Summer Escapades

Published on Dec 2, 2001



This chapter and this story are fictional accounts of sex and a relationship developing between teenage boys. If that disgusts or distresses you, then leave. Those who enjoy this type of story continue to read and enjoy it!!! If you are underage, whatever that means where you live (in the U.S. that usually means 18), you have to leave, also. I'm sorry, but those are the laws of the land, not ours.

A Day in Town

By Bob Andersen

Soon we heard reveille and knew it was time to get moving. All of the CIT's had slept outside with the exception of the three of us. A two-man tent with three inhabitants were sure to cause some questions, but fortunately as we exited the tent, everyone was to involved with getting their things together to notice. AT LEAST THAT IS WHAT WE THOUGHT!

After we all packed up our tents and gear, we have a very enjoyable breakfast on the open pit. Eggs and bacon smell so good after a night of great sex :)

That day was like all others for those of us in the CIT program. We had our classes and work details. Chad and I were working together clearing a spot in the woods for a new campsite. Our Junior Counselor, Steve, had just checked on us and told us that in a half-hour we could finish and shower. He said we could head back as soon as we cleared another 5 feet of brush. We told him we understood and would get it done without a problem.

As he left he told us to be good and enjoy our detail. He then laughed and headed toward the main part of camp. Chad and I looked at each other and smiled. We both knew we could finish without a problem, with time to spare.

It took us only 10 minutes to finish what Steve had told us to complete. We had about a half-hour before we had to be back at camp, shower, and head for lunch.

"My, my," Chad said. "What should we do to pass the time?" he continued with a grin on his face and his hand rubbing his cock.

I knew what he had in mind and I, for one, wasn't about to argue. My cock was beginning to stiffen watching Chad rubbing his. I knew what was beneath those shorts he had on and I knew, also, that I wanted it. I could see on his face that he, too, had the same idea.

I started to lower my shorts, but Chad stopped me. He knelt down in front of me, keeping eye contact all the way to his knees. He put his hands on my hips and put his fingers into the elastic band. He started to slide my shorts down very slowly. As the front band got to my cock, it stalled due to the hard-on that I now had. His fingers slid toward the front and released my cock as it shot up against my stomach. His head was right there and he began to lick my balls as he took my shorts all the way off.

Chad still was looking deep into my eyes as he took my balls into his mouth. His hands, now free, grabbed my hard cock and began to rub the head between them. He was rolling the tip of my cock between his palms as you would a piece of clay. It was very sensitive but felt great. As he "gobbled" my balls in his mouth his rubbing became faster and faster. I could feel, deep within my groin, that sensation begin just before the juices begin to flow up the shaft. The entire camp could have been watching and I wouldn't have noticed I was so oblivious to everything around me except for what Chad was doing.

Suddenly, Chad stopped rubbing my dick. He still had my balls in his mouth, but when he stopped, the sensation stopped also. I was frustrated, to say the least. As I looked down, however, I saw why.

Chad had released my dick to take his totally out of his shorts. He then worked his mouth up the shaft of my hard cock and engulfed it within his mouth. As he sucked, licked and moved up and down my male member, I could see his hand slowly stroking his own. I placed my hands on the back of his head and was guiding him up and down my own cock.

That ultimate male sensation began again. I could feel myself very close to orgasm and could tell, by the way that Chad was jacking his cock, that he too was close. We both were extremely involved with each other and wanted to please one another. I wanted to take his 8" in my mouth again, but Chad had other ideas.

As I began to cum, Chad took my load with great fervor. He apparently had enjoyed what he tasted the night before and wanted a second helping. I wasn't going to refuse him at all, as this was some of the best sensations I had in my entire life.

As I exploded into Chad's mouth I could feel that he, too, was cumming. His first shot hit my thigh very hard and I could feel the rest of his orgasm dribbling down my leg. OH, How I enjoyed what was happening.

When he finished, Chad began to lick up my stomach to my chest. He was rising slowly to his feet keeping contact with me all the way to a standing position. When he was totally standing, he looked deep into my eyes and put his lips to mine. He began kissing me and my lips parted anticipating the tongue he was trying to pry into my mouth. When he did, we began the tongue battle that was extremely exciting.

I had never before "made-out" with another boy. This was fantastic. And, what was even more sensual was the taste that I could detect. Chad had "stored" my cum in his mouth and was now sharing ME with ME. Oh, how I remember that sensation. It is probably the most memorable event of that summer.

As we kissed, our bodies drew closer together. I could feel his half-hard cock and mine swaying between us. They touched ever so slightly. With each touch, it brought new life to each of us. I could tell he was getting hard again, as was I. I also knew that we couldn't continue because of the time. Reluctantly, I pushed Chad back.

"Hey, buddy, we have to get back to main camp," I stated.

He gave me a puppy-dog look of disappointment. He also realized I was right and took a step back. We both knew that this was going to be a long summer. A summer in which we would both have many more opportunities to enjoy each other as we had at that moment.

We quickly pulled up our shorts and headed for main camp. We got there just as Gaylord, the CIT counselor, was getting everyone together to hit the showers before lunch. He saw us and yelled at us to hurry and get moving. He didn't have to encourage either of us to hit the showers. After all, everyone would be naked and both Chad and I enjoyed that site :)

We ran into the cabin to get our towels and hustled to the showers. We caught up with the rest of the guys. Dave looked at us and asked why we were so late. Chad and I smiled and that is all it took to let Dave know what had happened.

"Damn, you couldn't wait for me," he said with a laugh and a smile. "You two know that I wanted to join you on work detail," he covered himself with the other guys there listening.

When we entered the showers it was typical teen-age shower time. Everyone was joking, telling stories and of course, sneaking a peek at all the others.

All CIT's were 14 and 15 years old. There were various states of maturity represented in the shower. Most guys had reached puberty, but there were a couple of the guys that hadn't quite started. They were very shy in the showers most of the time choosing to face the wall in the corner areas. However, they were the most obvious when it came to watching the others. It appeared to me, at least, that they were staring at the rest of us who had matured at a quicker rate.

One guy, in particular, Larry, was the most obvious. He would stare at my cock all through the showers. I was a bit of an exhibitionist, even then. I would concentrate on washing my groin facing him. I could see what it was doing to him, too, as his yet to mature cock got hard. I wondered if he even jacked off yet, but then remembered that I did when I was 8. So I was sure that he did, too, by now. I know it wasn't nice to tease, but at 15, well, it was funny to see what was happening to him.

Chad and I were always the last to exit the showers. With the drying room tucked away in a corner, it was easy for us to at least gaze at each other. Dave, too, was now staying with us to talk and whatever. At this time of day it was too dangerous to do anything because it would be easy for anyone to walk in and see what was happening. The evening was better, especially LATE in the evening. But, Chad and I weren't exactly rejuvenated from our earlier encounter to actually want to play.

After lunch it was time for our counseling classes. We learned how to work with kids, teach the various skills classes and in general about camp life. It was boring, for sure, but we knew that we would someday be counselors at camp after going through this program successfully, so it was worth the agony.

Classes went very slowly this particular day. Why? Well, that evening was our first "night out" as CIT's. Part of the program was to have a night on the town every couple of weeks like we would if we were junior or senior counselors. We had to stay in groups with a staff member, but that was cool. At least we could see what town was like, hit Macdonald's and enjoy an unstructured evening.

As the classes ended Gaylord announced the groups for the night out. This wasn't totally a random selection process as we all had indicated who we would like to spend the evening with, but the staff had the last determination. As he posted the names, we all made a mad rush to the bulletin board. It wasn't so much which CIT's we were with, but the counselor that we had to drag along.

Chad, Dave, Larry, Chris and I were assigned to Group 3 and our JC Steve was our chaperone. At 17, Steve was the perfect choice for our group. He was a really neat guy and we all knew we would have a great time with him. Larry, as I mentioned, seemed to have a crush on me and, except for his lack of physical maturity, was a great guy. Chris was gorgeous and one that the three of us wanted to get into our "private" group so this would work out really well.

Being teens, we lived in the showers. Hell, with a night out on the town, we had to be clean and smell great, so we all headed to the KYBO (what we called the shower/bathroom) for our second rinse of the day.

We were assigned a given shower time because the rest of camp would be in General Swim. Each group was given 10 minutes, this time, to assure that everyone had the opportunity to shower in the allotted time before dinner. So, the five of us got our towels and talked about what we wanted to do that evening.

"I want sex," Chad began. We all laughed, but Dave and I knew exactly what Chad meant by that. If it were just the three of us, I know that we could have enjoyed that activity, but with the other three, it was a long shot, for sure.

"That would be so cool, " Chris added. As I looked over at Larry I could see a bit of a blush, but he was nodding affirming his agreement. "

We all headed for our shower time. When we got there we had to wait for the other group to finish so Dave and I waited outside as the others went in to take a piss and get undressed.

Dave turned to me with a questioning look. "So, did you and Chad play without me this morning?"

"Well," I answered with a glimmer in my eye and a wink.

"You could have asked me to come along, you know, Bob. You know that I really enjoyed what we did last night."

"Yes, Dave, but Chad and I had work detail together. We didn't plan it. It just worked out for us, is all," I said matter-of-factly.

"I know, but I really enjoyed the three of us together, you know. Would you like to get together again?"

That was a silly question, and Dave knew it. "Of course, goofy," I muttered. "I just wish it were the three of us alone in town tonight."

Dave shook his head. As he started to talk, Steve came walking up. Oh, he was hot, I thought to myself. I noticed that he had his towel, which meant that he was going to shower, too. The staff showers were in the opposite side of the KYBO, so I didn't give it a second thought. "Hey guys, " Steve said as he came up the walkway. "Are you guys ready for a hot night?" he asked with a big smile on his face.

Dave and I both shook our head in agreement. "Can you show us the town?" I asked him.

"Sure," Steve answered. "Whatever you want is fine with me."

If only he knew what I was thinking. Steve was two years older with long flowing blond hair and was very sexy. I had thought over the past week how it would be to have sex with him. But I hadn't had the time to be alone with him to see if he was interested in "our" type of fun.

We all noticed Group 2 leaving the KYBO. Dave and I started heading in to the showers. Steve, who usually used the staff showers in the next building also came in with us. I was a bit shocked with this, but thought it would be so cool to see him with us.

We got into the drying room and stripped down for the shower. Chad, Larry and Chris were already soaping up. As I walked in, Larry was not in his usual corner, but in the middle shower. He seemed very comfortable with all of us, which was nice to see. I hadn't seen Chris in the shower before, but I liked what I saw. He was about my size, very slender and had a nice cock that was half-hard at that moment. What was interesting was that he was not trying to hide the fact either.

As Dave and I entered, everyone was engrossed in getting their shower done quickly. As I stepped under the showerhead, I caught Steve entering out of the corner of my eye. Man, was that a beautiful site! Steve was what today we would call very buff, with a flat stomach and a chest that puffed out with two protruding nipples. As my eyes wandered down, I noticed the patch of blond pubic hair, curly and very inviting. His cock was half-hard and I noticed it looked very different from mine. As I looked closer, I noticed that Steve was not circumcised -- uncut.

I suddenly realized that I had better turn toward the wall as my cock began to spring up. I had never seen an uncut cock in person, only in pictures. It seemed so different but I was very intrigued. My heart began to pound as the blood rushed to the veins in my penis. I noticed that Dave and Chad, also, were having the same reaction to this site.

As Steve stepped further into the room, I think he realized what was happening and didn't seem to mind. He actually seemed to parade to the far end of the room, allowing each of us to see what he had to offer. I noticed that as he passed each of us, he would look down, not hiding the fact that he was checking us out. That actually made me feel very comfortable with Steve and at the same time very excited.

As our shower progressed, I could see Larry checking all of us out without trying to hide the fact. Chris also appeared to be very comfortable in the shower with us, actually parading around his now growing cock. Chad, Dave and I looked at each other with both amazement and anticipation.

We all went about our business, but all were in a state of excitement. My cock was trembling as my eyes kept gazing over at Steve in the corner of the shower area. He was turned toward the wall, but I could see his rear-end, so inviting. What was I saying? His ass looked inviting? I had never had those thoughts, but at this moment it was all that was in my mind.

I quickly turned the shower heat down a bit to provide a cooler spray. I was getting so excited, I thought that a cold shower was what was in order at the moment. However, what Steve did next negated anything that a cold shower could do.

From the corner, Steve began to turn to face us all. He was soaping his entire body and his hands were slowly moving toward his groin. The focus of all the 10 eyes in the shower room were drawn to his cock, now extremely hard and extremely wet. He made no attempt to hide his gorging member, showing it off to all that would look. I could see that Larry was very embarrassed and quickly turned off his shower and left to the drying room. Chris followed in quick order as Steve continued to rub his hard soapy cock.

Chad and I had no problem watching what was being done by Steve. As a matter of fact, we began to mimic each and every stroke with him. Dave, not as comfortable with what was happening, turned toward the wall, but I could see he was participating in this display of manhood.

Although we could see Steve's eyes closed, we all knew what he was doing. He was definitely teasing, at least Chad and me. Finally, he opened his eyes and began, again, to survey the remaining members of his group. He smiled as he looked at me, stroking my cock in unison with his actions. He looked over toward Chad and actually I thought I recognized a slight gasp as he saw how big and hard Chad's cock was at that moment. As he looked over at Dave, he again smiled.

"Ok, guys, enough hiding what you're doing!" he exclaimed. It wasn't as if we were hiding, but I knew that was not what he meant.

"Did you guys enjoy the camp-out last night?" he asked with a very big grin on his face. It was at that point that I knew that Steve was aware of what had happened the night previously. "You need to be a bit more quiet when you play, guys, or others will know everything," he continued.

Chad and I were a bit red at this point, realizing that we had been caught. We both looked at each other and without having to say a word, we also understood that it was cool with Steve. After all, here he was, stroking his nice big uncut cock with us.

"Ah, yea, I guess you're right Steve," Chad said.

"Please don't say anything, Steve. Please!" Dave said with a very scared tone in his voice.

"And you, Bob, what do you have to say?" Steve said inquisitively to me while staring at my cock.

"You have a great cock," I stammered. We all laughed.

That broke the tension that was apparent to all. As we all giggled uncontrollably, Chris and Larry stuck their head back into the shower room and began to laugh with us, not knowing why they were laughing.

"So, what do you guys want to do tonight?" Steve continued. Oh, did he really want an answer to that question?

"I think we all have an idea what we would LIKE to do," Chad began. "But, I don't think that we can to that, do you?"

"Well, there is always a way to do things that you really want to do," Steve said. "And, I think I know what you'd like and maybe we can arrange something."

During this entire conversation we were all stroking our cocks very quickly, including Steve. I could feel myself reaching that point of no return, and looking at the other three, I could tell that I wasn't the only one about ready to shoot my load.

Steve's hips were contracting as were Chad's. I could see Dave cupping his balls and pulling them away from his body as they were rising up. My own muscles were contracting and I knew in just a few seconds, the shower room floor was about to receive a large amount of what was in my own balls.

Although Chris and Larry weren't there when the entire realization, having left the shower area, they had their own cocks in their hands stroking them profusely. I had never been in a circle jerk, but this definitely had all the signs of one.

I couldn't hold it anymore and released a huge spurt of cum which actually fell on Chad's leg directly across from me. Seeing that, Chad released all he could with Dave very quickly joining us. As we slowed our strokes, having cum, all our eyes turned toward Steve. He was still moving his hand up and down his cock, the foreskin hiding the huge head with every upstroke.

To my left was Larry. He was intent on Steve as well, as he ejaculated between Chad and me. Chris, too, was pulling his cock. I noticed that he slowed his strokes and realized that he had cum, not being able to shoot anything yet.

Suddenly we all heard a very loud moan. All eyes were affixed on Steve as his cock began to spurt the largest load I had ever seen. He was not even aware of all of us, I thought, as his eyes turned toward the ceiling and he continued to milk his beautiful cock. For the first time I got a good look at Steve. He was about as long as I was, but his cock was the thickest I had ever seen. It looked like it was as big around as a bottle of coke, yet I couldn't imagine anyone being that large. I knew, at that moment, that I wanted more than just to "see" his cock unload, I knew that I wanted to taste his cum and have his cock deep in my mouth.

Steve finally finished stroking his cock and again came back to reality. He looked at all of us and smiled.

"Well, guys," he began, "I guess we have shared a bit more than what we expected when we came to camp." The grin on his face was devilish and each of us were smiling with contentment. "I think we better dry of and head to dinner. We have a long night ahead of us."

With that, we all washed off the mess that we had made on ourselves, hit the drying room, and headed to the cabin to get dressed. None of us said anything about what happened on the way to dinner, but we all knew that this was just the beginning of a great summer together.

After dinner, all the CIT's jumped on the camp bus and headed to town. Once there, the counselors all gathered together and discussed the evening's schedule. All of the CIT's were raring to go and appeared to be very anxious. Finishing their discussion, the counselors called for their group and we all obeyed immediately. Gaylord and our other counselor, Scott, took off in one direction, while Steve took us in another. The five of us were very giddy, enjoying the freedom we now had away from camp. As campers, we were held within the camp never able to leave its boundaries. For the first time, we were able to see what this town that we had heard so much about had to offer all of us.

As we headed toward town, Steve was very quiet. Chad and I were lagging behind the others just talking about what had happened in the shower room. It seemed that Steve had something in mind, we both thought, and wondered what he was thinking. Little did we know, at that time, what Steve had in store for "his boys" that evening.

NEXT: Steve's Surprise

NOTE TO READER: This chapter is one of a series of chapters on this topic. It is basically a true story, with the names/places changed to protect the guilty. Please let me know what you think and give me any suggestions that you may have. Any and all feedback will be appreciated as I have a lot of stories to tell, but I want people to read them as well .

E-mail me at Cum and join us at Gay Millenium Men. If you are not a member go to and say "Invited in Summer Fun," when asked to ADD A MESSAGE TO THE COMMUNITY MANAGER and state your age and why you want to join. It is a site for Gay Men to chat, share pics, or just plain fun. Thanks for helping here and enjoy (if possible).

Next: Chapter 5

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