Summer Job

By Jack Fellowes

Published on Jun 9, 1999


Summer Job at the Stop'n'Fill--Part Two by Jack Fellowes ( Copyright 1999 by the Author

(Usual disclaimer: you know who you are, what kind of story this is, and whether you ought to be reading it. Act accordingly.)

[This is a continuation of, or sequel to, "Summer Job at the Stop'n'Fill -- Part One," which was originally posted to ASSGM in February 1998 and later archived in the "Rural" section of Nifty. You don't have to read Part One, which I am simultaneously reposting, to understand Davey's further adventures in Part Two, but it might help.]

Part Two: September 1967

That summer of 1967 was one of the best times of my life. I had been working for Sarge (Gary) for three months. It turned out he only really needed me to work about 30 hours a week at the Stop'n'Fill but, heck, $30 for a 13-year-old kid wasn't chump change.

Actually, he probably didn't need me that much, and he was overpaying me for what I did. That's not to say I didn't work hard, but I sure didn't have any special skills to justify a dollar an hour--I knew college kids who were only earning 75 or 90 cents.

And he probably knew I would have worked for him for free just to have the chance to "work out" with him three or four times a week. Just like the first time, our workout sessions always ended up with one or both of us getting the other off, sometimes twice. I found out Sarge used to be an Army drill sergeant, and he sure put me through the drill. He worked on me until I could take all of his big dick down my throat and up my ass. He really laughed when I told him, after he got it all the way in my ass the first time, "Now, I know why they call you a 'drill' sergeant--I feel like I've got a grain auger up my butt."

And he sure wasn't selfish about sex. Anything he did to me, he wanted me to do to him. I had never fucked another guy before, and for sure I had something to show my friend, Jerry. I could barely wait until he got back from his grandparents' place in Iowa the week before school started. It would be our only week to get caught up on what we'd each been doing during the summer. And boy, did I have a lot to tell Jerry! When I told Sarge that Jerry and I had been messing around for a couple of years, since Jerry was 13 and I was 11, he grinned at me and said, "I didn't think that was the first time you'd ever sucked a dick!"

The week before school would also be my last week working at the station four days a week. My folks had already said I could help out on Saturdays, and maybe Sunday afternoons if my homework was done. I figured I could talk them into Friday nights, too, so we could have one of our "workouts." I wanted Jerry to meet Sarge too, so they could really get acquainted, and so Jerry could "work out" with us. I'd already started having fantasies about being with my two favorite guys at once, and the old cum sock I stuffed in one of my basketball shoes under my bed was really getting crusty!

Jerry got home on Sunday the week before Labor Day, but I didn't get to see him until later on Monday, because his grandparents had driven him home, and all their local relatives were there that weekend for a kind of reunion. I wasn't working on Monday, and my sisters were home, so I spent most of the day just avoiding them. Mom and Dad thought I was crazy or something, because I kept asking them what other chores I could do around the barn or the tractor shed or the vegetable garden.

I was out in the garden Monday afternoon, digging potatoes, when I saw Jerry climbing over the fence on the far side of the big pasture between our families' farms. I rushed to turn the fork under one more plant, sifted through the dirt for keeper-size potatoes, and tossed them in the peck basket Mom had given me. I shuffled the basket over to the back porch, and then ran toward the pasture fence.

As I stood there, waiting for my friend, I knew I had a big, stupid grin on my face. I couldn't help it, I couldn't stop smiling. As he got closer, I was thinking, "Boy, he looks good!" As he got closer and I got a better look at the tight, worn jeans he was wearing, I added "real good!" to my mental appraisal.

"Hey, my man Spike," he greeted me. "How the hell've you been?" He grabbed me across the fence, both hands on my shoulders, and gave me a "church hug." (That's just pulling somebody toward you a little bit, then pushing them away before they actually touch you. I think it's a Midwestern Protestant thing.)

After he jumped over the fence, I steered him toward the barn and away from the house. If my oldest two sisters saw him, they'd be outside in a flash, hanging around too close for us to be able to talk and catch up. I guess I could understand it--Jerry was a really good-looking guy, tall, well-built (everywhere!), with strawberry blond hair and sky blue eyes.

But I didn't have to worry about Jerry taking after my sisters. As soon as we got behind the barn out of sight of the house, he gave me a real hug and stuck a sloppy wet tongue in my ear. "I really missed you, man!" he said. Then he stepped away, squeezed his crotch, and grinned. "And so did these guys."

I stepped toward him again and put my hand over his. "Well, they'll never be lonely again." I laughed. "If I have my way, they'll be the busiest little fellas around."

"Whatta ya mean, 'little'?'" he said, pulling his hand out from under mine and insistently humping his crotch toward my hand.

I gave his set a little squeeze. "I mean, it's not the biggest one I've ever had anymore," I said, enjoying the surprised look on his face.

"Whoa! Back up, there, Spike! What've you been up to this summer that I should know about?" he half-whispered, leaning closer to me.

I teased him, "Maybe I won't tell you. Maybe I'll just keep this great thing to myself." The next thing I knew, I was in a hammerlock and Jerry was giving me a knuckle-rub through the short brown hair on top of my head."

"Oooowww!" I yowled, "Okay, I give, I give! I'll talk!"

"Damn right you will," he said, stopping the knuckle action but keeping his arm around my neck. He pinched my cheeks between his thumb and forefinger to force my jaws open. "C'mon, boy! Talk!"

"Geez, Jerry, you'd think you were horny or something," I said.

He released me but kept his hand on my shoulder. "You don't know how horny, Spike. I mean, I've been with my grandpa and grandma every day for the last 11 weeks. Hell, I had to sneak in the bathroom after they fell asleep just to beat off. The first night I tried it in bed, the springs squeaked like a baby screech owl. My grandma asked me the next morning at breakfast if I was having a bad dream, because it seemed like I was tossing and turning a lot."

"Oh, man, I'm sorry," I said. "You wanna sneak back to your barn loft so we can get started on my special cure for the hornies?"

"Oh, boy, do I!" he sighed.

Even though I'd sucked Jerry off hundreds of times, this first time after three months was like the first time with Sarge. I barely got my mouth over the head of Jerry's seven-plus-inch pry bar before he erupted like Mt. Vesuvius. And it was the biggest load he'd ever given me, by a long shot (no pun intended).

We were lying on a pallet of hay covered with an old tarp. Jerry's shirt was open, and his jeans were down around his knees. I was resting my head on his flat belly, watching his slick, wet dick twitching and pulsing as it softened and the foreskin slipped back up over the head. He was running his finger lightly around my ear and down around my chin and back up.

"I think I'm going to have to wait to pay you back for that one, Spike. I didn't just blow my wad, all my energy is shot, too! I don't think I can move a muscle. You've really gotten good at that!" He kept caressing the side of my face gently, and I felt really happy.

"Hey, man, we're not keeping score," I said, rolling over to look up at his face. I grinned. "But I'm pretty sure it will be your turn to do me next... and it better be good!" The knuckles again!

Then he rolled over on top of me, his face right above mine. He whispered, "You know it will be," and gave me a big wet kiss right on the mouth, with a lot of tongue action.

And I knew he meant what he said. It was always good with Jerry, but I figured he was almost as hungry as he was horny, and the next time would really be special. Maybe we'd finally get around to fucking each other. I almost reconsidered taking him to meet Sarge the next day.

I didn't tell Jerry much about Sarge--I called him "Gary" so Jerry wouldn't have any real idea how old Sarge was. I sort of gave Jerry the impression that he was a new "kid" who'd moved into the area and worked at the new gas station. Sarge would be a real surprise!

I made arrangements with Jerry to ride over to my house on his bike Tuesday morning, so we could ride to the station together. I told him he could hang out while I put in a few hours working. He didn't know "Gary" was my boss. Sarge knew that I was bringing Jerry to work with me, but he didn't know what I had planned, and he'd never seen more than a two-year-old black-and-white photo of Jerry I kept in my wallet. Jerry was about four inches shorter, and even a little chubby, when that picture was taken. Today's tall, tanned, handsome version would be a great surprise for Sarge, too!

Sarge was breaking in a new part-time worker who I figured would be able to take care of customers while I got Sarge and Jerry back to Sarge's trailer for "lunch."

I'd wondered if the new guy would be taking my place after work, too, but when I saw him I didn't think it was too likely. I didn't know Jimmy real well, but I knew his little brother, Terry. They were both kind of sloppy fat, and not too swift in the brains department, and from a really religious family. The little brother was a year behind me, and he was so uptight about sex and body things he wouldn't even say "pee." He always had to "relieve himself." That got him teased a lot, and I have to admit I joined in with the other guys in gym class, singing our version of the Speedy Alka-Seltzer song: "Zip, zip. Whiz, whiz. Oh, what a relief it is!" (Well, we thought it was funny... At least we didn't make fun of his jelly-belly.)

Sarge was in the repair bay with the overhead door open, working on his old Buick, when Jerry and I rode up to the station on our bikes. He gave a wave, and started wiping his hands on a greasy rag, while we parked our bikes beside the station.

"That's your boss, huh? He's a neat-looking guy" Jerry said as we walked around front. "So when do I meet this Gary?"

Right then, Sarge stepped out to meet us. "That's me," he said. "You must be Jerry. I've heard a lot about you." He was giving Jerry the head-to-foot once-over, nodding approvingly, and Jerry was looking back at him almost with his jaw hanging open.

"You... you're Gary?" he finally said, turning and giving me a really funny look--not just surprise, but maybe a little admiration, too. I just grinned back at him.

"Yep," I said, "this is Gary. I call him Sarge because he used to be in the Army. He's got a lot of war stories."

Sarge looked at Jerry, then at me. Jerry was still looking at me with that look. Sarge said, "Is there something going on here I should be in on? Or maybe that Jerry and I both should be in on?"

I just kept grinning. "Well," I said, "I just wanted you guys to get to know each other without me giving you any preset notions. I thought it would be fun if we took some time at lunch and went back to Sarge's trailer to get a little better acquainted."

They both looked at me, then at each other, and back at me. I guess you could say their faces looked like someone had just turned on the light in a dark room. It took a while, but they both finally said something like, "Yeah, okay, good idea."

They both looked real sheepish after that. But that didn't keep Jerry from hanging over Sarge's shoulder and keeping a running conversation going as Sarge went back to work on the Buick. I watched them while I swept out the bays and hosed down the concrete out front by the pumps and kept imagining the two of them the way I liked them best: naked, with big juicy hard-ons pointed right at me!

Jimmy came in just before noon, and Sarge gave him instructions on what to do while we went to lunch. He told Jimmy he could help himself to soda and chips and the pickled hot sausages in the jar on the front counter if he got hungry. I thought that was a mistake, but I didn't say anything. I also wondered if Jimmy knew how to make change if any customers came in, but I didn't say anything about that, either. I decided I was thinking too mean. After all, he'd never done anything to me, and besides, I had other things to look forward to.

Right now I was looking forward at two of the sexiest butts I'd ever seen. I knew what the one was like, inside and out, and I had a real hankering to find out about the other one that I'd lusted after for so long! I almost stumbled a couple of times following Sarge and Jerry on the path back to the trailer.

As soon as we got inside and the door closed behind us, Sarge turned around and asked us what we wanted for lunch. I dropped down on my knees between them and groped both their baskets. "I know what I want," I said, grinning up at them.

I never thought of either one of them as being shy, but they both just kinda stood there with dumb looks on their faces. So I just got busy pulling zippers down and fishing out half-hard peckers that started to get really hard as soon as each of them looked down at the other's. Holding them by the stiffies, I pulled them closer together until their peeholes were about an inch apart. "Sarge, meet Jerry. Jerry, meet Sarge," I said, leaning up and giving each of their hard cocks a swipe with my tongue.

That set Sarge off. He leaned down and grabbed me by one arm and started lifting me up. Jerry followed suit, grabbing me by the other arm and helping Sarge carry me over to the couch. They dropped me on my back, and Sarge pulled my shoes off and then started unbuckling my belt and opening my jeans. Jerry moved around to my head and pulled my T-shirt over my head. Pretty soon, I was naked as a jaybird and hard as a rock, with the two of them standing over me with their own hard-ons jutting out of their flies.

Sarge reached over and gave Jerry's dick an appreciative tug. "Why don't you plug his smart little mouth with this thing, Jerry, while I start on the other end?" Jerry ripped open the buttons of his jeans and slid them down past his knees in a hot second, then knelt on the edge of the couch beside my head, offering me his throbbing cock. I could watch his face as I slurped his hot meat deep into my mouth, and I could see his eyes were burning a hole in Sarge's crotch while he lubed up my asshole and his big old dick.

"Oh, wow!:" Jerry said, as he watched Sarge slowly push his thick meat into my tight little hole--well. it used to be little, anyway. As Sarge started the long slow strokes into my ass, Jerry kept staring and started thrusting into my throat at the same pace. I felt like a pig on a barbecue spit, and I was loving it! It's a good thing, too, because they seemed only to be interested in watching each other fuck.

I was being pushed toward my own explosion from the mounting sensations of being stimulated by hot, slick meat stuffing me faster and faster at both ends. I reached up and grabbed Gary's T-shirt with my left hand and Jerry's with my right, and pulled them toward each other. It really didn't take any strength on my part--they just fell together in one of the hottest kisses I've every witnessed. (Okay, I haven't witnessed that many, but I've been involved in a few!)

Just about the time they started seriously swapping tongue, they both blew their loads like fire hoses. I swear the pressure of receiving super injections at both ends at the same time made my belly swell up like a balloon! (Honest! That's what it felt like, anyhow.) And that sensation was all it took to set me off--I felt like the loads they were pumping into me were immediately exiting through my throbbing, spurting dick. I sprayed all three of us with more gobs of liquid pearls than I can ever remember shooting.

They just slumped together over me, hugging and kissing. I had to remind them I was there, and that breathing might be nice!

It took a few minutes for Sarge to get it together enough to throw together a lunch for us of grilled cheese sandwiches and leftover macaroni salad, which we washed down with some of Sarge's special dark rich iced tea.

When it was finally time to get back to work, Jerry convinced Sarge to let him and me stay in the trailer for a while longer. He said he wanted to try something else with me. Sarge just grinned as he stepped out and closed the door behind him.

He not only tried, he succeeded! And I couldn't wait for my turn to start exploring virgin territory--Jerry's--the next day.

(End of Part Two)

NOTE: There will be a Part Three. I hadn't originally planned one, but there's another major character who hasn't arrived yet, and he deserves to be introduced with special fanfare (and a lot of extra lube!). And it won't take over a year from now for Part Three to arrive!!! -- Jack

Next: Chapter 3

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