Summer Daze

By moc.liamnotorp@llarofgarmuc

Published on Aug 6, 2020



Cole had no idea when he jumped out of bed that morning what kind of day was ahead of him. Things had been a little strange since he started giving into his gay desires. Today he wanted to figure out how to cruise guys and maybe have some fun in public. Living in a small town outside of a larger metropolitan area, Cole took the short trip to Eastboro, a college town crawling with hot frat guys and straight boys looking to experiment. At the first red light in town he put his top back and turned his music up, just to fit in. A few seconds later a silver truck pulls up beside him carrying two shirtless hunks. The driver was a lean, cut blonde wearing a backwards white cap. The passenger was a brunette with a buzz cut, also slim but more muscular with several tattoos on his arms and back. Both were staring right at Cole.

Not even realizing his mouth was wide open while staring at the two gorgeous twenty-somethings, Cole gave a quick "What's Up?" nod to them both. The driver nodded back, then turned and mumbled something to the passenger. Looking back with a smirk while he was still talking to his friend, Cole's full balls and growing dick got the better of him, forcing him to lick his lips while staring at the truck's blonde headed driver.

Raising his eyebrows at Cole's obvious invitation, the driver motioned for Cole to follow them just as the light turned green.

"Holy shit am I really this lucky?" Cole thought to himself as he signaled and turned into the right lane behind the truck. "Or are they just gonna take me back to their apartment and beat my ass..."

His mind was racing thinking of the possibilities that could unfold in the next few hours, both good and bad, but his dick didn't seem to care already jumping at full attention.

The truck signaled and turned in the parking lot of a pharmacy. Pulling to a spot toward the back of the lot, Cole pulled up beside the passenger side.

"What's up dude?" the passenger asked.

"I'm just getting into town. Was thinking of heading to the mall to look around for a bit," Cole lied. "What are you guys up to?"

The driver giggled, "by the look of things back there it seems like you wanna have a little fun."

Halfway nervous "fun is always good!" Cole replied.

"Then follow us man. We'll show you a great time!" the driver smirked.

"Lead the way my friend" Cole replied. "I'm Cole by the way, and you guys are?"

The passenger pointed to himself "Brent," then pointed at the driver "and Ashton."

"Nice to meet you guys," Cole smiled. "Now let's quit the dicking around and have some fun!"

Both Ashton and Brent laughed as he backed up his truck and headed out the parking lot. Following behind, Cole's mind began to race again. They seemed nice enough, but how did he know those were even their real names? What if they really were taking back to their apartment or house to kick his ass? Or even worse, a frat house? He was way too horny to worry about the what-ifs because his dick hadn't softened one bit since he pulled in the parking lot of that random store.

After driving for about ten minutes, the truck turned into an upper class neighborhood filled with oversized houses, some towering as tall as the trees in their yards, most with large swimming pool slides that were visible from the road. Turning onto a few different streets, Cole finally pulled in the driveway of a very nice two story brick house behind the guys.

Cole was waiting for the top to finish going up on his car when Ashton and Brent stepped out of the truck. Both had perfect six packs, toned pecks, bulging biceps and that "V" running down their hips. Cole quickly caught a drip of drool from running down his chin as he stepped out his car.

"Nice house dude!" Cole figured he would start the conversation somewhere.

"You should see the inside. My parents are always doing something different with it." Ashton answered. Cole halfway expected Brent to answer since he was driving, but he went along with it.

Ashton unlocked the dead bolt and opened the door for both Brent and Cole, locking it back behind him once they both were inside.

"This place is amazing!" Cole exclaimed, noticing the grand imported chandelier in the foyer, the lavish white furniture and drapes in the sitting room. To his right was the longest dining room table he had ever seen in his life accompanied by at least a dozen chairs with an equally as grand chandelier in the center of the table as he saw in the foyer.

"I figured you'd like it, most of our friends do." Brent replied.

The gears started turning in Cole's head and suddenly he was back from his lust filled thoughts to reality.

"Wait a minute, do you live here too Brent?" Cole asked.

Ashton and Brent looked at each other and smiled. "Only all my life" Brent laughed.

"We're brothers" Ashton clarified.

Suddenly Cole could feel a huge rush of blood run straight to his penis. He was absolutely mind blown. He was most likely about to have one of his biggest fantasies come true; a three-some with two brothers.

Finally snapping back to reality from all the dirty thoughts racing through his mind, Cole heard Brent speaking.

"It's hot as fuck today, you down for a swim?"

"Hell yeah!" Cole answered, not thinking about having no swimming trunks to wear.

"Well come on upstairs and let us show you around and we'll get changed," Brent replied.

Following Ashton and Brent up the stairs, Cole asked the guys if they had an extra swim suit.

Ashton quickly obliged, "of course bro what size you wear?"

"Either a 28 or 30, depends on where I get my jeans from." Cole answered.

"Dude I wish I still fit in a 30 but ever since I started hitting the gym so hard I haven't been able to get into anything under a 34. You'll have to borrow one from Ashton's skinny ass" Brent replied, giving Ashton a playful shove.

"Come on dude, my room's this way." Ashton pointed Cole to the first door on the left at the top of the landing.

Ashton reached in the bottom drawer of his dresser and produced two plaid bathing suits.

"Here ya go dude" Ashton said, throwing a red, white and blue plaid pair at Cole.

"Thanks man." Cole replied. "Where should I..."

Before he could finish, Ashton had already pulled his pants and boxers around his ankles.

Standing straight up, Ashton looked a little embarrassed. "Sorry dude, I guess my brother and I are so used to changing in front of each other it's not a big deal to me. You can go in the bathroom if you want to."

Not wanting Ashton to feel self-conscious, Cole quickly stripped down. "Nah dude, I was just making sure you were ok with it. You know how some guys are about changing in front of each other. It's not a big deal to me either."

From the moment he realized Ashton was naked, Cole was trying to discreetly steal glances at Ashton's cock. It was long and floppy, at least 4 inches soft and girthy. Both his balls hung directly below his dick head, nestling it perfectly. Ashton clearly did some manscaping, as his pubes were shaved short, but the base of his cock and balls looked to be shaved smooth. It was a beautiful cock, no doubt, and Cole was hoping he would at least be able to get his hands on it before he left.

Putting his feet in the trunks, Cole noticed Ashton was doing some looking of his own. Cole was probably just as long as Ashton when flaccid, but not as thick. Cole's balls hung lower than his cock, and was completely shaved bald from his cock to his ass and down his legs.

Both in their trunks and ready to go, Cole and Ashton made their way down the hall to Brent's room. They could hear him talking to someone down the hall. Opening his door, Brent was on the phone and still hadn't changed into his trunks.

"Dude get off the fucking phone and let's go!" Ashton yelled at Brent.

"I'm talking to Jeff dude give it a rest" Brent barked back.

"He's so fucking slow at everything it gets on my last nerve!" Ashton confessed to Cole. "I'll fix this."

Ashton walked over to Brent, who had his back to Ashton. He reached around and unbuttoned Brent's shorts. Brent turned around to face Ashton as he unzipped and pulled his shorts and boxers down to the floor. As Ashton bent over to pull Brent's pants down, he reached down and grabbed his monster cock and equally large balls, resting them on Ashton's head.

Cole expected Ashton to completely flip out and at least punch Brent, but instead he just laughed as he stood back up, letting Brent's soft 7 inch cock fall off his head and brush his nose and mouth.

Brent said his goodbyes on the phone, tossing it onto his bed as he walked over to his dresser to grab some trunks. Not only did he have an amazing dick, he had a perfect, round ass also. You could tell he worked his glutes hard because his ass didn't bounce at all when he walked, instead it stayed firmly in place.

Cole couldn't tell if he purposely spread his legs when he bent over to reach in his swim trunk drawer, but when he did he exposed his perfectly pink hairless hole. Picking his mouth up off the floor, Cole was doing everything he could to look away but his little head was swelling watching Brent's gorgeous ass put on his trunks.

Suddenly Ashton busted out laughing.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Brent asked his brother.

Still laughing, Ashton answered. "Just Cole with his mouth wide open like he's never seen an asshole before."

"Oh, so you were looking at my ass man?" Brent asked staring straight into Cole's eyes.

Cole's face was completely red and his heart was pounding. He had been caught. "Um..." he stammered, "I've just never seen an ass that toned in person." Cole new he was about to get his ass beat by these two brothers he stupidly followed home, knowing nothing about them or letting anyone know where he was going.

Ashton continued to snicker, but Brent's demeanor remained serious.

"Are you fucking joking? `Never seen a toned ass in person' is that what you're going with?" Brent started to sound angry.

"I'm sorry man, I shouldn't have been looking." Cole pleaded.

"At least be honest and have the decency to admit you're drooling over more than just my ass. You're in my house, tell the truth man." Brent demanded.

"Okay dude, seriously I'm sorry. It's just hard not to notice when you bent over like that." Cole didn't know if he was digging himself deeper or working his way out of the hole he was in.

"So you're saying it's my fault you've drooled all over my floor gazing at my ass?" Brent questioned.

"No man I'm not saying that all," Cole replied.

"Good. I just wanted to make sure you were smart enough to know I was showing off my hole on purpose. Why the fuck do you think we brought you back to our house? Did you seriously think we just wanted to swim?" Brent admitted.

During his back and forth with Brent, Cole hadn't noticed Ashton take off his swim trunks and start jerking his cock.

"We wouldn't have brought you home if we didn't think you wanted to fuck" said Ashton.

Cole's head was spinning from the turn of events. He went from thinking he was about to receive one of the most brutal beatings he would ever endure in his life, to watching Ashton stroke his beautiful cock right in his face.

"Well fuck boy you just gonna stand there with your mouth wide open or you gonna put it to use on my brother's cock?" Brent's voice almost startled Cole.

He had completely lost his voice after being mind-fucked by the two brothers that he didn't even hesitate to fall to his knees and take Ashton's fully erect seven inch cock in his mouth. He tasted so good in Cole's mouth, and the aroma exuding from his swollen ball sack sent him into complete whore mode. He was completely turned on, and was willing to do whatever it took to get these guys to cover him in their hot spunk.

Cole was using his mouth and hands on Ashton's throbbing rod, slurping on his head and shaft with his mouth and tongue and using his hand to rotate jerking his cock and stroking his smooth balls. He took the complete length of Ashton's cock into his throat and held it as long as he could, gagging when he finally came up for air. Using his spit to jerk Ashton, he dove into his heavenly scented balls, taking one then the other and finally both in his mouth.

Brent finally made his way over after jerking his giant prick, watching Cole go to town on his little brother. Grabbing him by the hair, Brent jerked Cole onto his own pulsing, purple cock. Cole struggled for the first few minutes, trying to adjust to the huge member in his mouth, being extra careful not to scrub it with his teeth. Making sure he lubed it up well with his spit, Cole attempted to take as much of Brent's ten inch cock down his throat as he could. Making it only halfway down he started to come back when suddenly Brent grabbed the back of his head, forcing him all the way down his ten inches, holding his head at the base of his thick shaft. Cole gagged and tried to bring his head up but Brent kept forcing his dick over and over down Cole's stretched throat, only letting him up when his face was almost purple. Cole gagged hard after Brent released him from his grip coughing a giant spit ball onto Brent's dick head.

"Yeahhhh" Brent moaned as he reached down and slid the mound of saliva up and down his member. "You give better head than Ashton. His throat won't even open when I force it down."

Cole almost felt nauseated but went right back to work on Ashton's dick. Easily taking the length of his shaft after being spread open by Brent's huge dick. He felt a warm hand tugging at the waist of his shorts. Positioning himself so they could be taken off, Brent ripped the borrowed trunks off his waist. Cole always prided himself on having a nice round ass, but his was nothing compared to the perfectly chiseled glutes on Brent.

Brent's warm hands massaged Cole's cheeks, spreading them apart every so often to give him a glimpse of Cole's tight puckered hole. He almost bit down on Ashton's cock when he felt Brent's slick tongue start to work his hole. Cole let a moan of ecstasy escape his lips as they continued to work the hard cock sliding in and out of them.

A light suddenly went off in Cole's brain. "Brent you don't think you're gonna fuck with me do you?"

Snickering Brent answered "I figured if your mouth could adjust like that your asshole could too!"

"I'm sorry man but your dick is way too....Umph!" Cole felt Brent's index and middle finger abruptly invade his hole.

"I promise I'll loosen it up real good and if you're lucky, I'll take it slow" said Brent.

Cole was having a hard time arguing with Brent when he was tonguing and fingering his hole at the same time. Moaning with almost every pump of his fingers, Brent felt he was loose enough to try a third finger.

Brent reached up with his strong hands and pulled Cole by the hair off his brother's cock, inserting his fingers in their place. Cole sucked hard on Brent's fingers, tasting his sweet hole while lubing them good for Brent to continue stretching his tight hole for Brent's huge dick.

Sliding his fingers away from Cole's suction grip, Brent guided his body from being on his knees to getting down on all fours. Cole arched his back, putting his ass in the air and exposing his hole for easier access. Brent rubbed his well lubed hand around the little asshole he was desperate to fuck. Starting again with two fingers he quickly doubled to four Cole's hole loosened. He worked his fingers in and out, exploring Cole's insides and massaging his prostate.

Brent's voice was hardly heard over the constant slurping, gagging and fingering, "how's that little whore's throat treating you bro?"

"It's amazing bro!" Ashton replied, "This cocksucker really knows what he's doing!"

"Since he's been such a good little bitch, why don't you mount this whore and fuck his hole full of cum so I'll have plenty of lube when I tear it apart!" Brent's words sent shockwaves through Cole's body.

Taking Ashton's dick out of his mouth, Cole looked him in the eyes. "Please fuck me!"

Not needing anymore motivation, Ashton obliged. "Look at that pretty fuck hole! It's never gonna look like that again when we get finished with him!" Ashton high-fived his brother.

"Get in that ass bro! I'm gonna fuck his face!" Brent announced.

Cole felt Ashton's hands grip his hips as he positioned his cock on his slick hole. His warm, wet dick head felt amazing as he pushed inside. Brent had done such a good job getting Cole's hole ready that Ashton had no problem sliding his cock inside all the way to his trimmed pubes.

"Uh! That feels so fucking good!" Cole moaned.

"Damn bro this shit's still tight as fuck!" Ashton moaned back.

Ashton hadn't got into his rhythm before Cole opened his eyes to see Brent's pre-cum oozing cock in his face. He eagerly licked the pre-cum out of the slit on Brent's cock head before opening his lips and sucking down as far as he could.

Feeling Ashton's balls slap against him, his cock thrusting in and out his tight hole rubbing his prostate, and Brent's monster in his mouth was pushing Cole closer to cumming without stimulating his own dick at all.

Simultaneously, Brent grabbed the back of Cole's head, thrusting his cock down Cole's throat and Ashton slammed the length of his dick inside his hole. That was enough. Cole felt the feeling start to build in his ass and move up to his stomach. His brain was releasing massive amounts of endorphins causing him to start having one of the most intense orgasms he'd ever had.

"Fuck I'm cumming!" Cole screamed.

With the brothers watching eagerly while continuing to fuck his holes, Cole's dick started to jump. The first string shot was a big one, making the four foot stretch to Brent's leg and dripped down to his ankle. The second and third shots didn't go quite as far, but both landed on Brent's feet, grazing Cole's arms on the way. Continuing to shoot spurt after spurt of cum, Cole's balls were completely drained by the time his orgasm subsided.

"Shit dude that's the most cum I've ever seen! And Ashton here shoots monster loads every time!" said Brent.

There was a huge puddle of cum on the floor under Cole's torso. Watching him explode got Ashton in the zone, feeling his own batch of cum start to load itself into his throbbing cock. With a hard smack of Cole's ass, Ashton grabbed him by the hips and started really his hole a workout. Each thrust was harder than the last and with each slap of his balls against Cole's body Ashton knew he was about to explode.

Letting out several loud moans, Cole could feel Ashton's cock swell inside his hole. Finally with a hard thrust, Ashton pushed his dick as deep inside Cole as it would go and released a huge load inside him. His body jerked and twitched with every shot of cum.

"Fuck yeah little bro, fill that hole up!" encouraged Brent.

By the time Ashton was done cumming, Cole felt like his ass was completely full and could feel the hot cum sloshing around his walls every time he moved the slightest bit. Ashton's dick finally started to soften and slipped out of Cole's ass causing huge drops of cum to drip out his hole, sliding down his legs and from his balls to the tip of his cock before finally dripping on the floor.

Having his eyes closed in complete ecstasy, Cole didn't notice Brent walk around to his ass until he felt the much larger dick rubbing some of the sticky cum from his legs back to his hole. Brent coated his dick in the spilled cum and teased Cole's wet hole with its tip. Cole couldn't help but feel a little nervous and anxious knowing he was about to take the largest cock he'd ever seen up his ass; but he was so damn hot and horny he pushed back as Brent positioned his dick at the entrance of his hole.

"I think this little slut wants my cock, don't you bro?" Brent teased.

"I do bro. I think you should give it to him hard and rough" Ashton answered. "Make this little bitch feel like what he really is... our fuck toy!"

Brent pushed half his giant rod in Cole's hole slowly, leaving it there for a second before thrusting the remaining five inches in as fast as he could. Cole let out a loud yelp, but it didn't stop Brent from unleashing a hard pounding. All Cole could hear was Brent's slick cock sliding in and out of his wet hole and his balls slapping his body. He was trying his best to get used to the huge dick in his ass, but it hurt more with every thrust.

"I'm sorry dude but it fucking hurts," Cole said as he pulled away from Brent. "Can we try another position?" He was trying to think of an excuse to give his hole a break.

"Oh, the little sissy's feeling a little pain?" Brent replied, "Yeah we can change it up, but that means you gotta ride my cock.... and you gotta ride it good!!"

Brent laid down on the floor. Cole tried to get up and walk, but his ass and legs were too sore. He crawled over to Brent and strattle him. Brent already picked up his dick and had it at Cole's hole before he could get positioned. Getting off his knees and onto his feet, Cole squatted down on Brent's dick, stopping when the head touched his hole.

He caught his breath for a few seconds, feeling the pain subside. Taking Brent's cock from his hand, Cole eased his way down letting the head fill his hole.

"I should have started out like this with you," Cole told Brent. "Riding your huge fucking cock feels so much better!"

He bounced up and down on Brent's dick, regulating how much was going in and out of him. He slammed down on Brent's cock, sending waves of pleasure through his body. He stayed there for a few seconds, moving his ass around to let Brent's cock explore him.

"Oh FUCK that's good!" Cole screamed.

He could feel Brent's cock churning the left over cum in his hole like it was butter. Every time he slid backwards a jolt would run through him as the massive dick that was filling him slapped against his prostate, knowing his dick would ooze with cum if he kept it up.

Cole finally started to get into rhythm, alternating smooth riding, grinding, and powerful slams of his ass all the way down to the base of Brent's cock. Accidentally coming up too far, Cole felt the hard cock slide out of his ass, dripping a long string of cum onto Brent's dick. He immediately reached down and evenly distributed it on the throbbing prick and quickly inserted it back into he stretched out hole.

"I can tell you've done this before," Brent moaned. "No one has EVER taken my cock like this, not even Ashton!"

Cole had forgot Brent's younger brother was even still in the room. Looking back, his eyes found Ashton holding his cell phone in his hand pointing it directly at his brother and Cole.

"Are you videoing this?" Cole asked, a bit uncomfortable.

"Brent and I always video our hookups" Ashton confessed, "we don't ever post them, but this one's so good I'm streaming it live to PornHub. The world needs to see what a good little cock whore you are!"

Still feeling a bit uncomfortable Cole was somewhat encouraged by the brothers fascination with him, and after a few more power slams on Brent's dick he didn't give a fuck who was watching.

A yelling voice startled Cole; "I need a cock in my mouth!" Not even realizing it was his voice making the demand.

Propping his phone on the nearby dresser Ashton made his way over to Cole, grabbing him by the hair while using his other hand to slap him in the face with his semi-hard rod.

In less than an hour, these boys had turned Cole into their fuck slave; and he was loving every minute of it.

"I need you boys to cover me in your cum" Cole proclaimed, "I wanna please you guys however you want, but I won't be satisfied until I have cum leaking out of all my holes!"

Completely turned on by Cole's request, Brent spoke back to him. "If that's what you want fuck-boi, that's just what you'll get!"

Cole immediately took Ashton's dick in his mouth, gliding it in and out of his throat to match the rhythm of his brother's cock going up and down his asshole.

Both Brent and Ashton were loudly moaning, getting immense pleasure out of using Cole's holes. Ashton had a handful of Cole's hair to guide his head up and down his rock hard dick, and Brent had both hands full of Cole's ass to guide it up and down his throbbing, swollen member.

Cole felt both guys start to swell about the same time their moaning got louder and more breathy. He tightened his ass muscles around Brent's thrusting dick and shoved Ashton's all the way down to his pubes, allowing him to fuck his throat. Sending them simultaneously over the edge, Brent started to cum first.

"AhhUGNNHHH!!!!" Brent grabbed Cole's hips and slammed him to the base of his shaft as he started to explode.

"OH FUCK!!!!" Ashton pinned Cole's head against his short pubes as his cock erupted.

Spurt after spurt after spurt of hot, sticky, delicious man cum started to fill Cole's body to the brim causing his own balls to tighten and load his dick.

They were all three shooting sperm like synchronized swimmers. Ashton's massive second orgasm started to spew out of Cole's mouth and run down his chin. Brent's load overflowed Cole's ass and started to pour out all over his balls. Cole's pulsing dick shot splooge freely all over the place, landing on all three guys.

They had done it. They filled their fuck toy with so much cum his holes would be leaking for days. Cole didn't even want to swallow, shower or wipe off. He wanted the guys inside him as long as possible.

"I think we got us a new little dick whore to use bro!" Ashton exclaimed.

"We're just getting started with you, boy" Brent said as he pulled on Cole's hair.

Cole didn't need to argue. He had found his place. On all fours with one of these studs at each end, filling him with dick.

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