Summer Fun with Zak

By chad

Published on Jan 27, 2013


Summer Fun with Zak, Chapter 6

This is the 6th installment of this story and hope you enjoy it. If you are reading this chapter first, then STOP and go to chapter 1 because I am not introducing the characters in each chapter, but just continuing with the story. I am introducing a new friend but still want to build upon the brother's relationship. This chapter alone might not excite you, but it's a building block.

I went to bed that night thinking about Matt, Colton and my new experiences with my homosexuality. I drifted off to sleep and awoke the next morning feeling great and excited. I found my brother in the kitchen and told him lets go running and welcome this fabulous morning. He looked at me and said, shut the fuck up you fag. I laughed and told him to get his running shorts on. We took off down the street and ran for a while, both of us taking our shirts off to let the morning breeze hit our sweaty chests. I ran behind him and watched his bubble butt and sweaty back which caused my cock to bone up. Towards the end, we started walking to cool down and I asked him how he feels about what happened with Matt and me. He laughed and said, hey the blow jobs feel great and I feel more open now, so I am cool with everything. I was happy to hear that and told him that if he is not comfortable ever to let me know because he is my brother and I love him. He smiled and said thanks.

We got home and I jumped into the shower and he came into the bathroom as I showered and said to leave it going. As I got out, he was standing there naked tugging on his balls. I said, looking good bro and he laughed and went in to shower. My phone was ringing and it was Matt wanting to go the local water park in town. I said hell yeah, lets go and was hyped about going. I love seeing half naked boys and those damn hot lifeguards. Matt goes, ok, can you drive? I am like, yeah, no problem. He goes, ok, I will come over and lets go eat lunch and take off down there. I asked Colton if he wanted to come and of course he said yes. He was like, hey can we take Chase too? Chase is Colton's buddy and he is a hot lil fuck. I told him to call him and for him to bring some fucking money as I am not paying his way in. Matt just walks into the house without knocking and I am like, fuck, come on in. He laughs and goes, ok, I did, get over it. Colton was talking to Chase on the phone and I called mom to clear it with her that Colton is going with us. She shocked me by telling me to go to her dresser and get some money. I am like, hell yeah I will.

Off we go to the park, first picking up Chase who was already shirtless when he walked out the door. Matt goes, damn, I will get in the backseat with him. I looked at him and said shut up fool. Chase jumps in and goes, Sup! I am like, dude, you have a shirt right? He goes, yeah dad I do, does it upset you that it's not on. I am like no, but we are going to eat first. He goes, oh yeah, I will put it on then. We introduce Matt to him and take off to go eat pizza. As we ate, Chase was questioning Matt about where he came from and all that shit. Matt was like, by the way dude, to let you know, I am bisexual. Chase jerks his head up and goes, no shit? Matt laughs and goes, yeah and you are fucking hot. I am like, so much for my new quiet friend who just outed himself to Chase. Matt goes, are you cool with it? Chase goes, hey it's your life and not mine. I didn't out myself yet and was happy my bro or Matt didn't do it for me.

We got to the park and stripped off our shirts in the parking lot and walked in. So many hot guys already and this is why I love summer. I guess I should confess something here because I am into guys around my age and younger. At a water park, you see all ages and its thrilling. I am into young, fit, tan, not to muscular, smooth hot boys. A treasure trail is ok, but that's it and I love a lot of hair in the arm pits area. We buy our tickets and rent a locker to put some stuff that we brought in. Matt is like, damn I have to go piss first and I am like, yeah lets do that. So here goes all 4 of us into the restroom to piss and to my delight it had those big troughs to piss in. So Matt whips his dick out, I follow suit and figured they would go to the toilets, but Chase just pops his out along with my brother. They both laugh and I stole a look at his dick. I knew that I shouldn't have but fuck it, I wanted to see what he was packing. I was not disappointed either as it was awesome, but I didn't get a good good look at it.

We did the park thing and it was fun and the hot boys didn't disappoint me at all. Everyone was wet with the sun glistering off of them making them look even hotter. One lifeguard was fucking hot and me and Matt kept going down that slide to look at his ass and smooth chest. Colton and Chase did some shit on their own which was fine with me as I want my brother to have time with his friend. We met back up and were walking around when Chase goes, so Matt is bi and what are you Zak? I looked at him and said, what are you talking about? Both him and my brother busted out laughing and Colton goes, dude you are so busted. Chase goes, omg, you checked my dick out in the bathroom, been staring at me and all the other boys here. He goes, a few minutes ago a half naked chick with big ass tits walked by and you didn't even look. I looked at my brother and said, should have said no when you asked to invite him. Chase laughs and goes its cool that you're gay, Colton told me so. I was ready to kill my brother but what could I do now? So I confirmed it as we walked into the pool area and sat under an umbrella in the pool. We had no money on us as it was in the locker, so we just sat there talking. As we talked, I felt a hand on my thigh and then it went up my shorts. I looked at Matt and he was laughing as he was touching my cock and balls. I boned up quickly and the other two had no idea what was going on. I kept looking around to make sure no one was watching as he was playing with me. I have never been touched like that and it was driving me crazy knowing we were in public and he was all over cock with his hands. A few minutes into it, Colton goes, lets go to the wave pool. I am like, go on, we will be there in a minute. Fucking Matt goes, no lets go and I am thinking to myself, I can't stand up right now. I stalled them for a few minutes and it went semi and I was good to go.

We get to the wave pool and did that shit which I don't find all the fun, but watching boys jump up and water coming down on them was hot. We fucked around for a while longer and went back to the truck to go home. As we were getting in, Matt stopped and took off his shorts in the parking lot standing there naked. I am like, MATT!! He goes, fuck, I don't want to be wet riding home and he gets into my truck placing his towel under him. Chase is like, wtf! You doing? Colton is laughing at him and I am just fucking amazed. So we take off and Matt goes, it's just cock boys, be free. It was hard to keep my eyes on the road and not his cock, but we made it home after dropping Chase off at his house. As we drove up, mom was just getting home and I am like, oh shit, she will see you naked. He goes, I will wrap my towel around me, she won't know. So we get out and she is like, you guys have fun? I am like, yeah and she say's hi to Matt and then my fucking brother yanks the towel from around him and off it comes. He scrambles and mom is like, ohhh and starts laughing with Colton almost on the ground laughing. He gets the towel and mom goes, I really don't want to know why you were naked on the ride home. He goes, ok and grabs his shorts and stuff and say's talk to guys later.

I chased my brother in calling him names but mom is like, it's ok Zak, he was just having fun. We both showered and ate dinner with mom with her quizzing us about our day and about Matt. After we ate, I took a bold step and went over to Matt's since I have not been there yet. I rang the doorbell and it took forever for him to answer the door and I could tell something was wrong but he smiled when he saw me and was like, hey, what you doing. I told him I just wanted to come over and see him. He goes cool but we are busy right and he came out on the front porch with me. We sat down on the edge of the porch and the once again awkward silence was there and I finally asked him if everything was ok? He goes, yeah, just mom wasn't dressed for anyone to come in, but it's all cool. We talked for a while and I left with my questions in my head then I had before I went over there. I got home watched tv with my mom, falling asleep on the couch. Somewhere in the middle of the night, she woke me up and I made it to my bed,

Ok, that's it for this chapter. I went back to the characters and left the sex out and hope you still enjoyed it. Let me know:

Next: Chapter 7

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