Summer Associate Adventures

By C F

Published on Oct 6, 2022


SUMMER ASSOCIATE ADVENTURES All Feedback Welcome: c98b89 at gmail dot com Please donate to Nifty: Part 6: Debrief

MSO scheduled delivery of the statue the next morning. Mike had decided to stay at our place, and use Evan's bedroom while he was there - it wasn't like Evan could say much against it, or that he'd be displaced by Mike being there. The box arrived just while Mike and I were having coffee. The two men lifted the box into the living room and unloaded Evan, standing him up on the side of the living room. One of them asked me to sign for receipt. "FYI, it still has about 30 minutes until the effects wear off."

After they left, Mike and I just stared at the marble monolith in front of us. "Crazy to think that he's right there, just unable to move but able to hear everything we say. He really does have a nice body," Mike said.

"I think a lot of those men really liked this part," I laughed, carressing Evan's 6-inch soft dick. "I guess you haven't seen it at full mast - it's quite impressive. I think about 10 at full erection - I only usually see that in the morning when he's just woken up."

"That is large," Mike murmured. "Larger than yours?" I asked cheekily. "Well, yeah, but that is probably larger than most," Mike defended himself.

"It's great that he's so comfortable naked," Mike observed. "It's not like I hate my body or anything, but I couldn't be naked like that."

"I hear some guys are into it," I offered. "I've seen it called CMNM, or clothed male naked male. I don't necessarily think everyone who's into it is into their body, or cocky, although that helps. They just kind of get off on being on display, and perhaps the vulnerability of being naked."

"Maybe we can ask Evan himself," Mike noted, watching as Evan began to come back into motion. He gave a groan, and moved his limbs around, like rusty joints that had just gotten oiled. "Morning guys," he beamed. He removed the contact lenses that made his eyes appear grey like a statue, which really showed the contrast with the dye on his grey skin. "Mind if I shower to get this dye off? They included a special body wash in the box for me to use." "Go ahead," I said.

A few minutes later, Evan emerged, his skin back to its pink hue, looking human again. After drying himself, he dropped his towel and stood naked, as if nothing was different. This was obviously nothing new to me, but Mike was still a little transfixed. "I heard you guys talking about that CMNM thing, a few of the guests at the party last night mentioned it, too. I think that might be something I'm into. Although, at least for now, I'm not really interested in any sexual contact, like handjobs, or anything more," Evan offered.

"So I guess you'll just stay naked then," Mike said. "Yeah, that's been our deal so far. And Kenny doesn't mind," Evan answered.

"How did you like being a statue?" I asked. "That was something I was not expecting to happen, but I was glad you were game."

"It was amazing," Evan gushed. "I had never been naked surrounded by so many people before. And it really did appeal to my admitted cockiness, no pun intended."

"I did hear a lot of people comment on it," Mike noted. "And tug on it - like us."

"It was also kind of exhilarating to kind of be frozen there. And with the contacts, it was an interesting sensory experience to not see. To just feel people touch me and hear them talk about me, and not be able to do anything about it," Evan noted. "And not to have a stitch of clothing anywhere nearby. It was also very calming. Plus, it was weird not to worry about sweating or other excretions. Honestly, I could see the draw of that while not being a statue," he added with a snicker.

"Would you do it again?" Mike asked.

"Well it's really up to Kenny," he said. "Our arrangement is that I'm a display piece for him. Plus, when we were getting set up, Phil suggested that I make a small change to make sure that, you know, if I get lost in some warehouse somewhere, they send me back to you." He lifted his foot and showed a small tattoo of a barcode.

Mike pulled out his phone and opened the QR code. He scanned it and it led to another page. It looked like it was from a master-slave website. It listed his name, "Evan Horan," under the field "product." Under "owner," it had my name, Kenny Palacio.

"So you own Evan," Mike said in awe, looking at me. "He truly is your display piece."

"I guess so," I murmured. "And I've got a great statue to loan out."

"I actually spoke to one of the other MSO guys at the exhibition, and I think I might have an idea," Mike offered. "They said there was a competition coming up at a private island in the Caribbean. It's a little longer if Evan's up for it - it's next weekend during Memorial Day. We'd have to go Friday night and it would be through the end of Monday. But the thought is to have a statue with a single human display piece, but we can be creative."

"It's really up to Kenny," Evan said.

"I suppose it is, and I think it's a good idea," I noted. "We should really think about what color to dye Evan. I thought the classic marble was good, but there are so many options. We could go with a different stone finish, like granite or dark marble. Or, even a metallic finish - I think you could look really good in bronze or copper."

"Whatever makes you happy," Evan responded. "I'm just a canvas for your creative vision."

"Well, we have a week to decide," Mike said. "How about you and I trade some ideas, and we can come up with something good Friday afternoon?"

"Sounds like a plan," I responded.

Friday arrived and Mike came back down to our city to help prep Evan. Evan took the medication, which would give us a half hour to get him into a pose. We decided to go with a jet black, shiny resin look. It was a far cry from Evan's usual pale, pinkish skin, or the light marble look from last week. We also covered his eyes with the contact lenses that made him unable to see, and also completed the look.

"I am curious as to what pose you've decided for me," Evan said. "I guess I don't really have a say in the process. But I know you'll make something great." I looked at Mike with a mischievous look in my eye. We definitely did have something unorthodox in store, but it would require a little finesse, as we weren't sure Evan would ordinarily agree to it. But some prep was in order. We put shackles on each of Evan's wrists and ankles; each had a few chain links attached to it, which we connected to the pedestals. He played around with the chains a little.

We told Evan to crouch on the ground and act like he was trying to stand from being chained flat on his back on the ground. At this point, we had about 5 minutes until he was fully frozen, and it was a good time to start putting his joints in the final spot. A little before he became fully trapped, Mike pulled out a pedestal that we put right under his ass.

"This is going to hurt a little," I said. The pedestal had 12 inch black vibrator - colored to match Evan's dyed skin, which we had lubed up. I slid the dildo up into Evan's asshole. He tensed up visibly and groaned. Mike chuckled.

"What is this?" Evan tried to say. It came out more like "mmmmmph." I took out a remote and flipped a switch. Evan's body noticeably tensed up, and froze into position.

"Great timing!" Mike exclaimed approvingly. "Evan, we couldn't really tell you what this was, because we weren't sure you'd agree to have a vibrator, much less that big, inserted into your asshole and turned on. Hopefully you enjoy having your prostate stimulated all weekend long!"

"Evan is no more for the next three days," I said. "This is a piece called 'Ecstasy/Agony.' And I think that's exactly what's in store for you."

Mike and I called the delivery company to pick up the statue. This was the first time Evan would be transported across national boundaries without a stitch of clothing or a passport. I couldn't imagine being so vulnerable. But the whole scene made me incredibly horny. And it looked like it made Evan pretty horny too.

Next: Chapter 7

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