Summer Camp Life

By moc.loa@12noitarenegvtM

Published on Dec 8, 2004


This story is a work of fiction intended for a mature adult audience only. All similarities between characters in the story are fake and made up. This story depicts homosexual acts; so if you do not approve of this subject please do not read any further. This story is copyrighted by the author and may not be copied without the written permission of the author.

Write me and tell me what you think.


Chapter 1

"But mom I don't wanna go!" Jason yelled from his bed as his mother packed his suitcase.

"Well I'm sorry honey but we already signed you up and your father and I need time to ourselves." She went on talking to her youngest son as she packed for his trip to camp for the summer. "And besides, Brittany and Alicia are going to be there with you"

Jason let out a grunt and fell back from a sitting position to laying down facing his ceiling. He lay there thinking that this was gonna be the last time he was gonna be in his bed for three whole months, the last time he sees his room, his family, his other friends. It was his summer before he was going into high school and he was stuck going to some crummy summer camp for parents who just wanted to get rid of their kid for three months. He was 14; almost old enough to drive and his mom still was doing shit for him that he didn't want to do. But he knew the truth; the only reason that parents send their kids to this camp is because the kid has "problems" or parents are getting close to being divorced. He had both. His problem was that earlier that year he told them that he was gay.

"Well at least Brittany and Alicia are gonna be there, I wont be completely alone" He thought to himself.

Brittany was his twin sister. They were identical in every way; he had shaggy brown hair, she had long straight brown hair, they both had green eyes and both were exactly 5'5". The only difference was that he was a boy and she was a girl. Alicia was his best friend since first grade and her mom went with Jason's to sign them up for camp together. She was a beautiful girl. She was half black and half white, with long curly black hair to her mid-back, blue eyes like Windex and the fattest ass any girl in their school had but she played volley ball so she was fit. Jason played soccer so he had good abs from running so much.

His mom closed his second suitcase and she carried them out to the car. Jason still lay there thinking about how shitty this is gonna be. He was so deep in his thought that he didn't hear Brittany come in. She stood at his door way for a little bit and when she saw he didn't see her standing there she ran and jumped on him. He let out a scream that would make your blood boil. She held down his arms with her legs and started punching his lightly in the chest.

"AHH YOU BITCH GET OFF ME!" he yelled. She punched him one more time and let him go.

"Haha sorry bro, I couldn't help myself." She said in her girly cheerleader voice. She was extra cheerful because she got to go to camp.

"How can you be happy going to this prison?" he said lying back down.

"God, you make it sound like a death sentence, its summer camp," she said as she went to his mirror to see how she was looking. "And besides I've been to cheer camp for the past two years so I like it."

Jason just stayed where he was as he thought a tear rolled down his cheek. "You know why were going don't you?"

Brittany stopped what she was doing and walked over to her brother and whipped away his tear. "Listen, this has nothing to do with you being gay, mom and dad are having problems like they have been having since we were born." A smile came across his face and he hugged his sister. "Thank you," he said holding her tightly. "Just because you like dick doesn't mean our parents don't love us." Jason let out a loud laugh and broke the hug.

"I love you bitch face" he said. "I love dick head," she said back.

"TIME TO GO KIDS!!!" their mother yelled from downstairs. "Come on, lets go have the time of our lives" Brittany said as she pulled Jason up from his bed and down out to the van. Alicia was waiting there for them. She ran up and hugged Jason.

"Are you ready?" She asked him. He looked over at Brittany and smiled. "Yea I am"

The whole 10-hour ride to the camp Jason, Brittany, and Alicia listened to their CD players, played games, slept, and talked. Mr. And Mrs. Cloud took turns every 5 hours they would switch over so the other could rest. Half way the car pulled over in a gas station connected to a Wendy's to fill up, eat, and get direction. Mrs. Cloud noticed another car with some kids in the back with luggage. She got out of the car to go talk to the driver.

"Hello, I'm Julie, I was wondering if you were going to Camp? The man looked at her with a smile and replied, "Yes I am."

"Oh good, can you tell me the way to get there because after this point I get lost," She said as she pointed to the map.

Back in the van the kids were just watching her. "What is she doing?" Asked Brittany. "I don't know," said Alicia. They watched as there mother talked to sum strange man.

"Well sure, you can follow us, were not gonna stop after this." The man said.

"Well thank you" Julie said.

"By the way I'm Chris Tayler, I'm driving my three to the camp." He said pointing into the back. "Kids come meet Miss...." He said trilling off

"Cloud, Julie Cloud" She said as she shook his hand "I'm also taking three kids but ones not mine."

The door opened and three kids climbed out. Two were girls and one boy. One both girls looked 15 and the boy 13. The kids could see her talking and pointing to the van and then the three kids started to walk over to their call. They knocked on the window until Alicia opened the door. The three kids looked over the three outside till they got out to introduce themselves.

The oldest looking girl spoke. "Hi y'all I'm Danielle." She said in a sweet southern accent. She put her hand out and Brittany took it and shook. Danielle had long, straight, bright red hair that was like a firecracker and covered up one of her eyes and clear beautiful skin, not a blemish in sight. She was about 5'8" but had heals on so about 5'6". She had the perfect hourglass figure. She had faded jeans and a bright pink tank top on and sunglasses.

The next girl spoke next. "Hey I'm Tifanee" she was much different from Danielle. She was about 5'5" with long brown hair just a little past her shoulders and deep brown eyes. She had a black t-shirt with the words "Wanna Bone?" with the photo of a dog on it and jeans and black sneakers on. She had that look on her face like if you messed with her she would put in the hospital.

Finally the boy spoke. "Yo people, I'm Skyler." He was a very cute boy and since they started talking, Jason hasn't stopped gazing at him. Skyler had shaggy blonde hair cover by a beanie and bright blue eyes. He was kind of short probably around 5'2" or 5'3"With a skateboard in his left hand and a gray shirt that had the word "SHORTYS" in blue letters across it he looked hot. His boxers were hanging out because his pants were down below his hips and the bottoms went way past his knees.

Jason finally snapped out of it and spoke. "Hi, I'm Jason, this is my twin sister Brittany, and my best friend Alicia." They all stood there for a second; looking each other over before anyone spoke again. "Well I guess were all in the same boat here so we might as well get to know each other so we know some more people then ourselves," Danielle said in her southern voice.

"Yea, we should go get something to eat," Brittany suggested. The three looked around at each other and Luna yelled "LETS GO!"

The six kids walked into the Wendy's. The girls went to go order the food while Jason and Skyler found a booth. They sat there in silence, Jason sweating because he was checking out Skyler and he didn't want to get caught. "Oh my god, this guy is soooo hot!" he said to himself.

Skyler finally spoke. "So dude, I guess were both in the same boat having to be with our sisters".

"Yea it blows," Jason replied trying to sound nerves.

"You know what dude, me and you will stick together," Skyler said getting a sneaky grin across his face.

"Cool" Jason said back as the two punched fist

The girls came to the booth with two trays and they sat down and smashed Jason and Skyler together. Both sets of girls and then both the boys as well, once they were done Skyler scooted away from Jason. With that, Jason took his hat off and placed it in his lap to try and cover us his obvious boner. They all chowed down on their meal and chatted for about a half an hour. By the time they were done with their food parents came in and told them it was time to get moving. Both the cars took off down the road. Brittany and Alicia were talking about how many cute boys are gonna be at the camp. Jason just went back into his own world, glaring out the window thinking about what's ahead of him as the sky turned from light blue to black.

"So how many cute boys do you think are gonna be there...besides Skyler?" Brittany asked.

"None for me," Alicia said. "In the immortal words of Destiny's Child, If his status aint hood, I aint checking for him, better be street if he looking at me. I need a soldier and he's got to stand up for me and he only carries big things if you know what I mean."

Both girls broke out in laughter. Jason just got angrier by the minute. "Yea, sure, those two will find guys but I wont, this is gonna be hell for me, and now a totally hot guy wants to be my friend, and I get a boner just from him bumping into me." Jason thought to himself. Brittany noticed the pissed off look on her brothers face and pulled off his head phones to have him join in the convocation. She pulled him in to whisper with the girls.

"What do want?" Jason asked in a whiny voice. The girls giggled but put straight faces on. "We just wanted to ask you...what did you think about Skyler?" Jason knew what answer they were looking for, that he just wanted to rip his pants off and have hot sex with him right there in the booth.

"He was cool.... why do you ask?" Jason said. The girls had disappointed faces on. "OH COME ON! You know what we wanna hear," Alicia said. "FINE..." Jason looked to see if his parents were listening. "He was really cute." The girls broke out in screams of laughter.

"GRILS, GO TO SLEEP" Mr. Cloud yelled from the front seat. "When you wake up in the morning we will be there."

The girls finished their giggling and laid down to sleep. Jason stayed awake until his eyelids got heavy. He could hardly keep his eyes open any longer. The next morning the yelling of his father, "WAKE UP, WERE HERE", waked Jason from his slumber. The sudden shock of sunlight forced him to cover and rub his sore eyes. He sat up to see at least one hundred kids and parents running around, cabins surrounding them all. The clock in the car said it was 3:27. He could see nothing through the forest but tress for miles. A large lake sat at the bottom of a hill and a trail traveled downwards to it. He got out of the car to go find out where Brittany and Alicia went.

He started to walk around the camp sight when he felt someone gab his ass and say "Hey sexy". He turned around to see Tifanee standing there.

He grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. He said laughing, "Haha I was scared, I thought some random person grabbed my ass" They broke the hug and looked at each other for a sec until Tifanee finally broke the silence. "Are you looking for Brittany and Alicia?"

"Yes, do you know where they are?" he said. "Yeah, they're over by the cabin listing trying to see which one their in, I got cabin 5 with Brittany." She said. "Well lets go then," he said having Tifanee lead the way. They walked arm and arm to the where the cabins were listed. It was a mad house; at least 30 kids were climbing over each other to find out where they were going to live to the next three months. Brittany and Alicia force their way out of the crowd to see Jason and Tifanee standing there.

"Oh hey Jason, sorry we left you sleeping" Brittany said.

"Yea, we were just to excited find out where were gonna stay." Alicia said.

"Its ok...did you see where I'm at?" He asked.

"Yeah, your in Boys Cabin 9" Brittany said.

The kids walked back to the car to get their bags, say goodbye to their parents and get settled down in their new homes. Once the parents were gone it was time to get to their cabins. Danielle, Brittany, Alicia, and Tifanee went to find theirs while Skyler and Jason found theirs. They walked along the dirt trail in silence till Skyler finally spoke.

"So Jason you see anyone here you think is hot?"

Skyler's question took him by surprise. He wanted to say that yes, that he was the person that he thought was hot was his. He wanted so bad to say what he thought and for one second to have Skyler in his arms, holding him like no one ever has and to never let him go, feeling the heat from his body. But he knew that could never happen. He could never say what he wanted.

"No, not yet," He said back.

They walked till they found the boy cabins. "Well I'm in cabin 7 so I'm gonna go clam my turf and then im gonna go see what the girls are doing," Skyler said laughing

"Ok I'm gonna go take a nap, I'm tired." Jason said.

"K dude, I'll see you later tonight for dinner, piece dude" Skyler said as he walked towards his cabin.

Jason walked down 2 cabins and found his. He walked up the steps to the door. He was about to turn the knob when the door swung open. A very attractive boy was standing in the doorway. The two looked each other over. He looked to be 16, about 5'8" with short curly sandy blond hair and dark hazel eyes, probably Italian from the looks of his olive skin. He had a tight shirt on that showed off his defined body, most likely from years of playing football or baseball. His jeans weren't baggy like most guys wear then, there fit perfectly on him and bright white shoes.

"Hey dude, you must be Jason, I'm Shane." The guy said welcoming Jason in.

"Yeah, hi, im Jason... How did you know?" Jason asked

"Oh, they have a list of the five people in the cabins and you were the only one left."

This was true, three other boys sat at their beds looking at Jason. He took the only bed that was left which was by the windows so he had a great view into the forest.

Two of the other boys came up to introduce themselves. The first one had spicky jet-black hair; great blue eyes and was about 5'6" and was probably 15. "Hey I'm Blake," He said as he shook his hand. The other boy was younger, like 13. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He had a baggy shirt and jeans on and a pair of G-Unit shoes on, defiantly a wigger. "I'm Alden". The last boy kept playing with a Zippo lighter. He had flaming-red spiked hair. He looked to be 15 or going to be. He didn't get up, just yelled across the room. "I'm Phoenix." Saying it in a way like he's trying to be tough.

Jason lay back on his bed and thought to himself. "Maybe this wont be so bad after all."

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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