Summer Camp of Our Lives

By Writing Nifty

Published on Jul 23, 2015


Tell me what you think of the story here at my email - – THIS IS THE ONLY REASON NIFTY WRITERS WRITE: To hear to feedback of our readers. Tell me what you liked, what you hated, where you got off, etc.! I'll reply back as soon as possible. I do take requests if you want to see something happen in the story, I'll fit it in as best I can.

THE USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY – If it's illegal for you to read this, seeing as it contains a lot of gay sex, butt touching, nudity, and teens, DON'T READ IT, including you – underaged kid jerking off to my stories.

This is my first time back writing in over a year, so I might be a little rusty. Some events are true in this story, but most are a work of fiction and should all be treated as such. All names have changed and any similarities to real places or people should be disregarded.

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The steam seemed to get heavier and heavier in the room, each breath inward would fill, my throat with heat, clearing my head of anything but relaxation. Connor, Andre and I were the only ones left in the room after around 10 minutes had passed getting in to the shower room, Travis having soon followed Barclay and Garrett out. It was bitter sweet watching the hard muscled ass go through the door, my eye candy was mostly gone, but my cock would hopefully not get harder than the semi it was it. I reached down and tugged at my foreskin, stretching it past my head slightly to feel that erotic tight sensation around my head while not outright jerking off in front of the young boy Connor and my new friend Andre. I looked over my shoulder and locked eyes with Connor, the boy had been staring at me! His cock was almost at full mast, and he immediately began to stutter out-

"I- I'm gonna g- get out now!" Saying it so quickly neither Andre or I could easily making out what he said as he rushed past us, the hairless boy ass flexing as he sped by.

"He was checking you out!" Andre giggled as the door shut behind Connor, leaving him and me alone in the steamed up room. I ran a hand through my hair and laughed back.

"Lots to see here!" I used my other hand to grab my junk around the shaft and balls in one hand, "Maybe he wanted to see what a real man looks like instead of you," I taunted, his eyebrows furrowing in mock anger.

"Fuck you bro, my dick is hella better than yours even on a bad day," His eyes never left my cock, the attention causing it to start hardening and my face to start blushing. He seemed entranced and I had no idea what to do, "Bro... You're hard." He muttered, absentmindedly grabbing his now equally hardened brown cock. The skin around his shaft seemed smoother than anything I'd seen, like his penis was made of a sheer material stretched around a spongy substance. Rising out of a bush of pubes so curly they barley rose up to make a bush, his dick stretched up at a high angle, closer to his stomach than being straight with the floor.

Without a word passing between us, we started rubbing our dicks while staring at eachother. My hand peeled back my foreskin, tucking it tightly under my head, before letting out a small groan as my hand starting rubbing past the over-sensitive head, precum already dripping in copious amounts from my piss slit. As I brought my hand up and down, I was lost in another world. Nothing had ever been this intense, sitting in the hot water, in a public shower, staring at my friend's cock as his hand rubbed it from the head to his balls. I'd jerked off with friends before, even y brothers at some points, but nothing was as sexually charged as this.

His head was slightly thicker than his shaft, causing his foreskin to stretch all the way around the sides without ever pulling all the way over the tip, instead of peeling it back, he just used the loose skin to jack it from the center, quickly tugging the skin over the head constantly. His balls shook back and forth from the effort, one hand jerking off, the other alternating between gripping his thigh and holding his big balls still. We made eye contact as we felt the pull in our groins begin to build, he grinned at me, focused on his orgasm. My head started to pulse, and then the vein down the side of my shaft went wild as I started blasting my cum on to the tile floor, I let out a loud moan that hopefully was covered by the light roar of the showers. Andre blushed, and cum, instead of shooting from his dick like mine, instead dripped out like someone had tuned on a faucet, leaking down his shaft and dripping from his balls.

After the orgasmic high wore out, the guilt set in. We both turned to our individual shower heads and said nothing, washing the jizz from our softening teen dicks. My mind was racing about the implications of this, I never considered myself fully straight, but this was different. I'd never been this turned on by a male before, and this was the first day of summer camp. What if he told someone? What if he gets me in trouble? I turned the water off, almost at the same time he had, and he was the first to speak, an equally concerned look overshadowing the satisfied grin he had before.

"We don't talk about this, it didn't happen, okay man?" He held out his fist, I connected it with mine.

"Of course dude, our secret." We both sighed in relief and grabbed towels from the rack and headed back to the cabin. It was a weirdly sobering experience walking on a dirty concrete path in the woods back to a cabin stark naked, with only a towel somewhat covering your balls from anyone near-by. Thankfully the cabins were all relatively secluded from eachother, if you weren't assigned to a cabin or had been to it before, you'd likely not be able to find others on a whim. It was a point of fun for the camp, a sort of bonding experience for the members of your cabin to share a common secret about the location of your home.

We changed at our respective bunks as we waited for our assigned councilor to show up and instruct us on the events of the first night here. The sun had mostly fallen behind the forest now, so the only light came from several dim fluorescents on the high ceiling, giving the cabin a very warm homely feel. The talk was simple, everyone introducing themselves, shooting the shit, and I think it was safe to say everyone was secretly relieved at the composition of the, now official, 24 boys in the cabin. Nobody was a douche bag, nobody was too antisocial to get along, even Andre's twin was smiling and laughing with the rest of us despite the assurances from earlier that he was a social outcast by Andre.

The door swung open, and the room went silent. We looked at the young man who entered, a shorter white guy with a `Staff' shirt on. He smiled at the tension in the room, and laughed.

"Hey guys! I'm your councilor for this session!" He waved to all of us, "My name is Jake, it's nice to meet all of you, and I'll be sure to be a friend and brother to all of you by the end of this. Now we have to establish the rules before we get to the fun..." He droned on for a solid half hour about the expectations and boundaries set for the camp, the system was pretty simple. If you got caught doing something minorly bad, like getting into a verbal fight, not listening to the command of a staff member, etc. You were given a demerit, and with every 3 demerits you received, would be an hour of "Community Service", which involved hard labor with the maintenance crew of the camp. Anything major, like a fist fight, or drugs, and you'd be sent home. Pretty simple, but so ungodly boring to listen to.

The lecture finished, and he told us, mainly those of us who like me never got dressed beyond a pair of boxers, to get ready to head down to the cafeteria for dinner, and then the opening night events of the camp.


I won't bore you with the details of the dinner, the dining hall was nice, spacious enough to fit the several hundred campers while still being cozy enough to not feel like a school, decorations of the camp, old photos, newspapers, and impressive artwork from former campers lined the walls. We soon enough filed out to the dirt road heading out past the lake into the woods, the councilors all holding a small torch, giving everything a neat but ominous atmosphere. No matter how much we badgered Jake to tell us where we were going, he refused to answer, only saying to wait and see. As we traveled out deep in to the woods, we came upon a small clearing, and in the middle of it, a giant blue `O' surrounded by a few lit campfires. 10 people in a line with blue clothing and blue paint on their faces.

"Welcome to group Omega." They yelled as we entered to area.

Sorry for the short length of this chapter, have a lot of busy stuff going on preparing for my first semester of college in a month. I appreciate the fans who have emailed me, and as a friendly reminder, please give me your feedback! Nothing makes me feel like writing more than the appreciation, commentary, ideas, and criticism by my audience.

So please, email me at with all of your comments. I love getting off to the idea of you getting off ;)

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