Summer at the Lake

By Mike Wilson

Published on Aug 4, 2001


Summer at the Lake Part Two

This story is entirely fictional. Comments and critiques are welcome.

"Kyle, I know this may sound stupid, but . . . well, can we try tonight over again?" asked Billy.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, look at us. We're a mess from crying and sniffling all over each other. I want tonight to be like our first date or something."

"I think 'or something' pretty much sums up what we've been through so far," said Kyle laughing.

Billy laughed. "Yeah, but let's do this right. I'm going to go home and shower and clean up. Then I'll be back and we can have cold pizza, watch a movie and . . . well. . . ." Billy started blushing.

"Why Mr. Douglas! I do believe you're getting a bit ahead of yourself! But I accept your proposition. If you aren't back in thirty minutes, however, then we'll have to skip the pizza and movie." Kyle winked.

Billy leaned forward and gave Kyle a fast, slightly off-center kiss. "I think I need more practice at that."

"I'm sure that can be arranged. Now hurry up and put on some fresh clothes before I reconsider letting you leave at all."

Billy sprinted out the door and headed back to his house. He couldn't believe the emotions he was feeling. As soon as he got home he jumped in the shower. It was all he could do not to jack-off right then and there.

As he was drying off, he looked at himself differently in the mirror. He wondered what Kyle thought about his body. His curly blond hair was a bit out of control, but that was easily fixed. Nearly all of his body was a honey brown from weeks of being at the lake and tanning. He had the smallest tuft of hair between his pecs that he was rather proud of. There was another, more dense line of hair that led from his belly button down to his pubes.

Billy looked around in his closet and was momentarily confused. He wanted to look sexy and attractive (after all, he was the one who decided this was to be an official date), but he'd never really dated anyone before and didn't have a clue about what made him look especially sexy. He found a pair of white boxer briefs that were always comfy and a pair of khaki shorts. That wasn't too hard. Now for the tough part. Looking at his shirts he decided to keep it simple with a white, ribbed t-shirt. He checked himself out in the mirror one more time and practically skipped down the road to Kyle's house.

Billy knocked on the door and Kyle immediately answered. He was wearing jeans and an orange and red Abercrombie t-shirt. Billy thought he had never seen anything more sexy in his entire life.

"I missed you," said Kyle, giving Billy a quick kiss.

They wandered into the living room and it seemed even more beautiful than when they first arrived just hours ago. The lake was pitch black, with just a few lone boats dotting the surface. Kyle had set up some candles and dimmed most of the lights.

They settled in on the couch. Kyle put the video tape in and the boys ate and watched their movie without interruption. By the end of the film Billy had nestled his way into Kyle's arms and was resting his head on Kyle's chest. Kyle turned off the tape and the TV.

"Billy?" Kyle asked. "Do you remember our first run? When I was flabby and out of shape?"

"You've never been flabby," said Billy "Except for maybe right here" pinching Kyle's stomach.

Kyle squealed with laughter. "Stop that!"

"Looks like someone's a bit ticklish!" Billy started tickling and pinching more and more of Kyle's stomach until both of them were in hysterics.

"Quit that, Billy, I'm trying to be serious here!" Kyle said with his smile still beaming. "When we went for our first run, you told me that if we went too far, I just had to tell you and we'd turn around. And as soon as I couldn't go any further, you stopped and we walked home."

"Yeah. So what?"

"Well it's just. Earlier tonight, I went too far and I didn't give you a chance to turn around. I feel really bad about that and I don't want it to happen again. I've never felt anything like what I feel with you and I don't want to screw that up. So I want to be sure we take this slow and if either of us needs to turn around we just have to say so. OK?"


Slowly, Billy lowered his head to Kyle's face. They both opened their mouths and kissed with a new passion. Billy felt Kyle's tongue meet his own and then sensed a bolt of electricity charge through him. He explored Kyle's mouth and tasted his tongue. He had no idea kissing could be so incredible. Kyle was rubbing Billy's back while Billy's hands were combing through Kyle's hair. Billy was so entranced with the feeling of their kisses that for the longest time he didn't notice the firm lump that kept rubbing up against his right thigh. With both of Kyle's hands now reaching under his shirt he realized it could only be Kyle's hard cock.

They stayed on the couch kissing and massaging one another for the longest time until Kyle finally whispered to Billy, "Why don't you sleep here tonight?"

"I was hoping you'd ask."

"C'mon then." Kyle said, taking Billy's hand and leading him to the bedroom. Like the rest of the house, it was absolutely beautiful. They stood on the side of the bed, kissing and holding on to one another. Kyle lifted off Billy's shirt and immediate started licking and kissing Billy's chest. His hands continued to rub Billy's back, sliding further and further down until his fingers gently slid between Billy's underwear and his smooth skin.

Billy realized that he didn't really have a clue about what he was doing. He pulled Kyle's head up and gazed into his gorgeous brown eyes. He lifted off Kyle's shirt and couldn't believe what he saw. Just about every day for the past week he had seen Kyle with his shirt off while they were swimming or water skiing. But now, he was able to see it close up and loved every inch of it. He loved the broad expanse of Kyle's pecs; the individual hairs around his nipples; the thick, dark treasure trail that disappeared into Kyle's jeans. Billy explored Kyle's chest and stomach with his hands, touching every firm, warm inch. Then he started moving down Kyle's neck with his mouth, kissing Kyle and trying to remember each sensation. And then, because he didn't know what else to do, he tickled Kyle's stomach.

"Would you quit with the tickling already!" Kyle hollered between laughs.

"Sorry, I just didn't know what else to do." Billy said giggling.

"Well, I've got an idea for you." And with that Kyle took Billy's hands and slowly led them to the top of his Jeans and started unbuckling his black leather belt. Billy sat down on the bed and looked right at Kyle's crotch. Kyle's cock was clearly straining against the denim. Billy's hand brushed up against the firm, warm material as he undid the button on Kyle's jeans. He pulled down the zipper and started pulling down Kyle's jeans.

Kyle's boxers did nothing to contain his seriously large penis. Billy looked up at Kyle's face and said, "I don't think I'm ready for that yet."

"That's alright, we have plenty of time." And with that he pulled Billy off the bed and swiftly took off his shorts, brushing his own hand across Billy's engorged cock in the process. "Maybe we should try to get some sleep."

They crawled into the bed, kissing and rubbing one another as they went. Soon, the frequency and intensity of their kisses slowed down. Kyle moved his hand slowly up Billy's stomach and gently twisted Billy's few, soft chest hairs. He put his head next to Billy's shoulder and said, "I love you."

"I love you , Kyle." said Billy as he kissed his boyfriend's head and closed his eyes.

Billy woke up on his side, with Kyle curled up behind him. Kyle's arm was draped over his own arm and he could hear Kyle's every breath. Gently, he took hold of his boyfriend's arm and turned around. Kyle's hair was a mess, having been slept on and combed a million times last night by Billy's own fingers. With his eyes closed and his mouth just slightly open, he looked like a study in peacefulness. Billy carefully put his first two fingers on Kyle's chest. He didn't know why, but he just wanted to touch it again. He moved his fingers slowly around, barely touching Kyle's skin but feeling every smooth inch of the strong chest. He felt the hairs around Kyle's nipples and was tempted to start kissing them right then. But he liked this moment. He wanted to stay frozen in this moment forever.

Soon, he felt Kyle's legs stir. His toes grazed the hairs on Billy's calf and a second later, Kyle's eyes slowly opened. They were looking right into one another's eyes and each slowly started smiling.

"Billy, I . . . ."

"Shhhh." interrupted Billy as he moved his two fingers from Kyle's chest to his lips. He moved his arm around behind Kyle's head and down his back. He pulled them closer to one another until there legs were entwined, their chests were pressed together and their cheeks were side by side. Embracing, they stayed like this for what felt like hours. Simply holding one another.

"So," Billy whispered seductively into Kyle's ear, "do you want to run down County Road Six or out past Rabbits Knoll?"

Kyle giggled and gently pulled back a few inches from Billy. "Running isn't exactly what I had in mind."

"Oh really? What were you thinking about?" Billy smiled.

"I was thinking about this dream I had."

"Yeah? Tell me about your dream."

"Well, in my dream I met this guy who was . . . he was amazing. Every time I tried to get serious about something, he'd say something that would make me laugh. Anytime I became sad, he knew exactly how to cheer me up. And this guy, I have to tell you, this guy was absolutely gorgeous."

"Really? What did he look like?"

"Well, it's a dream so some of the details are a little fuzzy. But I'd say he was about your height. His hair . . . well, actually, his hair was kind of like this." Kyle gently brushed Billy's head. "But it definitely wasn't this messed up."

Billy punched Kyle playfully in the arm. "Anybody can comb their hair. What else?"

"I remember he had the silkiest, smoothest skin." He slid his hand down Billy's back. "And he had the sexiest little patch of hair right there." Kyle poked Billy gently right in the middle of his chest.

"Oww! He sounds kind of cute."

"Cute. Gorgeous. Amazing. The guy in my dream was the most beautiful person I have ever seen. And not just because of his looks. He was also kind and generous and patient and he made me feel like I was the most lucky man in the world."

"Wow. This sounds like a really great dream. What did you two do in your dream?"

"That's the thing. We didn't do much of anything. We just did normal stuff like swim together and run together and watch movies together. But because I was with him it was all so much better."

"So that's it? You just sat staring at the television with this wonderful guy? That's your idea of a great dream?" Billy was smiling as he chided Kyle.

"You didn't let me finish. We were doing all this normal stuff until one night when everything changed. We kissed each other and held each other and then we spent the night together in each other's arms. It was the most incredible experience I ever had. And after that . . . ." Kyle's voice faded away.

"What happened after that?" Billy was serious.

Kyle spoke quietly, "In my dream, after that, we were never ever separated. This guy and me. We grew old together and spent every night in the same bed."

"Wow." Billy paused for a long time, looking into Kyle's eyes. "You have the best dreams." He leaned in and they kissed even more passionately and forcefully than they had the night before.

After a few more kisses, Kyle lept out of bed and stood by the nightstand.

"Get up! It's time to get this day started!"

Billy was looking at him and started laughing.

"What? What are you laughing at, hot stuff?" asked Kyle.

"Do you think you could . . . um . . . put that thing away until later?" Billy was still laughing.

Kyle looked confused. He glanced around and finally noticed that his soft, five inch penis was hanging out of the center of his boxers. "Well, I just thought you needed something to look forward to," he said as he tucked it away.

"Believe me. I am definitely looking forward to seeing that again." Billy said as he crawled out of bed. "Now, what the hell did you do with my shorts?"

Kyle picked up Billy's shorts and threw them at him. He found a pair of his own shorts and they headed out into the living room. It was another stunning day on the lake. The view from Kyle's Uncle's house made it seem as if the house were built on the water. Billy stood by the massive windows in the living room staring out, simply enjoying the beauty of the place. Kyle came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Billy's waist.

"What shall we do today?"

"You mean we can't just stay like this until it's time to go back to bed?" Billy leaned his head back onto Kyle's chest. "Cause I'm pretty sure I could do this all day long."

"I was thinking more along the lines of swimming or skiing."

"Have you ever hiked up to Prophet's Rock?"

"No. Where is that?"

"It's over on the far end of the lake. We'd have to drive to the trailhead, but once you get to the top you get a view of the entire lake. It's the most beautiful place I know around here. A few years ago I always thought I'd take a girlfriend up there, but I'm beginning to think that's not going happen." Billy smiled up a Kyle's face.

"I'm sure there are lots of girls at the public beach who'd be happy to join you at Prophet's Rock."

"Maybe" Billy said as he turned around. "But none of them are even in the same league as you." He gave Kyle a quick kiss. "I need to go home and pick up some supplies, then we'll go up there. I think you'll like it."

"Sounds great. I'll pack a lunch for both of us."

Next: Chapter 3

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