Summer Days

By Alex

Published on Sep 9, 2004


Disclaimer: Below is my intellectual property. This work is mine and mine alone. It shall not be reproduced in any way, shape or form without my consent. The story below is for personal use only and may not be transferred to any other medium what so ever. Also, if you are offended even minimally to lesbian girls, or the sexual acts between two persons of the female gender, stop right now. Don't even read the first sentence. If you do like stories involving two females, then go right on ahead through and enjoy.

UPDATE/STORY CHANGE: The house that this story takes place in is not Sara's parents but her own.

The bright light poured in through the large wall-sized windows, spreading white light through the already white room. The radio was still turned on, only it wasn't Supertramp any more. It was The Vines and it wasn't their quieter, "Autumn Days," songs either, the radio blared "Outtathaway." The vocalist screamed the first line of the chorus and it rang though the bedroom shaking Sara and Amanda up almost instantly.

Immediately, Amanda was out of bed ready to greet the day with a smile, or a seductive grin, depending on the mood. Amanda stood next too Sara still lying in bed with that sexy sleep-look to her. She smiled up at Amanda and was about to say something when Amanda began to lip-sync the lyrics of the song. "C'mon, C'mon, C'mon," she mouthed the words as she shuffled her feet backwards toward the hall, crooking her finger, beckoning Sara to follow her. Sara got up and demurely, wrapped a sheet around her nude body, following her lover. Amanda sauntered down the stairs swaying her hips attractively, merely clad in a pair of Sara's pink cotton panties. Amanda led Sara downstairs and into the kitchen. Amanda stood behind the kitchen island and waited for Sara to catch up. Sara stood beside Amanda and threw her sheet over Amanda and pulled her close. They shared a brief but passionate kiss.

"Sara, do you have anything we could have for breakfast? I'm getting kinda hungry."

Sara opened some cupboards and pulled out various cereals, "We have some oatmeal, Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes and Frosted Flakes, plus some other stuff like toast."

"I was thinking something more along the lines of syrup and whipped cream and various berries," Amanda managed a very mischievous grin.

Sara returned the grin, only with anxious sexual wanton, "I think we have some of what you're getting at."

Sara opened the fridge and withdrew both chocolate and maple syrup, then managed to get an aerosol can of whipped cream.

"Here take these and go into the living room and I'll be right back with the berries, my darling," chimed Sara. She handed the condiments to Amanda, kissed her on the lips and walked down to the basement, leaving Amanda with the sheet and good view of Sara's ass. Amanda took the ingredients and walked into the living room. She spread the sheet over the floor and sat on the couch and waited for Sara to return.

Sara quickly came back around and into the living room with various berries. She carried the berries and laid them down next to the other things. Sara lay down and pulled Amanda down to her. Amanda wrapped her arm around Sara's side and rested her hand on her ass. The two girls locked their lips together and ran their tongues against each others. Sara reached down and cupped Amanda's pussy feeling the wetness penetrate the soft cotton fabric. Sara held the sides of her panties and slid them down her silken, recently shaved, legs. Sara let her hands glide down Amanda's legs feeling the smoothness. They continued their passionate kiss whole they let their hands discover each others bodies, probing, touching, sensing and feeling.

"Here," said Amanda, as she pulled back and laid Sara on her back, "This will sweeten things up a bit." Amanda picked up the whipped cream and added little white cones of whipped cream on top of Sara's breasts, a trail down her chest and stomach and then adding another mound on her cunt. Amanda finished the whipped cream mound by topping it off with a small maraschino cherry.

Amanda lay down beside Sara and ran her finger down her cheek and face, along her collarbone, down her chest between her cream covered breasts and then opened her palm to Sara's stomach. They shared a kiss while Amanda's hand caressed her flat belly. She let her hand smooth out over the soft somewhat tanned belly. Feeling the slight bumps where abs are and the small hole where her navel lays. Amanda lay down between Sara's legs and bend down to let her tongue trail their way down her stomach. While Amanda let her tongue stroke Sara's stomach she let her fingers rub and massage Sara's inner thighs, slowly working her way toward her goal.

Feeling Amanda's tongue ever slowly moving its way down her stomach and her hands working their magic on her thighs drove Sara to sexual heights. Her cunt literally dripped from arousal.

The two girls toyed with the food and enjoyed each others bodies for some hours after that. Eventually, they made it into each others arms. Wrapped in a soft down comforter and their arms, the girls stared out across the living room through the window and into the yellow/purpled sky. Constellations were beginning to form as the yellow/orange disappeared unto the purple. Their hands had found each other and now their fingers became intertwined. Sara rested her head on Amanda's shoulder. She could faintly hear the soft, soothing voice of Coldplay's lead singer, Chris Martin, singing Rush of Blood to the Head. She mouthed the words to the last verse, knowing that Amanda would hear her:

So meet me by the bridge, Meet me by the lane, When am I gonna see that pretty face again, Oh meet me on the road, Meet me where I said, Blame it all upon a rush of blood to the head .

She knew for some reason that Amanda was smiling. And so she was, Amanda turned her head around and pressed her lips unto Sara's.

"Sara," Amanda looked not at Sara but back out through the window, "I love being loved,"

"As do I, you know that,"

"Yes, I know, but it feels even better when it's you." Amanda smiled to herself and for the fates that brought her and Sara together. She didn't believe in gods of any sorts, yet for some reason she felt like fate had dealt her a winning hand. Whether fate was driven by a superior being or just merely the way the world worked, she didn't care. She had Sara's love and that, it seemed, was all that she needed to keep her going.

"You won't go anywhere come fall and winter, will you, Amanda?"

"Do you mean physically or just my love for you?

"Both. I don't know if I could deal without one or the either very well,"

"Then no, I'll be here fall and winter,"

Sara smiled and her facial features now darkened by the absence of light. She pushed at Amanda to lie down, and lie down she did. The two held hands in a spooning position and fell asleep, with smiles on their faces and silent Coldplay lyrics in their head.

Sara woke slowly the next morning, taking her time to let her body adjust to the bright light streaming in through the glass. Her eyes adjusted to the excess of light and realised that she was the only one underneath the blanket. She jolted up from the comforter she was lying under and stared around.

"Amanda? Amanda are you here?"

A familiar voice answered from the kitchen, "Yes of course I'm here," an amused laugh followed her words. "Where do you think I would have gone?"

Sara rolled around on the couch, stretching and yawning. She decided upon a comfortable spot on the arm of the couch. She yawned again and let her body go limp.

"Here." It was Amanda, "Some breakfast. Eggs, bacon, toast and some orange juice,"

"Oh, thank you." Sara reached and brought the plate to the table.

Amanda placed a second plate on the table next to Sara's and sat down beside her. They ate their breakfast and sat back down on the couch and watched some of the movies that Sara had.

Around 6:30 later that day, while Sara and Amanda watched more, or sometimes less, of the movies lying around, the front door-bell rang through the house. Sara got up and walked toward the door, thanking the fact that after their (Amanda and her's.) shower. She looked through the glass at the top of the door but couldn't see anyone. She opened the door and there stood her younger sister.

"Hey Sara,"

"Hi, Dana. Good to see you. What's up?"

"You didn't get the message? I called a month ago saying I'd be here staying for the next few weeks. I'm just need a place to stay until my college starts classes again. You're place was the closest I could find."

"Right, right, I remember now." Dana leaned forward and laid a kiss on Sara's lips, for more than a usual length of time.

"I've just got to get my stuff and I'll be right in," Dana smiled and curtly turned back out through the door.

"What was that about?" Asked Amanda somewhat stunned.

"I' tell you later. It's a long story, but you'll hear it all, don't worry." Sara looked embarrassed and a bit reddened.

"Alright, but I would like to hear it tonight if possible." Sara smiled, almost laughed, but held back.

A few minutes later Dana showed up once more with a few bags. Sara showed her up the stairs and into an empty room, usually reserved for guests, or just boxes full of junk.

"Here, this room should be good enough," Sara pointed out a few things throughout the house and then told her she'd be downstairs with Amanda.

Once downstairs Amanda looked up at Sara and turned to face her, "Well? Let's have it. What's the story behind your little, well, anything but little, kiss."

"Alright, fine," Sara sat down. "Ok see, when Dana and I were little we were very curious little girls, so curious in fact, we managed to explore each other a few times before growing older and realizing what it was we used to do."

"That's it? I want more," Amanda smiled," Details babe, details."

Sara smirked and blushed a little," Alright. Ok, so we were like 16, or something, and we were sharing a bed because we were at our grandparents. We got a little closer and, because it was getting colder, and we ended up exploring each other quite thoroughly and purposefully as well. We ended doing just about everything. It was something that has lasted as we changed. We stopped though when I left for college. Now, it seems its something that might happen again. Though, I would never cheat on you, you know that."

"I know you wouldn't cheat, but that's not what I'm thinking about. You think you could arrange for her to be included in our love?" Amanda smiled wide and bit her lower lip.

"Are you serious?"

"What? Your sister is hot Sara, admit it. You were the first one to probably realise that. Will you let her have fun with us?"

"I don't know about that Amanda, I know..."

Amanda pulled Sara down to her and opened her mouth to Sara's letting their tongues meet once more. Amanda reached down and stroked Sara's crotch pushing her middle finger into the thin fabric. Sara moaned quietly and pushed her hips into Amanda's finger. Amanda continued to press and stroke Sara's cunt, making sure she hit her clit at every stroke.

"Can Dana get involved with us?" asked Amanda.

Sara had to fight to say no, but managed a garbled and "yes," and let out another stifled moan.

Amanda quietly took the answer as success. She took this opportunity as a sign of celebration and took off Sara's shirt, who it appeared was braless. Amanda took one of Sara's breasts in her hand and gently fondled it while still cupping and rubbing Sara's cunt. She could feel the dampness coming through her panties and shorts. Sara moaned loudly and bent her head down to kiss Amanda, which turned out to be rather passionate.

While both girls stripped each other bare and let their inhibitions drift away, Dana sat atop the stairs with her hand between her legs slowly rubbing away at her jean covered crotch. The visuals that she took in would be good resource for later tonight when she would masturbate again and much more completely. Dana watched her sister and her girlfriend, as now it seemed most apparent, become more and more wrapped up in themselves and their hedonism, and apparent lack of though for others in the house it seemed. Dana hoped that she would get to join her sister and Amanda. For now, though she sat on the stairs and slowly and gently stoked her clit.

End Part Three

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