Summer Fun with Zak

By chad

Published on Apr 21, 2013


Summer Fun with Zak part 13

The last chapter must have been ok because I received the best response yet. Thanks to everyone that wrote. So here is the next one!

As soon as I walked into the house, Colton was asking questions about our trip and wanted details. I laughed and said, dude, you should have been there because it was a blast! He got this look on his face and then barked a fuck you Zak at me and said, I could have gone but you didn't want me to go. I walked up to my brother and said, awww baby, he is my boyfriend and not yours, go find your own. Of course, he got pissed and said, whatever prick and walked off. I told him that I would tell him, but first I need a shower because I stink and he goes, yeah you do.

I got to my room and undressed and looked in the mirror and laughed at my few whiskers that had grown the few days. Matt had told me they looked cute and not to shave for a few more days but as I walked to the sink, I decided that it looked awful and time for them to go. As I was showering, Colton came in and said, so did you and Matt fuck the whole weekend. I said, yes we did and it was fucking awesome. I got out of the shower and he was seating on the counter with a smile on his face. I looked him over and said, yes? He shrugged and said, just tell me what happened especially with Matt's mom being naked. So we went to my bed and I dried off and laid down naked and we talked for over an hour about the trip. He loved the parts about the parents being naked and asked a lot of questions about Patrick. I was laying on my back with my full naked body exposed to him and he kept looking me over when we were talking. I would tug on my nuts or play with my cock and it felt really good knowing he was excited about it.

I finally asked, what did you do while I was out with the most awesome family ever. He laughed and said, him and Chase hung out at the house and messed around. Those intrigued me and I said, explain that messing around with Chase part. He goes, oh you know, I suck him, he sucks me. Man, my cock shot up and he noticed it. He goes, whoa, you must like that part. So I am like, what the fuck boy? He goes, omg we did it once and it felt fucking good, so shut up. I was lost for words and proud of my brother for exploring his gay side more. So I said, why don't you show me what you did to him?

Colton smiled and said , I bet you would like that wouldn't you big brother. I shook my dick at him and said, oh yeah little brother. He gets up and takes his shirt off and then his shorts. I was throbbing while looking at his body and wanted him so bad. His cock was throbbing too and it looked delicious. Colton crawled onto the bed and just went straight for my cock and took it in. I was shocked, but excited and not sure what had gotten into my brother. I was leaned back against the head board, Colton was between my legs sucking like he has sucked cock for years. I asked him, did you miss me? He moaned a yes and kept on sucking. He slid his hot lips down my shaft, not going to the base, but sucking a good part of it. His lips felt good, especially when his tongue touched my mushroom head. He was expertly working my cock and as I got close, I told him it's your choice if you want to swallow or not. He kept on my cock feverishly sucking it, and I could feel my cock about to bust with cum. I finally felt the urge and came with a force and my cum hit the back of his throat and he sucked on my cock, getting every drop of it out. I felt so good and he leaned up and his body was glistering with sweat and his chest was panting.

His cock was still hard and we switched places allowing me the opportunity to taste his boyhood. I circled my tongue around the head of his shaft, then licked the underside of it, while gently playing with his love nuggets. He was already moaning and asking me to go down on his rock hard cock. I kept making love with to it with my tongue, tracing the length of it, then worked my tongue down to his nuts and sucked on his hairless balls. I worked back up to his cock and then swallowed it, making sweet love to his boy cock. I sucked him, taking it all the way in and working back up, he was moaning loud telling me to suck him good. I worked his cock and could feel his cock getting even harder in my mouth, knowing he was loving it. As I worked it, he started talking and saying how much he missed his blow jobs from me while I was gone and that he loves to cum in my hot mouth. His talking was making me more excited and I could feel his cock about to erupt and I kept on it and he was saying, Oh fuck Zak, Oh fuck, I am going to cum. Then all of sudden his cock erupts with cum shooting in my mouth, filling it full. I sucked every drop of it out of him and he pulled out with a smile on his face. He goes, damn that was good.

He got dressed and left and then I heard him say, hey, when did you get home. I was like, OH FUCKING NO! I heard my dad say, a few minutes ago. I was just laying still in my bed, still naked, but in total shock. Did he hear us? Was he listening? Is he mad? Colton goes, yeah Zak was just telling me about his trip, it sounded so cool. I heard dad say, that's good, I will go talk to him in a minute. Everything sounded cool but I was still scared. I wrote Matt and told him and he responded with: SO. I was like, that is a typical response from Matt. I finally put on my shorts and walked out there and dad said hi to me and asked about the trip. I told him the parts I wanted to tell him and left the sex, nudity and drugs part out. No reason to alarm him! He did say, looks like you got a good tan and I rubbed my chest and said, yeah I did.

I went to lay down and felt comfortable that he didn't hear me blowing my brother. I fell asleep for a couple hours and woke up in a quiet house. I looked outside and there was Colton and Matt naked in the pool. I walked outside and was like, what the fuck you guys doing? Matt laughs and goes, having a party, you wanna join? Colton goes, mom came home and her and dad are doing a date night. I was watered out and told them I would just sit on the patio and watch. They both looked so fucking hot in the pool and I boned up just watching my boyfriend play with my brother. I ordered a pizza for us and after it came, we ate and just sat by the pool talking.

Matt asked how I liked the camping trip and I told him I loved it and wanted to do it again. He laughs and goes, oh now you want to do it again. I then asked him if I could clear a few things up. He shrugs and goes, I figured it was coming, so go on.

Me: How long has your family been so open about nudity? Matt: Hmm, since I was born, dude it's no big deal. Colton: I can't believe your mom walks around naked, I wanna see her? Me: Shut Up Colton Matt: It's ok, it freaks people out and I usually hide it from my friends, but you guys seem cool. Me: You ever seen them fuck? Matt: Yeah, but let's not go there tonight and talk about that. Me: You ever do anything with them? Matt: Shut up, that's gross. Me: Lol, Oh ok. Me: Do you smoke dope with them? Matt: Hmm, yeah, they know I smoke it and I know they do some, It's all recreational and we do it for fun. It's in small amounts and not all the time. And yes, me and dad have shared a joint or two. Colton: Damn, that's so cool Matt: yeah, it is. But I come from an open family.

While we sat there talking, we heard his mom come outside from the other side of the fence and Matt laughs and points at the fence and tells Colton to go look. He gets up and goes peak through a hole in the fence and he is looking at it and fucking Matt yells, Mom, whats up? Colton jumps and hits the fence sending us in laughter. His mom goes, Hi guys! Colton is red and hides behind the little shop we have back there. Matt tells her hi and that he will be home in a few minutes. Colton comes to us and goes, fuck you Matt! He laughs and goes, oh fuck, she doesn't care. He goes, did you like them? Colton smiles and goes, yeah, your mom has a nice rack. I rolled my eyes and told him to shut up.

It was cool just talking and after about another 30 minutes, Matt said he was tired and going home. That left me and bro out there. He was still naked with no care in the world. We talked for a few more minutes and then went in. He went to go take a shower and I was watching TV in the chair, eating a piece of cake mom had made the night before. He came out and was still naked and I laughed and told him, what you want to be a nudist now? He goes, I would love to and laughed. As he was standing there, we heard mom and dad pull in the garage. He goes, oops and I told him, be a man and stay. He goes, no way dude, they might think something is up.

They came in and Colton of course had left the room already. Mom hugged me and I said hi to dad and we talked, with mom asking how the trip was and how his parents treated me. So we chatted and Colton came back out with his shorts and no shirt on. Somehow and not sure how, I got talked into playing some stupid card game with them, which turned out to be fun after all. Half way through it, Colton lost a hand and I made a joke and said, oops, looks like you have to lose a piece of clothing now. He looks up at me and we all laughed at his look. Dad goes, not much more he could lose. It was a fun time but we finally all went to bed.

I laid in bed texting Matt and another friend of mine named Tyler. Tyler is cool and we have been friends for a while. We hang out some, but this summer we haven't done much. He was asking where I have been and what I have been doing. So I decided to just tell him the truth. I wrote, hanging out with my new boyfriend, went camping with him and his family. When you come out to a friend, especially in a text message, it feels odd and kind of exciting not knowing what the reaction will be. My phone buzzed and I looked at the text which said, so your gay? Makes sense, is he cute? I wrote back with , very cute. He writes with, hmmm, so I guess I can tell you the truth now, I am gay too. I was shocked and had no clue he was gay. I wrote back, with OMG, we need to talk. He called and we talked for over an hour and he felt so relieved because he has not told anyone else. I asked him if he has done anything and he said no, just look at boy pics on the computer and jerk off. You could tell he was still nervous and not comfortable with talking about this, so I suggest we meet up next week to talk. I was tired and ready for bed.

It was Sunday morning and we all went to Church and ate lunch, then came home with dad putting our asses to work in the yard. Cleaning the pool, mowing, edging and all that shit. We both worked shirtless and the sweat did feel good and it looked good on Colton. Matt was busy at his house, so we didn't get to see each other all day. After we got finish working, Colton jumped into the shower, with me waiting for him. Of course, I went in there and was like, dude hurry up. We have a walk in shower, so I walked into the shower and he starts laughing and goes, blow me. I said no and we were fucking around when we heard my dad go, you guys alright in there? We both froze and I said, yeah, just waiting for him to finish so I can start. He goes, oh ok. Colton was like, dude, that's not cool, we are so busted. He gets out and goes to his room and I finish my shower with a major hard on.

After getting out of the shower, mom had dinner ready, so we sat down to eat. Halfway during dinner, Dad pops the question and I was completely lost for words for a few seconds and poor Colton was totally lost for words. He goes, so, you guys are showering together? I sat there and the table was quiet. I laughed and said, no I was trying to push him out of the shower and went in to make him get out quicker. Dad laughs and goes, oh ok with Mom giving him a disapproving look to his question. Dad then goes, you ok Colton? He goes, yeah, I think so. We just ate in silence for a few minutes, not knowing what to say or do. Finally, Mom starts talking about some random shit and we got through it. I left the table feeling a little odd.

Matt texts me and told me to come over for alittle while. So I took off over there and was happy to leave our house. He was waiting at the door and he let me in and we kissed right there at the door. We went up to his room and I asked where his parents were and he said they had gone to the store. We laid on his bed talking about our day and with me telling him about getting caught with Colton in the shower. He loved it of course. I told him about Tyler and he was like, fuck, invite him over and let's get to know him. I called him a cock whore and he just laughed and said, but I only love you. We ended up in each other's arms and were kissing passionately when we heard his parents come in from the store. He laughs and goes, why are you stopping, they know what we do. We kissed again and he started pulling my clothes off. We were both naked and I went down on his cock, sucking him until he came into my mouth. He returned the favor with me enjoying his hot mouth all over my cock. I came in his mouth, exploding a huge load.

He dared me to walk out with him naked and since they have seen it, I was like, ok. We walked out and his mom saw us first and she laughed and said, Hi Zak, we were hoping that was you in there with him. I just said, well it better have been or he would be dead. We laughed and she goes, glad to see you are so comfortable around us now. We got a coke and went back to his room. I was like, damn that was fucking exciting. He laughs and said, yeah, ok. I stayed there for another 20 or so minutes and walked back to my house. They were watching a movie, so I joined them and it was so fucking boring, I fell asleep on the couch. After the movie, dad woke me up and I went to my bed, going straight sleep.

Well, That finishes the weekend for the boys and A good stopping point.

Hope it was good. Email me at and let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 14

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