Summer Fun with Zak

By chad

Published on May 18, 2013


Summer Fun with Zak part 14

It was a tough week for me because my boss kept his word and I worked 10 hours a day Monday through Thursday. The money was really nice and much needed, so I am not complaining about working. I was off on Friday and planned on sleeping late, then spending the day with Matt. After I got up, I went to the kitchen and saw Colton sitting in front of the TV laughing at some show that was on. He noticed me and said, hey, whats up. With some persuading, I talked him into going running with me and we took off down the street. The day was already getting hot and it really felt good with the hot sun beaming off of my body. After arriving back to the house, Matt was sitting on front porch, shirtless and looking like my little movie star. I kissed him hello and Colton says, the neighbors will see you, go inside to do that shit.

Upon going inside, Matt said let's go to your room and we did, where we fell onto the bed kissing each other. He got on top of me and said, good morning baby. I laughed and said, good morning to you as well. He started playing with my nipples, which felt good and perked them up quickly. He would wet his finger and then trace the nipple with his finger, pinching them slightly. We were laughing with each other and goofing around when Colton came in and said, sounds like two girls in here. Matt comes back with, you are just jealous that your brother has such a great boyfriend like me and you are all alone. Colton just laughed and said, yeah, I guess you are right Matt, who wouldn't want an asshole like you. Matt rolled off of me and went up to Colton and said, so you want my asshole? Colton makes a face and goes, fuck no, I don't want that, you nasty freak. I got up too and put my hands around Matt pressing my crotch into his ass and said, be nice to my brother lover boy. Colt goes, that's enough to this gay shit, I am taking a shower.

After Colton left, I looked at Matt and said, you can only have one of us and I am the gay one, so you get me. So we went back to my bed and was laying on it, going back to our playing around when my phone rang and I noticed it was Tyler, so I just silenced the ringer. Of course, Matt goes, who was that calling? I shrugged and told him it was Tyler calling and he probably wanted to hang out. Matt grins and goes, call him over and let's take advantage of him and fuck him like crazy. I told him to shut up and let's concentrate on us. We laid in bed talking about random shit like always and touched each other's bodies while we talked. After about 15 minutes, Colton walks back in naked and goes, anyone want a prize? Matt yawns and goes, not big enough, sorry. Colton walks up to the bed and goes, oh well I think its plenty big because you have told me so many times before how big my dick is and how you love it. So I leaned up and said, Hey, We are on our own tonight right? He goes, yeah, so. I continued with, call Chase over and lets see what happens. He goes, just suck me now and we will say it was great. Matt laughs and tells him to call his friend and we will play.

Colton left and we got up, still naked and went to the living room, laughing and joking about what would happen to the boys tonight. Colton comes out and tells us that Chase is coming after lunch sometime. We decided to get dressed and go get some food before he came and took off to the mall. Now, I like the mall to boy watch and I wasn't disappointed. There were hot boys all over the place and I love them of all ages. The ones with sleeveless shirt are the hottest and they walk with an attitude, giving me an instant boner. I knew a few of the hot guys there, and some I didn't know. We discussed them as we ate pizza and Matt kept saying we have cute guys in our town. Colton saw some of his friends from school and all were nice, but not our type. As we sat there, one guy walked by and he caught both of our attentions and Matt goes, who the fuck is that? I didn't know and we looked at Colton who said his name was Josh and he is not gay so stop looking. He was fucking hot, with dark blonde hair, blue eyes, nice tan, average size and nice legs. We were all 3 watching him when he looked straight at us and I guess when we all 3 looked the other way quickly, we gave ourselves away. He walks up to us and goes, Sup Colton? Colton goes, not much, just here for a while checking out the mall. He looks at me and Matt and back to Colton and said, what you doing this summer. He stayed for 5 minutes chatting with my brother and Matt was rubbing my leg with his and winking at me. I so wanted to take this hot boy right there in the middle of the mall and make him mine! He finally walked off and Colton goes, damn you two are embarrassing to be with in public. Matt goes, we are gay, so get the fuck over it.

We finally left the mall and went back to the house, getting there a few minutes before Chase arrived. Chase was looking good today, tank top, sunglasses, baseball cap, shorts and a huge smile as he entered the house. Matt and I were sitting next to each other on the couch and he saw us and said hey guys. We both said hey and Colton goes, ignore them, they are being horny already. They took off to his room and just as they left, my phone starts ringing and Matt grabs it and answers it before I could. He goes, yeah he is not available right now, who is calling please? I rolled my eyes at my fucking dumb boyfriend. He continued talking and said, ohhhhhhhhh Hey Tyler. Whats up man? Before I knew it, he had invited him over this afternoon to chill with us. He hangs up and I am like, what the fuck dude? Matt laughs and comments with, shut up, you're hard and you want to play. So he reaches over and pulls me closer and we start kissing on the couch. His hot tongue finding mine and his hand going towards my cock, playing with it as it stiffens up and then all of sudden, we hear Colton going, STOP , STOP, STOP!. We leaned back on the couch, both smiling and they are standing there just looking at us. I said, WHAT? He goes, you can do that later, lets go swimming.

Matt jumps up and strips and goes, last one in will be the bitch of the weekend. So, we all strip and went running out there and jump into the pool. Four naked boys in the middle of the afternoon in a pool, if that's not a fucking wet dream, then nothing is! Chase looked hot as usual and my brother had it going on to. It was really hot outside and the water felt good, cooling us off. Chase got out and was standing on the side of the pool, showing off his perfect body. His cock was sticking straight out and looked really juicy. He jumped back, splashing water all over the place. We fucked around for over an hour until Tyler showed up at the gate. We heard the gate open and he goes, hey Zak? I said, come on in dude, we are just swimming. He comes walking to the pool all smiles and say's hey, whats and he just gets quiet. I am like, hey, whats up? He goes, fuck, you all are naked? Matt laughs and goes, omg, NO!! We can't be naked, god help us. I turned and looked at him and gave him a go to hell look and told him to shut up. He goes, its cool, just didn't' expect it. He looks around and he knew Chase and Colton and said hi. I introduced him to Matt and Matt jumps out of the pool and goes to shake his hand. Poor Tyler, he didn't know what to do but his eyes kept going to Matt's cock. I was again pissed at Matt for being a dick and told Tyler to ignore him, he is just trying to be funny.

I told Tyler he can either jump in naked or go put on some shorts, his decision. He goes, hmm, I guess I can just jump in naked. Of course, we all intimidated him by watching him as he took his shirt off and then his shorts, He was just standing in his boxer briefs and his bulge was looking good. He goes, guys, can you all turn around and I will just jump in. So we all turned and he jumped in naked. So now there are 5 of us in the pool and it was boiling hot with boys. We fucked around and Matt asked Tyler about himself and all was going good until Chase and Colton jumped out of the pool. They went to the deck and sat down in some chair, still naked just letting it hang. Tyler goes, fuck, I can't believe your brother is being so open like that and Matt goes, it's because of me, I brought him out of his shell. We laughed and he kept on looking at them and finally Matt goes, you will get them later. Tyler goes, huh? Matt goes, they play and he winks. Colton hollers from the deck and tells me they are going in and going to shower. I said, ok. I told them I was getting out too, the sun was baking me. So me and Matt jumped out and I looked at Tyler and said, fuck, don't be a pussy. He goes, ok and jumps out, showing off his fit bod with a huge cock. Matt goes, damn boy, that is nice meat! He laughs and goes, thanks, I guess.

We sat down in the lounge chairs and I will say it was awkward for a minute as we all were looking each other over. As we sat there, Matt starts laughing and goes, why are you so nervous Tyler? Tyler shrugs and goes, just never sat naked and had guys eyes roam my body. I chimed in with, its ok, we don't bite. He laughs and we laugh and Matt goes, so, what do you think so far? He goes you guys are cool and as you can see, I am liking it looking at his hard dick. He goes, but is your brother and Chase gay too? I told him no, but they like to play with us some. We talked for another 30 minutes about being gay and what we like to do and answered some questions from him.I finally said, lets go, I need to shower.

I told Tyler to go in first and shower and that we will shower after him. Matt tells him to stay naked after showering. We went into my brothers room and him and Chase were playing some video game and were still naked. Matt goes, hey boys, you are our bitches now and in a little while you will do as we say. Colton goes, get the fuck out Matt, you are so stupid. Matt goes, that will cost you young man and rattles off with, these young people have no respect anymore. We heard the shower go off and we went back to my room to see Tyler standing there naked and looking hot. Matt goes, lay on the bed, we will be back in a minute. We showered together and made out, taking a little too long in there.

After showering, we were sitting in my room with Tyler, who was boned up when Matt yelled for the boys to come in. They walked in, both semi hard and smiling and Colton goes, time for our sucks? Matt laughs and goes, no way kid, we are going to do something fun. Chase goes, come on dudes, I just want to get off, then we will do what you want. I am like, no, you will do what we say or we are not touching you.

Matt goes, ok, lets all taste our new friend here and wet his dick some and I will go first. Matt kneels down in front of Tyler and licks his dick, sending Tyler into dream land and he goes, oh fuck yeah. I go next, tasting my friends cock and wondering how many years I have gone without this because we were both too scared to tell each other. Then Chase licked it followed by my brother. For the next 20 minutes, we started sucking cock, taking turns getting each other hard and horny. I love sucking on Chase, as his dick is thick and I love the feel of it in my mouth. Tyler wanted to suck my dick and I allowed him to for a few minutes and he sucked it ok. But Matt stopped it and goes, ok now, everyone is hard now for my game. He goes, I put five slips of paper in this bag and two of them have fuck on it. The two that draw that paper will fuck while we watched.. Tyler tried protesting but Matt goes, dude, you chose to come so you must play.

We start drawing and I drew a FUCK card. Then I hear, oh shit from my brother we drew the other one. Chase surprised us all with , oh fuck yeah, lets get it going on. Matt goes, hell yeah, brother sex is the best! Matt goes, ok, who drew the red ink FUCK card and I said I did. He goes, ok, you will fuck your brother. I smiled and said, ok. Colton goes,can we draw again? Matt goes, nope we can't. Colton laid on the bed and Matt rubbed lube into and around his hole, making him squirm. Tyler was in shock seeing my brother's hole exposed like it was and was laughing the whole time, going damn, damn. I told Colton to bring his legs onto my shoulders and I will fuck him for a while in this position. He goes, hmm, rubber Zak? I smiled and said, lets bareback dude, we are brothers. He goes, whatever, just don't hurt me.

I pushed my cock towards his hole and it was right at the opening and he took a deep breath and I eased my hot hard young cock into his awaiting hole making him moan out loud, oh god, stop. I kept on going in, smiling at his facial expression, pushing my cock all the way in and then stopping. I could feel his muscles in his body tightening up and I told him to relax. The others were watching and jerking their cocks as I started fucking my brother. His tight ass felt awesome as my thick cock pushed in on each stroke, stretching him to the max. Colton was moaning loudly and kept saying, oh fuck, oh fuck, making me even fuck him harder. We changed positions with me now fucking him from behind, working my cock into his hole, pushing all the way in making him take it all. We fucked like that for a few minutes, I laid down on the bed and told him to get on top of my cock. He rode my cock and I could see his hot chest and cock in front of me, while pumping my cock into his ass, feeling his sweat as it dripped off his head onto my stomach. I finally said, going to cum and he slid off my cock just in time as it erupted in giant streams of cum, going all over my stomach. Matt came over and started licking my chest as Colton laid on the bed, breathing hard saying, oh fuck, that felt good. Before we knew it, Tyler had wrapped his lips around my brothers dick and was sucking it. We started laughing because we didn't' expect it. It didn't' take my brother long and he shot his wad with Tyler eating it all.

Matt looked at Chase and said, you want to fuck? He nodded yes and we all watched my boyfriend fuck little Chase. Matt's cock was so hard and fucked Chase like crazy, pounding that ass making him moan and squirm all the while. As Matt felt he was going to cum, he pulled out and ripped the rubber off, shooting his hot spunk all over Chases young hot chest. Chase was just laying there going, did this really happen? The room smelt like sex and cum and was hot as hell. I told my brother to suck off Tyler and he said, sure, why not. Poor Tyler didn't' waste any time in cumming as it seemed as soon as Colton stuck his lips on his cock, Tyler was shooting his load.

For the next hour, we sucked, licked and played with each other's cock and bodies, exploring each other. It was so fucking hot to see all the hard cocks and bodies in motion and everyone taking part and doing what they wanted to. We finally decided to take a break and went to the kitchen to get some food and drinks. We were sitting outside, when I noticed my dumbass boyfriend lighting a joint and taking a hit on it. He passed it to me, and of course I took a hit passing it to Tyler who said, Hell yeah. Colton stuck his hand out to grab it and I looked at him and he said, just a short hit. Matt goes, do it and he did, passing it to Chase who took a hit as well. They were laughing and after a few more hits, we were buzzed and ready to go fuck again.

That night, I fucked my brother and his friend Chase. Matt fucked Chase and me. Tyler fucked my brother. We finally ended up going to bed really late, with Chase in bed with me and Matt and somehow Tyler ended up in bed with my brother. We woke up the next morning feeling like shit, but after I jumped into the pool, it really freshened me up until my mom came home and figured out some shit.

Ok, what do you think?

Let me know.

Next: Chapter 15

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