Summer Camp of Our Lives

By Writing Nifty

Published on Jul 10, 2015


Tell me what you think of the story here at my email - – THIS IS THE ONLY REASON NIFTY WRITERS WRITE: To hear to feedback of our readers. Tell me what you liked, what you hated, where you got off, etc.! I'll reply back as soon as possible. I do take requests if you want to see something happen in the story, I'll fit it in as best I can.

THE USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY – If it's illegal for you to read this, seeing as it contains a lot of gay sex, butt touching, nudity, and teens, DON'T READ IT, including you – underaged kid jerking off to my stories.

This is my first time back writing in over a year, so I might be a little rusty. Some events are true in this story, but most are a work of fiction and should all be treated as such. All names have changed and any similarities to real places or people should be disregarded.

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I pulled the board shorts over my bare ass, snuggly fitting around my waist, going commando. The feeling of wet boxers always annoyed me, the way they clung to your balls and butt crack, having to reach back there and pull on em every few second, absolute hell if you asked any sane boy. We grabbed our towels and ran back outside. Someone pushed me from the side,

"Dude, look over there!" Between the trees we could see a large imposing structure, "It's a rock wall!" Travis exclaimed excitedly. This camp really had everything we could imagine for fun, we were separated from the rockwall by a large ditch so we couldn't make our way over there, meaning it would be another adventure for another time. The caravan picked us up at the footbridge, and the bumpy ride to the lake began.

It was just as packed full as we had seen it, groups of every age were swimming in the expansive pond, shirtless boys and half naked girls for everyone's eyes to feast on, but the best part? The damn floats. Several yards out from the dock, a green plastic sphere with a ring around it had several kids standing on its edge, holding on for dear life as each side tried to flip the other side off the edge. On its right, a massive blownup iceberg with hand holds and smooth surfaces, and even a trampoline!

" Last one in is a rotten egg!" Barclay yelled as we dropped our things, and shed our shoes and shirts as fast as possible. At a running start, we hit the wooden dock and felt the sunwarmed panels under my soles, I pressed down, and launched myself into the air. The cool lake water immediately engulfed me, filling my nose with the scent of lake water, and covering my feet in silty cold mud. I shot my head up above the water, and looked around, next to me Barclay was wiping water out of his eyes, and on the dock Garrett had just started to jump in with Travis. I stared at Travis' body, shocked. He was muscular for being only 14, a developed six pack stretched from the bottom of his chest, and morphed in to a V down into his shorts, his pecs stood out, and arms buldged. The kid was fucking ripped.

"Watch out!" I heard Garrett yell a little too late as I felt somebody knock me under water, it took a second to realize what happened, and then I figure out my face was under Garrett's ass underwater. We both got back to the surface and I punched him in the arm, and he mocked being hurt. Travis joined us and we all set out for the sphere aptly labeled `Saturn'. I felt a hand land on my ass underwater, the fingers just on the edge of my crack, and I yelped when it squeezed really hard, smashing the malleable muscle of my left butt cheek. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy, Travis being on my right, and Barclay and Garrett being on my left. It could have been any of the three so I thrust out my hand to the left and grabbed the first ass I could find, and judging by the wide eyed look, I'd say it was Barclay's. The feeling had me horned up like crazy, the soft mound of Barclay's ass felt so smooth even through his shorts, trying my best to slip my fingers as close to his hole as possible. I squeezed hard, fingers digging into his ass and he let out a yell similar to mine.

That was a declaration of war.

Soon every few seconds someone would laugh or yell in surprise when their ass was grabbed, splashing eachother, and rough housing in a game of grab ass as it got chaotic. Soon we were just reaching out and trying to grab at eachother without looking, which worked find until I grabbed underwater, and instead of the smooth ass of Barclay, or the hard chiseled ass of Travis, I instead felt my hand grab someone's junk, feeling their balls and slightly hard cock through the fabric, a finger slipping through the Velcro zipper on their crotch, rubbing against their head. I left my hand there for a few seconds to see what would happen, too much water being splashed and too much movement happening for me to know who I was groping, or for them to know I was the one doing it. The dick got hard quickly, and my hand was pulled away when I got tackled from behind. The wrestling continued until a lifeguard on a paddle board told us to knock it off. We apologized and set back to swimming to the Saturn. Atleast two of us, including myself, harder than diamonds from the exchange, the soft material of my boardshorts rubbing against my exposed cock head, sending a shiver through my crotch every time I kicked my legs in the water.

We wrestled, yelled, splashed and played for hours, eventually watching the sun starting to set, when the life guards announced that everyone needed to head back to their cabins to get ready for orientation. The summer air felt nice on my skin as we boarded the Caravan again, shirtless and damp like most of the guys headed for Walnut. A new addition had joined our group, a boy named Andre.

"Yeah man, my brother is here too but he didn't feel like coming to the lake," Andre began telling us about his twin brother Luke, "A bit of a shy guy." The idea seemed ridiculous to pretty much all of us, who wouldn't want to participate in that? Andre seemed to be pretty sociable, and not bad looking either. His brown skin, probably a Mexican, accentuated his features well. Not ripped like the muscle-bound Travis, but pretty athletic if the taut skin on his stomach was to show anything.

"How in the hell does someone decide to stay in the cabin at camp?" Garrett blurted out, we all gave our agreements to the ridiculous idea, "We have to drag him out!" He continued as we stepped off on to the wooden bridge spanning the small brook that led to the cabins. Luckily Andre seemed to be bunking in the same cabin as us, and he acclimated quickly to the banter and roughhousing our group was already becoming known for among the councilors. The path seemed much more sinister as the sun started to fall, shadows from the trees and brush filled every available space on the ground, and the buzz of insects was almost deafeningly loud. But the happy atmosphere was never ending, especially as we arrived to the cabin. Climbing the steps, we ran in to a few other guys on their way back to change.

I placed my hand on the door and swung it open, inside was pretty much what anyone would expect. A bunch of guys clamoring to get their last minute things set up, a few small groups talking, a couple of guys in various states of undress, whether shirtless or just changing into new clothes, springing a great ide ain my head.

"Why don't we all go shower to get this shitty lake water off of us?" I said to the group, mostly everyone agreed, even Andre. Grabbing our towels and toiletries, a few other guys also taking our lead and following us, we headed to the latrine building across the sidewalk path. Inside it smelled like what a camp site bathroom should smell like – stale piss. Not disgusting, but sure as hell not pleasant. The entrance to the mid-sized building was dotted with lockers and benches around a small bend, presumably to hide the inside from passer-byes outside. Past it, as a very shocked Travis announced, was a large trough for piss, a few stalls, and then another door way to the showers. I dropped my board shorts and slung my towel over my shoulders, everyone's eyes on me. Even though we'd been naked before, it was still shocking to them at how brazen I was at being nude, I opened the door and was very pleased with what I saw.

In three small cubicle-esque rooms, probably each about 5 by 10 ft. rooms, were communal showers, each with a small old-western style door in each doorway, meant to be at waist height for most people to spare atleast some straight men from the sight of too many cocks in one sitting. I quickly chose the first room, around 6 shower heads inside, and chose the middle spigot. The room filled up with our group, now 5 people, and 2 other boys from the cabin. A wirey ginger boy named Pete came in first after us, very pale, and freckled even on his dick, which we all noticed but following guy-code refused to point out. The second, a younger boy, a 13 year old named Connor, who too our mutual shock, had zero body hair, no pits, no pubes, no butt hair, nothing. His smooth little cocklet sat on two tight, outrageously smooth balls. As the water started running and the room filled with steam, I was able to take longer looks at the boys I'd already seen naked. Travis, no shocker that my eyes were drawn to his beautiful body first, was perfection in every sense of the word. His nipples sat perk on top of two very well defined pecs, skin pulled so tight you could almost see the muscle's lines beneath it. The pecs crowned the abs that were the object of everyone's jealousy, if we ever needed to wash our clothes his stomach could act as the board, the mound of each part of his muscles so clearly defined you could run a finger through each cleft, morphing in to a `V' shape to his cock. Stubble, a sign that he shaved down there but slacked the past few days, surrounded his long cock, which I swear was half-way to his knees even soft. He turned around to run his hair through the water, and I had to hold back a gasp. He invented the term bubble butt. I had to draw my eyes away or my cock would probably break a hole in the wall in front of me, so I quickly shifted my eyes to my left.

Garrett was surprisingly attractive in his own way, although slightly pudgy, his body had a soft quality to it. His legs seemed to be covered in a light dusting of black hair, strong thighs reminiscent of someone who wrestled, and an average size cock hanging out of a bush of pubes like mine. He stretched his arms up, and his cock flexed a little involuntarily, lifting the cut head slightly off of his balls.

"Aight! I'm getting out." Sounded off Barclay, before I had a decent chance to check him out.

"Yeah, me too." Garrett followed suit, each step towards the door he made, his ass jiggled slightly. Andre turned to look at them, making him face away from me, and I grinned. His tan skin wasn't only on his exposed body, but continued all over. His tight ass cheeks were smaller than most guys, but were quite muscular, dimples on the side of each, rising from his thighs dramatically before curving back into his waist. Saying goodbye to them, he started to wash the soap from his upper body, the bubbles carrying down over his uncut cock, the only boy besides myself, the ginger, and Barclay who had our foreskins so far.

The amount of eye candy might kill me at this camp...

Hey guys! Thanks for the replies I got from a few of y'all about the first chapter, I loved hearing your feedback, but it just makes me want more haha!

Send it all to – – Your comments are the only reason I have an incentive to write, so tell me what you think, what you liked most, where I should improve, or even just say hi! Thank you!

Next: Chapter 3

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