Summer Associate Adventures

By C F

Published on Sep 15, 2022


SUMMER ASSOCIATE ADVENTURES All Feedback Welcome: c98b89 at gmail dot com Part 1: Finding Lodging

In the spring semester of my second year of law school (2L), I was busy working on our school's law review and taking really complex, hard classes. My friends would say I was using school as an excuse not to socialize more and date. They were not wrong: I didn't exactly find the gay dating scene in my city appealing. Not that there weren't any hot guys or anything; actually quite the opposite. This city was full of high-powered professional gym rats who thought they were the shit and wouldn't give me a second glance.

Me? I'm Charlie. 25, Filipino, and in my view pretty average looking. I've definitely been called "cute" before, but definitely not "hot." I had a bit of a baby face and was reasonably trim if still carrying a little baby fat - 5 foot 6, 150 pounds. In the down-there department, I knew I was below average. About 4 inches, circumcised, nothing to write home about. I went to the gym a little bit, but wasn't interested in giving up carbs to get a six pack or anything like that.

Burying yourself in schoolwork can distract you from things you don't like - like dating - but as I learned quickly, it can also make you forget to do stuff you need to! I was about to start my summer associate internship in another city in two weeks, and I had forgotten to find housing. I wasn't sure I could find anything at this point. The one lead I had was from my friend Mike, who was working in a different city from me, but whose firm had sent out emails with housing opportunities to the incoming summers. As it turned out, one of the interns at his firm who was going to be in the same city as me was looking for a roommate; he found a 2 bedroom sublet for the summer, and was looking to save some money.

Out of options, I asked Mike if he wouldn't mind putting me in touch with Evan. It was hard not to pre-judge Evan, but after Mike pulled him up on Facebook, I was expecting a total douchebag. Evan was a little older than me at 30, but his page was littered with pictures of him on his Division 1 lacrosse team. He definitely had that handsome, all-American look, with brown hair in a neat part, blue eyes, and a winning smile. Hard to say from his pictures but he looked pretty tall, perhaps 6 foot 4, and was clearly built, even though there were no shirtless pics on his profile."Probably avoiding any HR issues," Mike remarked.

Mike connected me and Evan by email, and we spoke on the phone to see if it was a match. He was far less douchey than expected, although the stray "man" or "bro" did pop up on the conversation here and there. The place sounded great. It was actually a small, two-bedroom townhouse, so it would be just us two. It was in a nice neighborhood - pretty leafy, outside of the core city, but still commutable. Exactly my type of place - I didn't want to live in the middle of the party neighborhoods, just be accessible to them. We agreed it sounded like a match, and inked our sublease agreement.

Two weeks later, I arrived at the apartment building with a couple of suitcases in tow. I found my keys and let myself into the rowhouse. I saw his stuff already there, but didn't see Evan. I did, however, hear the upstairs shower running. A few minutes later, Evan came charging down the stairs in a just a towel. His chest and stomach were moderately hairy, and the low slung towel revealed a nice v cut. His chest and stomach were toned but not cut - probably a sign that he worked out but not quite as much as he used to. His dark pink nipples stood out, a little stiff probably from the cold water. "Charlie, didn't know you made it! Nice to meet you," he greeted, extending his hand to shake mine. His muscled manly hands looked almost twice my size, and his forearms were also covered in a moderate amount of dark brown hair. "Sorry, I just finished a workout - hope you don't mind my appearance."

"Not at all," I gulped. "Just got here with my stuff." Want a hand bringing it upstairs?" I nodded, and he took one of my suitcases and carried it up. I followed behind him, noticing his ample backside. This guy must have done a ton of squats or something. I also saw that his back and ass crack werent hairy like the rest of his body.

"I didn't expect you to get here so early," Evan apologized. "I put my workout stuff in the laundry and actually don't have much stuff here. Movers lost it in transit. I was hoping to have something to wear by the time you showed up." We both laughed at that.

"I don't care," I assured him. "If I looked that good I wouldn't care much for clothes." "Not that I think I do, but I do actually hang out a lot with less on!" He exclaimed. "Especially during the summer - we have AC but it's going to be brutally hot in a couple of weeks."

"Works for me, as long as you know I'm gay," I responded. "Not that I'm going to be creepy or anything, just wanted to make sure you were comfortable."

"Oh, I didn't know that!" Evan said. "I personally don't care, you do you. Planning to have a lot of fun this summer?" He asked cheekily. I laughed uncomfortably. "Not really. I'm just here to work for now." "Me too," he said. "Im not 100% sure I'll be coming back here full time so at least for me, doesn't make sense to date or hook up for the next 10 weeks. So I guess it'll just be us then!"

We chatted a little more, talked about our practice area interests, school, family, that kind of thing. Before I knew it, we had been talking for an hour with him in a towel. "Looks like you're pretty comfortable in your body!" I said. "Not cold?"

"Not really," he said. "Are you enjoying the view?" He asked.

"Well yes, but," I stammered. "Sorry, didn't mean to be all sleazy or anything."

"It's cool," he said, laughing. "I don't mean to be a tease. I guess I do kind of show off a bit." "I don't mind at all," I responded. We both smiled and there was a short silence.

"Well if you don't mind, what if I lose the towel?" Evan asked. I swallowed hard. "Sure."

He dropped his towel and a thick, 9 inch, circumcised pink cock with a perfect mushroom head popped out. Beneath them were two large, egg-sized balls, covered in a tuft of soft brown hair. He was magnificent.

"I could be cool with hanging out like this all summer," he said. "What do you think?"

"If it's cool with you, it's good with me," I answered. He gave me a thumbs up and walked away. As I looked at his perfect, hairless ass, it occurred to me that this would be an interesting summer, indeed.

Next: Chapter 2

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