Summer Camp Life

By moc.loa@12noitarenegvtM

Published on Jan 19, 2005


This story is a work of fiction intended for a mature adult audience only. All similarities between characters in the story are fake and made up. This story depicts homosexual acts; so if you do not approve of this subject please do not read any further. This story is copyrighted by the author and may not be copied without the written permission of the author.

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Summer Camp Life

Chapter 6

Shane, Jess, and the other person to the head consolers cabin where they where questioned. Everyone knows that if you fight you go home. Jason stood outside the cabin for what seemed like hours, biting on his nails with nervousness. Finally the door opened and Shane walked out with a smile on his face. Jason ran up to him and gave him as big as of a hug he could. "Please don't go home!" Jason pleaded.

Shane just laughed, hugged his boyfriend, and released him from the hug.

"I'm not going anywhere sexy," he said kissing his boyfriend on the nose

"Well what happened, why where you holding them back?"

"Well this is what happened. I got your note so I started to walk down here and right before I got inside I saw those two start to argue and they were about to knock each other out when I stopped them."

"So what's going to happen to them?" Jason asked

"Well I'm guessin because nothing' happened between then that nothings going to happen to them," Shane shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

Jason shook his head and the continued asking questions.

"Hey what time are the new campers coming?"

"Oh...about 10 o'clock" Shane Said

As they were standing there the two kids were escorted out of the cabin. Jess pulled up her skirt a little bit and went on her way. The other kid just walked past then and gave them a look. From the face Jason could tell it was a girl. She was wearing baggy black pants with chains all over them, a shirt with the sex pistols on it, a cut up black jacket and black Anarchy hat. She kept walking till about a foot after she passed the boys, then she turned around and walked up to Shane. She was a short girl, probably about 4'11 or 5' at the most. She had gray eyes covered by glasses with black frames, short shoulder length hair and her eyebrow was pierced.

She looked up into Shane's eyes and spoke


"For what?" Shane asked

"You stopped me from making a big mistake today, if it wasn't for you I would have knocked that bitch on her ass"

"oh.. umm.. your welcome, I guess?"

"I'm Emily by the way," she said putting her hand out for Shane to shake it

"Oh I'm Shane and this is my boyfriend Jason."

She looked at Jason and back at Shane

"Gay" she said

They both broke down in laughter

"So why did you want to fight Jess?" Jason asked

"Well...if you must know those bitches were sayin shit about me"

"Oh..." Jason stopped for a second. "So was it just you or were your friends going to get into it to"

Emily looked to the ground "Well... I really don't have friends here"

Jason bit his tongue on asking any more questions

Shane stepped up to say the next thing.

"Well now you have two," He said with a smile

Emily looked up at him.


Shane nodded and the girl cracked a smile and showed off her braces. I had only been an hour and a half sense the scene at the mess hall so everyone should have gone back to they're cabin or at the lake. The three of them went to Brittany's cabin where her, Alicia, Danielle, Jessie, Kristen, and Skyler were sitting and talking. Of course Jessie was sitting in the corner with a bottle of alcohol in her had and Alicia and Danielle were grinding to Britney Spear's "My Prerogative" in an attempt to get Skyler horny and from the way he had a pillow over his pants it was working.

"Hey peoples, this is Emily, she's the one that took on jess today" Jason said as they all walk into the cabin.

Everyone started clapping and she introduced her self to everyone. They spent about four hours in the cabin, dancing, drinking, talking and just having a good time, with Britneys room mates sleeping in other cabins for the night it was all theirs. When they looked at the clock it was 7:00 pm.

"Damn where did the time go?" Skyler asked

"Well if you weren't trying to fuck my pillow you would know" Brittany said. They all busted out laughing and Skyler turned bright red with embarrassment.

"Well what should we do now?" Danielle asked

They all thought but nothing came to mind. Jessie got up from her corner, put her bottle down in the middle of the room and sat. Everyone got what she was saying and sat down with her.


Kristen Brittany

Jason (Bottle) Skyler

Shane Danielle

Alicia Emily

"Now remember, you can pick kiss, make out or a little game of nervous and if it lands in between two people its triple kiss." Jessie said.

"Oh and when you go you can pick the next person to go" Jason added

"I don't know you guys, I think this will be breaking my abstinence rule." Kristen announced

"Oh quit being such a chicken, kissing is nothing," Danielle said sticking her tongue out at her and making a funny face

They all sat for a second laughing but then they just sat there staring at each other

"So who wants to go first?" Alicia asked

Everyone was reluctant to go first. Brittany rolled her eyes and said "FINE ILL DO IT"

"HOLD ON!" Skyler yelled grabbing the bottle. "Before we start, Jessie do you have anymore to drink?"

"Yeah I got like 200 bucks worth...LET PARTY"

Jessie ran back to her cabin and safely walked back with a pillowcase filled with any malt liquor you could think of. They all grabbed what they wanted and then started the game.

Brittany picked up the bottle and spun it. Everyone was wondering whom it would land on. It started to slow down and finally stopped on Danielle.

"OH" Brittany said putting her hand over her mouth and making an innocent face. "Come her girl," She said as she puller her head in to a hot lip lock. They broke it and laughed.

"Ok, I pick my girl, Alicia" Brittany said

Alicia spun and this time it landed on Shane


Shane looked at Jason as if he was seeing if it was ok to do it. Jason just nodded and pushed his man forward. The two touched lips, Alicia felt a spark between them but Shane felt nothing, the only person he could think of was Jason.

"So Shane, pick someone" Emily said

"Ok I Pick Jason of course." He said giving the bottle to Jason

Jason was hoping that it would land on Shane; he wanted to kiss him so bad but didn't want to be rude to everyone else. The bottle spun and slowly began to slow down till its finally stopped on Skyler.

Everyone just looked at Skyler but he seemed like he didn't mind. Jason looked at Shane and Shane did the same thing Jason did. He just smiled and pushed him. Jason began to think to himself. "This is what I've wanted to do for the past month but now I have Shane. Would this change our friendship?

The two boys got closer. Jason could feel Skyler's hot breath on his face. He closed his eyes and went for it. He felt Skyler's lips touch his own and he could feel the electricity flow through his whole body. This one kiss had given him the most pleasure he ever felt. The two broke it off and went back to their spots.

For the next hour and a half they kept playing then and got very interesting combinations such as Brittany and Emily, Shane and Kristen, and Jessie and Danielle. For the next hour they danced, drank, and talked until the clock hit 9:30.

"Oh damn its 9:30, Shane we gotta go or were gonna be late to meet the new people." Jason said as he got his shoes on.

"Ya see everyone later" Shane said following Jason's lead.

The said their goodbyes and started down the dusty dirt trail back to the cabin. The warm night air felt good on their skin and the cool breeze cooled them off.

"So did you like kissing Skyler?" Shane Asked out of nowhere

"umm....It was kinda weird." Jason Said thinking of something quick to say

"You don't have to lie to me, you guys held it out, and from the looks of it he must have liked it to"

"Are you trying to say Skyler's gay?" Jason asked

Shane laughed, "Hehe dude, I'm just fucking with you"

He put his arm around his boyfriend and pulled him into a kiss. They walked to they were outside of their cabin and noticed their lights were on.

"Hmm guess they're here" Jason said running up the steps and going inside.

Shane ran after his man saw who was standing there. Jason shook the guys hand. He had hazel eyes that could stair into your soul and short spiky blonde hair with blue highlights.

"Shane, this is Tristian, he's one of the new campers." Jason said

Shane just stared and looked like he was going to kill Tristian.

"Whats the matter?" Jason asked

"Do you remember the guy that I told you about, the one from last year who said he never wanted to see me again?" Shane asked

"Yeah, what about him?"

"That's him,"

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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