Summer Camp Life

By moc.loa@12noitarenegvtM

Published on Apr 28, 2005


This story is a work of fiction intended for a mature adult audience only. All similarities between characters in the story are fake and made up. This story depicts homosexual acts; so if you do not approve of this subject please do not read any further. This story is copyrighted by the author and may not be copied without the written permission of the author.

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Shane laughed, "Hehe dude, I'm just fucking with you"

He put his arm around his boyfriend and pulled him into a kiss. They walked to they were outside of their cabin and noticed their lights were on.

"Hmm guess they're here" Jason said running up the steps and going inside.

Shane ran after his man saw who was standing there. Jason shook the guys hand. He had hazel eyes that could stair into your soul and short spiky blonde hair with blue highlights.

"Shane, this is Tristian, he's one of the new campers." Jason said

Shane just stared and looked like he was going to kill Tristian.

"Whats the matter?" Jason asked

"Do you remember the guy that I told you about, the one from last year who said he never wanted to see me again?" Shane asked

"Yeah, what about him?"

"That's him,"

To Be Continued...

Summer Camp Life

Chapter 7

The three of them stood there looking at each other, Jason couldn't think of anything to say.

Shane spoke. "What are you doing here?"

Tristian sat down on his bed. "Well, after I left I pretty much didn't want to come back, but after awhile I got over it and I realized that I really did have a thing for you and everything that I said was just me being angry at that floozy, Elaina for starting shit. So I talked it over with my friends over the last year and they got me to come back." He stood up and walked over to Shane and slowly circled him. "Now here we are, me, still having feeling for you, and you with a new boyfriend. Us stuck in the same cabin till the end of this summer. Hmm I wonder how that's going to turn out"

Tristian stopped walking and jumped back on his bed with a grin on his face like he was saying your mine fucker!

Jason walked over to the windows and stared out at the stars. This was going to be a rough summer.

Two weeks pass and things began to change. Two new people, Dwight and Will, had moved into the cabin. Tifanee finally figured out that she really didn't like Elaina or her girls so she went back to hanging out with Brittany and Danielle. Emily had left camp because of family problems and Kristen had given it up to her new boyfriends. Brittany began to start acting funny for some reason. Jessie was still drunk while Elaina, Jess, and Katie tried to start shit but nothing happened. Tristian flirted with boy Shane and Jason, not really sure what his plan was, Jason just tried to avoid him.

In three days would be one of the two days parents could visit and the campers could spend a day with their parents off the camp property. Brittany had someone very important she needed to tell Jason before she told her parents. Jason walked to Brittany cabin. He knocked on the door and she answered.

"Come on in and have a seat," She said in a nevus tone of voice. He sat on her bed and she sat down next to him.

"So what is this about?"

Brittany bit her lip and took a deep breath before she began.

"Ok, you know how much I liked Kevin before we left and we took a break?" Kevin and Brittany had been dating for 5 months but they took a break when she went to camp.


"Well to celebrate and say goodbye we.... Well we... lets just say that... that... that" Brittany couldn't get the words out


Brittany grabbed Jason's hands and placed them on her stomach. Jason knew right away when she was talking about

"Oh my god," Jason threw his arms around and hugged her. "So you're a month in?"


"Do mom and dad know?" He asked

"I'm going to tell them when they come to visit"

"What are you going do?"

"I don't know, I mean I've always wanted to be a mother and I guess I'm just start earlier then I planed"

They both laid back on the bed and gazed at the ceiling.

"So are you going to be a proud uncle?"

"Of course, no matter what I will always be there for you"

"Thank you"

For the next three days they strategize on how to break the news to their parents. Shane had become cold and distant but Jason couldn't figure out what was wrong with him but on the before they came a lot more changed.

Jason, Brittany, and Alicia were sitting down on the docks adding final touches to their plan and watching the sunset.

"Well we have this all set but when are we going to break it to them?" Brittany asked

"I have no clue." Jason said throwing a stone into the water.

The dinner bell rang signaling to them that it was time to eat.

"Ok well I'm eating for two and I'm starving so lets go!"

"Umm you guys go I'm go ahead I'm just gonna stay and think"

Jason sat there and looked at his reflection on the murky water of the lake. He closed his eyes and the past few days went over and over in his mind. Brittany's baby, Shane's strange attitude, Skyler quietness. Its all happening so fast he could hardly keep up. He sat there and though a little more until he heard footsteps coming towards him. He tensed up remembering what had happened last time.

"Hey buddy" a familiar voice said

Jason turned around to see Skyler standing there, looking sexy as he always did. A wave of relief washed over him knowing that Skyler would never hurt him in any way.

"Oh hey" Jason said with a smile "I haven't seen you much in the last two weeks"

"Yeah I know, I've been thinking a lot and now I figured I saw you sitting down here I would talk to you about it"

Skyler took a seat next to Jason and looked into the water

"The reason I've been avoiding everyone is because of that night. When we kissed... I... I... I never felt anything like when I kissed you, and ever sense then I haven't been able to get it out of my head, I relive it every time I close my eyes. I just never felt it when I kissed girls like that but with you it was different, something was there, I felt a spark between us."

Skyler grabbed his hand now and looked Jason in the eyes now. The blue of them were like ice but they weren't cold like them, they were tender and loving. Jason closed his eyes, his moves almost automatic now. He pressed his lips on Skyler's. He felt the power of the kiss, stronger then last time, before it was timid and unsure but now it was powerful and passionate. He knew what he was doing was wrong but he couldn't help it, the force was too strong to resist.

The two boys broke apart to check their breath. Little did they know their whole show was being caught on film. Tristian turned off the power and put the cam back into his pocket. Haha this should come in handy later he said to himself as he walked to the dining hall.

To Be Continued...

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