Summer Fun with Zak

By chad

Published on Mar 31, 2013


Summer Fun with Zak Part 11

Conclusion of the sex night between the boys.

As Matt entered me, my mind was racing about the blow jobs we just gave to my brother and his friend. Matt went in slowly, and slid his cock all the way into me, making moan in pleasure with him deep in me. He was still for a few seconds, then started fucking me, picking up the speed. His body felt so good against mine and I could feel him in control as he fucked my ass. We were both sweaty with the all the fucking and sucking, so our bodies felt electrifying as they touched. As he fucked me, I saw my door opening with Chase and Colton looking in, both with wide eyes. They were still naked and hard as a rock as they came into the room. Matt stopped inside me and goes, you guys can watch this fucking and he laughs. As Matt continued fucking me, they stayed glued on the action and were rubbing their throbbing cocks. Matt was enjoying them watching and was in show off mode while I was alittle freaked out, but thought it was hot as well. Matt pulls out of me and rips off the rubber, jerking his cock as it shoots its thick cum all over my body. I just laid there, breathing hard, with Matt collapsing on the bed as well, going, that shit was fucking HOT!

We laid there for a few minutes with the room quiet. I looked over at the boys and they were just sitting there with bones, jerking off still, but not real fast. I told them, jerk each other off. Colton reached over and started jerking off Chase. Chase was like, OMG this is fucking wicked! We laughed and Matt goes, so Chase jerk off your buddy too. Chase reached over and started jerking off Colton. As we watched, I felt Matt's hand on my cock and he was jerking me. It was really awesome watching them, as they were intense about it, but was smiling and laughing about it. They jerked each other for a few minutes, with Colton going, I am going to cum. His hot cum shot out with Chase following him. Their bellies had cum all over them, and I was next, cumming in the hands of Matt!

Colton jumped up and goes, lets go to the pool, with him and Chase going for the door. I kissed Matt and followed them, with Matt saying he had to piss first. As I walked out to the pool, the boys were already in it, laughing and swimming around. I jumped in and joined them. Matt finally walked out and I saw trouble in his eyes as he came out and said, hope you don't mind Zak. He sat on the edge of the pool and lite his joint. I was speechless and swam towards him with the boys going, fuck, is that real? Matt goes, yeah and hands it to me. I have used mary jane once and didn't know if I should or not here, but I really had the urge to, so I reached out and took a toke on his joint. I looked at Colton and said you better not tell mom or dad. He goes, I won't tell, Chase goes, don't you live next door and your parents might smell it? Matt goes, no worries, they know I smoke it, so its all good little man. I was stunned again but let it go as I knew not to dig too much into his life.

We swam for a while, cutting up and acting goofy out there. We finally went back in and it was already 1 am, so we went to bed. They were in their room, with us in ours. Matt kisses me and tells me that he loves me. I love hearing that and kissed him back, telling him I love him as well. We finally went to sleep, not waking until the next morning.

I got up and went to Colton's room to talk with him about last night and was shocked to see them naked on the bed sleeping very close to each other. I shook Colton and told him to come to the living room. He walks out and first thing he tells me was that they sucked each other off last night in bed. I was shocked as hell, but impressed with my lil bro getting some dick. I told him he better get dressed and be ready for mom to get home later. He assured me that he would keep quiet about the dope, saying he wished he could have tried it. I said, not a good idea brother and left him there, returning to my room to shower. Matt was still sleeping and he looked really cute in my bed.

After eating something, Matt said he had to get home and I took Chase home as well due to his mom already telling him to get home as he had things to do today. Back at home, I did my thing as Colton was back doing his computer thing. I was online looking at porn and reading nifty about brother's fucking and sucking, getting really hard. Matt texted me, which was fun.

Matt: Sup

Me: Not much, just looking at porn

Matt: U don't need porn, u have me

Me: LOL, your not here

Matt: so u ok?

Me: yeah, why?

Matt: I feel bad about the dope and your brother there

Me: not a problem, made me feel good

Matt: Cool, so u like chase

Me: yeah, he is cute and sexy

Matt: I agree, need to enter those tight asses now

Me: Ok. Yeah

I sat there thinking, Matt has really changed this whole summer. I was happy, but wanted more sex, as his dick felt so good inside me last night.

Ok, It's short, but I wanted to finish the sex night up.

I am tossing the idea around of not going any further with this story. If you want me to continue it, then toss me some ideas or comments.

Holler back.

Next: Chapter 12

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