Summer Break

By Joshua

Published on Aug 21, 2003



This story is fictional. Though the characters are based on real people, the events of this story are pure imagination. It involves consensual sex between two young men of consenting age. If it is illegal to read such material in your state/county/town, etc, or you are under age, click the back button now. You have been warned. Otherwise, enjoy!

This is my second story for Nifty. I have received a great deal of positive feedback on my first, which might just have a second chapter coming after all! In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this one.

Summer Break

My freshman year was finally over. I had enjoyed college life a great deal, but I was anxious to put the studying and cramming behind me for a few months. I was looking forward to a few uneventful months at home. It's funny how life has other plans for you so often.

First, I should tell you a little about myself. My name is Josh, and I'm 20 years old. I have blond hair and blue eyes. I'm 6'3", and weigh about 200 pounds. I'm not the most athletic person in the world, but I'm not fat either. I've been called everything from cute to hot in some cases. I try not to dwell on my looks to much, just enough to catch the eye of a cute guy or two. I've known I was gay since I was 18, and I have adapted to that fact fairly well.

Now, I'll admit that I've fooled around a bit. After I accepted that I was attracted to guys, I started to experiment. But now, after two years, I've gotten tired of that whole scene. I'm ready to look for something serious.

Now, on with the story.

My last exam took place on a Thursday, and I was home by the next day. It was only about an hour's drive from the college I attended to home. My first night home was pretty boring. Driving around town, seeing how much things had changed, and all that. I was most looking forward to catching up with my friends from high school. Unfortunately, I seemed to be the first one home! I spent the next few days just going to the beach and getting myself a nice tan. Not that I was probably going to attract a lot of attention in this mostly straight, highly conservative town, but hey, you have to look good anyway, right?

So, that was how things were going. Boring! It was Saturday when the call came.


I rolled over and looked at the clock. Almost noon. I picked up the phone.


"Hi. Is Josh there?"


"Hey Josh, how ya doing man? It's me, Scott!"

I was awake now! I couldn't believe that Scott Adams, one of the hottest guys from high school was calling me. We'd been acquainted, but I'd never really considered him a close friend. He had hung out with a completely different crowd than I had. While I was more of a library nerd, he'd been on the football team, the basketball team, and had every girl he'd ever wanted. On top of that, he'd been my secret crush for all of senior year, the one thing I could never have.

"Um, hi Scott. How are you?"

"Doing ok. School was a bitch! And I thought Mrs. Jones's AP calc classes were hard!"

We both laughed, recalling old times.

"So, Scott, I'm kinda curious. Why call me?"

"Well, none of my other friends are home yet. I heard that you got home a couple days ago. I wondered if you wanted to come over and hang out for awhile."

There was something in his voice that I couldn't quite place. Apprehension, maybe? I'd have to see. This was an invitation I wasn't about to turn down.

"Sure, sounds great. I haven't got anything going on for the next couple days."

"Great! How's 5 o'clock sound? We can have dinner."

"Um, ok. That's great. I'll see you then."

I hung up the phone. I didn't need to ask directions. EVERYONE knew where Scott lived. I threw back the covers. It was a good thing my family wasn't around to see my enormous hard-on!

The afternoon seemed to pass quickly. I spent almost two hours making sure I looked just perfect, but not so perfect that I looked like I was trying. I didn't want this straight jock-boy god to know that I had the hots for him. I skipped out the door at quarter to five, leaving my family a note not to keep dinner for me. A quick ten minute drive into town put me at the Adams's front door.

As I pulled up, I could see Scott out in the garage. He was rearranging some boxes. His shirt was off, and I could see the sweat glistening on his muscular torso. I shivered involuntarily, then regained my composure and got out of the car.

"Hey Josh! Welcome!"

"Hi Scott. I'm good, how are you?"

"Fine, fine. Just doing a bit of tidying up."

I looked around. Scott's was the only car I could see.

"No family around?"

"Nah, they're visiting my aunt in Port Huron. They won't be back until tomorrow night. Come on in."

He retreated into the garage and I followed. I saw him disappear through a door in the rear of the garage. Following his lead, I entered.

The house was cool and smelled of flowers. His mother, who worked for the school district part time, was infamous for spending a lot of time making sure her house was "just right". I found myself in a neatly organized kitchen. Scott's voice drifted in from the other room.

"There's soda and water in the fridge. Help yourself."


I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water. Then I went into the living room. There were boxes piled in one corner marked "Scott Adams". "His college stuff, probably." I thought. I sat on the couch and waited.

A few minutes later, Scott came down the stairs and into the living room. He'd cleaned himself up and put on a shirt. His short blond hair, which had been messy just a few minutes earlier, was now neatly combed and gelled. He gave me a nervous grin, showing off his pearly white teeth. His face was tanned, highlighting his gorgeous grey eyes. I could have melted right there. He sat down next to me on the couch. We were both silent for a moment before I spoke.

"So, um, how was the rest of your year? Meet any cute girls?"

He seemed to look away when I said that.

"Um, yeah, a couple. How about you?"

I was at a loss for what to say. I had spent my entire freshman year getting comfortable with my sexuality. No one from my hometown knew about me, but I was tired of denying who I was to these people. If they didn't like it, too bad. But with Scott's circle of friends, life could be made miserable for me every time I came home. I decided to take a chance.

"I didn't meet any girls. Well, not that way. I have some friends who are girls. I did meet, well, some guys."

"Like, you mean?"

"Scott, I'm gay." There. I'd said it. The next move was his.

"That's cool man."

"You mean you're not gonna beat me up or call your friends to make my life a living Hell?"

"Aw, no way man! Why would I do that?"

"You obviously don't remember high school! You and the other guys always used to go on about how much you hated "fags" and "homos"."

He continued looking away from me.

"There's a reason I asked you here. I just didn't want to hang out. I had another motive. What you just told me will make it a lot easier, I think."

I stared at him. Could he be getting ready to say what I thought he was implying? I waited with bated breath.

"Josh, I'm gay too. And I, er, I like you. A lot. The whole bravado in high school was just a cover from my insecurity. I realize that now. I'm so sorry if I offended you!"

I sat there, shocked. He finally looked at me. His face didn't have any hint of malice or deception, just a look of wanting acceptance. My acceptance.

"It's--It's ok, Scott. I forgive you, if that's what you're looking for."

"Thank you!"

He actually reached over and hugged me! This was all happening so fast, I could barely believe it. He withdrew from the hug and looked at me.

"So have you ever, um, done anything, with a guy?"

"Um, to be honest, yeah. It was so much easier at college. I wasn't as worried as if I'd tried anything around here. What about you?"

"Same. I was the only one from our high school who went to Eastern, so it was so much easier to, well, get comfortable with it. With myself."

I looked at him, shocked.

"You went to Eastern? Shit, I thought you went to Western, on the other side of the state! I was at U of M!"

"No way! So all this time, and we were only like 5 miles apart?! Damn, I can't believe we never ran into each other at the clubs!"

"Neither can I. I guess fate likes to play with us."

I looked at him again, more seriously this time.

"So, when did you realize you were, um, attracted to me?"

"I think I always knew it, but I just denied it because everyone was always telling us how it was wrong to be gay. The first time I saw you, during freshman year in high school, I noticed how attractive you were. I didn't admit it to myself though until after graduation. I've gone this whole year wondering where you were, and if you were straight. I'd always thought you were, but just shy."

I leaned back. He looked over at me and took my cue. He leaned back too. We both sat in silence for a minute. Then I felt it. His right hand had moved over and was resting on my knee. I glanced up at him. He still looked nervous, as if this were completely unfamiliar territory for him. I didn't know how much experience he had, but I'd had enough to know I had to make the next move. I raised my right hand and beckoned him closer with my index finger. He eagerly complied.

I don't know which of us initiated it, but all I remember is that the next thing I knew, our lips were locked together in the most passionate kiss I'd ever had. Our eager tongues began to explore each other's mouths. I could taste mint on his breath. I could smell his aftershave and feel a bit of roughness from where he'd shaved earlier that day. It was all incredibly intoxicating. And it was from the man I thought I'd never be able to have.

As the kiss continued, I slowly leaned back against the arm of the sofa, making him move toward me. Before long, I was lying back, with his muscular body draped over me, our lips still locked together. I put my arms out and around him, pulling him into a tight embrace. His arms went under my back, separating my body from the couch. I could feel his hard cock straining at the fabric of his shorts. My own was doing the same. He obviously felt it too. A small moan escaped his lips. I felt his right hand move south until he found my waist band. I could feel his hand wedge itself between under my belt, then move down. A moment later, he found his way under my boxers and his hand made contact with my skin. I'd just used some hair removal cream that day, and he seemed to enjoy the softness of my bare, smooth skin.

He was the one who broke the kiss. He withdrew his hands and stood. He gave me a big smile. He wasn't nervous anymore. This time, it was he who beckoned to me. I was on my feet in no time, following him up the stairs to his room. We sat on the edge of his bed, our kiss renewed. Our hands gently explored each other's bodies, looking for sensitive spots, or just for spots that we like to feel.

This foreplay lasted for almost twenty minutes before Scott stood again. He looked down at me in a very loving way. He looked so relaxed, so at ease. He lifted his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor. Next went his shorts, socks, and boxers. He stood before me, looking completely vulnerable. His hard cock stood at full attention, waving in front of him like a flagpole. I gasped. It was one of the biggest I'd ever seen. Nine inches, at least.

"So, you like what you see?"

"I, um, YEAH!"

I practically ripped my own shirt and shorts off. We both stood there, naked, eyeing each other hungrily. He moved forward and held me, our mouths kissing the other's body, our stiff cocks pressing together. It seemed too good to be true, but it was true.

I slowly started to work my way down, first kissing his mouth, then his chin, then down to his chest and nipples. I worked my way down past his hot six-pack until I found myself on my knees in front of him. Scott looked down at me. I gave him a quick smile and leaned forward, taking the head of his cock in my mouth. He whimpered and his knees started to buckle. I quickly reached my hands around behind him and grabbed his ass, holding him up. It took him a few seconds, but he regained some degree of control and began to support himself. Once I was sure he wasn't going to collapse, I took more of his hot cock in my mouth. He moaned louder and louder as I worked my way further down. I'd never taken anything this big before, but I was determined to take as much as I could. I'd learned to control my gag reflex (to some degree), and hoped that that didn't change now. I could feel the head of Scott's cock pressing into my throat. I relaxed my muscles as much as possible, and kept going. A moment later, I could feel his rough pubic hair tickling my nose. Between his moans of ecstasy, Scott tried to speak.

"Aw yeah! Oh fuck! No one's ever taken it all! Suck it Josh! That's so fucking awesome!"

I complied with no argument. I began to bob my head up and down the length of his hard shaft. His moans grew louder and louder. I reached around again and began to play with his ass with one hand while I touched his balls with the other. He grabbed my head, forcing me up and down. His hips began to buck to and fro. Scott Adams was fucking my face! I was in complete awe. Never in my wildest dreams. Well, ok, maybe my WILDEST dreams. I looked up at him without taking my mouth off his cock. His head was thrown back, his eyes closed and his mouth open. Obviously, he was enjoying himself. I could feel his balls tensing up. His cock seemed to be getting harder. I knew what was coming and I was ready.

"Shit, Josh! That's good! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum right down your throat! Do you want my load?"

It was all I could do to nod my head. I felt his hands move to the back of my head.

"Here it comes! I'm gonna fuckin' CUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMM!"

He pulled my head down on his cock, burying it in the back of my throat and held it there. I could feel his cock start to pump his hot load. There were at least seven shots. I could feel it all as it shot right into the back of my throat. As I swallowed, Scott moaned even louder as my muscles caressed his cock. He finished cumming and just stood there for a moment before he collapsed back onto the bed, his cock finally withdrawn from my mouth. I stood and laid down on the bed next to him. He looked over at me and drew me into a kiss. He obviously loved to kiss.

"That was so fucking awesome Josh!"

"You really wore yourself out there, big boy!"

I reached down and stroked his softening cock a bit as I said it.

"I'm only laid up temporarily. I'll be ready for another round soon. And then I'll return the favor! Say, you wanna stay the night? My family's gone `til tomorrow!"

I looked deep into his grey eyes and nodded.

"I'd love to stay."

I snuggled up to him, resting my head against his chest as we intertwined our bodies. This was going to be a summer break to remember.

The End?

Well, what did everyone think? As I said, this is my second story. Should I have another chapter? Or two, or three, or more? Feedback, positive or negative, is always welcome. E- mail me at Please be sure to include "Summer Break" in the subject line so I don't accidentally delete it with all the junk mail!



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