Summer Fun with Zak

By chad

Published on Feb 10, 2013


As a reminder, Don't start with this chapter, go to chapter 1 and start there. Hope you all enjoy! Let me know.

I laid in bed the next morning processing yesterday's details and thinking about how in love I was with Matt. He was fun, outgoing, spontaneous, cute and somebody who I thought would be a great boyfriend. But there was still questions about who he really was and what makes him tick. As I laid in bed thinking these thoughts, Colton comes into the room wearing nothing but boxer briefs and a smile. I looked up and smile at him and asked him what's up. He goes, hey, can you take me to the mall to meet with Chase and hang out. Now, this seemed strange to me as this was not my brother's usual thing to do. I am like, yeah, sure, what time do you want to go. He goes, in about 20 minutes, so get up and let's go. I laugh and tell him he looks good standing there asking me to do a favor for him. He signs and goes, oh god, you are a fag. I laugh and tell him to get closer to me and I will show him what a fag I really was when I suck his cock. He goes, omg, just get up, we need to go and he walks out.

I get up and dress in shorts and t shirt and yeah, I thought I looked fucking hot. I went to his room and he was checking himself out in the mirror and of course I started laughing. He goes, shut the fuck up and heads for the door. He looked hotter then me and he had actually combed his freaking hair, so I know something was up. So I followed him out and asked him what was at the mall. He grins at me and goes, Chase is going to be there with two girls. I am like, ohhhhhhhh, when did this happen? He goes, we talked about it yesterday and he wants me to hang with them today. So I was happy with my brother finally getting out and making more friends and how he was acting because girls were there. We get outside and Matt was in front of his house with no shirt on and sweaty from working in the yard. I am like, what you doing sexy? He goes, fuck, mom and dad said I have to clean out the flowerbeds and get the weeds out and shit like that. He goes, you wanna help? I laughed and said, maybe later but have to take squirt to the mall. I could have stayed there watching him work in the yard and probably jerked off to his sweaty body.

We get to the mall and Colton goes, ok, can I call you when I need a ride home? So I got the feeling I wasn't going to be liked if I went into the mall myself, so I said, sure, whatever. So I took off and headed home to look at Matt. I get there and his mom was out there with him and I walked over to say hi. She was nice and talked to me for a few minutes and then told Matt he was doing a good job and she went in. I am like, she seems nice and Matt goes, yeah she is cool. So nosey me asks, what about your dad? He moans and goes, he is a douche and let's not talk about him. So I stripped off my shirt and joined him in working. It sucked working up the dirt and getting the weeds out but we were making good time. We actually had a good time and laughed most of the time as we talked about stupid random shit. His mom came back out and brought us some water and thanked me for helping Matt. We continued working in the hot sun and Matt's body was really making me horny. I finally got close to him and pinched his nipple and he jerked back and laughed. He goes, fuck, that hurt. I am like, yeah, but it felt good to me. He goes, yeah I bet it did horny boy and goes, fuck this, let's go swimming. I was all in with that idea and we took off to my backyard.

We stripped out of our shorts and jumped into the cool water. It felt good and being naked with Matt was awesome. We swam around for a few minutes and then leaned up against the pool talking when he reached out and touched my dick. I was like, what do you want Matt. He goes, let's go to your room, what about it? I am like, sure and we jumped out dried off and headed to the house. We get to my room and he pushed me on the bed and lays on top of me and his hot beautiful lips find mine and we start making out. Oh shit, it felt good with his naked body on top of mine and making out with him. He found his way down to my nipples and was licking and sucking on them, sending me into a frenzy and one fucking hell of a bone. He worked down to my cock and engulfed it, going all the way down on it. He sucked my cock as I moaned in pleasure thinking this is fucking amazing. He licked back up my body and grinned at me, letting me know it was my time to taste his body. I flipped him over and went straight to his cock, and it was fucking big. I swallowed it, going all the way down and sucking it like a pro. I played with his big nuts as my mouth worked on his shaft. I went down each time on him putting enough suction and tongue on his cock to keep him moaning. After a few minutes, he pulled me off and said, you have any rubbers?

I stumbled to my dresser and grabbed a couple and then grabbed my lube and he laughs and goes, I bet you have a dildo somewhere for this? He was right, I have a dildo that I use on a regular basis to get me off. He rips a rubber open and starts putting it on his rock hard cock. I was almost shaking thinking about what was about to happen to me but I really wanted it. He put me on my side and told me to relax and slide up next to me. He goes, I will go easy, but just relax your ass. I did what he told me to do and I felt the tip of his cock enter my asshole and he kept saying, relax dude. It felt so good as he went in but it hurt in a good way. He worked his cock in easy and slow and then all sudden I felt his body against my ass and knew he was fully in. He just let it stay in for a few seconds and then started to fuck me slowly. It felt wonderful as he fucked me and my cock was about to burst a load and each time he went back in, sending me over the edge. I busted my nut and came hard with him laughing and fucking me still. He goes, omg, that's fucking hot and kept pumping me with his long shaft. I could feel him tensing up and he moans, oh shit, I am going to cum. He was still in me as he came and that feeling of his cock erupting in my ass was the best feeling ever. He slowed pulled out and took off his rubber. He goes, fuck dude, that was hot. We both laid there and he finally goes, dude, lets shower. We showered together, kissing and scrubbing each other.

We get out of shower and hear banging on the door. I am, who the fuck is that and Matt goes, probably my mom wondering where I am. So I let him borrow a pair of shorts and we went to the door. His mom is like, what happened to you Matt? Matt goes, we went swimming for a while to cool off since I got a lot done with Zak's help. She goes, well we need to finish this today, so get out there and finish it son and quit playing with your boy friend. I was standing behind the door and was like, OMG, what did she say? Matt looks at me and goes, my mom assumes shit, and he smiles and walks out. I sunk down on the floor wondering how much his mom suspects if she made statement like that. I heard my phone ringing and went running for it and it was my brother. He was yelling at me asking where I have been because he has been calling for 30 minutes. I apologized and took off to go pick him up.

I got to the mall and he jumped in and said lets go home. I asked how it went and he said, ok, but nothing more he wanted to talk about. I let it go and drove home and when we got home, I noticed that Matt was not outside working. Colton said he was going swimming and took off inside to change and I decided to join him. We are swimming and we hear his mom in the backyard so I jumped out and looked between the fence to see what she was doing as I was intrigued about the family. She was sitting on the bench smoking a cigarette and talking to Matt through the open door. He appeared in the doorway buck naked. I was shocked when she looked at him and held a conversation with him without saying anything about him being naked. He turned around walked off and she just sat there looking out in the backyard. I went back to the pool and told my brother and he laughed and said maybe they are nudists. I am like, yeah maybe so but why did she want him home but he isn't out there working.

We swam for a while longer and went inside to find our dad coming in. He hugged both of us and told us that he was taking us to dinner and mom was meeting us there. We went to dinner and it felt good having them both there together. We get home and dad is like, what is going on with your brother? I looked at him and asked him what he was talking about? He goes, he seemed happier and more talkative tonight. I am like, oh, he has been like that lately, guess he is coming out of his shell. As I said that, Colton comes in wearing only his boxer briefs. As I said in the beginning, he is a reserved person and we usually only saw him with no shirt when he was in the pool. So I could see dad's surprise and he goes, hey buddy. He goes, hey dad, just about to go swimming, you wanna come? He goes sure and it was a nice family moment as us four were out there swimming. As we swam and laughed and just had fun, we hear Hey!.. I looked up and it was Matt looking over the fence and I said hey back. He goes, you guys are noisy tonight. Dad laughs and goes, you must be Matt. He goes, yes sir and dad goes, you can come over and join us. Then mom goes, but you need to wear shorts. All poor Matt could do was laugh and play it off. Dad goes, hmmm, not sure if I heard that story. Colton goes, yeah Matt likes to be naked a lot. I was red with embarrassment and couldn't believe my brother would say that to dad. So Matt comes over and we all hang out which was pretty cool. As we went in and Matt left, dad came up to me and said, he seems like a nice guy for you and that left me stunned...

So, let me know what you think about this chapter. Email me

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Next: Chapter 8

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