Summer at the Lake

By Mike Wilson

Published on Aug 6, 2001


This story is entirely fictional. Comments and critiques are welcome.

Summer at the Lake Part Three

Kyle drove them through the county roads to the beginning of the Prophet's Rock trailhead. Both boys carried a daypack with food and water and quickly headed out on the path.

"How'd you find out about this place?" Kyle asked Billy.

"My dad used to take us up here all the time. He feels like time at the lake cottage should be spent enjoying nature, not cooped up inside. That's why we don't have a television in our cottage. Every time my sister and I would bug him about that he'd say, 'You kids get enough television at home. At Shavehead Lake we're going to enjoy the land and each other.'"

"That's cool."

"I suppose so. Actually, my parents are both pretty cool. Although . . . ."


"Well, I was just wondering what they'd think about last night."

"I'm not sure they need to know everything about last night," Kyle giggled.

"You know what I mean. I don't' know what they'd say if they found out I was bringing a guy, not a girl to Prophet's Rock."

"Billy, I don't think you should worry about that right now. When the time is right you'll figure out what they need to know."

They kept walking in silence for quite a while and eventually made their way to the top of the ridge. The view was overwhelming.

"God, Billy. This is amazing!" said Kyle. "No wonder you wanted to bring a girlfriend up here. It's about the most romantic spot I've ever seen."

"I'm glad you think so." Billy leaned over and gave Kyle a kiss.

They could see the entire valley and every inch of Shavehead Lake. Billy pointed out exactly where their houses were, although they could barely make out either cottage beneath the trees. They sat down facing one another and enjoyed their lunch.

"Kyle, when did you know?"

"Know what?"

"When did you know that you . . . um . . . liked guys."

"Oh geez. It's hard to say. I guess I always knew that certain guys caught my eye, but I never really thought much about it. I just kept waiting to like girls, ya know? And as I got older that never seemed to happen. Instead, I found I was thinking about guys more and more. So last year I finally figured out that I was probably never gonna like girls in that way.

"Last summer I started a journal eventually wrote out the words, 'I am gay.' It was a really weird feeling. But you know what? Ever since I wrote that down, I haven't felt confused. I still haven't told anybody, but just telling myself made me feel better. That's probably a lot more than you wanted to know. But I guess you're getting used to my rambling."

"No. You're not rambling." Billy said softly. "Do your parents know?"

"On some level I'm sure they know. I never dated any girls, I purposely didn't go to my prom."

"You didn't go to prom? Why not?"

"I guess I felt that if I couldn't take the person I wanted, I wasn't going. I thought I was making some big statement, but of course since I didn't tell anyone my reasons it was sort of silly. I stayed at home and played cards with my parents."

"Who did you want to take to prom?"


"C'mon. We didn't even know each other then. Was there some guy at your school you wanted to go with?"

"Well sure, there were lots of guys I thought were good looking and nice. But I didn't have a clue about who else felt like I did. And as you remember, I still haven't figured out a very subtle way of asking that question."

They both laughed.

"What about you Billy When did you know?"

"Actually, I still feel pretty confused about the whole thing. I know exactly what you mean about not liking girls in that way. I've dated two girls so far and it's always been really weird. I liked them both well enough and we'd have fun doing stuff together, but then things would get, like romantic or something and it was awful. I remember one time in the car where I was just forcing myself to kiss this girl goodnight and I felt terrible about it. I mean she was really nice and pretty, but I just didn't want to kiss her. I felt like I was lying to her.

"But I've never really thought I was gay. I sure don't want to dress in women's clothing and I like sports and I don't think I'm . . . like girlie and stuff. Although . . . now that I think about, I have spent a lot of time looking at some of the cute guys in my classes. Maybe I am gay, but . . . I don't know."

"I guess I hadn't realized it before but that's one of the cool things about my Uncle Eric and Uncle Tim. I've grown up knowing that a lot of gay guys don't act all swishy. Hell, Uncle Tim's a lawyer and Uncle Eric is the biggest college hoops fan in our family. And you've seen their lake house, it's not like it's covered with lace and pink flowers or something. Being gay isn't about the clothes you wear, Billy. It's about who you love."

"I guess I've never thought of it like that."

They sat for a while longer and held hands. Kyle took his shirt off and laid back on the grass. Billy laid down next to him and closed his eyes. They fell asleep on the top of the mountain.

"C'mon." Billy said after a while. "We have to get going if we're going to make it back before the sun sets."

They drove back to toward their houses in total silence. Each enjoying their memories of the beautiful hike and views they had taken in.

As they approached the cottages, Kyle asked, "So, um, do you want to go home or come over to my place or . . . you know whatever you want to do tonight is fine by me. If you need some alone time or anything or need to get back to your cottage, just say so. I mean, you're welcome to come over. I'd really like that, but if you'd prefer doing something different that's OK too."

"You and your rambling questions." Billy laughed out loud. "How about we run by my house so I can pick up some clothes and then we'll go to your place and grill out and see what happens next."

"I seem to recall you saying something yesterday about needing some practice kissing so, ya know, if you want to do that tonight I might be able to help out. If you want." Kyle could barely keep a straight face as he said this.

"Actually I was thinking we might just sit quietly and read in separate corners, but I suppose we could do that instead." They both burst out laughing. Billy put his hand on Kyle's and left it there for the rest of the trip.

After stopping by Billy's cottage they arrived at Kyle's. They grilled burgers and ate out on the deck, enjoying the stunning view of the lake and the cool, evening breezes. They held hands as they talked, watching the evening boaters slowly drift by.

The sun had set and the boat traffic was slowly petering out on the lake. Kyle turned to Billy and asked, "You ready to go inside?"

"Yeah. I think I'm ready for my kissing lesson now."

"Ah yes. Well, frankly I thought your technique was developing quite well last night, but everything gets better with a little practice so I suppose I could help you out. Let's go." Kyle got up and took Billy's hand, pulling him off the chaise lounge they had been sharing. He led them back to the bedroom. The large bed was still a rumpled mess from their activities the night before.

Billy leapt on the bed and kicked off his shoes.

"I've been waiting all day for this. Get in here, sexy."

Kyle took off his shirt and sandals and then dived into the bed next to Billy. He rolled over on top of Billy and kissed him, gently pushing his tongue deeper and deeper into Billy's mouth. Billy's hands slid across Kyle's back, sliding up until he was firmly pulling on Kyle's strong shoulders. He rolled Kyle over on to his back and straddled him.

Kyle slid his own arms around Billy and quickly pulled off his t-shirt. Billy sat up to get the shirt over his head and moved his hands around to Kyle's chest. The same, gorgeous, tanned chest he so desired this morning when they woke up. He put his head down and started kissing Kyle's left nipple. He gently took it in his teeth and could feel it get harder.

"Oh my God, Billy. Mmm. That's so incredible." Kyle's eyes rolled back as Billy was firmly, but carefully, biting and sucking on him. With his right hand, Billy massaged Kyle's right breast and played with the hairs on that nipple. A few moments later, Billy had deftly switched positions, his face on the right of Kyle's chest. After moving his own spit around Kyle's left breast with his own fingers, he slid his hand down Kyle's stomach. He slowed for a few moments to play with the hair below Kyle's belly button and then slid his hand over the top of Kyle's shorts to feel the engorged cock that was below. Billy could tell that Kyle had a much larger dick than he did and he also knew he was ready to see just how much larger.

"Kyle? I think I'm ready to ah . . . see it."

Kyle opened his eyes and looked down at Billy's head resting on his chest. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, remember."

"Oh, don't worry." said Billy turning his head to slyly smile at Kyle. "I definitely want this." He was rubbing Kyle's cock more and more firmly, beginning to get a sense of it's shape and feel. He took both hands and undid the button on Kyle's shorts, quickly pulling them off.

Kyle's cock poked straight up, making a massive tent of his boxers. Billy continued to fondle it through the fabric, although now, with just the thin cotton between his hand and Kyle's dick, he could feel nearly every detail. It was the first cock that Billy had ever touched (other then his own) and he was immediately taken with it. Everything about Kyle's eight inches of hard flesh seemed to electrify him.

"Geez Kyle, how do you keep that thing in your pants?" laughed Billy.

"It's not always easy. Especially during the past two days."

Billy easily slid Kyle's cock out into the open air through the slit in the front of his boxers. Billy couldn't quite get his entire hand around it, but he came close. Aside from being considerably larger, he noticed that Kyle's dick was a also little darker then his own. It seemed to have a permanent tan and looked stunning rising about the thick mat of black pubic hairs that he could just barely see through the slit in Kyle's shorts. He started jacking Kyle off.

Kyle's head was back, his eyes almost closed. "Billy! Oh God I feel like I'm going to explode."

"I want to watch you cum, Kyle" said Billy as he increased the speed of his strokes on Kyle's huge pole.

"Billy. I'm really, really close. I'm not sure I can hold on much longer."

"Then don't. Let me see you shoot." Billy's head was still resting on Kyle's chest. While his left hand continued to feel the massive length of Kyle's cock, he could see a few drops of pre-cum ooze out the end of the Kyle's head. Just seconds later he could feel the base of Kyle's penis tense up and it seemed to grow another inch. The slit opened wide and Billy knew Kyle was going to cum.

"Oh Billy! Oh my God!" Kyle grunted as a huge thick load of cum shot out of him. The first thick shot landed right on Billy's cheek. Four successive spurts created a pool of cum on his stomach and the rest dribbled out over Billy's hand and onto the boxer shorts that had somehow managed to stay on throughout. Billy held on to the big dick as it softened and oozed yet more cum. He slid his head up to Kyle's face as the semen slowly rolled down his cheek.

Kyle leaned down and started licking his own cum off of Kyle's face. "Man, I'm sorry I shot on your face. That's like the furthest I've ever had any cum fly I swear. Guess I had some special assistance or something." He kissed Billy who could taste the remnants of Kyle's cum on his tongue. It tasted terrific.

After a few more kisses, Kyle slid his own hand down toward the front of Billy's shorts and started feeling the hard lump there. "Billy. I want you to know how wonderful you just made me feel. I want to watch you cum."

They kissed some more and Kyle started pulling down Billy's zipper. He maneuvered the blond out of his shorts and could see Billy's own cock straining against the fabric of his black, boxer briefs. He moved his head down to Billy's chest so he could concentrate on the matter at hand and began rubbing Billy's six inch rod through the cotton. He slid his hand down the front of Billy's underwear and finally grasped the entirety of Billy's dick.

Kyle moved his hands to Billy's hips and tugged the underwear off his boyfriend's body. Billy was lying on the bed, completely naked, his pale hard cock sticking straight up in the air. Kyle grabbed it and started jacking Billy off just as Billy had done to him. Billy's right hand was playing with this hair and he could hear every breath Billy made. He kept his hand wrapped around Billy's cock, pumping it with a constant, firm pace.

He heard Billy's breathing increase just a bit and could feel his cock tensing. Just then, Billy let out a little grunt a said simply, "Watch out."

The first rope of cum that flew out of Billy's cock, went over Kyle's head and past Billy's shoulder, smacking the wall behind the big bed they were on. The next two shots each landed on Billy's own face, one almost exactly on his right eye, the other just below that one, dribbling down his check.

Two more shots would have landed on Billy's chest, except that Kyle's own face was there. The cum landed on his nose and his lips, and immediately started dribbling down the rest of his face. When it was all over, it seemed as though Billy's cum was on everything between his dick and the wall.

"That was fucking amazing, Billy! I didn't know anybody could ever shoot like that. Do you do that every time you cum?"

"Well," Billy said, taking a finger and wiping the cum out of his eye, "I don't normally hit the wall like that, but I am pretty used to having a face full of jizz. I hope it doesn't gross you out." He put his cum coated finger into his mouth and smiled down at Kyle's wet face.

"Are you kidding?." Kyle moved up and started licking the cum off of Billy's cheeks. They kissed some more and swapped spit and semen. Their chests smeared together the rest of Billy's huge load.

"Maybe we should shower before going to sleep. I feel a little . . . sticky." said Kyle.

"Mmm. That's a great idea. Although, I can't promise you won't get more sticky in the shower." laughed Billy.

"I'll take my chances. Come on." Kyle said, pulling Billy off the bed and leading him to the bathroom.

I'm afraid part four will have to wait just a bit. I'll try to get it finished within two weeks. In the meantime your comments or suggestions are welcome!

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