Summer Camp Life

By moc.loa@12noitarenegvtM

Published on Dec 9, 2004


This story is a work of fiction intended for a mature adult audience only. All similarities between characters in the story are fake and made up. This story depicts homosexual acts; so if you do not approve of this subject please do not read any further. This story is copyrighted by the author and may not be copied without the written permission of the author.

Write me and tell me what you think.

Last time....

Two of the other boys came up to introduce themselves. The first one had spicky jet-black hair; great blue eyes and was about 5'6" and was probably 15. "Hey I'm Blake," He said as he shook his hand. The other boy was younger, like 13. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He had a baggy shirt and jeans on and a pair of G-Unit shoes on, defiantly a wigger. "I'm Alden". The last boy kept playing with a Zippo lighter. He had flaming-red spiked hair. He looked to be 15 or going to be. He didn't get up, just yelled across the room. "I'm Phoenix." Saying it in a way like he's trying to be tough.

Jason lay back on his bed and thought to himself. "Maybe this wont be so bad after all."


Chapter 2

Jason awoke from his nap. He looked out the window to see it was dusk. All the boys in the cabin were gone. "Damn how long was I asleep for." He thought to himself. He sat up in his bed and looked at his cell phone, 6:00. He could hear someone in the bathroom and he wondered who it was. The door opened and Shane stepped out with nothing but a towel on. Jason couldn't help but stare; he had such a great body. His pecks and abs covered in water and his hair, dripping wet made him look even hotter then he is dry.

"Hey sleepy, your finally awake." He said in a sexy voice.

Jason stuttered to get his words out. "y..y..ya. Ummm where did everyone else go?"

"Oh they left to go meet up with their friends." As he spoke, he bent over to find clothes in his bad. Jason checked out his ass as he did this. "Yeah, one of your friends stopped by."


"Umm I think he said his name was Skyler or something like that, he stopped by but I told him you were sleeping and he didn't want to wake you up so he told me to tell you just to meet him and the girls at dinner or something like that."

While talking Shane dropped his towel without any regard giving Jason a clear shot of his ass. Jason didn't want to blow his secrete to he turned his head away. Shane quickly slipped on his boxers.

"Ya he was a really cutie if you ask me" Shane said

This struck Jason as weird. Was Shane gay? Or was he just trying to get him to admit that he was. This is gonna take some investigating.

"Sorry about that, I didn't think you would mind since were both guys here," Shane said slipping his shirt on and pulling up his shorts and slipping on a pair of sandals. He topped it all of with a hat which he cocked to the side.

"Its ok" Jason said blushing

Shane finished up and headed towards the door. "Dude, you coming?" He asked. Jason got off the bed and walked out the door and down the steps. Shane closed the door and followed him.

"So dude, since this is your first time being here, I might as well as well teach you everything I know about this place." Shane said and Jason agreed with it, anything to get him to spend more time with this hottie worth it. The two of them talked the whole way until they got to the mess hall. Inside they're kids everywhere but no sign of his friends. A stage was in the front of room right next to the lines. Shane pulled him along and sat at a table filled with people he that looked a lot older then him.

"Hey guys this is my buddy Jason, this is his first time here." Shane said. The five kids all said hi to him. Two were twin Mexican girls named Natalie and Nichole. One was a black boy named Jackson sat across from him. A Chinese girl named Sue sat next to him and white boy named Kyle sat next to Natalie.

The lights in the room dimmed and a spotlight went on the stage in the corner. A woman took the stage.

"Hello campers, welcome to another wonder summer here. I want to welcome you all. I see a lot of familiar faces and a lot of new ones too. Now we want you all have a good and fun summer but with that we have to lay down some rules."

A moan of disappointment came from the crowd. The woman continued non-the less.

"Rule one, you must always listen to the counselors. Two, when in the ness hall, please try and keep the swearing down. Three, no hats in the mess hall... this means you too Shane." Shane reached up and pulled off his hat. Four, No camper is...." The woman was cut off when the door to the hall flew open and three girls stood there in the doorway. "Well girls its about time you joined up" the woman on stage said.

"Who are they?" Jason whispered to Shane

"Have you seen the movie Mean Girls?" Shane asked. "Yeah...why?" Ha asked. "Because those girls are the plastics of the camp. The biggest sluts you'll ever meet. They live in cabin 10 every year but everyone just calls it cabin 69" Shane said as he winked at Jason

The girls stood there enjoying the attention they were getting from the room. Each one was very different. The oldest looked about 16. She was about 5'8" or 9 with long dark red, almost black hair, brown eyes. Her black tank top only came down far enough to cover her boobs and still show off her belly ring. Short jean shorts showed off her legs and her black flip-flops were the only things on her feet. The other two girls looked about 14. One girl was probably 5'5" with straight red hair with blonde highlights. Her hazel eyes are the kind that you could get lost in. Her pink thong hung out of her tight hip hugger jeans. The pink Volcom shirt she had on showed off her firm abs and star belly ring. A stick from a sucker was poking out of her mouth. The last girl had short black hair that was long in the front and spikey in the back. Her skin was a light white and her lips a dark red. She was wearing a black corset with a red piece of lace through the holes. Her skirt was three inches from showing her ass.

"The leader is named Elaina, she's the B in bitch. The other two are her little lackeys. The one with the sucker named Katie but everyone just calls her sucks because she always is sucking on something." Shane said as he made a blowjob sign with his mouth and hand, then he continued. "The last one is named Jess but everyone just calls her snow white."

The three girls walked to the table where the guys from Jason's cabin were sitting. Katie straddled up on Blake's lap while Jess sat on the chair in between Phoenix's legs and Elaina sat on Alden's lap. The woman on the stage continued with her speech for another 10 minutes. When she was done the lights came back on and the campers started their dinner.

After a half an hour the campers started to clear out. The "plastics" walked past the table Jason and Shane were sitting at and as they walked past Shane did the classic Chough Chough "WHORES!" The girls stopped in their tracks and turned around and stepped up to Shane. Elaina did all the talking. "Oh hey Shane, you came back this year." She leaned over and looked at Jason up and down. "And I'm guessing this is your new little butt buddy." She put an evil smirk on her face. "Well I'm glad to see you have moved on to your new guy for the first week. Can't wait to see who's next." Shane said back. After that she had a pissed off look on her face. "Lets go girls," she said as she snapped her fingers, spun around, and headed for the door.

"What was that about?" Jason asked a pissed off Shane. "I don't really want to talk about it now," Shane said as he walked off to the door. Jason stood there when he heard someone scream his name and wrap their arms around his body. "Jason" the familiar voice called. He knew who this was. He pulled the arms from around him to and turned around to see his sister Brittany, Alicia, Skyler, Tifanee, and Danielle standing there. "Where were you?" Jason asked.

"We were over there in at the corner table," Danielle said.

"Did you see those girls?" Tifanee said, "They look liked total whores."

Jason rolled his eyes and laughed. The six of them walked out of the Hall and into the darkness of the night. Skyler and Jason talked as they headed back to their cabins.

"So I heard you stopped by," Jason said as they headed down the dirt trail. "Yeah, I did because we were all going to dinner together but that guy said that you were sleeping so I told him to tell you to meet us down there."

"Yeah he told me that, sorry I couldn't find you guys. Tomorrow if we all do something just come in and wake me up." Skyler laughed and just said, "Will do." Skyler walked up his steps and into his cabin. Jason smiled and went to his. When he stepped into it he saw the three other guys sitting on their beds but no Shane.

"Hey you guys, where Shane?" The guys just looked at him and all at once said "THE DOCKS." Jason had a confused look on his face. Blake spoke for the other two. "Whenever Shane gets upset or something's bugging him he goes to the docks on the pond to think." Jason walked out the cabin and yelled "Thanks guys" as he shut the door behind him.

Jason walked down to the sandy beach. And there in the moonlight he could see Shane sitting on one of the docks. Jason walked down kicking the sand as he went. The planks creaked as he walked down the dock. Shane looked back at him and went back to staring at his refection in the water. Jason sat down next to him and Shane let out a low "Hey"

"Hey, what's the matter if you don't mind me asking." Jason said.

"Its just those bitches really said shit that struck a cord in me." He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"And that cord would be?"

"Umm, I'd really rather not talk about it now if that's ok" Shane said as he looked into Jason's eyes. Shane's eyes were the kind of eyes that could peer into your soul. Like he knew what you were thinking just by peering into them. He felt himself lost in them. All he could see is Shane. The lake, the moon, the boats all disappeared to him. He touched Shane's face with his hand. Shane didn't pull back or reject the attention. Jason leaned in closer till he was only an inch away from touching lips. He was about to go for the kiss but a voice in his head stopped him. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, are you crazy?!? You just met this guy and already your trying to make a move on him."

Jason pulled back. " I gotta go," He said as he stood up and ran from the docks. He ran up the hill away from the lake. He stopped by a large Oak tree. He sat down, curled his legs up to his cheat and began to softly cry. As he did he thought to himself. "Why am I such a freak, why do I have to like boys? Every friendship I'm gonna have is me trying to fuck them." After thinking about that, he started to cry harder. He cried for another 5 minutes before he got back up and headed to his cabin.

He walked to his door but this time when he opened it something was different, REALLY DIFFERENT. There in the room was Alden and Elaina making out on his bed. Jess was getting eatin out by Phoenix and Katie was giving Blake head against the wall. He stood there for a second, trying to register what was going on. They finally noticed his standing there and they started to get dressed. "Get him!" Elaina said. Jason made a break for it.

He ran down the dirt trial. He could hear the clatter of feet chasing after him. He ran as fast as his feet could carry him but it wasn't enough. He felt a hand on his back push him down into the dust. All he could see is 3 pair of legs standing around him. He felt someone pull him up by his hair and shove him up against a tree. When he finally got his head together he there were the girls holding him again the tree.

Elaina spoke for them all. "Well look who it is girl, its Shane's little buddy." As she spoke she pulled a switchblade out of her sock. "You've seen something you weren't suppose to, so now you have a choice. Either you keep your mouth shut" She now places the blade up to his neck. "Or you die. It's your choice. Lets go girls." The girls let him drop to the ground.

"Wow this is great." He just sat there and cried again.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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