Summer Fun with Zak

By chad

Published on Mar 10, 2013


Summer Fun with Zak Part 9

Enjoy the story and remember, jerk your cock while reading!

At dinner, Dad asked me what I was doing at Matt's house and I told him that we were hanging out and just watching TV. Colton laughs and goes, so what was on that you were watching? I glared at him and said, we had it on, but was talking so it doesn't matter and why are you so nosey? Dad laughs and goes, don't get so pissed off easily son, and relax, be happy. Mom changed the subject and we ate in peace with my mind on Matt and our blossoming relationship.

Later that evening, we took off running, stripping our shirts off and running against the Texas humid air, both of our bodies glistering with sweat. I ran behind my brother so I could watch his cute bubble ass and his sweaty back. I have to admit that I did have a semi and could have watched my brother all night. We got back to the house and jumped into the pool to cool off and relax for a while. I was a little depressed because Matt didn't show up but after about 30 minutes, I headed to my room to shower. After showering, I was laying on my bed playing with my phone while Colton was showering and me thinking of him under the shower. He comes out and walks into my room drying off, cock swinging from side to side, looking fresh!.

I laughed and said, come closer and I will make that thing come alive. He goes, noooo, mom and dad are here and would hear us. I am like, so, lock the door. Of course, he wouldn't do it and walks out with me admiring his cute ass in the flesh. As he left, my phone rang and it was my boyfriend from next door and it made me so happy. We talked for a few minutes and I could tell that he was not his usual self and it worried me so I asked what was wrong with him. He goes, oh yeah, sorry, I guess I was sleeping before I called you and still not fully awake. I told him it was cool and then asked about his nudity again in front of his mom. He comes back with, OMG, it's just being naked, and its no big deal. He said that he grew up in a "open" family and he was raised to love his body and not to be ashamed of it. So I asked, are your parents naked around you too? He got quiet and goes, man, that's why I hate bringing people into my house because this shit always happens. Either you're offended by it or you are getting off on it. Why does it fucking matter Zak? I was stunned and didn't know how to respond to this, so I didn't say anything. He goes, HUH? You don't want to talk now? I finally said, quit being a fucking dick Matt and getting all defensive. He goes, whatever, I have to go anyway and he hangs up on me. I laid on my bed just staring at my phone and thinking, what the fuck just happened?

After a few minutes we exchanged a few texts:

Me: I am sorry for asking questions. Matt: NP (no problem) Me: u mad Matt: No, its K Me: We OK Matt: Y (yes) Me: doesn't seem like it Matt: Stoned, ha Me: ur high????

And that was it, no response back from him. I was now sitting up on the edge of my bed questioning everything about Matt, his family and our relationship. With my mind going around in circles, my dad walks in and closes the door. I looked at him and asked, YES?

He goes, can we talk for a few minutes about something. I am thinking to myself, sure, why not, I am fighting with Matt, finding out he is high and not sure about us, and you want to talk with my door closed, this should be good. So I said, sure, we can talk, anything in particular? He goes, how is summer going? I told him, just fine, working some and getting to goof off too which makes it fun. He then asks, and looks like you and Matt have become good friends quickly. I said, yeah, he is cool and we get along on the most part. Then the man just sits there and didn't know what to say so I tried to lighten the mood with, you here to talk about the birds and bees? He laughs and goes, just wanted to give you time to tell me what's going on in your life? I looked at him and said, so you want me to tell you that I am gay, is that it? He goes, only if you want to tell me that. So I said, I am gay Dad and tired of hiding it. He goes, see was that hard to do? I shook my head and he goes, now just to let you know, me and your mom love you just the same and it changes nothing. So quit being scared and be more open to us and not make us wait you out. I sighed and said, and I bet my brother confirmed this today didn't he? He laughs and goes, I don't repeat conversations between you guys and he walks out.

I stayed in my room, with mom coming in to hug me and to tell me that she loves me. I waited until everyone was in bed and then went into Colton's room. He was playing his video game and had his mic on talking to someone. He holds up his right hand signaling to me to give him two minutes. I sat down beside him and for the god of me, couldn't figure out what the hell was going on in the game. After 5 minutes, he turned it off and said, you ok? I am like, oh yeah, thanks for broadcasting it to everyone that I am gay. He goes, omg, dad asked me and I didn't know what to say so I said yes. My hand went to his crotch and I started feeling around, arousing his cock. I am like, well did you tell him you like it when a gay boy sucks your cock? He goes, hmm, yeah sure, I said that. I fell to my knees in front of him and said, slip out of your boxers. He lifts up and pulls them down exposing his hard teen cock to my awaiting mouth. He goes, lick it and suck it brother! I went down on it and his cock hit the back of my throat and I started sucking on it. It twitched and got harder in my mouth and he was holding on the back of my head, pushing it down on his cock. It felt awesome and then he moaned with, going to cum Zak! I kept on sucking it and his cock shot out its cum and I swallowed every drop of it. He was thrusting his cock into my mouth and I loved it!

I pulled off of him and he goes, thanks bro that felt great. I then told him that it was his last one until he get's his buddy Chase over here because I want to suck him. Colton stares at me and goes, ok, that is not happening. I stared back at him and said, oh yeah it is because you like getting blown. About that time, I heard tapping on my window in my room and we both looked at each other with the WTF look. I went to my room, with him following me and pulled my blinds up and saw Matt looking in. I opened the window and he goes, fuck, answer your god damn phone. He crawls through the window and into my room and see's Colton naked. He goes, yeah and goes for him and I pull him back and said, he just came, down boy. Colton laughs and goes, I will be ready for another in a few minutes and with that I told him to get out.

Matt sits down on my bed and pulls his shirt off. I am like, what are you doing? He goes, just wanted to give you a good night booty call. So I went for it and said, dude, I really like you, but I think you are freaking wacked. He shrugs and goes, yeah, a little off balance, but that's what makes me fun. He stands up and pulls his shorts off and is standing in my bedroom completely naked with nothing but a smile on his face. I told him to hold on and we need to discuss shit. He groans and sighs with oh ok and told me to get naked first. So, like a horny boy, I stripped off my clothes, exposing my rock hard cock to him. He goes, man, lets 69 first, then we can talk? I am like, no Matt, let's talk and then suck.

We sit on the side of my bed and I am like, so tell me everything I need to know about you. He goes, well, my name is Matt, I am Bi and in love with this cute guy that lives next to me, but he wants to talk too much. Hearing that, my heart was his I reached out to hold his hand. He goes, man Zak, you are too tensed and worry about shit all the time. I was like, so you smoke weed and that relaxes you? He stares at me with his eyes and goes, yes, I smoke pot and yes I am high tonight, so get over it. He continues with, Have you ever tried it? I shook my head and he goes, that's cool, but it may loosen you up. I laughed and said, yeah, I guess so. He goes, dude, my parents know I smoke it, they know I suck cock some, they know how big my dick is, they know me and you are fucking around and they know I am a good person. He also says, yeah, I grew up with not wearing much clothes and yes I have been to nudist camps and beaches and no, it doesn't bother with people seeing me naked. He laughs and goes, you seem pretty quiet now? I am like, man, I don't know where this is headed. He gets down on his knees in front of my cock and runs his tongue up the shaft, circling the head of it and then looks up at me with a smile. He goes, you still like me? I looked back at me and said, I love you Matt. He goes, I love you too Zak. He gets up and pushes me unto the bed ands lays on top of, kissing me passionately while our bodies rubbed together.

Ok, that is Chapter 9. Let me know what you think guys. Send me some love and pics of any ideas you want to see down the line.

Next: Chapter 10

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