Summer Camp

By Jodie Owen

Published on Oct 13, 2006


Disclaimer: These events are not fictional and these characters are real people with changed names and appearances. You can't steal anything from my story unless you ask permission. AND FEEDBACK PLEASE. :)

I raced into the trees, anxiously searching for Leanne. I was so utterly heartbroken I couldn't even begin to explain. I didn't understand why people would be so cruel- I had a lot to learn. I guess I'd been naive all along. Sure, I expected that some people would not be prepared to tolerate my lesbianism, but I didn't think anybody had a heart cold enough to do this. To deliberately try and jeopardise a relationship between two people who are so obviously in love, just because they do not agree. I was physically hurting inside, my heart ached in my chest and my breath ripped through my throat as I ran like a frightened deer past trees and trees and trees. My feet were sore and painful because in my haste I had not put any shoes on. I was wearing my loose tracksuit bottoms that threatened to fall down as I ran. Where was she? Would she ever believe me? My head span and I felt dizzy so I resigned to sit down a while and clear my whirling head. Muttering frantically in my head, I created a worse case scenario. Leanne ends it with me, hates me and refuses ever to consider getting back with me. Then she tells everyone she wants me dead and everybody else hates me too. Then Leanne becomes best friends with Adrienne. Right, it couldn't get any worse than that. At least I was prepared now.

I assessed more possibilities in my head. Leanne ends it with me because she doesn't believe me but stays friends with me. Leanne ends it with me but she believes me, she just wants a reason to end it. No, no, that one couldn't happen. Leanne doesn't end it with me but she still doesn't believe me. Leanne doesn't end it with me and she believes me. Yes, that was the one I was aiming for.

Silently, I prayed to myself that Leanne would believe me. I had never lied to her; surely she would believe me, her long-term girlfriend, over those awful girls. I couldn't sit there any longer; I had to find her before she had time to draw too much into it. I had to convince her. And sitting here was doing nothing at all. I jumped up and launched myself forwards again, deeper into the green forest. Twigs snapped loudly under my feet and the air smelt earthy and cold. Before me, all I could see tree after tree after tree, but no Leanne. Tears welling up again, I let out a loud sob and pressed my fingers hard into my eyes until they hurt.

"LEANNE!" I screeched, "LEANNE! I'M SORRY! I...I love you," I sighed regretfully, doubting that she could even hear me. I fell to my knees, beaten and overcome, with bitter thoughts rushing through my head. I scraped up handfuls of earth and angrily threw it into the air, feeling it rain down onto the back of my head.

"Leanne..." I wept into the ground.

I lay like that for what seemed like forever, my stomach and front getting damper and colder as the day got darker and cloudier and began to evolve into night. The sun traded places with the moon and I was shivering uncontrollably. From cold? From fear? Or both? I'd go for the latter. My whole life was in tatters because, for the past year, Leanne had been my life. I'd slowly and healthily fell more and more in love with her and now I was certain of myself and us, she had been cruelly and wickedly snatched away. I tortured my mind over and over again by replaying the events of that day countless times. My mind begged for mercy, begged for me to forget, but I kept forcing myself to watch, in slow motion, as Leanne's face crumbled as she spotted Hannah and I on the bed. But I was powerless! It hadn't been my fault. If only I could make her understand that. But what if she had already spoken to Adrienne and Hannah? What if they had already oh so kindly taken her under their wing and began to feed their venomous poison to her mind? Oh god, I couldn't let that happen. Why was I lying here? I needed to be searching for her; I needed to get to her before they did!!

Feeling frenzied, I rose from the ground. It had got a lot darker since I had entered the woods and with shock I realised I could barely see the trees around me. I couldn't even remember which direction I had ran in from. If I could only find Leanne, everything would be fine. We'd sit and talk it through and then we'd sleep out here, in each other's arms, and share body heat under the twinkling stars. But instead I was out here alone, and it was all Adrienne's fault. Closing my eyes, I twirled around in a circle and thrust my index finger out. Squinting through my eyes I looked in the direction my finger was pointing, and taking a deep breath of courage I stepped into the shadows.

I'm not sure how long I walked for, but I know that it was now completely pitch black. The gloom had crept in ever so sneakily and covered everything with its mysterious blanket. As it was mid summer, it wasn't exactly freezing out here, but with the cool breeze and the terrified state I was in, I was covered in goose bumps and quaking outrageously. I ran my hands over the rough, bumpy surface of the bark covered trees, feeling my way from tree to tree, stepping carefully over leaves which surrended and crumpled underneath my feet.

"Please...please...please..." I began to mumble to myself as I walked on.

Suddenly I heard a sound that caused me to pause in my tracks. My body iced over on the inside, chilling my body right to the core. Trembling from fear now, I looked around, whirling my head from side to side as I squinted into the darkness, ready to run if I saw any kind of movement. My heart hammered in my chest, threatening to fight it's way through my ribs. Eventually, it seemed quiet again and my breathing began to return to its normal pace. Cautiously I straightened up and was about to take another step when I heard it again. It was an eerie howl that seemed to reverberate around my ears. I suddenly felt very exposed, standing here in the dark not knowing where the hell I was or where the hell that sound was coming from. For all I knew, there could be someone standing right behind me, breathing cold icicles down my neck. Self-consciously I swivelled around. Just darkness. I decided to be brave and continue trying to find my way out. Taking small, wary steps I ventured further into the darkness. I walked for a few minutes when I heard the sound again. This time it was a lot closer and I gasped out loud as I struggled for breath, scared witless. I backed up slowly and hit something. Twisting around to confront whomever it was, I realised with relief it was simply a tree. I seized it for support and silently pleaded for the sun to come up and drench the forest in its warmth and light. The sound had been so close I could swear it was a few metres away. Everything seemed silent now, perhaps a little too silent. My own irregular breathing was the only sound I could hear. Even the wind refrained from rustling the leaves. Suddenly I noticed that there was a large silhouette a few feet away from me. How could I not have noticed it before? With a jolt of fear I realised that it was moving, moving towards me in slow, lumbering steps. I whimpered like a small child and hugged the tree behind me. Suddenly, as if noticing I was weeping, the shadow stopped. I thought my heart might fail me as the tension almost became too much. And then I heard a wonderful, wonderful sound. A voice.

"Jodie?" The voice was so quiet and sounded so shy and scared but I still recognised it. That voice spoke right to my heart.

"Leanne!" I exhaled loudly in relief and happiness as the silhouette stepped closer to me and I could see small orbs reflected off Leanne's beautiful eyes.

"What are you doing out here?" I questioned frantically as I felt my way over to Leanne and attempted to pull her to me. Her arms were uncovered and felt icy cold. To my surprise, Leanne pulled away, and I remembered why we were in here in the first place.

"Leanne, let me explain, please, I swear I wasn't kissing her, I don't know what happened, she just came in and forced herself on top of me, she wouldn't let me move away at all and then you came in and she got off me and after you had gone Adrienne appeared too and they were both laughing because they deliberately tried to split us up because they're homophobic and they admitted they did it on purpose because Hannah said she forgot to mention that she'd seen you on your way back and, and, and," I rambled until I was completely out of breath and I bent double, clutching my chest, frantically sucking in air.

There was silence for an eternity until finally, Leanne spoke.

"Jodie, Jodes. If you can just, if you promise me that you weren't kissing her, that what you were saying was true, that they did it deliberately, if you can promise me then I will believe you. Because I trust you, so much, but you must look me in the eye and know that if I find out you have betrayed my trust and confidence then our relationship is completely shattered," she said in a small, sad voice.

"Leanne," I took her around the waist and looked deeply into her eyes, pulled her face close to mine and whispered; "I promise."

Leanne let out a cry and began to heave and sob into my neck. I felt wet tears cascading down my chest as stood, shivering in my arms. I rested my head on her head and inhaled her fruity, clean scent, my hands rubbing her back in comfort. Then I realised I was rubbing bare skin. Of course! Leanne had ran out in here in her bikini!

"Leanne! You're wearing your bikini!"

"I know, I just ran out here after I saw you and I...I got lost, I'm so cold, I was just sitting there bawling for so long, my eyes felt so dry and horrible," she garbled.

"Oh, Leanne. They did it on purpose. Adrienne said she wanted to make friends with me in the auditorium and then they did this. Oh I love you so much. You must know that I would never, ever cheat on you, baby," I was crying too now, unable to believe that she still wanted me.

"I love you," she said, barely audible. I recognised then, that her sobbing sounds were similar to the eerie howling that had frightened me in the dark. She must really have been bawling.

"Listen, I'm lost too, we're going to have to stay here until morning, unless they send someone to find us tonight, but I doubt they will. And you, you're freezing," I whipped off my zip top and wrapped it around her shoulders, pulling her onto me as we sank down onto the floor, resting against a tree trunk. Her body felt so frosty in my hands I could have been fooled into thinking I was holding a corpse. My hand brushed past her nipple and it was standing out, hard, through her bikini. Wrapping my whole body around her, we fell asleep there, our heads together on the dirt, my legs and arms wrapped around her fragile, cold body.

We woke in the morning, inevitable freezing our tits off. Leanne was actually blue with cold and I decided I should get her back as soon as possible before she got ill. She was looking paler by the second and it was still very early morning, only the first few rays of dawn sunshine feebly shining between the branches. I was abruptly very afraid. What would happen if I did not get Leanne back and warm soon? This was their entire fault, Adrienne and Hannah. I wondered momentarily if anyone had noticed our disappearance or if anybody was looking for us. I doubted it. I bet they hadn't even told anyone we were missing. I swear, if anything happened to Leanne, they would pay severely.

"Leanne? Come on, love, we have to find our way back. It's light now," I pleaded hopefully.

"Alright," she shivered. I hoisted her off the ground and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. Both our feet were almost glacial as we treaded carefully.

I strained my ears for the sound of people, trying to find some inclination of which direction camp was in. Eventually, after shuffling around together in circles for what seemed like ages, the halfhearted sunshine seemed to feel warmer and we were grateful for it across our chilled faces. Gradually, I began to hear the sound of laughter and splashing getting louder and jumped for joy as I realised we wer near the lake. The first thing we did was slip back into our tent, unnoticed, to change into warm, dry clothes. Then we were going to confront our demons, a.k.a. Adrienne and Hannah. Leanne and I were mad, mad, mad.

Hannah and Zoe had left the tent so Leanne and I rummaged into our cases for the warmest clothes we could find. She chose jeans, as always, and a large hooded top. Patting make up onto her weary, cold face she flumped onto my bed as dressed.

"Did you hurt them badly?" Leanne asked meekly. I'd told her about me flipping out and attacking the both of them.

"I don't know," I fretted. Now the anger had died away, I was feeling surprisingly guilty. "There was blood from Adrienne...I think Hannah was just winded."

Leanne scowled suddenly.

"So what, I don't care if they ARE hurt. They deserved it. Evil bitches," she growled.

Smiling fondly, I encircled her in my arms and rested my cheek on her shoulder. I could hear here breathing in my ear as I nuzzled against her warm neck, near her pulse. Listening to her breathing and feeling her pulse was the most exquisite thing ever. I held her even tighter and felt her squeeze me even harder than she had been. She planted sweet, tantalizing kisses along my neck. I felt her warm breath on my ear as she kissed my ear lobe, sensitively taking it into her mouth and tugging at it slightly with her teeth. Then I felt her fluent tongue in my ear and I squealed and sat up.

"Come on, let's go find them," I reached out for her hand and dragged her out of the tent behind me.

To our surprise, we walked straight into two camp monitors about to enter the tent.

"THANK GOD," sighed the woman, looking like she was about to faint.

"Where on earth have you been, girls, we've been looking for you everywhere. One of the girls told us you hadn't returned last night," the male said sternly.

Ruth appeared by his side looking weak and relieved. She dashed up to Leanne and I and encased us in a hug.

"Oh guys!! Where have you been? I heard you broke Adrienne's nose and then I couldn't find you ANYWHERE. But I never said anything until this morning because I hoped you'd return. I've been up ALL night," she groaned.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I'd broken Adrienne's nose?! I felt guilty that we'd worried Ruth so much but half pleased that she'd been so concerned. It seems we had some explaining to do.

"I'm sorry, Ruth! We got lost in the woods, I'll er, explain the story later," I finished quickly, seeing the unsympathetic look the monitors were paying us.

Ruth kissed Leanne and I on the cheek and left hurriedly.

"Right girls, you've got lots of explaining to do. And not just about where you've been. You have broken another girl's nose and caused the other bruising and distress. Come with us," they took us firmly by the arms and marched us into their office. Adrienne and Hannah had been summoned and sat, looking sickeningly innocent, in two chairs beside each other. Adrienne's nose was blue and swollen with a white plaster across the bridge. I stifled a laugh.

"It was me, it wasn't Leanne," I blurted out. I explained to the camp monitors that Adrienne and Hannah had upset Leanne, causing her to run into the woods and that I had simply lost my temper and hurt the girls. I did, however, leave out why exactly Adrienne and Hannah had upset Leanne. I thought it would save embarrassment for all of us. I then told them that I'd ran in after Leanne and that we had both got a little lost. After a serious talking to about violence not being the answer and that running away wasn't the solution to anything, the camp monitors let us go on a warning and said that anything of the sort happened again, we would be sent home. We traipsed out of the office and as soon as the door was closed behind us, the arguments started.

"You two are bitches. Jodie let you off lightly, she could have told the monitors what sick freaks the both of you are," Leanne raged.

"You're the ones who are sick," Stated Adrienne.

"I can't believe how lenient they were to you, you just sat there acting like butter wouldn't melt and let them lay into Jodie. You KNOW it wasn't her fault. And you know you two got what was coming to you!" Leanne was fuming now, raising her voice and flailing her arms.

The pair of them sniggered cruelly and walked away. I slid an arm over Leanne and kissed her on the cheek, trying to calm her down. I guess we'd have to leave it for now, ignorant of how furious Leanne and I were.

We sought out Ruth at the lake and she was eager to hear what had happened, so Leanne and I told the story while she sat, crossed legged, on the floor like a small child. I was sitting on Leanne's knee while she sat on one of the benches surrounding the lake. Occasionally someone would give us an odd look, or one of Adrienne's friends would stare daggers at us, but to be honest I was too relieved that I still had Leanne to care.

Ruth looked outraged when we told her what Adrienne and Hannah had done.

"Those scheming, conniving cows!" she cried, open-mouthed.

"Obviously I didn't know what was going on, so when I saw them I just felt my heart break. It was so, so awful, Ruth," Leanne said, snaking her arms around my belly.

"But you two are still together, and that's all that matters. You didn't let them beat you. You're unstoppable now," Ruth smiled, grasping my hands and squeezing. I smiled at her affectionately.

On the morning of Leanne's sixteenth birthday, a very excitable Leanne rudely awoke me. She bounded happily on my mattress, shaking me out of my dreams. Her happy cawing woke up Zoe too, who smiled politely and wished my girlfriend a happy birthday. Presumably recognising that she wasn't wanted, Hannah had stopped sleeping in here days ago. She now slept end to end in Adrienne's bed, which suited us fine.

"Happy birthday, baby," I said, pulling her lips down to mine and tasting her with my tongue. She moaned gratefully into my mouth as I wrapped my hands around her hips and pulled her onto me. There was a rustle of bed sheets and I opened one eye to see Zoe sneaking out of the tent. When she saw me looking, she looked almost apologetic.

"Sorry," she whispered, uncomfortably.

"No, we're sorry, it's okay, you can stay if you like. We'll stop," I offered.

Zoe visibly relaxed and straightened up.

"Well thanks, but I think I'll leave you two to it," she smiled sweetly and was gone in a flash.

I gazed back up at Leanne and giggled, kissing her more passionately than before. She responded by grinding herself on my hipbone, uttering small sounds of delight as I guided her with my hands.

"Hey! I want my present," she said abruptly, sitting upright on top of me, drumming her fingers on my chest in anticipation.

"I'll give you one now, the other can wait till later," I said knowingly.

"Fiine," she frowned with mock disappointment, folding her arms childishly across her chest. Reaching underneath my bed I fumbled around in my case trying to find her present. My hands strayed across something hard and long and I smiled to myself as I continued to feel around. She could have that one later. Gradually I found a delicate paper bag and brought it out of my case. I held it in front of her.

"Here we are," I held it up to her.

She surveyed it with interest, feeling it with her fingers and shaking it by her ear. I laughed.

"Just open it, silly."

Her face portrayed such concentration as she attempted to detach the sticky tape from the paper. Her tongue poked out of the corner of her mouth as contemplated what could be in there. I held my breath, nervously, hoping that she would like it. Eventually she broke into the bag and produced a small, brown suede box.

"Ooooh," she cried. She proceeded to shake it by her ear again, trying to guess what it was.

"I'm giving no clues," I said firmly, "open the damn thing."

Slowly and deliberately she clenched her eyes tight shut and opened the box. Then she snapped open her eyes and looked down at my gift. It was simple, silver, heart shaped locket on a sliver chain. Engraved on the front were the initials "J+L". She c lapped a hand to her mouth, exhaling loudly.

"Jodie," she whispered, "it's magnificent. It's so beautiful. This must have cost a lot, Jodie," she said seriously.

I smiled broadly, "It's okay, look, open it up," I urged.

Ever so carefully Leanne popped open the locket and peered inside. There was a picture of her in one side and a picture of myself in the other. I watched her smile go from ear to ear and she looked up at me, beaming.

"Oh Jodie, I love it. Thank you. I'll wear it," she said softly, putting it delicately around her neck. She closed the box and placed it down beside her, leaning towards my mouth once more. Her lips felt so soft against mine, like satin, pink cushions gently pushing into mine.

The kiss turned more passionate and soon I felt her silky tongue dancing with my own, her long eyelashes fluttering against my cheek as she explored my mouth. I took her smooth hands in mine and entwined my fingers with hers.

I could have lay like this forever, with her in my arms. As I felt her fingers fumbling with my jeans I decided to stop her.

"Baby," I gasped, breathless, "Wait until tonight...I have a surprise for you."

Reluctantly, she let go of my zip and pecked me on the mouth before getting up.

"Come on, sexy, let's go get some breakfast," she smiled.

We walked into the auditorium, hand in hand, purposely closing ourselves off from the world. I wanted Leanne to know how special she was today and nobody was going to ruin that.

"I'm just popping to the loo, go sit down," Leanne said, with a cheeky lick of my earlobe.

I shivered and took a seat next to Ruth.

"Hey Ruth, you okay?" I enquired.

"Yeah thanks! Do you want to go for a walk later on? We haven't had a chat in a while," She offered.

"Sure, that would be good. What ARE you eating?" I said, making disgusted faces at her pile of slop.

"It's mashed potato!!" she countered, sticking her tongue out.

"Whateverrrrrr," I rolled my eyes and smiled as Leanne came bounding out of the toilets.

"Look! Look at the card Alice just gave me! And look! Jenny gave me some perfume," she gushed, happily.

I was pleased she was having such a wonderful time and I could not wait for tonight.

After breakfast, Ruth and I left Leanne talking to some girls and left through the double doors. We walked slowly into the trees, loitering around and chatting. After a few minutes silence, Ruth spoke.

"So, do you reckon you and Leanne are going to last?" she probed.

"I guess so, yeah..." I said slowly, looking up at her. For a fleeting moment, Ruth looked disappointed.

"Do you love her?" she asked, avoiding my eye.

I grinned inwardly. I knew I was going to start gushing about her any moment, but I had to consider Ruth's feelings, so I refrained a little.

"Yes, yes I do. I love her," I said, proudly.

"Oh..." again, that momentary look of sadness. Then she appeared to brighten up a little, "Well, I am happy for you. She's lovely, Jodie, and so are you," she looked into my eyes then and I could see she really was happy for the two of us.

"Oh Ruth. I still am so, sorry about what happened last year. I know we have avoided it, but I really am sorry. I was so awful to you and I'd like to think we can forgive and forget," I said, my voice thick with emotion as I choked back tears.

Ruth just smiled, perhaps a little painfully, and hugged me.

Finally, after much anticipation, the time for everyone to be making their way back to their tents came. I'd spent the whole day bubbling on the inside, bouncing off the walls with excitement. Leanne had been non-the wiser, having no clue why I was so excited. She'd tried tickling me, hurting me, ignoring me, leaving me on my own and kissing me until I'd begged for mercy, but still I had not spilled the secret. She'd sensed my enthusiasm increase towards the evening so I thought she had an incline of what was to come. As the sun set over the trees, tinting the whole forest orange and red, Leanne and I strolled hand in hand back towards the tents. The air smelt of freshly cut grass and the atmosphere was very summery. I could barely contain myself as Leanne's hand began to roam up my legs and under my denim skirt on our journey to the tents. I erupted in goose bumps the second her fingers made contact with me and I knew tonight would be mind blowing. Leanne walked slightly behind me and pulled my underwear aside with her fingers, dipping her fingertip into me. I giggled. A group of loud boys walked past, laughing and joking, but were oblivious to the fact that Leanne's hand was up the back of my skirt. Finally we came to the tent and Leanne withdrew her hand. Zoe was no where to be seen because, thankfully, I'd foreseen the problem that she would be there and subtly insinuated at what the two of us would be up to. She had more than happily obliged to stay with her friend as soon as she got the gist of what I was talking about.

"Where's Zoe?" Leanne asked, suspiciously, her eyes flashing around the tent.

"I've taken care of it," I muttered into her earlobe as I pushed her into a sitting position on the bed, straddling her.

We kissed endlessly and Leanne allowed me to release some of my sexual frustration on her by sliding her strappy top down her shoulder and taking one of her nipples into my mouth. She moaned, contentedly and I felt myself begin to dampen. Leanne's skirt was pushed up and I was certain she could feel my wetness on her bare legs, through my cotton pants. I rubbed myself lightly over her leg and felt her hands encircle my buttocks, squeezing every now and then. When Leanne tried to remove my underwear, I stopped her.

"This is your night, Leanne, I want to be the one pleasuring you. I want to show you how much you mean to me. You don't have to do anything. Tonight, you're mine," I murmured, licking her ear. She raised her eyebrows curiously at me.

"Jodie..." she started, uncertainly, "What do you...?"

"It's okay, trust me," I said, staring into her eyes. Leanne relaxed and stopped resisting, allowing me to lie her down on the bed. I tickled her stomach and planted kisses around her bellybutton. I then reached up to take her hand as I exposed her damp vagina and slid my tongue through her silky folds. She entwined one hand in my hair as I gently licked, making sure she was thoroughly lubricated. And then I sat up and bent to pick up my bag.

I told Leanne to keep her eyes closed and she obeyed.

"I'm so turned on!" she cried, and I could tell, her breathing was unsteady and irregular and she was biting her bottom lip. I felt myself get stimulated at the sight of it and finally found the prize in my bag; a long, sleek, vibrating, 8-inch false penis. Looking at it made my insides stir as I imagined it buried into Leanne. I couldn't wait any longer...

I quickly moved my fingers in and out of her, making sure she was wet enough to take it.

"Eye's closed, baby," I said in a low, sultry voice. My throat was dry. I was so nervous but excited at the same time. My palms were sweaty and clammy. Carefully, I turned on the vibrator, and brought it up to her outer lips and rubbed in circles around her clit. Leanne gasped and clutched the bed covers with her hands, but kept her eyes tightly closed. With care, I pushed the tip inside of her and eased it in until she had taken about 7 inches. She exhaled loudly.

"OH GOD," she said, shocked. I began to stimulate her with the vibrator, taking care not to hurt her. I started gently before getting harder and faster. With my free hand, I rubbed my clit furiously at the sight of the vibrator entering her. I pulled myself up her body until I was level with her neck, and gently bit and licked her skin. I sucked her collarbone and allowed my tongue to tease her ear. I licked one of my fingers and carefully teased her ass as I began to plunge the vibrator into her, thinking that she was wet enough to take it. Before I knew it, Leanne was screaming, begging for me to make her come.

"JODIE!! Jodie, you have to make me come, PLEASE!" she pleaded, desperately. I was becoming hot and dizzy myself and knew it wouldn't be long before I came. I watched in awe as beads of sweat dripped down Leanne's forehead and at the perspiration on her cleavage. She looked wet and slippery and her hair was stuck to her forehead. She looked so unbelievably sexy. I could smell her arousal mixing with mine in the small tent and it was so hot in there, I felt like I was in a sauna. My fingertip harassed Leanne's ass and gradually I slid it in, but only a tiny way. I just wasn't daring enough to put my finger the whole way in. Leanne's hips were bucking viscously now and began to stimulate her clit inside of my own. It felt rock hard under my finger. Her nipples stood out clearly through her bra and strappy top and that was the last straw for me, I came into my pants and began to moan loudly as my vagina clenched and released. Seeing me come took Leanne over the edge and she shouted out loud as she c lamped down on the vibrator, spasms ripping through her body as we came, synchronized. As we both came down from our orgasms, Leanne cautiously opened her eyes. She'd kept them shut through the whole experience. Now she was gazing in wonder at a pretend, vibrating penis that was dripping with her fluids. She brought it to her mouth and cleaned it off, extending her tongue and wrapping it around the vibrator. I started to laugh, exhausted, and Leanne beckoned me down to her. I climbed onto the bed next to her and kissed her deeply and passionately.

"I love you," I said, meaningfully.

"I love you too," she panted. We fell asleep with our bare, sweaty legs entwined and our arms tight around each other.

The rest of camp went by really quickly after that and soon the final night of camp was upon us. Leanne, Ruth, Ashley and I lazed around on the grass outside while the warm sun set. Ashley was talking about her boyfriend whom she'd been seeing for over a year now, like Leanne and I. We compared relationships and discovered we both felt similarly about our partners. I was lying on my front with Leanne leaning across my legs and Ruth and Ashley were sitting cross-legged facing us.

"You want a mint?" Ruth asked, offering the packet to each of us turn.

We all accepted.

"Damn I have none left. I'm going to go buy some more. They're addictive you know!" Ruth squealed and bounded off.

"Did you know that too many mints act as a laxative?!" Ashley shouted after her. Ruth flicked her middle finger over her shoulder and disappeared into the auditorium.

"You know what," Leanne said thoughtfully, resting herself on her elbows. "This year, we should all meet up. You can bring your boyfriend, Ashley."

"That's a great idea!" I exclaimed, sitting up excitedly.

Ashley contemplated it for a while.

"But you love pretty far away, could we stay the night or something?" She asked Leanne.

" know what, yeah! We could make it into a sort of party. I'll get some food and alcohol in. What do you say, Jodie?" Leanne said, squeezing my knee lovingly.

"Yeah...we could have some fun with that!" I said, winking at Leanne.

So it was decided. We would meet at Leanne's before the summer was up, a few weeks after camp. We all chatted about that excitedly for a while, before it started to get a bit cooler and we decided to go to bed. That night, I lay in bed with Leanne snoring softly beside me, holding my hand, and I realised how much I'd changed this year. I had become more confident in my sexuality and formed some real friends here at camp. I'd also rid myself of the ones that were never worth it in the first place. I smiled into the dark and snuggled into Leanne's neck. She smelt of her perfume, it was Britney Spears perfume, typical of Leanne. She'd only bought it because she thought Britney was hot.

I was sad the next day, because I hated leaving. I knew I would see some people very soon but it still felt like goodbye forever. I neglected to say goodbye to Adrienne, or Hannah for that matter and neither of them bothered to say goodbye to me. We all knew the score.

That's the end of part 3, I'm thinking this part wasn't as interesting as the second but I didn't want to change anything in my life that had happened. I am pretty sure there's going to be a part 4 but just send me some feedback to let me know if I should! I'll only do it if I know there's interest in what comes next! :)

Next: Chapter 4

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