Summer Camp Life

By moc.loa@12noitarenegvtM

Published on Dec 11, 2004


This story is a work of fiction intended for a mature adult audience only. All similarities between characters in the story are fake and made up. This story depicts homosexual acts; so if you do not approve of this subject please do not read any further. This story is copyrighted by the author and may not be copied without the written permission of the author.

Write me and tell me what you think.

Last time....

Elaina spoke for them all. "Well look who it is girl, its Shane's little buddy." As she spoke she pulled a switchblade out of her sock. "You've seen something you weren't suppose to, so now you have a choice. Either you keep your mouth shut" She now places the blade up to his neck. "Or you die. It's your choice. Lets go girls." The girls let him drop to the ground.

"Wow this is great." He just sat there and cried again.

P.S. - sorry about all the grammar mistakes but oh well I'm dumb.

Summer Camp Life

Chapter 3

The next day Jason went to see Brittany and Alicia's and explain to then what had happened the pervious night. He spill it all, from Shane at the docks to the knife at this throat.

"Then they just left me there." Jason explanied

"Oh my god, how could those bitches do such a thing." Brittany said with anger in her voice.

"Ahh hell naw, those bitches aint gonna get away with doin that to my boy" Alicia yelled. "Next time I see them im gonna knock that bitch out"

"Well we can we do?" Jason Asked

"We can beat those buffys down," Brittany said making a fist. "Lets start plotting our revenge now. The stared off thinking for a second be fore she talked again. "Hey where did you sleep if you didn't want to run into Shane?"

"Well when I finally got up I went back to the cabin and no one was there so I went to bed and then when I woke up he was sleeping so I left before he could wake up." He said

Brittany came and sat down by her brother and held his hand. "Well if you ask me you should at least go talk to him about this whole thing that almost happened, I think he will understand."

Jason sighed and nodded his head yes.

Jason entered his cabin door and looked around. Shane was the only one there. He didn't notices that Jason had come in. He was lying on his bed listing to his CD player with his eyes closed. Jason walked over to him and sat on the bed. Shane jumped up to see Jason sitting there. He calmed back down and took off his headphones.

"Wow dude are you trying to give me a heart attack?" He said as he smiled and laughed. There was that smile that Jason liked so much. The smile that made his legs go numb.

"Sorry about that man," he apologized. "I just think we need talk about yesterday." Shane sat up in his bed.

"Yeah man, what was with that, we were just sitting there and you freaked out and ran away," Shane said.

"Umm well it's a long story behind that and I just got scared and I had voice in my head telling me to run so I did" Jason said staring down at his feet

"Hey dude it cool, we got to stick together, were the cabin 9 boys," He said punching Jason in the arm lightly. Jason smiled at the sense of relief that nothing was wrong. At dinner the night Jason, Brittany, and Alicia waited outside for the girls to come. When they saw the three girls walking to the dining area, they stepped in front of them so they couldn't enter.

"Move" Elaina said with a pissed look in her eyes.

"Fuck you bitch, you got a problem with my brother then you got a problem with me" Brittany said pushing her.

"And me two" Alicia said stepping up.

"Oh its little miss Betty Crocker from the hood." Katie said in a smug tone of voice.

"OH NO SHE DIDN'T" Alicia said getting fire in her eyes and having to have Brittany hold her back.

Katie handed her purse to Elaina. "Bring it bitch, I will drop your ass right here, right now"

They stood there sizing each other up.

"Look we don't have time for this shit, so move" jess said as she pushed her way thought past the 3 and into the dinning hall. Elaina and Katie fallowed after her.

"Don't worry bro, those bitches will get what's coming to them" Brittany said as they walked into the dinning room.

Over the next week, Jason had gotten past what had happened with the girls. Shane and him became really close. Since Shane had been here there for the past three summers he could show him everything he knew. Skyler and him also became better friends. He was someone he could talk to about anything...well almost anything. Jason felt guilty about not telling Tifanee, Danielle, Skyler, or Shane that he was gay. Another thing what was going weird is that Tifanee started to hang out with the "Plastics". Shane told them about how every year they pick a new girl to replace the one that would be not be coming back next year.

The night that everything changed was like a normal night. The moon was full and the sky was black. Jason was laying in his bed think of the best way to tell everyone about him being gay when heard someone knocking on the window behind his head. He sat up in bed and gazed out to see Skyler standing there with a big smile on his face.

Jason opened the window. "Skyler, its like midnight what are you doing here?"

"I wanna show you something, come on" He said as he ran off into the woods

Jason opened the door slowly and quietly enough not to wake anyone up. He ran over to where Skyler was standing.

"Now what do you have to show me?" Jason asked

"Follow me" Skyler said as he ran off into the woods. Jason ran as fast as he could to keep up with the young boy. Dodging tress and running over small plants and shrubs as they went. They kept running for what seemed like hours but when they finally ended it was at a remote part of the lake. There was a large tire swing hanging by a rope close to the shore.

"What is this place?" Jason asked.

Skyler started to talk but as he did he also started to undress. "I don't know yet, I found it about 2 days ago." He pulled his shirt up over his head and threw it in the bushes. Jason couldn't help but look over the boy's body. His skating had giving him great abs with a light blonde happy trial leading down. "I'm guessing old camper put this up." He started to undo his belt.

"Umm what are you doing?" Jason asked as he felt his boxers begging to tent up from staring at Skyler.

"What haven't you ever swam in your boxers?" Skyler asked back

"Umm NO!" Jason said with a shocked look on his face from the question he had been asked.

"Well you might as well have fun while you're here." Skyler said as he dropped his pants. "Come on get in." The boy jumped on the tire swing and he dove into the water.

Jason thought to himself. "What am I gonna do? I don't want him to see my boner but I don't want him to think I'm a chicken."

Skyler came out from under the water for air. He broke thought the water with a gasp and he shook his head getting the excess liquid out of his hair.

"Come on!" he yelled as he waved his friend to come in. Jason took off his shirt and dropped his pants and ran as fast as he could so Skyler couldn't see his erection. He swam under the water till his head bumped into Skyler abdomen. He stood up and was face to face with Skyler. Skyler had a smile on his face but Jason knew that if he found out about him being gay that he would never talk to him again.

"So come on Jason, let wrestle." Skyler said getting in a defense position

"Umm...I...gotta go." Jason said as he ran to the sand shore.

"What's the matter?" Skyler asked as he followed Jason.

"I just have reasons I...I just can't" Jason said as he put his shirt back on.

"What is it, Jason you can tell me anything." Skyler said as he started to get dressed as well.

The thoughts ran thought Jason's head. "Should I do it or not? Would he stop being my friend? Will he hate me? Will he tell everyone?" So much at once just made him snap.

"IM GAY!!" he yelled as tears started welling up in his eyes and running down his cheeks. Skyler just stood with a shocked look on his face; his mouth hanging open and not moving. This got Jason even more scared then he was before he got into the water. He couldn't stand it anymore. He took off into the woods before anything else happened.

"Jason wait! I...I...I didn't," Skyler yelled but his words just got softer and softer the father Jason got from the lake.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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