Summer In The Dorms

By moc.liamg@87sessalgderolocesor

Published on Jul 4, 2022



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Summer In The Dorms

© 2022

I am at a summer program for rising high school seniors. We are all staying in the dorms and while showering around other guys had me scared for a bit, once I got here I found this to be a gay teens fantasy. So many dicks! Everywhere! Small, big, little nuts, big nuts, hairy, shaved, hard soft, dicks...everywhere. At the end of the evening program is over its like the guys on my hall can't wait to start showering and generally showing off. Here is what happened on our first day.

We arrived on campus and got our room assignments, all pretty run of the mill check in stuff. My dad helped me move in and he checked out the hall bathrooms and showers. This was clearly a girls dorm in the regular school year because the hall bathroom was absent of any urinals. Just toilet stalls, sinks, and stalls for the shower. My nerves were a little calmed when my dad pointed out the curtains that separated the shower from the rest of the bathroom. In fact there was kind of a "pre shower" curtained area with a bench where you could put your things before you stepped into the rest of the shower. I started to think to myself, I'll just take a shower really early or really late and it will be fine. I was worried about a couple of things-- others seeing me naked, I wasn't sure how I stacked up in the dick department, and seeing other boys naked, I was worried I would get a boner, be labeled a fag, and have to go home in shame. All of that fear would take a turn at our first hall meeting!

Okay, it wasn't the first meeting. They had us walking around to take a tour of the campus, see where our classes would be the next day, play games on the quad, eat in the dining was a long hot first day, and then our RAs wanted to have a meeting on the hall. The RAs were college age students who were responsible for us on the hall. Our building was all boys and our RAS were boys too. Our RA set our hall meeting for 9PM and went to help the other RAS have their meetings at 7PM and 8PM. I wasn't sure why they all needed help but then it became clear during our meeting.

At 9PM the 26 of us boys on floor 3 from all over the state gathered together in a really nice common room on our floor to have our meeting. My RA's Caleb and Keaton started the meeting with some rules about living together, curfew and having guests on the floor. Female guests were not allowed in the dorm, but that meant the guys could visit floor to floor and room to room until curfew. Someone asked why we couldn't have guests from the other dorms and Keaton responded "Well that brings us to the most important part of the meeting and that is our shared bathroom." Everyone groaned, clearly I was not the only one for whom the shared bathroom experience would be new.

Caleb joined in the conversation, "We know this will be different for lots of you, but this is a great way to get used to dorm life in college. You probably won't have your own bathroom wherever you go next year. You will at least share with someone."

Keaton joined in, " And we want everyone to feel comfortable and like you can be yourself here on the hall, in the whole dorm even. So give us just a second to get the other RAS and we have somethings to share about the bathroom etiquette. The other boys and I snickered a bit at the thought of the RAs trying to tell us how to discretely take a dump or not to flush the toilet when someone was in the shower. After a few minutes all of the male RAS from the building- 6 in total appeared dressed in bath robes at the front of the lounge.

"For the purposes of this demonstration," Caleb boomed as if he was announcing a boxing match, "Rich and Eric will be---- the shower curtain." Rich and Eric two of the RAS from downstairs produced a towel which they held up to be a shower curtain. Caleb, clad in his own bathrobe, continued "Now let's meet our contestants, I mean hallmates." The three other RAs waved their hands. This was panning out to be skit the RAs must have shown the other two halls. "First up we have Keaton...let's give him a round of applause."

Keaton stepped forward in his robe. "Hi I'm Keaton and I'm pretty shy. I am an only child and have my own room and bathroom. So sharing with everyone is going to different." Keaton said. Had these dudes crawled inside my head ? Could anyone else feel this way ?

" So Keaton show us your plan for sharing a bathroom with 25 teenagers this summer?" Caleb asked as if he was the host of a game show.

Keaton nodded in agreement and went over to the wall of the room and grabbed his towel and toiletries. He walked to the "shower curtain" opened it and stepped inside pulling it shut behind him.

Caleb narrated, " Oh I see Keaton is going for the `Now you see me, now you don't approach' he has gathered all of things and brought them in the shower stall with him. First he reaching out to hang up his towel, now he has taken off his robe and is hanging that up."

Keaton's arm reached out to hang the robe on Eric and then pulled his hand back behind the towel. The next thing we saw was a hand reaching out from behind the towel with a pair of underwear.

"Ahhhh..." Caleb bellowed, "Keaton has gotten in the shower and then gotten undressed. Now he has started the water to take his shower. Keaton what's the plan after your done? "

Keaton peaked his head out from behind the towel/curtain with a shower cap on and said,"I'll dry off in here, and put my robe on to go back to the room."

"Let's hear it for Keaton!! " Caleb cried out and the audience of boys around the room clapped. "We don't care how you do it," Caleb continued, "As long as you TAKE A SHOWER" all of the RAs yelled the last line and turned to show us the back of their robes which also read "take a shower. "Up next is Nate!"

Nate, one of the RAs from downstairs stepped forward in his robe. "Nate tell us about yourself."

"Well I live downstairs and I've been here for three summers. And I know that everyday I need to TAKE A SHOWER." Nate responded, the other RAs echoed the verse and some members of the audience joined in.

"When will you shower?" Caleb asked as if he already knew.

Nate responded like a contestant on a game show and said" some times at night, sometimes in the morning, some times in the middle of the day, but I know that I need to TAKE A SHOWER." Now the room was all picking up on the theme.

"So what's your plan when the time comes?" Announcer Caleb asked.

"Well like I said I have been here for three summers and shared plenty of bathrooms in college, so I'll probably get my towel and soap from my room," he went to the corner to grab those items, " slip on my shower shoes," he did, "and head out of my room like this..." Nate took of his robe and was only wearing a pair of black boxer briefs. Everyone in the room clapped or laughed as Nate made a circle around the room whistling as if he was walking down the dorm hall. "And then when I get there, I'm just going to set my soap inside, turn on the H2O and put my towel on this little bench," he just dropped his towel on the floor as if a bench was there, "and when the time is right and the water is right, I'll just..." Nate turned to face away from us and pulled his boxer briefs straight down showing us his muscular ass. The room cackled as he shook his butt back and forth at us. He had a hairy butt crack and a little bush at the top of his ass. Later I learned that he was a dance major in college so his body made all the sense in the world to me.

I was sitting next to my roommate who made an obvious adjustment to his crotch and I felt the need to do the same. We just looked at each other briefly making a mental note to talk about Nate later. Meanwhile Nate was about to step into the "shower" when Caleb stopped him.

"Wait Nate a couple of questions. First off, that's Keaton's shower you are just going in?"

"Oh Caleb, haven't you noticed that each shower stall has two or three shower heads," as Nate answered, it made sense to me why each of the stalls I had seen was so big. "So I'll just call out, hey is there any room in here?"

Keaton popped his head out and said very cheesy, "Sure Nate come on in."

"And Nate second don't mind if everyone sees you on the hall in your underwear or naked outside the shower?" Caleb asked. Until this point Nate had stayed with his butt facing the audience, but he turned around to face us all...

God he was beautiful. Muscles and definition everywhere and a flaccid cock probably hanging about 4.5 or five inches and I hadn't seen many dicks at this point, but seemingly thin rather than thick. The audience erupted in claps and screams and laughs. I've never been to a frat party, but maybe this was like a nerdy frat party. As everyone was laughing and yelling I leaned over to my roommate and said "where are his pubes?"

Kenny, my roommate whispered "I guess he shaved them off."

"People do that?" I asked.

Kenny just nodded in the affirmative.

Caleb calmed the crowd with his hands and asked his question again, "you don't mind if everyone sees you on the hall in your underwear or naked outside the shower?"

"Not at all," Nate responded, "I'm pretty comfortable now , but I wasn't always. I get it, but everyone in this dorm is male and has the same equipment."

"Well not exactly the same," Caleb looked directly at Nate's dick and then down at his own crotch area covers by his robe. The room laughed.

"Well I'm going in," Nate cheerfully said as he stepped behind the curtain, "because everyday we need to TAKE A SHOWER." The audience of teenagers cheered him on. "Here I come Keaton. Nate went behind the towel and for a moment we saw a bare-ass Keaton covering his dick with one hand and waving with the other.

"So that's it gentlemen, get in the shower however you want just be sure to-"before Caleb could give us the TAKE A SHOWER tagline, Jim one of the other RAs cut him off.

"Hold on Caleb we know that Keaton is a little shy and is hoping in the shower first, we know that Nate feels comfortable walking down the hall in his undies, but what about YOU how will you TAKE A SHOWER?" Jim asked.

"Oh I didn't know I was playing" Caleb answered. "Boys is there room in there for one more? He called behind the curtain. "Let me go get my stuff. " Caleb disappeared around a corner.

As of on cue the RAs holding the towel/curtain moved to the side to reveal Keaton and Nate pantomiming their shower. Nate was scrubbing Keaton's back and Keaton had a hardon!! He was pretending to wash his balls between brief tugs on his junk.

"Keaton we thought you were shy!" Jim called out in Caleb's absence.

"I am, but Nate and I have become good friends now. We shower at about the same time everyday. So now I am more comfortable." Keaton responded, while turning straight to the audience and plainly jerking off his six inch boner. "Usually Caleb is showering at about the same time. Where did he go?"

Jim looked around, presumably having taken over the duties of host. "He went to get his shower stuff so he could show us how he does it." Then Jim changed his volume and tone, clearly giving Caleb the cue to reappear by saying, "here he comes now. "

Caleb bounded around the corner without his robe and completely naked. Caleb was tall and chubby, clearly a football player. He had a big smooth belly and thick hairy thighs. He had a deep hairy belly button and treasure trail. Some man titties that bounced as he bounded proudly around the room. His ass was wide and pale. He had a super farmers tan making that pale hairy ass even better. His size made his dick seem tiny but so did his pubes. His bush seemed to just have a little fat mushroom cap emerging from its nest. There is no way he was hard. But what he lacked in size, he made up for in pride. There was no shame in his chubby nakedness as he paraded around the room with a towel over his shoulders.

"What's everybody waiting for?" Caleb gestures partially to the audience and mostly to his fellow, robe clad RAs. "We need to TAKE A SHOWER." The other RAs ditched their robes revealing they had been naked all along.

The boys in the room cheered loudly, clapped and laughed. Some immediately started stripping themselves. Shirts came off, shorts were shoved to the floor. Some jumped up and ran straight to the actual showers dropping clothes along the way.

My roommate and I stood up on the couch we had been sitting on to get a good view of the antics. He nodded towards the RAs who were still naked and congratulating themselves on a job well done. "Which one do you like...of the RAs?" He asked.

Without hesitation and to my surprise I said "Caleb, I think."

"Oh your a chub chaser," he responded and winked as he reached for his belt and let his shorts fall to the floor.

I had no idea what a chub chaser was or why I was inclined to like Caleb. But I am learning. I know my parents think they dropped me off for a leadership program, but I am getting a lesson in dick. My first real lesson was the next morning, in the showers, when I ran in to Caleb...

What happens next? Let me know at

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