Summer Fun with Zak

By chad

Published on Feb 24, 2013


Summer Fun with Zak part 8

Hope you enjoy. This part is focused on Zak and Matt only. More to come! Let me know what you like and dislike.

The next morning, I went to work and it was so busy I couldn't even think about Matt or my parents and what was happening to my life. I finally got off around 4 and went home hoping Matt wanted to swim or fuck around. I walked into the house and found it empty, no Colton and no parents. I changed into my shorts and went outside to lay by the pool and think about my new love. As I was laying out, I texted Matt and he replied with an answer that made me sit up in my lounge chair.

Me: Hey, half naked by pool, come see me

Matt: With your Dad and Colton!

Me: WTF?

Matt: Haha...jealous?

Me: What you doing?

Matt: Both of them! Haha

Me: STFU. For real?

Matt: IDK, along for the ride


This shit went on and on and he would never tell me what they were doing. I was getting agitated and pissed and finally called him. He answered laughing with, took you long enough to call. I asked him calmly, where are you and what are you doing? He answers with, you are jealous? He goes on with, I am friends with you and your brother, so get over it Zak. I was stunned with his tone and was like, ok Matt, I will call my dad and ask him. He laughs and goes, you sound like a jealous little girl. I got pissed and just hung up on him and called my dad. Dad answers with hey Zak, whats up buddy? I am like, where you guys at? He goes, oh me and Colton are at your grandmas for a few minutes. I am like, where is Matt? He goes, sorry, I don't keep up with the neighbor kids.

I was fuming as this fucker was playing with me and for whatever reason, it made my blood boil. I told dad bye and called Matt again. He answered with laughter and goes, if I stick my dick through the fence right now, what would happen to it? I am like, you're an asshole dude, what is your problem. As I said that he was walking in from the back gate with this silly grin on his face. He goes, oh laugh, its funny, I got you all worked up thinking I was out getting close to your brother. I just said , whatever dude, just didn't' want you with my dad right now. He came close to me and then leaned over my face and said, why not Zak? I looked at him and said, well I have not really discussed that I am gay to my dad and you fucking scare me. He moves in and kisses me, which felt really great and after a few seconds, he goes, don't worry about him.

As he was kissing me, his right hand went to my crotch and was feeling my bone and squeezing it. I manage to say, lets go to my room and he goes, been waiting for this all day . We made it to my room, each undressing and he knelt before me and started sucking on my aching dick. His lips felt great and he went to the base of my cock and I love that feeling. He had my dick in his mouth and he was working on it. He looked up at me with his beautiful eyes and my heart melted for him. As he was sucking, I heard the door open from the garage and mom yelling, I am home! I pulled my dick from his mouth and was like, fuck and he was like, let me keep going. I am like, nooooooo and pulled it away from him. I got my shorts on and he was getting his on when mom appeared in the doorway smiling and said, hey guys. I was red and Matt just says, hey Mrs. H, How you doing. She goes, great, but long day at work. We chatted for a second and she goes, ok, I have stuff to do around here. She leaves and I just sit on the bed going OMG, she saw you pulling your shorts up. He goes, So what Zak, just get over it. I am like, well lets go to your house and do this shit. He responds with, ok lets go.

We get to his house and I was still totally shocked about this and somewhat excited. We had no shirts on and walked in the house and his mom was at the table working on something. She smiled and goes, hey and I said, hello. Matt goes, we are going to my room to mess around. She smiles and goes, ok, let me know if you need anything guys. We get to his room, which was upstairs and it was a fucking mess. I am like, wtf dude? He laughs and goes, oh, I am a slob I guess and he sits down on his bed. I sit down beside him and he is laughing going, damn your eyes are checking out my room. I am like, well just curious as what you are into. He goes to his knees and says, oh just your cock and reaches up to pull my shorts down. I am like, we can't do this here. He laughs with, well you're in my room for a reason. And I let him pull my shorts off and he engulfs my cock again. As he sucked me, I was enjoying it but was still scared as his mom was downstairs. I got close to cumming and said, dude, stop, come on. He kept on going and looked at me with his eyes and that's when I came in his mouth. He swallowed every bit of it and my dick went limp in his mouth. He got up and said, thanks, I love your dick.

As I sat there recovering, he went to his bathroom laughing about what just happened. I kinda peeked around the room more while he was gone and wondered what it would look like after a year. He came out and sat beside me and then I asked him the question that had bugged me. I said, Hey, so the other day I saw you through the fence and you were naked in front of your mom. He looked at me and goes, and? I was kinda taking back with his and answer and said, so, whats up with that? He goes, I have always been open around my parents and I don't hide my body. I thought about it and said, so you are a nudist? He goes, you can say that I guess, but for real, it's just natural, so I don't care. I said, fair enough but I had a lot of questions in my head, but didn't want to press it.

We talked for a minutes and then I said, so, why don't you clean your room Matt? He goes, yeah I need to, but we just moved in and I kinda just threw stuff around. Then we heard his mom calling from downstairs for him to come down for a minute. I was still naked and just sitting there, so he goes, be right back. He left and of course I couldn't help myself, so I peeked under the bed. Nothing was under there, just a box with papers in it. I looked through his nightstand drawer and found some random shit, but nothing interesting. I walked over to his dresser and opened the top drawer and was fucking shocked. In it, was joints, bag of weed and a bong. I was like, wtf? I closed the drawer and sat back down just in time for him coming up the stairs. He goes, hey and closed the door. He forced me back down on the bed and started kissing me again. I rolled him over and got on top of him, still kissing him and then licked down to his hot nipples and sucked on them. He was moaning as I licked and sucked each of his nipples. I moved down to his dick and pulled his shorts down. Now it was my turn to suck so I started licking his cock from the base to the head, circling his dickhead with my tongue and finally taking his cock into my mouth. As I sucked on him, he moaned and was getting louder. I pulled off and said, shh, don't' let your mom hear us. He laughs and goes, oh ZAK!!! And I freaked. He goes, she doesn't care, keep sucking me you cock sucker. I went back down on him and sucked him until he came into my mouth. His cum tasted awesome as it filled my mouth.

We cleaned up and I pulled my shorts on and he stayed naked. I told him, well I better get home and he goes, ok. We kissed again and he goes, lets go. I am like, you want to put your shorts on. He laughs and goes, no I don't. I was like, fuck and walked down the stairs. His mom see's us and goes, oh Matt, you have company here, you know better. He laughs and goes, he has one too. Now, I was really feeling awkward and said bye and raced out of the house. I got home and found dad and brother back and dinner was about ready. We ate with me thinking about Matt and what I found out today about him.

Ok, same as always. Let me

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 9

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