Summer Fun with Zak

By chad

Published on Nov 11, 2013


As I was getting ready for my date with this girl I was talking to, I had Tommy on speaker phone telling me how I was fucking up going out with her. I tried reasoning with him, it was nothing serious, we are just going out and I reminded him that I am BI and was always up front with him. While we talked, Zak walked in and was laughing and whispered, you have a fucking mess. I waved him off and kept listing to Tommy rattle on. Our relationship has grown in the last 2 weeks and I really like him, but I also like this girl and want to see which way I want to go. So I finally told him bye and went out to the living room, where my parents were all HAPPY and fucking peeing on themselves that their little boy was finally going on a date. Much unknown to them is that I have fucked a girl and I have a boyfriend on the side. HAHA.

We went out to eat and a movie, which was cool when we kissed in the theater and I was ready to jump her bones! After the movie, we sat around for a while talking and I really like her. She made me laugh and it was cool having a hot girl on my arm. Saw a few of my friends and they were like, hell yeah, and all that bullshit guys do. I am skipping a lot of the gooey shit here because, well who wants to read about a girl and a boy?

After arriving home, I found Zak and Matt in his room being dumbasses. They were both high and naked, laughing at me when I walked in. My parents were both gone for the night, so we had the house to ourselves. Zak goes, so did you get some pussy? I looked at him and said, what the hell dude? He goes, omg, we are brothers, we fuck and suck, I can ask you that question. I just walked out , sticking the finger.

After getting a coke and getting naked, I went back to Zak 's room to hang out with them. Matt goes, here is the deal, we are going to play truth or dare. I was like, ok, I am game.

Matt goes, ok truth or dare Colton? I laughed and said, truth. He goes, did you get laid tonight? I laughed and said, omg, you guys are obsessed with my sex life and NO I didn 't ', we just kissed. They both said awwwwwww.

So I said, Truth or Dare Zak? He goes, Dare!...I laughed and said, dare you to lick my feet. Zak goes, fuck, why? I am like, hey I dared you. So he gets down and licks my feet with both me and Matt laughing at him.

Zak goes, Truth or Dare Matt? Matt chooses Dare. Zak laughs and say 's, lick my brother 's asshole. Of course gay Matt goes ok and I bend over, exposing my tight ass to them. He sticks his tongue between my cheeks and starts licking my hole, sending me into moans. He was making love to it and it felt wonderful, but he pulled off after about a minute. I am like, you can keep going.

I choose Truth again, and was asked if I liked girls or boys better? I said, well I like both, but I really like boys, so I have to taste pussy again to make a final decision.

Zak chose Dare again and I dared him to lick my asshole. Haha, yeah I like it! He did and it felt as good as when Matt did it.

Then Matt goes, I will choose Truth for the fuck of it. So Zak goes, don 't ' get mad, but you wanted to play this game. He shrugs and goes, ask, I know you guys want to know. So Zak goes, tell us what you done with Dan. He laughs and goes, he likes boy cock, so yeah, he has sucked me. No biggie, right? We both laughed and Zak goes, well I figured it.

He looks at me and goes, I know you like it? I smiled and said, yeah, the fence thing was great! We laughed and then I asked, so can I have a toke? Zak shrugged and then Matt goes, fuck, I have to go get one. I stole a joint from them, but didn 't ' say anything and said, ok, go. He laughs and goes, we will all go over there. Now, it 's almost midnight and Zak goes, dude, we better not. Before I knew it, all 3 of were running over there naked. We went in quietly and went up to his room and walking back down when Dan appeared, naked and hard, going what are you guys doing? Matt goes, whoa dad, you gonna knock something over with that! He goes, you should be glad that 's the only weapon I have out, your mom wanted me to bring the gun out. So out of my dumb youth 's mouth, I said, looks loaded to me. He looks at me and smiles and goes, looks like you are too! I smiled back and said yep and one of these will be happy in a minute! Then to my shock, he rubs Zak 's nipple and goes, I bet it 's this one right here. Matt goes, ok, time to go. Dan is like, go have fun and slaps me on the ass as I walked past him.

We got back home and sat outside smoking and laughing at shit for a good 30 minutes and that 's when I said, I need a suck. Matt jumped up and said, to your room and let 's get this shit going. In my room, Matt and Zak started kissing my hot chest, each licking a nipple, when my phone lit up and I saw Tommy calling. I bent down and answered it while my nipples were being sucked and licked by two hot guys. I was laughing when I answered it and Tommy goes, what you doing? I moaned, oh, just kicking it back and relaxing. He goes, oh fuck, you getting a blow job from one of them aren 't you? I laughed said, maybe so. He goes, dude, turn your cam on and let me watch! So I said o k and hung up, and told the two horn dogs to wait up, while I adjust the cam. Tommy had turned his cam on, so we were able to see each other and hear. They continued washing my hot teen chest with their tongues. My fucking cock was so hard and wanted a hot mouth on it and I moaned, suck me Zak now! He worked his tongue down to my waiting throbbing cock and licked the underside of it, going down to my nuts, taking them into his mouth, sucking on each one. Matt was working his hot lips and tongue down to my cock, but stopped at my belly button and played with it, making me giggle. Zak went worked back up to my cock and started sucking it, while I was watching my boy friend on cam pump his hot cock. My cock was going in and out of Zak 's mouth, and Matt was licking my cock as Zak went up, making my bone really hard. It felt so good as he worked my cock over, my fucking mind was spinning with both of them making me feel good and my boyfriend pumping his cock on the cam, I knew I wouldn 't last long.

Matt went back up to my chest and started sucking on my teen nipples and I heard Tommy moaning and going, damn, this shit is hot. Zak had all of me in his mouth and I was bucking my hips with him, when I started cumming. My brother kept on sucking my hot cock, taking my full load down his throat. I moaned loudly as my hot cum flew out of my cock, emptying me of my juices, making me feel really awesome. Zak came up and started kissing Matt, with Matt tasting my teen juice. I was watching my boyfriend cum on cam, and he spurted thick white cum all over his hot chest. He was so hot, with his farmer tan chest, breathing hard and moaning as he came. Tommy was like,dudes, that was hot, I came hard watching this shit. Matt goes, so you like seeing your boyfriend getting blown? Tommy goes, fuck yeah I do! We laughed and Matt goes, well now you will see your boyfriend suck my big ass cock. Matt looks at me and tells me to get between his legs and start sucking!

I got between his legs and stared at his hard cock looking at me and then went down on it, sucking him while Zak was kissing him. His big cock slid into my hot mouth, I could taste his pre cum already and his head glided over my lips and I went down on him. I sucked his suck, taking it all in, feeling his hot tool in my mouth. His cock was hitting the back of my throat and Matt was moaning loudly as I serviced him. Tommy was hard again on cam and stroking his long dick. I could feel Matt 's dick tensing up and he goes, Pull off dude, pull off. I pulled off and he started shooting his hot cum all over my face, with his cum dripping off of me. Zak took care of it very quickly and was licking up his boy friend 's hot juices off my face, giving me a kiss on the lips, telling me I was fucking hot.

We all laid there for a minute, with Tommy telling us we are fucking hot. We chatted for a few minutes and then I told Tommy I was going to shower and then call him. Zak and Matt went to Zak 's room so Zak could fuck Matt.

After I showered, I spied in on them and my brother had his cock buried deep into Matt 's ass and I laughed, and yelled, get it boy! I went back to my room and talked to my boyfriend for a while, telling him about my date and all that shit. I finally fell asleep, not waking up until I heard my door open the next morning. I looked up and saw my mom standing there, going, you ok? I said yeah and then realized I was naked laying on top of my bed, exposing myself to her. I grabbed the sheets and covered, with her laughing and telling me she is a nurse and seen plenty. I said, sorry. She goes, well I have breakfast ready for you boys. I threw on some shorts and walked out when I saw Matt and Zak walking out of Zak 's room. We sat down and mom is like, you boys look like shit, what did you do last night? Matt laughs and goes, you want details? Zak goes, we just hung out and didn 't do much, except watch movies all night. Mom sigh 's and goes, oh, ok, just eat your breakfast. She turned around and Matt winks at me and wiggles his tongue, making me laugh.

Hope you enjoyed.

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Next: Chapter 24: Colton 7

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