Summer Associate Adventures

By C F

Published on Oct 4, 2022


SUMMER ASSOCIATE ADVENTURES All Feedback Welcome: c98b89 at gmail dot com Please donate to Nifty: Part 5: The Show

"Well this is fancy," Mike murmured to me as we walked out into the garden. He was right; we were at a large mansion in a wealthy suburb outside the city. Houses here easily started in multiple millions of dollars, and boasted large gardens or yards that were surrounded by woods that allowed for some privacy. The house was built in a Spanish courtyard style, surrounding a garden filled with leafy trellises and a couple of fountains.

Mike was in town for the weekend right before our respective summer associate programs started. I had asked him to come under the guise of an art exhibition. Which, I suppose, wasn't really inaccurate. The event was very classy, and we were two of about 25 guests - all male - milling about in suits and enjoying champagne and hors d'oeuvres. I wondered if Mike had noticed the gender composition of the attendees; the staff was all-male as well.

After milling about, I saw Mr. Henry and Phil speaking to a third gentleman, a man in his 50s with grey hair and a thick beard, dressed in a beige linen suit. Phil saw me and waved for us to come over. "Kenny, so glad you came! This must be Mike, a pleasure to meet you," Mr. Henry said, shaking Mike's hand. "How are you finding my estate?" The stranger asked.

"It's quite lovely," I responded. I introduced myself and asked him who he was. "My name is Graham Aldgate. I like to say I am a retired banker, but first and foremost an art aficionado." Phil and Mr. Henry both laughed and gave each other knowing looks.

"Well, thank you for inviting us, Mr. Aldgate!" Mike exclaimed. "Kenny told me we would be seeing a unique art piece today."

"Please, call me Graham," Mr. Aldgate mentioned. "And yes, right this way. This is a one-of-a-kind piece, so unique we have this entire soiree just for it." "Actually, it was donated by Kenny," Phil added. "Yes, that's right," Graham mused. "Kenny, you have great taste in art."

"I didn't know you were so fancy like that, Kenny!" Mike asked me, quizzically. "I am very curious to see what you provided."

"I actually have you to thank for that, Mike," I answered. "You'll understand in a second."

A few seconds later, we came to the middle of the courtyard. Mike's eyes went wide. In the middle stood Evan on a pedestal, completely naked. He stood with his feed shoulder width apart with his hands at his side, looking straight forward with a stoic look. His skin and hair had been dyed the color of smooth alabaster - like Michaelangelo's David. His cock hung soft down, at a still-respectable 6 inches. He truly was magnificent.

As the other men gathered, Graham cleared his throat. "Welcome to today's exhibit. This piece is called 'the Athlete,' and this man right here, is Kenny, who graciously donated this piece of art for today's gathering." The other attendees beamed and clapped their hands. I blushed and nodded my head in thanks.

Graham looked at me. "Kenny, you and your guest obviously have first access, but please let the others know if they are free to come close and manually examine the statue." I nodded. "Of course; I understand the MSO particularly supports art that the viewer can truly appreciate up close. Mike and I will take a look first, but others are welcome to as well, after."

Graham and Phil led us to the statue, while Mr. Henry went off to mingle with the other guests. "What do you think?" Phil asked me. "Did we do a good job?"

"A good job?" Mike asked in amazement. "It looks just like Evan! Although I haven't exactly seen him naked."

Phil and Graham shared a knowing laugh. "My dear man, that is Evan! Take a closer look, and feel the statue." Upon coming closer, you could feel the warmth coming from his body. I touched his solid abdomen and poked in his belly button. "He is so life-like but the dye is so good, it really does look like he is made of marble!" I mused.

Mike looked in amazement. Up close, you could see Evan's chest rising and dropping as he breathed. His hair, while also alabaster white, was soft to touch, and his eyelashes fluttered in the summer wind.

Graham motioned to Evan's penis. "Feel it," he said. Mike grasped his friend's thick cock. "He isn't going to get harder or softer in this state, but it is soft like human flesh," Phil added. He gently tugged it left and right to show us that it was still soft and malleable.

"Well, Evan is hot, and a bit of a show-off, so I guess he must be into this," Mike said. "Can he move, or hear or see us?" "He can hear us," Graham responded. "He is wearing contacts that make his eyes look like a statue, and that does not let him see. But he can feel your touch and hear us talking about him. He also cannot move - we gave him a medication that freezes him into this position."

"How long is that going to last?" Mike asked. That was also a question I had, and I was glad Mike brought it up. "It varies, although we did it for 24 hours in this case," Phil answered. "You have to tailor it by height and weight and the duration you want the statue in that position." "Well that's good," Mike said. "We have to be at work on Monday!" We all laughed at that.

"Well, Kenny donated the statue only for today," Phil responded. Mike looked at me incredulously. "How did you make this happen?"

"Actually, Evan kind of agreed to sort of be furniture around the house," I noted. "Truthfully, I don't think I've seen him in a stitch of clothing except on our walk over to Mr. Henry to have him groomed, and then to Phil's to prepare him as a statue."

"One more question," Mike asked. "How does he handle... bodily functions?"

"A great question!" Graham answered. "We combine this with a medication that provides fluids and sustenance for the time he is to be frozen in place. That medication also is able to dissolve any liquid and solid excretion, and so it is not a problem either."

"That actually sounds kind of useful," Mike quipped. "I can't tell you how many times I've needed to use the restroom and things got pretty dire." That pulled a chuckle out of Graham and Phil.

"I mean, being candid, you would also make a great statue, Mike," Phil complimented. He was not wrong. Mike was shorter than Evan at 5'10, although a few inches taller than me. Unlike Evan, who was built like a tank and strong, rather than necessarily being chiseled, Mike was a leaner and his muscles were more cut. He did a lot of running and Crossfit, rather than the strength training I thought Evan focused on. Mike was of a Mediterranean extraction, compared to Evan's Irish background: he was tan, had black hair, and hazel eyes. I thought I saw a swell in Mike's pants at that compliment; he, too, could be a bit cocky.

"I don't know about that," Mike answered quietly, "but thanks for the compliment."

"We can revisit at a later point," Graham said, "but for now, let's enjoy the party." We continued to eat and drink, as I watched the guests approach, touch, and - sometimes - manhandle Evan. Part of me felt a little bad for Evan that some of the guests were a little too handsy; but another part of me was a little upset that my statue, my furniture, might get damaged.

During that evening, another man approached me to talk about the statue. He introduced himself as Han, and he was a Korean-American businessman who had been a long-time member. "At my age, I enjoy the finer things in life," he said. I learned that he was also in his 50s, although he looked a little younger at 45.

"Would you consider selling me this statue? I think it would look great in my home lobby," he offered.

"I don't think so," I responded almost automatically, a little surprised that one could "buy" any of the statues at the MSO. I excused myself, and found Mike talking to Phil, Graham and Mr. Henry.

"I just had a conversation with someone interested in buying the art piece," I said. "I didn't know that was a thing. I want to make sure Evan is packed up and sent back to me tonight," I noted cautiously.

"Of course," Phil said. "That happens in unique situations, and never without the donor's consent."

"You mean the statue's consent?" Mike asked. Graham ignored that question and continued: "We'll make sure your artwork is safely returned to you. In the meantime, thank you for lending us this piece; it's certainly been a crowd pleaser." I looked at Evan, frozen in time and being caressed by a couple who had come to see the piece, and wondered exactly what we had gotten ourselves into.

Next: Chapter 6

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