Summer Fun with Zak

By chad

Published on Jan 20, 2013


My mind was still racing with what just happened with Colton, and I wanted to see Matt, So I went outside and waited for him. I was still naked sitting in the patio chair, playing with my cock and rubbing my massive nuts. Matt came through the fence laughing and was only shirtless. He wanted the details of what happened with me and Colton and I gave him the hot details. He was rubbing his cock through his shorts as I told him the story and I was rock hard again thinking about both him and my brother. Matt grins at me when he saw me looking at his bulge and goes, take it Zak, I know you want it. I slid to my knees and he slid his shorts off exposing his hard teenage cock and I swallowed it right away. Fuck, it felt good as I went down on him and he was working my mouth while rubbing my back as I sucked him. His hands on my body felt so wonderful and loving as he told me I was making him feel great. His big cock was sliding into my mouth and I was going as far as I could without gagging. A few times, I stopped and sucked on his balls and licked his shaft. I sucked him until he came and he was like a gusher with me swallowing his hot boy cum. We laughed when he pulled it out and he goes, fuck I needed that Zak, thank you. He gets up and goes, I have to get back home, see you tomorrow! He leaves me with a raging hard on and didn't' even offer to take care of it.

I grasped my cock with my left hand and my nuts with my right hand, and started jerking on my hard dick with Matt and Colton on my mind. I imagined fucking Colton and our bodies pressing together as I thrusted my cock into him. I know his ass would be tight, but my cock would feel awesome in it. I pumped it harder while my mind raced back to Matt and his big brown nipples and flat belly with his large cock. I didn't' last long and shot my load all over my chest.

I sat there under the stars thinking of him and my brother and how happy I was to finally have told Colton I was gay and find a friend that is bi/gay. I walked back into the house and Colton was in his room so I stayed up watching tv and eventually fell asleep on the couch with just my boxers on. At 7 am the next morning, my mom is shaking me to get up and as I am telling her to me alone, she goes, well your manhood is at full attention. That got my attention and I grabbed a pillow and covered. She laughed and goes, you boys and that thing between your legs. I said, gross mom and her comeback was, I am a nurse, I have seen it all. We talked for a few minutes and she made breakfast for us and not Colton because we all knew he wouldn't move for a couple more hours. I showered and went to my part time job. That was a long day because when I got there, my boss asked me to work till 5 and I agreed to because I need the money. For whatever reason, I felt different at work and was checking out guys more knowing that it's dick I want forever now.

I finally got home and my mom was home already and Colton was at a friends house mom said. That fucking surprised me and I asked who? She goes, the new guy from next door, he seems very sweet. My mind went racing and she goes, are you ok Zak? I barely got out, yeah, I am fine and went to my room with her saying, We will eat in about 45 minutes. I called Matt and he answers with a laugh and say's what's up cock sucker! I asked where my brother was and he goes, next to me chilling beating my ass at this game. I told him, well he needs to come home now. Matt goes, ok Zak, I think you are jealous because I am spending quality time with your brother. Then I hear Colton in the background saying, what a loser. I finally get Colton on the phone and I tell him supper is about ready and he goes, oh, is there enough for Matt? Now, I was pissed because in one day my new boyfriend (not officially, but like I said before, I want him to be) has gone and made friends with my brother who is a loner. I should be happy for Colton, but I will confess that I was jealous as shit.

Colton finally comes home with that cute boyish grin on his face knowing I was not happy about him and Matt hanging out. We eat with mom while mom quizzes him about Matt and what they were doing. She looks at me and goes, is he a good guy? I am like, mom, I met him yesterday and only know very little about him, but he seems ok. We get done eating and he goes to his room with my following him. The fucker tried to close the door in my face but I pushed through it and told him to talk. Here is what I found out, they went swimming again (nude), tanned his white ass which he was bragging about, walked to the store together and basically hung out. He said Matt's mom was kind of odd but nice and didn't say too much. I am like, yeah, that's all a game, Matt didn't talk either the first time I met him. I asked him his dad and Matt told him that his dad was working and gets home late. As we were talking, mom came in and said she was going to bed early because she has to work the next morning at 5 am. She walks out and after a few minutes, Colton goes, so I heard you sucked Matt last night after making me cum. I froze and looked at him saying, what the fuck!! He laughs and tells me that Matt was talkative today. I was like, I am not comfortable with you knowing shit like that and Matt should keep his fucking mouth shut. With that, I left his room to call Matt from my room to have a chat with him.

Matt picks up and I am like, what is wrong with you. He gets quiet and we just sit there, nobody talking for like 30 secs and I finally said, why would u tell my brother I sucked you. He goes, OMG, he told me he saw us, I wouldn't tell him that shit. He watched us from the window and said, he loved watching you blow me. I was speechless and told him that I have to go. He stopped me and goes, can I come over and hang with you guys? I am like, come over in 20 minutes. So I walked back to Colton's room and he was laughing and goes, I guess I am busted. He goes, omg, when I saw you between his legs last night, it was shocking but it looked exciting.

I reached out for his cock and he stands up and goes, omg, mom is home. I fell to mey knees and started undoing his bulging shorts with him breathing hard. I pulled his shorts down and out popped his cock and my lips went around it. He moaned with, I can't believe this Zak, and he was in heaven. I thought to myself, Oh shit, I am sucking my brother's penis! It sent a chill through me and it was an electrifying experience. His cock was throbbing in my mouth and he was moaning as I was going down on it. I sucked on his boy cock but then stopped as I felt him getting ready to cum. I sat up and said, Matt will finish it when he gets here. He begged me to finish him off, but then my phone went off and Matt was outside. I went to let him in and told him I had a surprise for him. He followed me into the room and there was Colton naked with a hard cock. I told him to finish him and Matt turned to look at me and said, if I must. He got down on his knees and swallowed Colton's cock and this boy has sucked cock before. He was bobbing up and down on it, and making my brother go crazy. After only a few minutes, he came hard with Matt swallowing his load without missing a drop. My brother sat there with big eyes and was saying, that shit was fucking awesome.

We sat there all laughing and Matt goes, wow, I am glad I called and came over now. Colton suggest we all go for a swim and we took off outside, all getting naked and jumping in. I loved seeing Matt's naked body jump into the pool and Colton looked hot while he jumped around in the pool. All of sudden, the inside lights came on and mom is at the door going, boys, boys, quit making so much noise! My poor brother about died and went swimming for the edge of the pool and I told mom, yes ma'm, we will keep the noise down. She goes back in and Matt starts laughing and called Colton a pussy. Colton went after him and they ended up wrestling around in the pool. We stayed in the pool for another 30 minutes and ended back into my room, with Colton going to shower to clean up. I looked at Matt and Matt knew what I wanted.

He got between my legs and ate my cock. As his mouth went around my cock, he licked the tip and made me tingle and swallowed it going to the base and he sucked it hard. His lips felt great on my cock and while he sucked me, I told him how fucking great it was and that Loved it. He kept going and then all of sudden, he pulls off and licks my sweaty chest. He moves his tongue up it to my hard nipples and sucks them. It felt great and I was in heaven and thought it couldn't get better. I told him to go back to my cock, that I need to cum and he licks up towards my neck and then to my chin and then his lips were on mine. We kissed and made out with lots of tongue and I knew I was in love. Here I was in my room making out with this hot boy and I was in heaven. I didn't hear the shower stop or Colton walking in but I heard him say, OH SHIT! Matt stopped and we both looked at him and laughed and Colton goes, I will leave you two alone. He walked in and Matt goes, you ok? I smiled and said yes! He goes, cool and went back down on my cock. I emptied my load in him and he laid back after he swallowed it and said, wow, I sucked both of you tonight.

Next: Chapter 6

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