Summer Camp of Our Lives

By Writing Nifty

Published on Jul 3, 2015


Tell me what you think of the story here at my email - – THIS IS THE ONLY REASON NIFTY WRITERS WRITE: To hear to feedback of our readers. Tell me what you liked, what you hated, where you got off, etc.! I'll reply back as soon as possible. I do take requests if you want to see something happen in the story, I'll fit it in as best I can.

THE USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY – If it's illegal for you to read this, seeing as it contains a lot of gay sex, butt touching, nudity, and teens, DON'T READ IT, including you – underaged kid jerking off to my stories.

This is my first time back writing in over a year, so I might be a little rusty. Some events are true in this story, but most are a work of fiction and should all be treated as such. All names have changed and any similarities to real places or people should be disregarded.

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Intimidating was the only word I could use to explain the feeling of driving up to the massive campground.

My hands grabbed at the edges of the false leather seat of my mom's car, caused by the mixture of excitement and anxiety that any teenager feels when heading to church camp for the first time. I wasn't very religious by any means, but after a friend had told me about the fun he had at camp `Ko Yah' I was dying to go to break up the monotony of this summer. Being 15 and in a small rural town, it was pretty hard to find much to do without a car, and even with one it was a challenge. The camp was advertised as a place where anyone from the age of 13-18 could come for three weeks of fun and enrichment in their relationship with God, which if my friend was anything to go by was an after-thought to the camp at best. From what I knew about the camp we lived in randomly cabins placed on the boys' area of the camp, had a butt-ton of activities planned every day, and a lot of free time to explore the 100+ acre camp.

"Seth! You there?" My dad shouted at me, shocking me out of my daydreaming, "Get your stuff out of the back, your mother and I are going to go sign you in." His door shut behind him and I jumped out, went to the back and slung my duffel bag full with my bed-clothes over my shoulder, and the trunk with my clothes clothes and other assortments of junk needed for the camp. The trunk slipped out of my grip as I pulled it free from the back of the car, slipping to the ground and almost crushing my foot. Laughter started behind me, and I turned around. "Having trouble man?" The kid in front of me giggled out, he was probably my age or slightly younger.

"Damn thing slipped out! I almost died!" I griped at him, eliciting a laugh from both of us as he helped me turn the trunk over and get the few spilled contents.

"My name's Barclay," He stuck his hand out towards me, and I quickly gripped it.

"Seth," I replied smiling, " That's an... Interesting name."

"Yeah! It's as unique as I am studly," I groaned at the bad joke, causing another giggling fit to arise. We grabbed our respective things and made small talk as we walked to the camp, it was his second time to the camp this year, the first being 4 years back during a shorter pre-teens program when he was 11, meaning he knew the layout pretty well but not much about the camp beyond that. We met up with our parents and slowly trudged through the lines for check-in, shuffling a seemingly endless stack of waivers and forms to hand to each official we passed, and chatting away with eachother to pass the time.

"Allright! You're set, we'll be taking great care for Seth here, and you'll have a hard time getting him to leave at the end of the session!" The counselor James', as his colorful nametag told us, clapped his hand on my back as my parents said their goodbyes. "Right guys, leave your bags here and head to the infirmary, you'll have to do a quick check up to make sure you're okay to participate without any health risks, then the caravan'," He pointed to a trailer with two long benches on it attached to a large tractor, "Will take you down to Walnut Hill where the guys stay at. We nodded and walked down the small hill to the white wooden building with a red-cross on it, where a line of boys stood going in one entrance, and girls in the other. Barclay and I chatted with a small group of guys as we waited for our turn to go into one of the several curtained off areas where the nurses were doing the check-ups, a lot of coughing was heard from the inside but none of us could pinpoint exactly why, the horsing around and chatter continued until Barclay was up next, he muttered to me "Why is it private?", I shrugged and he shuffled into the small room and the curtain shut behind him.

A young man, probably in his early 20's sat on a stool with a clipboard in his hand, and motioned for me to sit on a stool adjacent form him. The questions were pretty standard, did you have health problems, were you running a fever recently, etc. etc. But then he said something that made my ears perk up in disbelief, "Okay Seth, we have to check for hernias now." I didn't quite understand and he laughed, "I need to feel under your testicles to see if you have an injury that can be made worse by intensive activity, just drop your shorts and underwear and I'll be done quickly."

My ears turned redder than I'd have ever imagined. I had no problem with nudity, something that was common when you had three brothers and shared a room with two of them, but this unexpected announcement shocked me. I stood up and unhooked the button on my pair of green shorts, and pulled them down to my knees, and quickly did the same with my boxer briefs. One gloved hand grabbed my dick right below the foreskin, and the other gripped my balls slightly, "Have you been kicked down here recently? your testis look pretty swollen..." I shook my head no and he rolled them around a few more times.

That's when I started freaking out in my mind. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm getting hard!!!!" All the prolonged contact with my junk quickly had that feeling of blood rushing to my penis, stiffening up like a board, the blush spread from my ears to my cheeks.

"Don't worry, this happens to a lot of boys your age when they get checked, don't worry." He wasn't looking up at me when he said that, instead looking straight at my erection still being held between his finger, the tip of my head poking out from the taught foreskin, and rising up from my small bush of brown pubes. He seemed to put more pressure on it for a second, but I could've been mistaken, one hand moved from my balls to the area under them, "Turn your head and cough," I did so, and he told me to repeat the cough, harder this time. The cough made me involuntarily flex my erection, and he took his hands off, a small line of precum running down the gloved hand that had been holding my dick up. "You're all clear! Go wait outside for the caravan and get ready to fight for a bunk!" He gave me a warming smile and I gave him an awkward grin, the embarrassment lessening by him not caring as much. "Might want to put your pants back on though" He laughed and I mentally did a double take because my pants had fallen to my ankles, boxers still hanging on my knees. My boner fit into the boxers, and I pulled my shorts up over them, leaving a noticeable outline of my cock that anyone could see if they looked hard enough, the half covered head being even more obvious.

Walking out of the building I saw Barclay and two of the others guys we met inside, Travis, a tall slightly Mexican kid, and Garrett, one of those boys who wasn't fat but wasn't skinny either with short curly black hair, waiting by a sign for the Caravan. "Shit! I didn't think they were gonna grab my balls! Thank Christ I didn't get hard, this chick handling me was so hot!" Travis started saying, we all agreed and on the inside I cringed with embarrassment. I adjusted my softening hardon to make sure. I saw Barclay look at me with a sideways glance and gave me a knowing grin, and we both laughed. The other two thought we were crazy because we refused to tell them what happened, but thankfully the tractor pulled up to us.

We struggled getting the heavy cases out of the pile of luggage where we left our stuff, and had an even harder time getting it up on the trailer. By the time we all sat down on the bench we were all sweaty from the exertion in 100 degree weather, sweat sticking my tank-top to my chest, and leaving damp spots on all of us. A few more people in different age groups so we didn't talk much, and girls, hopped on as well and we all assisted them with their luggage, and the bumpy ride started down a long dirt road that lead in to the trees. A few minutes later, Barclay pointed to our left. Coming out of the foliage, a large open plain with one large hill dominated the area. On top of the hill, a large building designated as the cafeteria sat with a number of picnic tables on a patio overlooking the steep drop of the hill, at the bottom a 2 story dock led into a massive man-made lake, several floating play-things in the water to climb on. But most notably? The huge ass water slide extending from the top of a long flight of stairs straight in to the middle of the lake. It seemed like people were already enjoying the water, splashing about and yelling. On the opposite shore a large open shaded concrete platform had two groups playing basketball or talking in the shade of trees or the metal canopy over the top of it.

Any doubts that we were going to have fun quickly vanished, this place was going to be heaven.


The ride continued past the complex on the opposite shore, and headed back in to the woods, eventually dropping us off at a foot bridge labeled "Walnut Hill". The unpaved path past the bridge was hell trying to get the wheels on our trunks to cooperate, but eventually we reached the cabin we signed up together at the infirmary, 4A. It sat on stilts probably 10 ft. high, with clothes lines running underneath it. A concrete sidewalk extended to a small building a couple dozen feet away which was presumably the toilets. We dragged our luggage up the wooden stairs and made our way inside.

The building was mostly made of plywood on the inside, the floor being made of some sort of smooth hard wood, with probably 20 or so bunks lining the walls. Several guys were unpacking their things or making their beds, all of them ranging from around 13-15. A couple were in various states of undress, one in boxers rummaging through his clothes, another stark-ass naked, I watched as he bent over to pick a pair of swim shorts up, and my flaccid dick again sprung back to a hard-on as his hole was exposed for a few seconds, and as he pulled them up over his slightly fuzzy ass. However, the most striking feature was definitely not the bunks or the boys, but the ply-wood walls which quickly distracted me from my boner. Every available surface, with a few exceptions of hard to reach areas, had writing all over it. As we set our things down, me being on the bunk above Travis, Barclay on the bunk above Garrett next to us, I got closer. On it were names, people signing their years they were there, some stupid poems people wrote as jokes, actual jokes, the expected dick or boobs every now and then poorly his under black sharpie, some experiences from the camp, it was intriguing. We chatted for a bit with others in the cabin, and quickly decided on going to the lake to swim. Most of the guys in there had filed out already with the exception of our small group as we changed. I dropped my shorts again, my dick still in a semi so it wasn't too obvious to see, and grabbed my shorts form my trunk. I felt a hand slap my bareass as an equally naked Barclay laughed his head off, I chased him across the room, him laughing and me wanting revenge. The group laughed as I pinned Barclay down, straddling his chest with my legs, he struggled in vain as I reached forward and slapped his face with my dick, he yelled in disgust and we all laughed as we went back to changing. He joined in on the laughing and shit talking, but looking over my shoulder, he had a lot more than a semi poking from his groin...


Remember! Send your thoughts and requests to me at – – I'll reply to everything as soon as possible

Next: Chapter 2

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