Summer Associate Adventures

By C F

Published on Sep 19, 2022


SUMMER ASSOCIATE ADVENTURES All Feedback Welcome: c98b89 at gmail dot com Part 3: Artistic Flair

Evan and I arrived at Mr. Henry's around 4 in the afternoon. Mr. Henry was a gruff man in his late 50s, with grey hair and a light stubble. He had spent years training different show animals - horses, dogs, and the like - but he mostly did grooming nowadays. He shook my hand as I introduced Evan. "Nice to see you, Charlie, but where's your pooch?" he asked as we walked into his office.

"That would be me, I guess," Evan said, laughing. Mr. Henry furrowed his brow in confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked, giving me a puzzled look. How on earth would I explain this?

Luckily for me, Evan beat me to it. "Charlie and I are rooming together this summer, and we thought it would be nice for me to a statue of sorts on display for him at our place. As you see, I'm a little hairier than most statues," he said, gesturing to his hairy legs, and raising his arms to show his bushy armpits. "Charlie said you could help with that - perhaps by shaving me down, and he mentioned some sort of cream that would prevent the hair from growing back for about 12 weeks. That would be great, since our summer programs are about exactly that, and I wouldn't have to shave again or deal with any itching."

Mr. Henry seemed to understand the brief, but was still a little unsure. "You do know I work with show animals, right? Dogs, horses, that kind of thing?"

That I hadn't mentioned to Evan, so he looked at me with a similar confusion. "I guess I figured a shave is a shave?" I sputtered out. I followed it up with, "it's not like something you would do at your run of the mill barber."

The two men looked at each other. "I guess I could work with it, as long as you're sure you're up for it," he said to Evan. Evan looked at me, and I shrugged. "Up to you, man."

"Well I'd like to be aesthetically pleasing to Charlie here," he said, grabbing my shoulder with his muscular arm. "And if you're the best in the biz, then I'm down with that. Should I take off my clothes to show you what I'm working with?"

"Um, one second," Mr. Henry said, disappearing into the back room. He returned with a large shock collar - one you would put on a large dog to keep them still while grooming. "OK if I put this on you? Kind of the first thing I do before I get down to work, just to make sure I'm safe." Evan shrugged. "Whatever you say, Mr. Henry." Mr. Henry clasped the collar into place with a satisfying loud click. "Now we can get started. Why don't you strip down?"

Evan took off his clothes and neatly folded them on the side. Mr. Henry and I took in his sight. He looked magnificent, strong and manly, naked except for the collar. His dick was at half mast, more impressive by the second.

Seeing this specimen before me turned me on and emboldened me at the same time. "Evan, why don't we start you in display position?" Evan complied, putting his hands behind his head. I heard Mr. Henry gulp as he began to shave Evan from neck down. His armpit and arm hair, chest and stomach hair, pubes, and then leg and toe hair all fell to the ground. About an hour later, he was hairless except his head, his eyebrows and eyelashes, and some stubble around his beard.

Mr. Henry looked at me. "What do you think? He's supposed to be aesthetically pleasing to you, right?" I nodded. "Looks amazing to me." Evan beamed quietly, holding his position. "Now, the cream?"

"Yes," Mr. Henry said, putting on some rubber gloves. "This is going to sting him a little." I noticed he said that to me, not to Evan. I found that surprisingly hot. "He'll be alright," I said. "Evan, you can hold your display position until Mr. Henry moves you right?" "Yessir," Evan responded.

I saw Evan wince as the cream went down on his skin. There was a reason the shock collar went on the dogs; the cream worked, but it had a tendency to burn. But Evan took it like a champ. The cream went on and left his skin looking clean and almost shiny.

I took out my credit card, but Evan shook his head. "I'm doing this for you," he said. "You gotta get the merchandise you expected." "Thanks man," I said. Then, to Mr. Henry: "Nice work. He'll make a great statue."

Mr. Henry smiled and nodded. "He'll make a nice statue alright. Wouldn't it be kind of cool to cover him in grey paint or something to make him look like a real statue? Maybe have him on display at a party or something." In the corner of my eye, I saw Evan's dick chub up. "Perhaps," I responded. Strangely, I noticed a bit of a bulge in Mr. Henry's pants too.

"Well, I might know someone who can help you," Mr. Henry said. He fished out a card and handed it to me. "Phil is a great body painter and might have some fun things you guys can work with," Mr. Henry said. "You should go check him out - he's right down the street."

"I'm free all night, so that sounds like fun!" Evan said. "I guess we know where we're headed to next?" I asked aloud, wondering where this day would take us.

Next: Chapter 4

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