Summer Associate Adventures

By C F

Published on Oct 21, 2022


SUMMER ASSOCIATE ADVENTURES All Feedback Welcome: c98b89 at gmail dot com Please donate to Nifty: Part 7: A Memorable Memorial Day Weekend

Mike and I took a mimosa each as we walked through the spectacular island estate. The island itself was lush and green, covered in tropical vegetation, and surrounded by azure, crystal clear waters. The mansion was colonial in architecture, colored a bright pink typical of the islands, and in a secluded part of the island. MSO clearly had deep pockets, probably good for a group of men with such a niche interest.

We walked out into an open courtyard with seven statues of naked men, in various hues, sizes, and poses. Other men dressed similarly to us - in formal summer wear, a sea of seersucker and linen suits - milled about commenting on the statues. Each of us had been given a voting card to select our three favorites. Not all of the attendees had donated artwork for the fete, and so there were quite a few more attendees than statues. "Looks like a lot of competition," Mike murmured.

"Honestly, I'm enjoying just being here and seeing all the male flesh," I responded. "I know that's not your thing sexually, but hopefully you're enjoying yourself?"

"I am," Mike answered. "Partly because Evan can be such a douche and it's fun to see him in this spot, even though we're good friends. Partly because there's something cool about other alpha guys making themselves vulnerable or available to you, you know?" I gave him a quizzical side-eye look. "Even if you're not hoping to get a blowjob or a fuck," he said, rolling his eyes. Maybe his mind would change over time, I thought to myself.

Statue number 1 was colored to look like a light colored wood, similar to some store mannequins. "I didn't know there were wood stain options," Mike mused. "Might be something interesting to try with Evan sometime." I looked at the artist card describing the piece. It was titled "In Motion," which was apt, as the man in this case was in mid-running pose. The man was trim and lithe; his body was slender, and appeared to be an experienced runner. He appeared to be 5'8 if standing fully erect, and his soft dick was at about 3 inches and cut, frozen in the middle of flapping in the wind. He appeared to be of East Asian descent. Listed below was the artist's name: Alan Smith.

A bearded gentleman in his late 50s approached me and Mike. "What do you think? This is my work - Alan Smith, pleased to meet you." Mike and I introduced ourselves. "We made a piece somewhere around here - you should check it out sometime."

"I just love Asian men," Alan said, looking me up and down. Mike chuckled in the background. "Something about their slight frames and smaller dicks makes it fun to make statues of them."

"To each their own, I guess," I answered. "I myself am a fan of muscled white guys, but yours is not an unusual preference. Where did you find your art piece?"

"Oh, I am a college professor, and this is one of the freshmen in my class that took a liking to me," Alan noted. "And I obviously took a liking back. Don't worry, he's 18," he added. I noticed that the statue did look really young. "I have the ID to prove it," he noted, laughing.

"I know a lot of gay men like younger guys," I agreed. "Some have certainly asked me out because of my youngish looks. But I myself have realized I like the more muscled body that comes with just a little more age and experience. Plus, I like white guys with larger dicks," I quipped. Mike spat out his drink laughing. "That's quite a fine preference!" Alan said. "I'm a total top, and I like being bigger than the bottom, but I know not everyone does!"

We said goodbye to Alan as we moved to see the next piece. Statue number 2 was of a hulking black man with a shaved head, almost 7 feet in height, standing straight up, with feet at shoulder width. By his appearance, he looked to be in his mid-40s, but very athletic. He did not have a six pack, but he had a body that was clearly strong and muscled from hard physical work - perhaps in construction? He was colored with a bronze metallic look. The man had a heavy-looking metal collar on and metal shackles, with chains reaching the pedestal he was on. His dick was locked up in a chastity cage, but it had to be monstrous hard - the cage was already 6 inches long! A beer can-thick, uncut dick could be seen through the metal frame. Mike pointed to the name plate on the piece: "Taming of the Brute. Artist: Mark Medford."

"Raceplay isn't for everyone, I suppose," I heard a voice from behind me. A hipster-looking man in his early thirties approached. He was white, had messy brown hair and a beard, and was dressed comparatively informally to everyone, in a flannel and shirt over jeans. "I'm Mark, and this is my piece."

"I've heard of raceplay," Mike offered. "Not my cup of tea, but I can sort of understand why some people like it - both white and non-white."

"This guy was actually a construction worker for me," Mark noted. "Recently divorced, has a kid with his ex. I accidentally left some porn on my computer while he was redoing my floors, and the rest is history."

"His dick is enormous," I mused, somewhat entranced. "How big is it fully erect?"

"Oh, almost 11 inches!" Mark said, beaming with pride. "But when we're together, he doesn't get to use it much. I'm also a total top, but I'm only into oral. Nothing hotter than seeing a guy's enormous dick caged while he's sucking on my smaller dick. I'm just about 6 inches myself."

"Must be humiliating," Mike commented. "It is, I think," Mark responded. "But he certainly gets into it. He's very much a bi guy - I think he prefers women, but somehow can't get enough of my dick. I imagine it's the raceplay dynamic a bit."

"Is it just sex for you all?" I asked. Mark shook his head. "He comes over when he's not working or seeing his kid, and he's sort of my slave. He does errands, acts as my footstool, that kind of thing. And he's naked all the time."

"Interesting," I said.

"And raceplay all depends on your dynamic," Mark added. "He is from Senegal and likes the colonial master-slave aspect. But there's no reason it has to be a white dom. For example, you could have a captive white man," he said, winking at Mike.

"Absolutely no way," Mike retorted. "But I have a feeling Kenny is just fine with that," he added cheekily.

"On that note, we should mingle around more," I said, laughing. "But Mike is referring to my artwork - make sure to check it out." Mark shook our hands and moved on to talk to a gay Asian couple in their late 50s, as Mike and I moved to the next statue.

Statue number 3 was an alabaster white statue of a fit white man in his early 30s, about Evan's age. It was hard to tell based on his position, but the man was likely around 5'10 in height if standing straight up - pretty much the average all-American male. The man was crouched on the ground in the shape of a table. Set on his back was a cup of coffee and a croissant on a saucer, all made of alabaster as well. The name plate of the statue read: "Morning Brew. Artist: Neil Nepomuceno." The artist was standing a few feet away, talking to a group of men. I was struck by how similar we were. He too was Filipino, probably a decade older than me and around my height. He had a nerdy look with thick-framed glasses, and energetically gesticulated as he described his statue.

"One of the exciting developments with our statue medications is that we can really utilize the human body in useful ways," Neil began. "I like the idea of seeing men's bodies as objects that can be useful to us. We can use men's bodies for sexual gratification, of course, but there is so much we can do!"

"Like using them as a coffee table?" Mike asked. The group murmured in agreement. "Exactly," Neil answered. "I'm glad someone else sees my vision."

"That's a possible use for Evan," Mike said to me. "I agree," I answered. "Statues are nice to look at, but why can't they be useful." To Neil, I asked: "How did you find your art piece? Is he a sexual partner of yours? Seems to be a common theme around here."

"Actually no," Neil answered. "He's my best friend at work. He and I like to make bets with each other, and tally them up at the end of spring, and the loser has to do whatever the winner wants. And I wanted this."

"What would you have done if you lost?" Mike asked curiously. "I don't really know what Hank had planned for me, but he's very into embarassing situations!"

"Well he certainly has nothing to be embarrassed about!" I said. "He's quite fit!" I noticed Mike walking around the human table and paying close attention to the ass and asshole. Maybe this was a little more interesting for him than he thought.

Statue number 4 was a bit of a shocker after the last one; the artist clearly took a similar tack of creating a "useful" sculpture, but did not share Neil's desire to make a non-sexual piece. A white, fit man in his early twenties was frozen in a kneeling pose, his hands by his side. The artist had not changed the color of his skin, but rather applied something to make it look smooth and shiney. The man's mouth was agape, and his eyes looked forward in what appeared to be shock - or maybe lust? The overall look gave the statue the appearance of a blow-up doll. And, the name plate mached it: "Fantasy. Artist: Jack Smith."

Jack Smith, we deduced, was a young, feminine, flamboyant man talking to a group of men, who were clearly stimulated by the display. There was a lot of crotch rubbing. Neil saw us looking at the group and smiled. "That one is polarizing. I think the majority of the MSO members find this one a bit gauche. But, there are some here who like that erotic, in-your-face kind of thing."

"I can certainly see the uses for this statue," Mike said, frowning a bit. For some reason, the over-sexualized appearance of this piece seemed a little off-putting to him. "That's just because you have refined tastes, like most of us," Neil said approvingly, before walking back to his work to chat with a few more members who were appreciating it.

We moved on to statue number 5. This was of a man in his late twenties, with Hispanic and Native American features, including long, flowing hair that was shoulder length, and a thick, uncut cock. This statue was quite impressive, not only because of the body of the art piece, because of the pose - he appeared to be diving deep underwater and holding a spear or stick of some kind - which was attached to the pedestal. "Must be a pretty strong metal rod to hold up all that weight!" Mike said in wonder.

The statue was also impressive because the man's flowing hair was frozen as well, as if he was swimming down - so it flowed upward. The title card red: "Spear Fisher. Artist: Lupe Cruz." A Hispanic man with similarly strong features waved from the other side of the statue, seeing us admiring it. "I used a kind of cement to hold up the hair and give it this effect. And yes, that is quite a strong metal rod holding him up!" He said. "I'm Lupe, by the way."

We shook Lupe's hand. Mike asked, "where did you find this art piece?" I noticed he had started using the language more common among the MSO members, rather than asking about the "model." "He's actually my partner," Lupe said. "One of his kinks is this whole idea about being a statue. Being all frozen while other people observe, touch you, all that. Isn't he a looker?"

I nodded. "Very handsome. And he's certainly got a nice package!" Lupe laughed. "We're both vers, so we take turns. But yeah, he's quite the showoff."

The last new statue was statue number 6, which of a fit white man in his late 40s, maybe early 50s. Unlike the other statues, he still had a matting of chest hair, pubes, and a beard, although all of that was colored like a pale marble. "This statue looks vaguely familiar," Mike murmured. "I feel like I've seen him before." Statue number was posed like Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, holding a trident firmly. His flaccid cock was about 4 inches long. "It kind of reminds me of classical Greek sculptures, you know," I added. "The ancient Greeks valued moderation and viewed a large or erect penis as something showing excess or lack of self control."

"Exactly," a voice behind us said. A lean, muscular man dressed in a suit approached us. "I'm Dan, and this is my sculpture." He gestured to the nameplate, which read: "Master of the Seas. Artist: Dan Hope." Mike's eyes went large as he saw the plate.

"Where did you find this art piece?" I asked. "Oh we work together at a law firm - I just joined earlier this year as a counsel from the government. He's a partner. We actually got to know each other at the office gym, and we're good friends," Dan said. "One of our clients mentioned this organization when we were out to dinner together, after a few glasses of wine." He laughed, and pointed to Graham, who waved back to us.

"We both actually work at law firms," I said. "Oh yes, I was wondering why you looked familiar," Dan began, looking at Mike. "You're one of the new summer associates right?" Mike nodded sheepishly. "Well, this is Marc," he laughed, pointing at the statue. "Our wives are good friends and are away at a girls trip this weekend. But he's one of the chairs of your compensation committee!"

"Well this is a small world," I said out of embarrassment. "I guess less awkward for me; I'm a summer at a different firm."

Dan nodded. "So Mike, glad to see another straight man here enjoying the male form." Mike seemed a little more at ease. "Do you know someone here?" Dan asked.

"Actually, we do know Graham as well," I started. "Plus, you should see the art piece I donated myself." I saw the last statue in the corner, and motioned for Mike and Dan to follow me to statue number 7: "Ecstasy/Agony. Artist: Kenny Palacio."

"Now this one looks familiar too," Dan said. I nodded. "This is Evan McEntee. He's a summer in your firm too, and my roommate."

My art piece was getting a lot of attention as well for one very visible reason. "Is the statue leaking precum?" I heard Graham say. "Yes it appears to be!" Dan noted. "Why is that, Kenny?" Graham asked me, intrigued.

"Well, this statue is about ecstasy and agony. We inserted a vibrating dildo in the art piece right before it finished solidifying, which meant that the penis was frozen in soft form. That said, the vibrator is still pulsing inside him, touching his prostate," I started.

"Which must mean that he is constantly being stimulated but unable to finish or cum," Graham said in amazement. "Frozen in a state of ecstasy and agony."

"It's a masterful piece," I heard Lupe say.

We milled around a little more, enjoying the art. As the sun began to set, Graham called everyone's attention. "The votes have been cast. Some of you may not know this, but the top three art pieces here will be registered to the winning artist. The remaining four will be brought out of their statue state to enjoy the rest of the weekend."

"What does it mean to be registered to the winning artist?" Mike asked me. I shrugged.

"The three winners have been selected. And they are..."

Next: Chapter 8

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