looking at me as if I had just asked him what sex he was. I guess that was why he had moved the weight bench into the station's storeroom and bought a new hide-a-bed couch for the trailer. He went on, "Then we're going to start building a house on the lot behind us next spring." He saw the expression on my face, and then on Jerry's, and he kinda chuckled.

"Don't worry, guys," he grinned. "This won't change anything. I know for sure Billy would love to join in our games. He's bigger than I am, but you'll probably wear him out, too. We can take turns trying to keep up with the two of you. And from what I've heard about Charlie, he's probably almost as horny as you are, Davey."

Jerry slapped me on the back when I started to cough from a mix of embarrassment and trying to hold back a laugh at Gary's teasing. Jerry put his arm around my shoulders, and said, "The more the merrier, I guess!" I could tell Jerry was excited about what might happen after Billy and Charlie got here by the way he pulled me more tightly toward him--and by the growing lump in the front of his jeans! We needed to get back to the matter at hand... or whatever!

Both Jerry and I were at the station with Sarge the following Saturday, when Billy and Charlie were supposed to arrive. It was almost dusk; we had all drunk a lot of soda and eaten a lot of chips and junk. We were beginning to wonder if they would make it before Jerry and I had to go home, when we saw what looked like a really old Army Jeep turn down the road toward us.

Sarge jumped up and ran outside. "Here they come!" he shouted. We got up and followed him outside, but waited close to the door while Sarge walked over toward the Jeep as it pulled into the station and parked.

As soon as the Jeep stopped, the passenger door swung open and a tall, brown-skinned guy jumped out and ran around to give Sarge a big hug. "Uncle Gary, it's great to see you again!" he said. He was almost as tall as Sarge's 6'4".

Jerry looked at me and said, "I didn't know Filipinos were so tall and had such dark skin." And at that very moment the driver's door opened and a really tall--like 6'8" or more--black man unfolded himself from the Jeep. He grabbed Sarge, picked him up with no effort, and spun him around.

I looked at Jerry and he looked at me--Sarge had left out that one little detail about his partner. It wasn't a problem with either of us, but we'd both spent the last week building up in our imaginations what could happen when Billy and Charlie got here. We suddenly just had to recast our fantasies. But it didn't take long, especially after we saw the bulges in Billy's and Charlie's Levi's as they walked toward us on either side of Sarge. There was one hell of a lot of tall, well-hung masculinity crossing the lot toward the station! Jerry and I shared an under-the-breath "Mmm-hmm!"

"Billy and Charlie Burnell," Sarge said, "I want you to meet two of my good friends. The one that looks like he just got off the boat from Scotland is Jerry McCleod, and the one grinning like the cat that ate the canary is Davey Banker."

Jerry poked me with his elbow and said, "I don't believe it's canaries he's thinking about eating." My jaw dropped, Sarge roared and gave Jerry a high five. Billy and Charlie laughed a little more quietly.

Sarge looked at me, then said to Billy and Charlie, "Davey's also known by his close friends as 'Spike,' and I think you can probably understand why." He nodded toward my crotch. I hadn't even realized I was standing there with my hard-on pitching a tent in the front of my jeans! I didn't know whether I was blushing because I was embarrassed or because some of the mystery had been taken out of our meeting or because I was thinking about fucking the shit out of Jerry and Sarge for ganging up on me.

Jerry and I got acquainted with Charlie while Billy and Sarge took care of closing up the station earlier than usual. Sarge had decided that there probably wouldn't be anybody desperate for gas that evening, and if there were they could come back to the trailer and knock on the door. Sunday was the only day his other helper Jimmy wasn't available to work, because his family took the "day of rest" thing pretty seriously, and the only place they went was to church in the morning and the evening.

"So, I guess you'll be going to our high school," Jerry said to Charlie. "You gonna get started right away?"

"Yeah," he said, "I've gotta get registered tomorrow, I guess. Then I've got to find out about the bus and stuff."

"You'll be riding the same bus we do," I said. "There's only one in this part of the township. Jerry and I just live down the road a piece."

Charlie had been looking at us, especially me, with an amused expression ever since Sarge pointed out my "problem." And looking him over as we talked wasn't relieving the tension on my zipper any. He was hot, maybe 6'1" or a little more, with coal black hair, and lean, muscular arms and neck. What was under his clothes looked like more of the same, and what was in his Levi's seemed to want to get out and meet us too. He wasn't as Asian-looking as I thought he would be, but his features weren't quite like the other black kids in our school. He really didn't have a noticeable accent.

"It'll be great to know somebody when I start in a new school," he said. "It's always hard starting in the middle of the year, but this will probably be even harder than the other times I've moved around with Dad."

"Why is that?" I asked, thinking he was probably worried about fitting in.

He grinned at me. "Because I'm a city boy and I'm not sure I speak the language--just how far down the road is 'a piece'?" he chuckled.

I stuck my tongue out at him, trying not to laugh.

"Now that kind of language I understand," he laughed.

We were going to be great friends, I knew, and I could tell Jerry felt the same way.

We suddenly realized that Sarge and Billy had locked up the station and were already headed back to the trailer. We got up and headed back there ourselves, three horny teens wondering... well, each of us was wondering something about what was going to happen. I had been working out various scenarios in my mind even before I'd met Charlie and his dad, and I couldn't decide which one I wanted to play out first.

Charlie's long legs traveled farther with each step than Jerry's or mine, so the two of us were a couple of steps behind him on the path. Jerry poked me in the shoulder and nodded at Charlie's slender, but muscular-looking butt. We silently agreed he looked great from either front or back.

Inside, Billy had already taken off his fatigue jacket, and he was wearing only a plain white T-shirt under it. I think my tongue hit the floor when I saw the outline of his chest and stomach muscles under the white cloth, and bounced a couple of times when I saw that his arms were probably as big as my thighs! He looked like an NFL fullback. All that above the waist sitting on top of one really packed pair of Levi's set Jerry off, too. Billy saw us and just grinned; Sarge knocked on top of our heads with his knuckles. "Is anybody home? he said, laughing.

This time, Charlie and Billy joined in the guffaws. Jerry and I both got a little red-faced, but couldn't help joining in the laughter.

Sarge looked around for a minute, then said, "Damn."

"What's up, Gary?" Billy asked.

"I remembered everything I needed to do to get ready for you, except buy food."

"Why don't we just get pizza?" Charlie said. "If there's anyplace around here to get any."

"Hey!" Jerry said. "This may not be the big city, but we have pizza and submarines and all kinds of stuff." He looked pointedly at Charlie, "You drive and I'll show you how to get there."

No way was I going to let the two of them go off somewhere without me! "I'll go along to keep them from eating everything before they get back." Sarge grinned, winked at me, and I blushed when I thought about the other meaning.

We took orders for the food, and called them in. Gary and Billy wanted Italian steak subs with a side order of spaghetti--they already had beer. Charlie, Jerry, and I decided we'd split two large pizzas--one pepperoni and one hamburger. Charlie suggested anchovies, but Jerry and I both practically barfed at the thought. Then we realized from his wide grin that he was kidding.

Billy tossed the keys to the Jeep to Charlie, and we set off for the most exotic eating place in the township--Dina's Italian-American Diner, which was on the edge of town closest to us. Dina's and the Chinese restaurant down by the grain elevator were the extent of the exceptions to the regular menus of hamburgers, steaks, and fried chicken or pork chops all the other restaurants offered.

Once Charlie got the Jeep started and turned on the road, he started asking us questions, mostly about school and what the other kids were like, whether we had a decent basketball team, and so on. Right in the middle of all this ordinary talk, he slipped in this zinger: "So, how long have you been fucking with Uncle Gary?"

Although we knew that he knew we were messing around, his question was a little too direct. Jerry, sitting in the back, didn't say anything, and I hemmed and hawed.

"Come on, guys, I know Gary, and I saw how you looked at us, especially my dad. As horny as you appear to be, I bet Gary didn't even have to persuade you."

I smiled sheepishly and admitted, "The second time I saw him back in June, we did something." I paused. "And then we did it again and again, until I got it right." Jerry flipped my head from the back seat. "And Jerry joined our group when he got back from his grandparents' a couple of weeks ago--it's been pretty much a regular thing every since."

"So... you guys versatile?"

I broke out into a big smile and reached over and put my hand on his thigh just inches away from his big basket, and squeezed. "Why? What did you have in mind?"

He chuckled and took one hand off the steering wheel to pull my hand onto his bulge. Whatever was inside there was huge and half-hard at least. "I'm not too picky, as long as I get to hide that snake in a hole every once in a while."

Jerry leaned forward, pulled my hand away and put his on the growing mound. "Hmm," he said. "You'd better try that with Davey's holes first. He's got more experience than I do."

I leaned over and lightly bit Jerry on the biceps through his shirt sleeve. "Are you calling me a slut or something?" I asked with mock indignation.

"If the name fits..." Jerry said with a big grin.

Charlie topped us both. "Actually, my fantasies usually involve both sluts and virgins, especially when they're all corn-fed farm boys."

Jerry squeezed Charlie's basket and I reached up and pinched his nipple just as we started to turn in at the diner. "How about pizza-fed farm boys?" I asked.

"Maybe," he said, trying to appear disinterested. But the "snake" gave him away, growing larger and harder under Jerry's hand. Jerry looked at me and stage-whispered, nodding at Charlie's package, "He wants us... bad!"

"Okay, okay, guys, we're here. Straighten up!" Charlie said, trying to compose himself a little before we went in to pick up our orders.

When we carried the food into the trailer, Gary and Billy were nowhere in sight. Then we heard a creaking sound from the bedroom. "Geez, couldn't you guys wait until after we ate?" Charlie shouted, rolling his eyes at us.

The door flew open, and both Sarge and Billy walked out, naked as jaybirds, with big, hard dicks pointing at the three of us. I was glad Billy didn't have any more clothes to take off, 'cause I couldn't take it if he got any hotter-looking. Except for the kids at school in showers after gym, I'd never seen a black dick. And I'd certainly never seen one as big as that!

As they walked up to us, Sarge reached up and put his hand on the back of my head, and with his other hand gripped Billy's humongous uncut cock. He pushed me down nose-to-nose--well, nose-to-peehole--with that big, juicy dick, and said, "Davey, meet 'Little Billy.' Billy, meet Davey--he's our expert on human plumbing, and he'll help you drain that thing."

'Little,' hell, I thought. I don't know why I keep blushing at things like that. Just that good old Methodist Sunday school upbringing, I guess. The others were having a good laugh at my expense. Before I straightened up (resisting the urge to take a good taste of 'Little Billy' right then), I looked over toward Charlie, who was rubbing his crotch and licking his lips while his eyes switched back and forth from his dad's dick to my mouth.

Jerry saw the exchange and spoke up. "Hey, the food's getting cold," he said, "and I'm gonna have pizza before I have dessert." That brought more laughs, more teasing, and we finally attacked the food.

When we were finished, we all just sat around on dining room chairs or on the couch. Billy leaned against one arm of the couch, and Sarge was nestled right under his right arm. They were both still naked, but didn't seem to take any notice of it. I sure did, and I noticed Charlie and Jerry exchanging glances. I don't even remember what we were talking about, but I was about ready to pounce on someone.

Charlie stood up and stretched, looking at his dad and Sarge. "I'm pretty tired, so I think I'll go ahead and get undressed for bed before I fall asleep, okay?" And he proceeded to strip out of his pullover, peel his jeans down over his long, sinewy legs. That quick he was standing there beside me in just his Jockeys and his wool sox, his crotch at my eye level. He may have been tired, but it looked like 'Little Charlie' (again, 'Little,' my ass!) was just waking up.

I knew what I wanted to do, and Charlie knew what he wanted, but it took Jerry to get things going. "Time for another round of introductions, Davey," he said, pushing my face into Charlie's swollen crotch. "And I think it's another case of love at first sight," he added and Sarge and Billy roared. Billy started humming "The Stripper," and Charlie began to gyrate his hips against my face and slide his briefs down a little at a time. By the time his thick, uncut seven-and-a-half-incher popped over the waistband of his shorts and bopped me on the forehead, I didn't care what the others thought, or were going to do, I was going to suck cock!

Charlie replaced Jerry's hand at the back of my head with his, and started to pull my head toward him as he thrust his leaking cock into my salivating mouth. I opened wide, and he slid in all the way to his shiny black pubes. I barely heard Billy say, "God, Gary, you've got him trained real good!"

The next few minutes were a blur. I heard moaning, and sighing, and Charlie's hands gripped my head harder and he began pumping in and out of my mouth at an impossible speed. I don't know how long he lasted, or why I didn't collapse from lack of oxygen, but he gripped my head tightly and pulled my face into his crotch, forcing his burning cock all the way down my throat. I felt it swell up more, and then spasm again and again. I knew he was coming, but it was shooting so far down my throat that I couldn't taste it at all. He held my head that way until the spasms stopped and his dick started to soften a little. When he let me go, I sucked in a huge gulp of air, and finally noticed that Jerry was sitting naked on the couch next to Sarge, who was stroking Jerry's cock with one hand, and Billy's with the other. Jerry was jacking Sarge's dick, and Billy was rolling Sarge's balls around with one hand and pinching his tits with the other.

After I caught my breath, I looked around and realized I was the only one with any clothes on. The three on the couch kept stroking, and Charlie was playing with himself and starting to get hard again. I said, "Well, I guess this means we're not done yet, are we?"

Almost immediately I found out what they meant by a "feeding frenzy."

After we'd all done a lot of mutual exploration and stuff, I realized that it was very, very late. "Oh, shit!" I said, looking at Jerry. "Our folks are going to kill us."

Sarge just chuckled. "I called your folks while you were at the diner," he said. "I told them that you both were helping me rebuild a bus engine, and we would be working late. I didn't even have to ask them if it would be okay if you stayed over. Jerry, your dad thought we ought to keep working until we got finished, and said not to worry about church in the morning. Davey, your dad said it was time you learned that some jobs don't start and end when you want them to." He was just half-kidding, I knew--but that sounded like something my dad would have said.

"Hey!" I said, sounding a little defensive and reaching for the nearest dick, giving it a tug. "I'm the hardest-working guy here!" Jerry and Charlie both leaned toward me and gave me a joint hug. "You sure are," they said at the same time. "You sure are."

Then Charlie added with a laugh, "But your break's over. Let's spread out the sleeping bags and get back to work."

Billy and Sarge laughed, got up, and went into the bedroom, while we overlapped two sleeping bags and a couple of blankets. They closed the door, and Charlie whispered, "They need some time just for the two of them. It's been ages since they've been alone together." Not long after the door closed, the creaking sounds began again and continued for quite a while. We all just grinned knowingly at each other.

I was quickly learning that Charlie didn't have a shy bone in his body, especially that bone. It was standing up again, swaying with his pulse. "I'd really like to try fucking that cute ass of yours, Davey. And I want to watch you deep-throat Jerry at the same time."

That's a reasonable request, I thought. I declared dramatically, "I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille," to more laughs and two very healthy, very horny teenage guys jumping me and spreading me out on my back on the padded floor.

Next thing I knew, Jerry was straddling my head, his hard cock swaying just inches from my mouth. He was facing Charlie, who was pushing my legs up and back toward Jerry. Then Charlie swooped down between my legs, and I felt a warm, wet sensation at my asshole. I was being rimmed for the first time! I'd wanted to try it myself, but had never had the urge to suggest it. Now I had this hunky, handsome guy slurping away at my hole, getting me ready for his thick fucker. I was in heaven!

I could tell by the way Jerry's cock kept rising even more toward vertical that watching Charlie work on me was turning him on. But I wasn't getting any mouth action, so I tried to bend it down toward my lips. He sort of sighed, and shifted his hips so he could point his dick toward my open mouth. He put his hands under my neck and lifted my head up a little so the angle was better for him to slide his cock all the way in. He bottomed out in my throat at the same time I felt Charlie's blunt-ended, precum-covered cock start pushing at my back door. He was a little thicker than Sarge, so I felt every inch of him as he drilled his hot meat into my ass, slowly but steadily. Once all the way in, he stopped, and I luxuriated in the sensations, like a pig in slop. Then he and Jerry started to move in and out of my mouth and ass in unison. It was kind of like an old Esther Williams movie, except it was synchronized fucking.

Within a couple of minutes, they were both heading toward the edge of a terrific climax. My body was being alternately compressed and stretched out between them as they fucked in and out. I knew that I was in for a helluva dousing, and very soon. Both of them were swelling up, and getting steely hard. I could barely see what was happening with Jerry's balls about covering my eyes, but I could tell that they were both shaking hard. They leaned into each other and kissed sloppily, moaning loudly into each other's mouth, as they exploded into me.

They just slumped together, and relaxed so their bodies were resting on top of mine. I started shoving at Jerry, to push him off my face, and squeezing my thighs around Charlie.

Finally, my mouth was rid of its fleshy plug, and I could pant normally. They both settled back on their heels, while I tried to get re-oriented. As I lifted my head and looked down my sweat-covered body, I noticed my belly was covered in thick spurts of come, and my dick was still seeping. I didn't even know I had come when they did!

We got up and tried to get cleaned up. It was an awful lot of fun, trying to get us all into the shower booth at one time. Considering we had just met Charlie that afternoon, Jerry and I certainly got to know him pretty well that night. I don't think I ever slept so well, snuggled contentedly between two warm, hard-bodied buddies.

Sunday morning finally came, and every muscle in my body screamed as I tried to crawl out from under the arms and legs that criss-crossed me. I needed to pee--bad!

Jerry just rolled away from me, pulling his arm from across my chest. But Charlie opened one eye, grinned sleepily, and slid his hand down to my pee-hard dick. "Mmm," he said, "looks like somebody needs to go pretty bad."

"Yeah," I said, squirming, "and if you don't let go, I'm going to be going all over you!"

He was quiet for a few seconds, still grinning at me. Then he got a glint in his eye and said, "How about going in me? That way you don't have to get out of bed."

I think my jaw dropped again, but if he meant what I thought he meant, the dirty idea was starting to turn me on. "You mean..." I said.

"Yeah," he leered at me, "I always like to start the day with a nice, warm drink." He didn't wait for me to agree, but slid down and closed his lips around the head of my dick, mumbling something that sounded like "Hoh-huh-hey." By the time I figured out that he was saying, "Go ahead," I was already past the point of being able to hold my piss and was starting to squirt in his warm, wet mouth.

He didn't move his mouth on my dick, just clamped down more firmly with his lips, as I let loose a hearty stream, draining my overfilled bladder. Occasionally, he'd clamp down hard enough to cut off the flow so he could swallow. Then he'd let up a little and let the stream start again. I know it was all over in just a minute or so, but it seemed as if I had just spent hours at the highest level of erotic physical sensation I could remember. Could there be anything more intimate?

As Charlie drained the last few drips of my morning brew, I expected him to pull off and let my dick rest. But I hadn't even started to go limp when he began to move his sealed lips up and down my dick, pulling the skin as he moved in either direction. My pee-hard became a sex-hard!

I had had my eyes closed since Charlie went down on my dick and as I opened them, I noticed a little movement at my side. I turned my head and saw Jerry, lying on his side, propped up on his elbow and almost panting. "God, that was hot!" he said. "I was going to make some comment about how disgusting it was, and then I saw how much you were enjoying it--and I started to get into to it, too."

I was enjoying Charlie's blow job too much to talk, so I just smiled and nodded. Charlie looked up with his mouth still locked on my dick, and mumbled, "Mmm, mmm, mooh." (Mmm, mmm, good!)

Jerry leaned in and kissed me when he saw I was getting close, and his mouth muffled my cries as I once again filled Charlie's mouth with my juices, this time the creamy kind. After he had stripped my dick two or three times to get the last of my cum, Charlie slid back up alongside me, and reached over to hug both of us.

He said, "I really wasn't sure I was going to like living out here in the boonies, but I'm beginning to think it might be the best thing that ever happened." Jerry and I just hugged him back.

We were still for a moment, and then I realized Charlie's big hard dick was poking me in the hip. I reached down and put my hand around it, feeling it pulse strongly.

As I lightly worked the skin on and off the thick head, I grinned at Charlie. "Is this hot soup... or dessert?"

He had a blank look for only a moment, then grinned broadly. "If you work it right--both!"

It took me a hot half-second to slide down and wrap my mouth around the head of his big pole. I looked up at his face and gave him a go-ahead nod. The first blast nearly drowned me, before I figured out how I could control the force of his stream. Then I started letting my mouth fill up with his spicy piss, then cutting off the flow while I swallowed each mouthful.

Jerry climbed over both of us, and stuck his head down on Charlie's taut belly, watching me closely. I smiled at him as well as I could with a big pissing dick in my mouth. He was practically drooling. I mumbled, "Oo ah-ah eye ih?" (You wanna try it?) and signed at him, pointing at his mouth. He nodded his head up and down slowly, but very deliberately, his eyes practically glazed over.

While this exchange was going on, Charlie reached down and squeezed hard on the base of his cock, cutting off his piss. Jerry and I both looked up and saw him grinning back at us. "Ready when you are, guys. On three... one... two..."

Jerry was locked on Charlie's cock head and pushing his hand away before Charlie could say. "Three." And as I was watching closely, just a second later, I heard him gurgling and gulping the last spurts of Charlie's piss."

Charlie stayed hard, too, and Jerry made the transition from passive pee-drinker to active cocksucker without a pause. Charlie tapped both of us on the head. "Hey guys, I wanna cum, but first I want to suck Jerry while Davey fucks me."

Jerry didn't need to think about that suggestion for very long. He swung up and straddled Charlie's shoulder, pushing his throbber at Charlie's lips... I heard rather than saw Charlie swoop noisily down on Jerry's meat. In the meantime, I was pushing Charlie's legs up so I could get at his asshole. I started to scoot forward on my knees before I decided to take a closer look at Charlie's back door. I stuck my face down and slowly moved toward the pucker, sniffing in the sexy, slightly funky odor of Charlie's crack. I swear the thing winked a big come-on at me! I didn't hesitate a bit as I plunged down and tried to force my tongue into the tight, tangy hole.

Charlie flinched in surprise, and I heard Jerry moan as he must have clamped down on Jerry's dick. I munched around Charlie's hole for a while, until I couldn't wait anymore. I raised up and scooted forward to line up my dick (which seemed to have added an inch or two in the last several hours of being constantly erect) with Charlie's fuckhole. The hole was wet with my spit, and my dick was slick with precum, so I just applied pressure and slid right in to the hilt when Charlie flexed his sphincter muscle.

I started to fuck--in and out, in and out. At first I was preoccupied at the sensations I was feeling, encased in Charlie's incredibly talented ass chute, my eyes closed and fucking deliberately. I had already come once, so I wasn't in any hurry. Then I opened my eyes and saw Jerry's butt pumping back and forth in front of me while he fucked Charlie's face. I started to lean forward to give Jerry's ass a lick or two, but I couldn't, because Charlie's big hard cock was wedged into my belly. I leaned back and saw the round wet spot on my stomach where Charlie's dripping cock head had poked me--then I looked down at that pulsing monster of his and realized I could easily reach it with my mouth.

The instant my lips locked around the head of Charlie's dick, he thrust up, slamming his thick cock head to the back of my mouth. His movement almost made my dick fall out of his hole, but I shimmied up closer and sunk my whole dick in his hot hole, while sucking hard on his long, dark-skinned sausage. I started to fuck as hard and fast as I could at the same time, and I could tell he was doing the same to Jerry. The moans and growls told me we were all almost over the edge.

Charlie blew his load first. I held on for dear life, letting my mouth fill up then swallowing three times before his explosion quieted down. Jerry was next and I could tell from his clenched butt and uncontrollable tremors that he was shooting a huge load into Charlie's slurping mouth. Thinking about that as much as anything set me off too. I was fucking Charlie like a rabbit, bottoming out on each stroke. When I came, it felt like I was shooting marbles out of my peehole.

When all the sensations died down, and we started to relax, we heard whistles and hand-clapping. Two big naked studs, with leaking dicks pointed toward the ceiling, were leering at us.

"You guys... I'm so hot, I don't dare touch myself or I'll pop!" Gary said.

"I'm so hot, I'm gonna pop right away," Billy said, "and I wanna do it in a nice tight hole." He was looking at me as he said it.

I'd sucked Billy's huge rod last night for a while, but he hadn't fucked me. I was a little nervous about the idea then, to tell the truth, but my horniness quotient was so high that I pulled out of Charlie's hole and flopped down on my back, with my knees up and facing Billy and Gary.

He flashed a devilish grin and quickly dropped to his knees between my legs , grasped my thighs, and started pushing my legs back toward my head. I was held up, resting on my neck and shoulders when he surrounded my twitching asshole with his wet lips while his big squirming tongue tried to burrow into my guts. That incredible sensation lasted about 100 seconds, and then he lowered my butt until I felt his monster knocking at my back door.

Gary knelt beside my head and pushed his hot dick toward my mouth. "Here, try to concentrate on sucking this--don't bite down--and it'll go easier," he said.


I'd been stretched out by Gary, and Jerry, and Charlie, but I'd never felt anything like this--the pain, the pleasure... Billy's first plunge went all the way, his kinky pubic hair polishing my ass crack like a scouring pad. My ass had never been so full, so stretched, so hungry for more! Billy hadn't moved his hips yet, but every time his dick twitched inside me, I felt as if I were being flooded throughout my body by warm currents.

Billy waited a few more seconds, minutes--whatever! And then he started to draw his massive cock out of my grotesquely stretched hole. It was almost as much of a shock as when he plunged into me, and I opened my mouth in surprise--which was when I realized I still had Gary's oozing cock between my lips. Gary put his hand on the back of my head and gently pulled my head toward his crotch, his dick nestling easy in the opening of my throat. Then as Billy started his fucking motions, Gary used both hands to slide my mouth and throat up and down his dick. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Charlie and Jerry on their knees on the other side of me, enthralled by the action and pounding each other's swollen meat.

I learned where Billy's big butt muscles had come from--he was a fucking fucking-machine! Every time he slammed into me, my lip-covered teeth were knocked into Gary's pubic bone. The rhythm was too much for me to keep up with. They were both fucking me at breakneck speed, filling me up and stirring up my juices and my emotions and my lust, and teasing my ravenous appetite for more! I was floating in some never-never-land when I realized I was shooting again, high, powerful, spurts of cloudy, viscous cum erupting each time Billy's jackhammer cock knocked on my prostate's door.

My twitching and writhing set both Gary and Billy off at the same time. I felt them filling me up at both ends, and I also felt the splats of hot cum hitting my belly and chest as Jerry and Charlie pumped each other's loads onto me.

Everybody just kinda dropped and sprawled where they were, and I was pinned under a tangle of arms and legs. I looked around--at my two best friends, and my two new best friends--and they were all breathing deeply and slowly, with contentment written all over their faces. Then I looked at their other heads--all kinda puffy, but definitely drained soft and hanging low. Then I looked down my myself. "Spike" was still standing tall, so I said, "Hey, are you all pooping out on me? I'm ready for another round!"

Loud groans all around--and they all covered their cocks with both hands, clenching their thighs together. Gary said, "Didn't I tell you he was the horniest thing in three states?"

I pouted, trying to suppress a smile. "Well, if we're not going to fuck and suck anymore, what about breakfast?" After they stuffed me head-first into one sleeping bag and then stuffed it into the other one, they all got up and started getting cleaned up and dressed. Only Charlie hadn't finished his shower by the time I finally unzipped myself and popped my head out. He was sitting there on the couch, naked, waiting for Jerry to finish showering.

He stuck his hand out and helped pull me up. Then he pulled me into a hug, saying, "I think I really have found a home here, Davey." He paused, holding me at arm's length and looking right into my eyes. Then he broke into a big, toothy grin. "Now I just have to figure out where to go when I run away from it!" He slapped me on the butt and ducked, laughing hilariously, when I tried to take a swing at him

Epilog: March 2000

Charlie graduated in 1968. In both his junior and senior years, he led our school basketball team to the county tournament--for the first time in more than 30 years. We won the tournament his last year. He was drafted before he could start college at State, and went to Vietnam after basic training. Thank God, he came back OK. He went to school on the GI Bill, and then got a basketball scholarship to finish up his business degree.

He came back home to take over the business end of Gary and Billy's growing auto and truck repair business. They had built a big addition to the station with a couple of truck bays so they could work on semi-tractors, and they'd put up billboards next to the interstate exist to attract new business. But it was the quality of the work they did, and their willingness to go out of their way to help people in a jam, that made them successful--word-of-mouth is always better than paid advertising.

Jerry and I did end up together. He went to State after he graduated in 1969, but managed to miss getting drafted. I followed him to State in 1971, when the war was starting to wind down a little. We continued to live together when Jerry went on to veterinary school and I finished my degree in horticulture.

He worked for another vet in our county for a few years, and then--with help from his folks and Gary and Billy--built a little animal clinic across the road from the Stop-n-Fill. I started a landscaping business. At first I worked out of the station, but the business kept growing until I could afford to open a little greenhouse-nursery next to Jerry's clinic.

I don't know what my mom and dad knew, but they never treated Charlie or Billy or Gary with anything but kindness and respect--I'd almost say love, but they were Midwest Protestants after all, and it was hard to read their real emotions. I saw my dad cry for the first time when my mom died of breast cancer in 1979--she was just 49. He was never the same, and my youngest sister, Annie--yeah, the whiniest of the brats--turned out to be the angel who stayed home and kept house for him until he died in 1987.

Billy passed away in 1990, from heart damage caused by a tropical infection he got in the Army. Gary died of grief a year later. They were buried side by side, with a headstone that had two sets of sergeant's stripes engraved on it. Charlie kept the business going and even made an arrangement with the school board to offer internships and part-time jobs to students in the auto mechanics program at the vocational high school. He's helped finance several of them through advanced training school or college.

He still lives in the "new" house on the lot behind the station, but he left the old trailer as a "guest house." Occasionally the three of us forty-somethings get together there for old times' sake. Charlie's wife knows the story, and amazingly she's really very understanding. Besides, Charlie keeps her very happy and very satisfied. His wife was probably the first person to recognize that Jerry and I were lovers, years before while we were still in school, and we both just love her to death!

Oh--did I forget to mention that Charlie married my sister, Annie, in 1987? Their mixed marriage didn't cause much of a ruckus around here--besides, their 12-year-old twin sons, Billy and Gary, are already over six feet tall and big stars on the junior basketball team. The coach at the high school stops by the house a couple of times a week to shoot hoops with them, rain, shine, or snow. He's keeping a close eye on his future job security... We're just watching them grow up with great interest!


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