Summer Fun

By Harlequin Harlequin

Published on Jan 7, 2011



Summer Fun

by Harlequin

This story may or may not be a work of fiction, I will not be divulging that part of it. I can say it is at least in part based on an experience I had not too long ago, and a person I met at the same time. I have described him fairly accurately, making a few changes so it's not so obvious who he is, after all his privacy is important to me. This is a story of sex between two consenting adults, both of us were over the age of eighteen when we met, it is a story of sex between two males so if that does not interest you I suggest you find something else. This story is entirely my creation and as such I claim it as my own, should you wish to reproduce it in any way I would ask only that you contact me for my permission. Thank you.

Nearly a year ago, during the Summer, I ran across an old acquaintance of mine and rekindled our friendship. Little did I know it would lead to a very interesting, and very hot encounter. Oddly enough, though, not between the two of us.

His name was Jacob and I had known him for about five years, but when I moved away we lost touch. It wasn't until a few years after I moved back that we happened to bump into each other at the mall one day and started hanging out again.

That was how I met Marco, and no that's not actually his name. No need to reveal all of the facts, after all I have to be considerate of other peoples privacy.

So anyway, the first day I met him was actually the first day Jacob and I hung out. I went over to watch some movies and just chill, little did I know he had a very hot, and unfortunately straight roommate.

Picture this, we are laying around in his room upstairs watching a horror movie, for some reason with the lights on, and boy was I thankful for that. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and Jacob yells out a greeting that is answered by a male voice, with a slight southern twang.

Moments later the guy comes up the last step and into the room. He is shirtless and is only about five four, probably weighs one hundred and thirty pounds soaking wet, with a compact frame of beautiful, rippling muscle wrapped in golden tan skin. He got the skin tone from being half White and half Mexican. His face was not gorgeous, but it was handsome, with eyes the color of amber, thin soft pink lips, a small mustache below a button nose, and short cropped black hair. It was a face you wouldn't get tired of looking at, but not one that instantly grabbed your attention, that's what his body did.

He was wearing a pair of baggy cargo shorts, hanging low on his waist, showing off the sexy v of his hip bones, as well as a light trail of fine black hair that starts just below his belly button. At the top of his shorts you could see just an inch or two of his boxers.

His chest was well defined, two perfect slabs of muscle with just a sprinkling of black hair in the center and gently fanning out across each side, and his belly a series of gentle peaks and valleys, a perfectly formed six pack, his arms were well developed and powerful, with great definition and cut. His legs looked like he was a runner, thin, almost sculpted, with a slight covering of fine black hair. It was not the body of someone who spends hours in the gym, it was the body of a healthy young man who exercised, walked, and played sports. It was a beautiful sight.

The only thing he wore other than what I have described was a simple leather cord around his neck, with a little pewter pendant. The rough leather and distressed pewter against the smooth, golden skin of his neck sent shivers down my spine.

He came the rest of the way into the room, Jacob introduced us and we shook hands, and then he sat down in the floor to watch the movie with us. I spent the rest of that night fighting my urge to stare, and failing miserably. Luckily enough everyone was absorbed in the movie and didn't notice, so I got plenty of good looks. Best of all of them was when he first came in though. When he walked in front of the t.v. he showed me a perfect profile, and I honestly couldn't pick which side was my favorite, the large bulge in the front or the small firm bubble in the back, barely holding up the shorts. I found out later he got that ass because somewhere way back there was a little bit of African American in his bloodlines. Such a lucky guy.

Over the next few weeks I spent more time hanging out with Jacob, and becoming friends with Marco. We would just chill, watch movies, talk or go out to eat. On one of the nights we went to a waffle house with Marco's girlfriend and it was absolutely hilarious. Then again that's not the story you came to hear, so lets get to that.

About a month after we all started hanging out I was invited over to watch some new releases and eat some pizza, maybe have a few drinks, just kick it and relax. I got ready a bit early and was sitting around watching some t.v. at home when my phone rang. I noticed it was Jacob so I quickly answered it. The only thing he really says is that something has come up at the store he is a manager for and he has to go into work not long after we were scheduled to start our movie night. He quickly adds that I should still come, and that Marco will be there so I can stay and finish the movies and stuff with him, especially since the pizzas have already been ordered. I was a little nervous about being alone with Marco but I agreed and told Jacob I was on my way.

I arrived right on time and the pizza guy was just leaving. I let myself in and headed upstairs where I hear both of their voices. Jacob meets me at the top of the stairs dressed and ready for work. I see Marco sitting on the floor behind him, wearing a pair of ripped up old jeans and nothing else, he looks up and waves, his mouth full of pizza.

Apparently the plans had changed again while I was on my way and Jacob had to leave, sometimes I guess it just sucks to be the manager of a retail store. He gave me a quick hug, grabbed some pizza and headed out to work.

"I thought he was gonna be here for a while." I said.

"Yeah, they called back, said he needed to get there ASAP, you almost missed him." Marco answered.

I just nodded and flopped down on the couch after grabbing a slice of pizza from the box on the floor. He had just put in some random comedy and we started watching while we ate, trying not to spit pizza everywhere when we burst out laughing at the funny parts. A few minutes into the movie he went to stand up, and since he had been sitting right in front of me I got a perfect view of his ass in his tight underwear before he pulled up his sagging jeans. He caught me looking but just laughed.

"Yeah, I'm used to it. Hanging out with Jacob and his friends it happens all the time, I just take it as a compliment now. I'm gonna get a jack and coke, you want something? he asked.

I blushed a little, but answered him smoothly, "Yeah, a Dr. Pepper with some Hennessy." I said.

He took the pizza boxes with him and headed down to the kitchen. A few minutes later he came back with two rather large cups and handed me mine. I took a sip and nearly choked, boy knew how to make a drink, I think there was more Hennessy then Dr. Pepper, but it was good so I didn't say anything. He took his drink, sat it down on the night stand and lay down on his side on the bed.

I glanced over and he was laying with one hand resting on his leg, and the other was propping his head up so he could see the movie. It gave just a glimpse of the little bit of hair he had under his arm, and for some reason it started to turn me on. Thankfully he didn't catch that, but it was damn hard to keep from staring at him laying like that.

We finished that movie and he got up and put on another one, this time a horror, some teen slasher flick. There was a lot of blood and guts, but also a lot of nudity, hell it almost bordered on porn, but at this point we were both pretty drunk so I didn't care.

"I see why you like this one." I joked.

"Yeah, anything with some tits and ass dude." he said smiling a mischievous grin and nodding.

After a while he got up, saying he had to go to the bathroom, but as he passed I noticed a slight tent in his jeans. I just smiled and let him go have his fun. After about ten minutes of him not coming back I decided to go ahead and head downstairs to get a glass of water, the drink had given me a bad case of cotton mouth and I knew if I didn't get some water I'd end up with a headache.

To get to the stairs I had to walk past the bathroom door, and that's when I noticed it wasn't shut all the way. As I passed I happened to glance in and see him standing in front of the sink, his pants and underwear around his ankles. First thing I noticed was his ass, it was even more beautiful without anything covering it, firm, and bigger than I thought, with a light black fuzz of hair in the crack.

Then I glanced up and saw that he was looking at me in the mirror and smiling. He glanced down and I followed his gaze, his hand slowly grabbed his semi hard dick and started swinging it around. I couldn't stop looking, I was slightly mesmerized by it. As he played with it it started to lengthen and get harder and thicker. His hand could barely closer around it already and it stuck out of his fist another four inches or so, all in all it looked to be about eight inches at least, and it was still growing.

I caught myself slowly rubbing my crotch through my jeans, my erection pushing and straining against the material of my jockstrap and jeans. I was breathing hard and I could feel myself trembling. I looked back up and he was just smiling at me again, then he closed his eyes and leaned his head back and moaned as he started to really pump his dick.

I don't know what came over me, but I pushed the door open and walked up behind him. I slid my arms around his slender, powerful body and pulled him back into me. My hands slid down the hard planes of his stomach, and I pushed his hand away, replacing it with my own. As I started to jack his hard dick, my fingers not even touching as I wrapped them around him, I gently kissed the spot where his neck met his shoulders. My other hand worked it's way up the ripples of his abs, and started to feel his chest, playing with the little bit of hair, and tweaking and playing with the nipples. He moaned again and started bucking into my hand.

Suddenly he spun around and kissed me, his tongue invading my mouth. He pushed me backwards until I was up against the wall, and I could feel his body pressed against mine, his hard cock pressing against my stomach. He pulled back just a little and pulled my shirt over my head, running his hands over my hairy chest and stomach, reaching for my belt buckle. Once he had that undone he unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, letting them fall down around my ankles.

He kicked his clothes the rest of the way off and pulled me forward, shuffling me out of mine. I was standing there in just my jockstrap, my erection starting to hurt from being so confined. I pushed it down as well, letting my cock spring up and out of it's prison. It was already leaking a bit of pre cum. He took it in his hand and jacked it a little as he kissed me, but soon he let me know this wasn't going to be about me, it was about him.

I felt his hands slide up and rest on my shoulders and with a little pressure he turned me to the door and pushed me out into the room. He walked around me and to the bed, laying down spread eagle facing me, with his arms behind his head. His cock was throbbing, laying against the hard muscles of his stomach, twitching with every beat of his heart. His balls hung low beneath it, nestled between his legs.

I slowly walked over and dropped to my knees at the side of the bed. I put my hands up around his waist and slid him down to me. I nuzzled his balls, letting his scent fill my nose, making me drip even more. I slowly licked his balls, sucking on them gently, rolling them around in my mouth, making him moan and arch his back. Just as he moaned I pulled his cock up and swallowed as much of it as I could, feeling it hit the back of my throat as my lips closed around it, creating just enough suction.

He bucked up into my mouth slamming it even further in, sliding it down my throat and burying my nose in his crotch. I started to slowly move up and down, sucking and playing with him, letting his foreskin cover the sensitive head just so I could run my tongue inside it to really get him worked up. I used my hands to fondle and caress his balls, playing with them, and gently brushing his perineum, the spot right behind the balls that drives a man wild. I did that for a while, just enjoying the feeling of him in my mouth, and enjoying the fact that he obviously loved it.

Then slowly I worked my way off his cock, and let it slap back against his taught stomach. I kissed and licked around it, moving down with every pass, and slowly making my way along the crease where his thigh met his body, making him shudder and giggle. He stopped giggling as my tongue found his perineum, making him grab my head and push it harder against him, grinding my face against himself. Then I flicked my tongue a bit lower and brushed his hole, making him moan again, this time so loud I was sure the neighbors would hear.

Apparently though that was as much foreplay as he could stand. He sat up and pulled me forward, kissing me as he pushed me gently down on the bed, and reaching over to the nightstand. I saw his hand reach inside and grab a bottle of lube and a condom. He quickly unwrapped the condom and slid it over his throbbing, leaking dick, rolling it down the huge length and girth. He squeezed a bit of lube on it and began jacking it a little to make sure it was really slick and ready to go. Then he squeezed some onto his fingers and pushed my legs apart, finding my hole, letting his fingers explore. As one began to rub the lube around my hole I started to breathe harder, moaning a little under my breath.

That was when I felt his fingers start to really play, first it was just one, exploring, stretching, lubing it all up. Then another joined it, followed quickly by a third as I started to relax and open up. Thankfully I had that entire glass of liquor to help, because three fingers probably wouldn't have been enough to get me ready for what was coming next.

I felt his fingers leave me and a pressure on my hole, it felt like something big and hard was pressing against me as he started pushing his dick into my waiting ass. It didn't take long and I felt the head pop inside, the pain was immense, but it quickly subsided and I started liking the feeling. Then he started sliding more of himself into me and the pain returned, but this time mixed with pleasure.

Before long I felt his pubes brush against my balls and he put my legs over his shoulders, pressing them down as he positioned himself almost like he was doing a pushup. That's when the real fun began, he started to slowly move in and out, letting my ass get adjusted to the sheer size of him deep inside me, but he didn't keep doing that for long. I don't know if it was horniness alone or a mixture of that and the alcohol but he let go like an animal and started pounding my ass so hard I was nearly screaming. He was grunting, and growling as his massive dick slid in and out of my ass, hitting all the right spots and making me arch my back and claw at the sheets so hard I was afraid I would shred them.

He kept going harder and deeper and soon a sheen of sweat was all over his body, making the muscles stand out even more in the soft light of the t.v. screen. His stomach was rippling with each thrust, his chest rising and falling with his deep ragged breaths, and his ass was flexing under my hands as I tried to pull him even deeper, my fingers digging into the muscles, my ass hungry and greedy for the cock that was tearing it apart.

As he kept at it I ran my hands from his ass all the way up his smooth back, the sweat acting like baby oil and letting my hands slide, feeling the muscles ripple underneath my fingers. He slammed into me so hard at one point that I dug my nails in his back and raked them down, leaving long red welts that just seemed to spur him on, pounding me so hard I thought he was trying to kill me, but the pain mixed in with the pleasure and sent me over the edge.

Because it was trapped between our bodies I hadn't been able to reach my dick to jack myself off while he fucked me, but he was going so deep and so hard that I soon found that I didn't need to. I cried out and began to buck under him as my dick started to spurt hot jets all over us, my balls emptying themselves in thick, heavy ropes of cum that coated our stomachs and chests.

As I spasmed underneath him, my ass clenching down on his cock he started moaning harder and I felt him get thicker and start to throb inside me. He quickly pulled out and ripped the condom off, moving up and shoving his dick in my face as I heard him scream out and felt the hot streams of his cum flow all over my face, in my hair, coating me in his juice.

He stayed that way for a few seconds, his breathing heavy and labored, his sweaty body shuddering in pleasure as his balls finally emptied themselves completely. He finally lay down next to me, his chest still heaving with his breath, and a smile on his face.

"I've always wanted to try that with a guy, and damn was it worth the try. You might not want to be around me alone anymore now that I know how good your ass is." he said laughing.

"Oh trust me, I will be trying as hard as I can to be alone around you as often as possible after that. God damn that was good." I answered, still slightly breathless.

"I'm glad you liked it, but we probably should get cleaned up, Jacob will be home soon. I'm sure he will know something happened but we don't have to confirm it, if that's ok with you?" he asked.

"Whatever works best for you, I know you are straight, I don't expect anything to come of this or you to tell anyone about it." I said.

"Well I wouldn't say I was totally straight anymore, but we will see what happens." he said as he got up and walked to the bathroom.

I watched him walk, his furry ass and legs making me sprout a boner again, but I was too tired to do anything about it. I let him go, watching him climb into the shower and wash off the sweat, soaping up his hard body, letting it cleanse him, washing his big dick getting all the jizz off. I was content and then it was my turn.

By the time Jacob got back we were both redressed, and laying there watching movies just like we were when he left, and oddly enough he never noticed anything. Well almost never, a few days later he did say he found an empty condom wrapper in his bed, but he didn't ask any questions and I didn't give him any answers. I figured it was best he not really know what happened that night when he was at work and we used his bed.

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