Summer Fun with Zak

By chad

Published on Jun 9, 2013


Summer Fun with Zak 16

Note: Hey guys, Hope you all enjoy this one as much as the past. Let me know what you think!

This summer has been the greatest summer of my life so far! What A weekend I just came off of with Matt and his family again at the camp and this time my brother had joined us. I knew he wanted to go so bad and he was a lot of fun. I still don't know about the girl hook up he claims he had, but I do know that he and Patrick fucked like crazy! They were so cute together. I am in love with Matt and his open family, that I can't quit thinking about it.

Being Sunday evening, I am in my room on facebook, fucking around and chatting with my peeps and just kicking it back, kind of relaxing. Colton is in his room back in his fucking la la land with this online gaming or whatever you call it. I was laying on my bed, in just my shorts, no shirt on, letting my fan hit me, making me good. There is nothing on tv on Sundays and it sucks! I finally call Matt and he answers sounding like he was in a deep sleep and he told me he was tired and didn't really want to talk. I thought, then why the fuck did you answer the phone? Anyways, I eventually fell asleep, not waking until the next morning, really early.

I got out of bed at 6am and felt really good. I knew not to bother my brother, so I went out running before it started getting too hot. I have not ran in a few days, so it felt good to get going again and knowing I am staying in shape. So after I run, I walked up to the driveway and notice Dan outside, getting ready to take off to work. I yelled, hey old man! He smiles back at me and goes, you better keep in shape boy. I laughed and said, yeah, I don't want to look like you at your age. He actually sticks the finger at me and say's blow me! I laughed again and said, you wish old man.

I walked into the house and mom was leaving too, with dad still in his office, doing some work before hitting the road. I told them both Good morning and bye, going to the shower to get fresh and ready for my day. I was working today and had to be in later this morning. I showered and as I was, Colton walks into the bathroom to piss. He is like, what the fuck are you doing up so early? I told him I fell asleep early last night and couldn't sleep anymore this morning. I look at him and he looked so hot standing there, pissing, with his big dick squirting piss out of it. He looks over at me and goes, quit perving dude. He is getting really sexy and his attitude has changed in the last few weeks. He knows his body is getting better looking and his confidence has really been boosted. He leaves and I finish my shower, going to my room naked, to get dress for work.

I went to work and had to work until 3pm, which was cool. That means, I get off at 3pm and was off Tuesday and go back in on Wednesday at noon. More time to spend with my new lover! At work, I don't get to have my phone on and I usually keep it in my truck, so I am not tempted to fuck with it and get into trouble. After I got off, I checked the messages and found that Patrick had called me and left a message with me to call him. On the way home, I called and he answered very quickly and said he needed to ask me a question. I am like, ok, ask me. He starts off with, man something happened to me this weekend and I can't quit thinking about your brother. I laughed and said, and I thought you were straight. He goes, I know man, but fuck, that boy is hot and all I do is think about him. I am like, ok, so what's your question. He goes, well I want to ask your brother if he would be willing to meet up for another fuck and do you think he will go for it. I laughed and said, dude, don't you live about an hour away from us? He sighs and goes, omg, you can bring him over here, or come pick me up and take me to him. I said, let me talk to him first.

I get home and didn't find my brother in the house or outside. So I called his phone and it rang on the counter, telling me he didn't take his phone with him. So I called Matt and he answers with, hey buddy, I am hanging out with your kid brother. I walked over to Matt's house and his mom answered the door telling me they were in his room. I got to his room, and they were both naked, just laying on the bed, laughing as I walked in. I looked at my brother and said, what are you doing here Colton? He shrugs and goes, I guess hanging out with Matt, just talking. Matt gets up and walks up to me and hugs me, pulling me close and said, hi baby. We started kissing then and he pulled me to the bed, making Colton move over alittle. I looked at Matt and said, you are high dude and then looked at Colton and he goes, just one hit Zak, that's it. I hit Colton on the back of the head and said, dude, mom will be home tonight you dumb fuck. He goes, so, they told me to have fun this summer, so looks like I am doing that. I am like, you think this is a good idea hanging out at my boyfriends while I am working. Matt goes, oh my god, you are jealous and starts laughing. I reached now and grabbed his balls and said, dude, I am just trying to protect my brother. He goes, oh shit, from what. Me??? I said, yeah, you, you're a fucking bad boy. He goes, that's' why you like me don't you. He goes, get naked dude and just relax, you fucking stiff.

I got naked and was lying beside him, rubbing his nipples, and starting to calm down some. Colton was rock hard already and I am like, dude, why you hard? He goes, cause I am horny. Matt laughs and goes, jerk it for us. So he starts rubbing it and jerking off slowly, while we are laying there, watching him and talking. We hear his dad come home and Colton is like, oh, the perv is home. Matt laughs and goes, ok, where did that come from. Colton goes, he likes me dude. Matt goes, yeah, but he is not a perv, be nice. Colton sighs and goes, well then what is he? Matt thinks about it and goes, a nice guy who has great taste! We were laughing as the knock comes on the door. Matt goes, enter at your own risk dad! Dan opens the door and goes, hi guys, what's up? Matt goes, you dream boy's cock. Colton is just sitting there up against the headboard, naked, erect dick and no worries in the world. Colton goes, hi Dan and we all laugh. So for the next 5 minutes, he stays in the room, talking to us and checking us all out, especially my brother. He is about to leave and Matt goes, where you going? He goes, well, I have to get out of these clothes and do some shit around here. Matt laughs and goes, well if we hear mom moaning, we will know why. Dan laughs and goes, yeah, ok.

After he leaves, I am like, Colton! What the fuck! He laughs and goes, he has seen me naked, soft and hard, in action, so who cares. Matt goes, that's the spirit, we are teaching you right. We stay in his room for a while longer and then my phone rings and it's mom asking where we were and if we are coming home for dinner. I said yes. So as we were dressing, his dad comes back into the room, shirtless with running shorts on and goes, oh you guys leaving? I said yeah and he goes, ok come back anytime. We leave and head back home to a home cooked meal.

After dinner, we were lying around, and mom goes, so guys I am going to Aunt Barb's house and should be back around 10 or 11. I shrugged and said ok. She leaves and as soon as she pulls out of the driveway, Colton is stripping. I laughed and said, what the fuck? He goes, omg, this feels so good, I want to be naked all the time. I told him, lets jump into the pool. I texted Matt and told him to come over and all 3 of us were having a good time, naked and free! We got out and was just sitting in the chairs outside, when Matt goes, I have an idea. He goes, you see the section of fence behind the little shop you guys have? I am like, yeah. He goes, let's drill a hole in it and make a glory hole and that way, I can suck you and dummy here anytime and vice versa.

So, here are 3 naked boys, drilling a hole, cutting it out bigger with a jig saw, just to have oral sex. As we were getting done, Dan from the other side goes, what the hell you boys doing to the fence? I was like, shit and Matt goes, oh hey dad, we are just fucking around. He goes, well you just tore up the fence you idiot. Matt goes, hey dad you ever heard of a glory hole? He laughs and goes, oh shit, you little devils. So Matt sticks his dick and balls through the fence and goes, look dad. We all laugh and he pulls it back out, going so you cool with it dad? He goes, whatever you want Matt, as always. Dan walks away and Matt goes, ok, so I will go over there and one of you guys stick your dick through.

Matt runs around the fence and I pointed at Colton and said, you go first. So Colton goes up to the fence and sticks his dick and balls through it (we cut it big enough, so both fits) and he goes, ready when you are Matt. I see Colton's ass squeeze and push further up into the fence and knew he was getting sucked by my boyfriend. The greatest thing about it is that if someone was in my house, they couldn't see it, so we were well protected. I walked up to Colton and he was moaning and I kneeled down behind his ass. I took my finger and started rubbing his crack and he starts laughing. I take my finger and shove it in his ass crack and spread his cheeks, with him going, oh shit, don't' stop Zak. For whatever reason, I bent down and spread his cheek further apart and he was crammed up against the fence and then drove my tongue into his hole. He goes, ohhhhhhh, fuckkkk and I started rimming his little hole. He was enjoying it and I was too, working my tongue deep into his hole, with him moaning and grunting. My boyfriend was on the other side, sucking him, while I was on this side fucking his ass with my tongue. His tight body was squirming with delight and I was impressed how he was holding out from cumming. Matt stops sucking and looks over the fence and goes, dude, you are leaking so bad! Colton goes, keep going on it. Matt goes, you want to feel really good? My brother goes, yeah, make it erupt. Matt goes, ok, will do and goes back down on him. After a couple of minutes, Colton goes, damn Matt, you are fucking good. Matt jumps up above the fence and goes, yeah I know. Colton jerks his cock out and goes, who the fuck was sucking me. Dan goes, its Ok Colton, just stick it back in and let me finish. I started laughing and pushed his ass back towards the fence. Colton stick his cock back in and goes, oh fuck, I can't believe this is happening. He wasn't in there long and his body starts bucking the fence as he cums into Dan's mouth. I am like, fuck, that was hot. Matt looks over the fence and goes, you ok? Colton goes, yeah, I am ok. So Matt runs back over and goes, omg, that was so fucking hot. I am like, where is Dan. Matt goes, he passed out from getting to suck Colton.

We were laughing so hard about it after we jumped back into the pool. Colton said he was ok with it. We finally went into the house and me and Matt ended up fucking on my bed. It was an awesome fuck and I came hard. Matt was still naked in my bed when my mom came home and he stayed there until morning. The next morning, I got up and saw my brother already naked in the kitchen. I am like, I guess mom is gone already. He goes, yep. Matt comes out naked, kissing me good morning. We fucked around in the house that morning, going out to the garage naked, to lift weights and work out. As we worked out, I told him about Patrick and he said that it would be cool if he could visit this weekend. So I told him to ask Mom and we will make it happen. Around noon, we took off to the mall to eat and fuck around there, returning home around 3. Dan was already home and he was out mowing the yard.

Colton goes, so I dare one of you to stick your cock in there and let him suck you like he did me. We were walking out to the backyard and Matt goes up to it and sticks his soft dick in the hole. After a couple minutes, the lawn mower stops and we can see Dan approaching the fence. He goes, is that you Matt? We laugh and Matt goes, they didn't think I would do this. So Dan goes, well it's funny and laughs and goes, tell Colton to take your place. We laugh and just as Colton was getting his dick out, my dad opens up the backdoor, and goes, you guys out here? Dan about runs from the fence, Colton is putting his shorts up and we come out the backside of it, with dad goes, what the hell you boys doing back there. I am like, yeah, we were chasing this lizard, which Matt said was big, but turned out little. Dad goes, you guys are fucking nuts.

At dinner that night, they said Patrick could come down this weekend. They were happy that my brother had another friend, the joke's on them, right? Haha. So that night, I was laying in bed and Colton walks into my room and goes, hey, I have an issue. I am like, ok, that is? He goes, well I kinda enjoyed Dan sucking me and want Judy to suck me next. I am like, I don't know dude. He goes, fuck, they are so awesome and open. I told him to Ask Matt tomorrow and see what he says. He leaves and I fell asleep, waking up around 1 am to Colton leaving his room. I wait a minute and follow him, as he is going outside, I am like, what the fuck. He goes to the spot where the hole was and I was like, OMG. I sneak outside and hear Dan's voice telling him he was there.


Ok, so I know some of you don't like this, but hey, I do, so haha.

Let me know

Next: Chapter 19: Colton 3

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